Sold to the Sultan (the Breslyn Auction Club Book 2)

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Sold to the Sultan (the Breslyn Auction Club Book 2) Page 2

by Penny Winestone

  “Did I? When did I make cookies?”

  “What are you talking about? You asked me a while ago if I wanted chocolate chip.”

  “Did I?” She furrowed her brows together in confusion. “It must’ve slipped my mind…”

  From that day forward, my mother started to forget more and more things. She would get lost going to the grocery store. She could never find her keys, even if they were right in her hands. Today, she even forgot about her own daughter…

  Feeling numb, I got up. My stomach rumbled, but I didn’t have the energy to make the last of the eggs. I just sat back down on the couch, feeling like my life was falling apart, piece by piece. I tried to study, but nothing was getting through. Looking over, I noticed my mail.

  Junk. Junk. Junk. I looked through the Sunday paper. There were a lot of sales in some of my favorite stores. I eyed a pair of cute boots before flinging the paper away. If I couldn’t afford my mother’s care, then I certainly couldn’t buy myself a pair of boots I didn’t really need.

  At the bottom of the pile was a letter from my school. The familiar crest was printed in the upper right corner. In the middle were the words Important: Open Immediately. I feared what might be inside. Slowly, I slid my finger under the seal and opened it.

  Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, here was an overdue tuition bill. The astronomical amount was circled in angry red ink. I closed it, refusing to acknowledge that I was now nearly a million dollars in debt. This couldn’t be happening. What was I supposed to do?

  Tears streamed down my face. I felt so helpless. I curled up on the couch, wishing I could just close my eyes and disappear. I continued to cry, letting all the pain and depression I felt during the day come to the surface. I felt sick to my stomach like I would throw up at any moment. My mind refused to stop thinking about all the money I needed to magically find in order to get my life back on track. Would I fail my mother? Would I be forced to give up my dream of becoming a doctor?

  Eventually, my sobs lulled me to sleep.


  I woke up the next day, feeling stiff all over. I groaned, stretching out my limbs until every single one of my bones had cracked. I rubbed my eyes. They were still wet. Had I cried throughout the night? I got up, about to wander through the kitchen when I noticed the time on my mother’s grandfather clock. While I had been forced to sell a lot of our things. I never had the heart to sell her most prized possession.

  “Shit.” I cursed under my breath. I only had twenty minutes to get to class. I scrambled to put on my clothes, but of course, I didn’t have anything clean. I had been putting off laundry for weeks and now, I had to rummage through the basket, looking for something that didn’t look like it had already been worn once or twice. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I spritzed them with some perfume, hoping it would make things a little less noticeable. Feeling gross, I combed my long black hair. It looked greasy. I frowned at my reflection. My usually fair skin had an almost gray tinge to it. I looked like a ghost…

  I could feel the minutes ticking away. I would have to worry about my appearance later. I shoved my things into my bag and rushed out to my car, hoping I would get to school on time.


  Somehow, I managed to get to class just in time. I was breathless as I sat down beside my lab partner. The professor gave me a dirty look before she started to explain today’s experiment. We would be purifying some compounds. Since I had done this kind of work in undergraduate, I was hoping it wouldn’t be a problem.

  The materials were passed out and soon enough, everyone was hard at work. I grabbed my pipette and slowly transferred the compounds to their own respective wells.

  “Hey, are you okay?” My lab partner, Rosie, suddenly broke my concentration. I nearly knocked over everything that was in front of me.


  “It’s just that… I couldn’t help but notice that your eyes are a little puffy. Have you been crying? Last week, you didn’t show…” She trailed off.

  I sighed and looked at her. Rosie was beautiful. She was one of those model-ready girls who looked like they owned the entire world. “It’s just…” I felt inadequate sitting next to her. While my hair was disheveled and greasy, hers was voluminous and bouncy. Sometimes, I envied her blonde locks. They just made her look so pretty.

  “You can tell me…” She rested her hand on mine and I looked into her hazel eyes.

  “It’s just that things have been rather rough lately. My mother’s in a nursing home, getting treated for Alzheimer’s and I can’t quite afford the proper treatment… and since I have been late on some of the payments, they’re threatening to stop caring for her… I have no idea how I’m going to get all that money… I can’t risk working any more hours as it’d take a toll on my education.”

  Rosie’s face softened with compassion. She was silent for a minute, her hand still on top of mine. “I understand…”

  “Huh? How could you understand? Aren’t you rich?”

  Rosie chuckled and shook her head. I glanced down at her body. It seemed as if every other day, she was wearing the best designer clothes on the market. She always came in dressed nicely. I had been so sure her parents were making bank. Now, I just felt confused. Maybe she had a rich boyfriend or something. With a body like that, I wouldn’t put it past her.

  She fished through her bag and pulled out a little black card. “I had it rough at one point too.” She said, her lips curling up with mischief. “But then I made a choice that completely changed my life. It’s not for everyone, but if you’re desperate for money, it might help.”

  The professor walked around to our lab bench and Rosie let go of my hand. I quickly shoved the small piece of cardstock in my pocket. The professor eyed our progress with suspicion. “Hurry it up, girls.” I nodded and continued to purify the compounds, but my mind just kept thinking about Rosie’s words. I wanted to question her further, but she was too focused on her experiment. I didn’t want to disturb her.

  I was one of the last people to finish the lab, despite the fact I was one of the few with solid experience. I sighed, placing my wells in the refrigerator. During our next class, we would use those compounds for something else, but I didn’t know what just yet. I hadn’t bothered to look ahead. If I was still an undergraduate, I would have, but now, I had more pressing matters to worry about.

  I walked out to my car and was about to drive home when I remembered the card. I took it out and looked at it.

  Inscribed in small, golden letters was the name Breslyn Auction Club. On the back was a web address and a password. “Huh?” I tilted my head to the side. “Rosie was an auctioneer?” For some reason, I couldn’t picture the sexy blonde selling off antiques at an auction. Still, what else could an Auction Club be? But, if it made her enough money where she could wear designer clothes all the time, then it wouldn’t hurt to check it out, right? After all, I could speak quickly when I really wanted to.

  As I drove home, I practiced fake auctions in my mind and found that I was exceptionally bad at it. I kept tripping over my numbers and forgetting how to count. Maybe I was just nervous. Maybe there were other jobs that I could take.

  “Breslyn Auction Club…” I repeated the words over and over again, wondering if it would truly be the solution to all my problems.


  The first thing I did when I got home was open my laptop and type in the web address on the back of the card. It took some time to load, but once it did, my eyes nearly bugged out of my head.

  On the top of the page, the words Breslyn Auction Club were written in a floating cursive. Underneath was a picture of breathtaking women clinging to handsome men, all of them wearing designer suits. The guys on the front page all had blazing eyes and sinister smirks on their faces that made me shiver. I scrolled down, reading through the introduction.

  Hello and welcome,

  If you have found your way to this page, then you have been invited
into one of the most exclusive clubs in the world. Breslyn Auction Club pairs well-to-do men with beautiful women from all over the globe. If you are here, then chances are you are one of those women. Are you ready to embark on a journey that will change your life? Are you ready to turn your back on the 9-to-5 job and join a world of luxury? Most of our girls make over $50,000 a week on a schedule that fits their needs.

  “Whoa…” I read through sentence one more time, just to make sure I had gotten the amount right. “$50,000 a week… at that rate… I could pay everything off in less than a year.” My heart started to race at the possibility.

  While that certainly may seem lucrative, it also means you have to be ready to put in the commitment. Our clients are looking for high-class females only, who know exactly how to treat them right. Once you’re alone with the client, you’re free to do as you please, but keep in mind that your actions will determine how much they pay for your services.

  I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Breslyn’s was an auction club alright… but it didn’t action off antiques. I thought back to Rosie. Had she been auctioned off to a billionaire? Was she used to going home with one? Was that why she could afford all her nice clothes?

  I scrolled down to the bottom of the page where there was a picture of an attractive man. He had short black hair, a chiseled face, sharp nose, and eyes that could kill.

  This week’s VIP: Austin Mallory.

  Austin is the CEO and founder of Drone Air Technologies. An engineer by education, he managed to start up his empire at a very young age. Now, he is a self-made billionaire, looking to take someone home. Austin is currently looking for a woman to pose as his wife for his upcoming trip to Fiji. Do you have what it takes to impress this boy genius? If so make sure to attend this weekend’s auction!

  I stared at Austin’s picture, feeling my cheeks flush. He was incredibly attractive. In the picture, he had his dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, showing off his muscular body. His pecs looked firm and his abs even firmer. My eyes wandered down his body, focusing on his thighs, wondering…

  I imagined running my fingers along his body, getting down to his pants… slowly unbuttoning them.

  My fantasy continued. I took off his pants with my mind, picturing what he looked like without any boxers on. I had no doubt he was well-endowed. The way he presented himself alone, made me feel like he was confident – like he was the kind of guy who took control in bed – and I liked that. A lot.

  Suddenly, we were in bed together. He had me pinned to the mattress, his sapphire eyes looking right into my soul. I could almost feel his hot breath against my neck as he leaned down, carefully unbuttoning my blouse with one hand. He started to grope my breasts without hesitation, twisting my nipples between his fingers.

  I moaned, not realizing that my hand had unconsciously slipped between my legs. I blushed darkly, exploring the website a little further. I tried to ignore the fact that I was so turned on by the idea of a man paying so much money to be with me. I smirked, wondering how much I would go for. Would someone like Austin actually bid on me, especially if girls like Rosie were my competition? A hint of doubt crossed my mind before I shook my head.

  “No… at fifty grand, I can’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers.” I looked around for a contact number. This had to be the answer to all my troubles. A few successful auctions and I’d be on top of things once again. And if I didn’t like it, I could always quit. Right?

  Not that I thought I would… the burning between my thighs made it obvious how turned on I was. I could make some money and have some fun doing so, couldn’t I? I grinned, naughty thoughts flooding my mind. All I had to do was get to this week’s auction and maybe, I’d end up going to Fiji with Austin.

  At the bottom of the page was a number. I grabbed my phone and dialed it quickly, waiting impatiently for someone to answer.

  The phone clicked, indicating that someone had picked up, but no one said anything. “Hello?” I asked.

  “Hello.” A woman’s voice sounded through the line. It was well-measured and full of wisdom as if this woman knew the secrets to the universe. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

  “Hello, I’m calling to inquire about…” I paused, wondering whether I should really go through with this. Would I really sell my body for money? I thought about Austin. If it meant sleeping with someone like him… I wasn’t about to say no. “Breslyn’s Auction Club.”

  “Ah, perfect. Would you like to make an appointment?”

  “Uh, sure,” I said, feeling nervous.

  “Great. This will be an informal interview. Don’t worry too much about it, dear. How does 6 PM, tomorrow evening sound?”

  I didn’t even bother to look at my schedule. “Perfect.”

  “Good. Good. Well, my name is Victoria Chambers. Since you’re calling this number, I’m going to assume you’ve already visited our website. You can find the address there. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.” Without another word, the woman hung up, leaving me sitting there, my phone still pressed to my ear. I was actually going through with this…


  “In five hundred feet, turn left!” My phone’s GPS had me driving in circles for fifteen minutes. I looked at my clock. 5:56. I was going to be late for my appointment with Victoria. I clutched the steering wheel, hoping for a miracle.

  I turned left and found myself on a small road. Up ahead, luxurious cars were parked in front of an impressive mansion. It soared high into the sky like a castle. I knew I was in one of the more affluent parts of California, but I certainly wasn’t expecting this. I rolled by the front gates. They had an old, almost medieval style to them with their gold-leafed tips. Peering at the estate, the lawn looked freshly-manicured and the shrubbery recently trimmed into intricate shapes. In front of the door was a large fountain in the form of a half-naked woman, pouring water into a well.

  Dazed by the scenery, I didn’t pay attention to the road. When I looked up, I was dangerously close to a purple Porsche. I jerked away, nearly hitting a pair of beautiful red headed women in matching red dresses. The twins glared at me with identically hostile expressions.

  I blushed crimson and continued to drive down the street, finally finding a parking space behind a Lexus. My beat-up little car didn’t belong on this street. Hell, even I didn’t belong. I looked down at my wrinkled dress and frowned. I hadn’t even had time to wash it…

  Trying to gulp down my fears, I got out of the car, keeping my head low. The website instructed that anyone going in for an interview should arrive at the side entrance. I passed the gates as quickly as I could, trying not to bump into any more highbrow individuals. As I walked, I noticed how attractive all these people were. The men were all tall and majestic. I looked up and made eye contact with a dark-skinned individual who grinned at me. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. His smile was perfect. Slightly crooked, but sexy enough to get my thighs tingly.

  I quickened my pace, eventually turning into a small road. The cobblestones were rough on my heels. For a second, I thought my thrift store shoes would fail me, but somehow, I managed to make it safe and sound.

  Finally, with my heart beating faster than ever, I arrived at the door. There, a large bodyguard stood like a statue, his hands folded in front of him and dark sunglasses hiding his eyes.

  “Hello?” I asked, timidly. The man didn’t even turn to look at me. I blinked, thinking maybe he was just some figment of my overactive imagination. He just continued to stand there, wearing his black suit, looking like someone out of a movie. It wasn’t until I stepped close that I realized how tall he really was. At least 6’7 if not taller. I felt minuscule standing next to him. “I’m… I’m here for a meeting with Victoria.”

  Finally, he moved. He lowered his head to look at me and I felt a shiver run through my spine. “ID.”

  I fumbled with my purse, looking for my license. I finally took it out, handing it to him. He lifted his sunglasses, carefu
lly looking at the little piece of plastic. “Date of birth?”

  “Uh…” For a moment, my mind went blank. He glanced at me, his expression blank, but I could tell he was getting irritated. “February 7th, 1991.”

  He looked back at the card and offered me a smile. It looked peculiar on his otherwise stoic face. “Happy birthday.” He unclipped his badge from his suit and passed it through a card reader. The large metal door beeped before opening automatically. “Right this way…”

  I followed him in, my body working on autopilot. We walked through a dark corridor. I strained my vision, trying to see ahead. I didn’t want to fall and make a fool of myself.

  Finally, we stopped in front of a wooden door. The words Victoria Chambers were posted in big block letters. “Wait here.”

  I nodded. He disappeared into the room, leaving me alone in the empty corridor. I felt vulnerable all by myself. I rubbed my arms, feeling goosebumps form over every inch of my body. Looking down the hall, the darkness made it seem as if it went on forever.

  A few minutes later, the security guard returned, tipping his head in my direction. “Victoria is ready to see you now.” He walked away, his footsteps echoing against the walls until the darkness engulfed him.

  I reached for the doorknob, feeling inexplicably nervous. I hadn’t even felt this nervous when I went to the MCATs. Then again, I had my mother’s support that day. Now, I was entirely alone. I took a deep breath and stepped inside.

  The office was quite large, or at least it seemed that way. It was just as dark – if not darker – than the hall, making it impossible to really gauge how big it was.

  In front of me was a huge mahogany desk. A woman sat behind it, her hands folded under her chin. I wanted to say she was looking at me, but she wore a large black hat that shielded most of her face. At the very least, she seemed to be smiling…


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