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by Nancy Richardson

  The droid reached up and pulled down the handle with his metal arm.

  Instantly the doorway in the floor opened. Anakin looked down. A narrow

  passage of stone blocks led away from the trapdoor.

  "This must be the way," Anakin said as he slid into the passage. "Come

  on, you two," he called from the darkness.

  "You first," Tahiri said to the droid. Artoo beeped once and moved

  forward to the trapdoor. He tipped slightly backward, then rolled into the

  passageway and out of sight.

  "My turn," Tahiri whispered. Then she, too, dropped out of sight. A

  few minutes

  later, hot, moist air hit the three as they entered the jungles of

  Yavin 4.

  "Follow me," Anakin called as he raced toward the river. Artoo beeped

  several times.

  "I think he knows where he's going, buddy," Tahiri said to the droid.

  They began to follow Anakin. Tahiri had to stop a few times to help

  Artoo, who kept getting tangled in the blueleaf shrubs. Anakin was already

  by the long silver raft when Tahiri and Artoo got to the edge of the river.

  "Told you the raft would be here," he said with a shy smile. Tahiri

  hopped in and they lifted Artoo over the rounded sides of the raft, then

  pushed it off from the bank. Anakin jumped in at the last second.

  "Well, at least we're not rafting in a storm like we do in the dream,"

  Anakin said as he began to paddle.

  Tahiri sat in the front of the raft staring down at the water. This

  place is amazing, she thought. Enormous Massassi trees hung down over the

  river, their branches arching. The sunlight danced off the clear green

  water. The only thing that keeps this afternoon from being perfect is

  Artoo, Tahiri thought. Since they had begun rafting he hadn't stopped

  whistling and beeping.

  "Can't you make him be quiet?" Tahiri asked Anakin.

  "He must have something on his mind, because he hasn't stopped

  whistling for ten minutes," Anakin replied.

  "I wish I'd had more time to figure out a way to understand him."

  Tahiri turned back to face the droid. She was going to make Artoo be quiet,

  even if she had to disconnect his speaker. But when Tahiri turned around

  she couldn't say a word. She was too shocked by what she saw.

  "Ah, Anakin, I t-t-think we m-might have a problem," Tahiri finally

  managed to say.

  "What's that?" Anakin asked as he paddled. "I think Artoo has been

  trying to tell us to look behind the raft," Tahiri replied.

  Anakin turned quickly. The sky of Yavin 4 had become black. Large

  purple storm clouds rolled across it. In a flash the sun was covered and

  Yavin 4 grew cold and dark. The wind rose, tearing over the river.

  "What's going on?" Tahiri yelled to Anakin above the roar of the wind.

  "I'm not sure, but I think this might be 'one of the terrible storms

  Uncle Luke told me about when I got to Yavin 4. He said that every few

  months strong winds and rains tear across the moon,"

  Anakin told Tahiri. He didn't tell her that his uncle had also said

  that perhaps the only safe place to be during the storms was the Great

  Temple. Tahiri's sea green eyes grew dark, just like the water of the

  river. She saw the waves begin to form.

  "This is going to be just like my dream," she said in dread. "Only

  this time I might really drown."

  "Don't think that way, Tahiri," Anakin commanded. "Just hang on. I'll

  try to paddle us to land."

  Tahiri gripped the side of the raft. The water was now crashing over

  them in giant waves. The raft tipped dangerously to one side. Tahiri's

  blonde hair whipped around her face. For a moment she couldn't see. Artoo

  beeped loudly behind her. Then a gigantic wave hit her and she toppled

  backward. She couldn't see anything as she tumbled. Then she was in the

  water. It was bitterly cold. Every time she tried to gasp for breath

  another wave struck her. Tahiri felt herself beginning to drown.

  Help me, Anakin, she screamed in her mind. But all she could see was

  water. And all she could hear were her own cries.

  "Grab the paddle, Tahiri!" Anakin screamed above the storm. He could

  barely see his friend in the tumbling waves. Her orange jumpsuit flashed

  between the rolls of water. He watched as Tahiri struggled toward him, her

  arms thrashing wildly.

  "I can't reach the paddle!" she cried.

  "Try again," Anakin yelled.

  Tahiri tried, but was once more swept beneath a wave. She was running

  out of strength. Anakin didn't know what to do. He had power in his arms,

  but that couldn't help his friend.

  "There are all different kinds of power," a strange voice spoke inside

  Anakin's head.

  "What does that mean?" Anakin screamed into the wind. There was no

  answer. He turned toward Tahiri. "Try again," he called. But this time his

  voice wasn't a scream-it was a command, a command said with the power of

  the Force. Anakin knew that some Jedi Masters could use their voices to

  control people. Could it be that he also had that ability? He watched as

  Tahiri thrashed toward the paddle he was holding out to her. She seemed

  stronger than before, but Anakin wasn't sure how much longer she could hold

  herself above the water. He closed his eyes and focused on Tahiri's body,

  just as he had focused on the two-kilogram weight that he and Tahiri had

  lifted in class. Be light, he commanded. Anakin opened his eyes and saw

  that Tahiri's head and shoulders were now above the water. Before another

  wave could sweep Tahiri away, she grasped the paddle.

  "Hang on," Anakin instructed. He leaned over to pull his friend toward

  him. A large wave hit the side of the raft. Anakin lost his balance and

  began to fall into the river. For a brief flash his eyes met Tahiri's. They

  were filled with fear. If Anakin fell into the river they might both drown.

  Anakin knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate on making Tahiri light or

  giving her strength if he had to focus on keeping himself afloat. Anakin

  watched the wild river dance before his eyes. He knew he was about to

  plunge into the cold water. He could feel his body falling out of the raft.

  But just as he was about to be caught by a wave he was yanked hard

  from behind. Artoo had grabbed the back of Anakin's orange jumpsuit with

  his metal hand and pulled him to safety.

  Anakin then grasped one of Tahiri's hands and dragged her into the

  raft. He turned to Artoo.

  "Thanks," he said softly. Artoo bleeped.

  Anakin grabbed his paddle and began to furiously stroke. Tahiri lay in

  the bottom of the raft.

  "Anakin," she said with wonder, "you used the Force to get me to float

  and to give me the strength I needed to thrash my way to the raft. I was

  ready to give up, but your voice wouldn't let me."

  Anakin gave his friend a smile. Then he turned back to the river.

  "We're almost at the shore," Anakin said. "Tahiri, we're going to have

  to jump out of the raft. The river is going too fast. There's no way I can

  get the raft to stop."

  Tahiri sat up.

  "What about Artoo?" she asked. "He can't leap into the river."

  "We'll have to do what we did in class the other da
y," Anakin said.

  "After we jump I'll think about him being light, and you try to lift him."

  There was no time to talk about it.

  "Okay, it's time," Anakin said as their raft raced by the side of the

  river. "Jump!"

  Both students landed hard on the bank of the river and then rolled to

  a stop.

  "Now Artoo," Anakin yelled to Tahiri. The droid was still on the raft.

  He was being swept quickly down the river. Anakin and Tahiri concentrated.

  Artoo floated in the air toward them. Suddenly he dropped in the water.

  "Oops," Tahiri muttered. Then she closed her eyes and focused. Moments

  later Artoo landed safely beside the two students. Both Anakin and Tahiri

  stared down the river as their silver raft continued to race along the


  "Guess we're not rafting back to the academy," Tahiri said under her

  breath. It had begun to rain-not just to rain, but to pour. "We've got to

  find some shelter," Tahiri said to Anakin.

  The three raced into the jungle in search of a place to hide from the

  storm. The weather was getting worse. The wind was so strong that it almost

  carried Tahiri away, and she had to wrap her arms around the trunk of a

  Massassi tree every time it blew.

  "There's nowhere to hide!" Tahiri cried.

  Anakin grabbed his friend's hand and pulled her deeper into the

  jungle. They were surrounded by Massassi trees, climbing ferns, and large,

  deep pink flowers. Jungle animals, their fur blue and gold, raced across

  the floor of the jungle. They must be the woolamanders that Jacen described

  to me, Anakin thought. But they usually lived in the tops of the Massassi

  trees, he remembered. Anakin guessed that the storm had brought the animals

  to the ground, that the woolamanders were looking for a safe place to hide


  "Are those animals dangerous?" Tahiri asked her friend as they ran

  through the jungle.

  "I think they're called woolamanders, and if I remember right my

  brother said that they only eat plants," Anakin shouted.

  They saw hundreds of woolamanders as they ran. Several times the two

  friends had to stop to wait for Artoo, who kept getting caught on roots and

  shrubs. Meanwhile the storm was getting worse. If they didn't find shelter

  soon they would be in real trouble.

  "Hey, Tahiri! Look over there," Anakin said. Tahiri saw the outline of

  a building. They ran through the jungle until they reached it. It looked

  kind of like the Great Temple, but much smaller. And it was in ruins.

  "I think this is one of the structures that was built by the Massassi

  people," Anakin said.

  "Who are they?" Tahiri asked.

  "They were a race who used to live on this planet," Anakin explained.

  "They disappeared thousands of years ago."

  "Well, then they won't mind if we go inside," Tahiri giggled.

  They ran to the palace. Anakin stopped outside the door to the

  crumbling building. High above him were dark letters carved into the tan

  stone. The letters were not Basic.

  "I wonder what those symbols mean," he said.

  "Who cares-let's get inside," Tahiri yelled. Artoo bleeped in

  agreement, and the three headed through the doorway. Inside the palace it

  was dark. Tahiri heard the clicks of hundreds of scurrying feet.

  "Anakin, do you hear that?" she whispered. Anakin pushed his wet hair

  out of his eyes and tried to see in the darkness.

  "I hear it, but I can't see anything," he replied.

  With a beep and a click, Artoo lit up the room with a beam of light.

  "I knew there was a reason we brought him along," Tahiri said. They

  stared around the room. Thousands of tiny black eyes stared back.

  Woolamanders were everywhere!

  "Yes, I'm sure of it-they don't eat people," Anakin said to Tahiri. He

  had sensed her fear.

  "Okay, but I still don't have to like them," Tahiri muttered.

  "This must be the Palace of the Woolamander," Anakin said. "It was

  named years ago by some guy who was exploring the planet. The woolamanders

  must have been here then too."

  "As long as we're here, let's explore," Tahiri suggested.

  Why not, Anakin thought. It had been a long time since they'd snuck

  out of the academy. Heck, Luke Skywalker was probably thinking up some kind

  of punishment, or maybe even getting the shuttle ready to take them home.

  It couldn't hurt to do a little bit of exploring.

  Anakin and Tahiri walked through a large stone hallway in the Palace

  of the Woolamander. Anakin noticed that the same letters he'd seen carved

  above the door were repeated on the stone walls inside the palace. Tahiri

  interrupted his thoughts.

  "So what happened to the Massassi?" she asked.

  "Nobody really knows," Anakin replied as he ran his hands along the

  palace walls. "But there was one story about them that my father once told

  me," he said. Anakin's voice echoed in the empty hallways as he began to

  tell Tahiri the story. "Years ago there was a man named Dr'uun Unnh. He was

  from the star system Sullust. Dr'uun Unnh was a Sullustan. Have you ever

  seen one?" Anakin asked Tahiri. She shook her head.

  "Well, Sullustans are humanoids with round ears, large round eyes, and

  heavy cheeks that hang down their faces. Anyway, Dr'uun Unnh was a history

  and nature lover, and he spent a lot of his life studying Yavin 4. He

  studied all of the old temples on this planet. By digging beneath the

  temples he learned about the Massassi. "According to Dr'uun," Anakin

  continued, "over five thousand years ago the exiled Sith magicians - whom

  nobody knows much about except that they're feared and that Darth Vader was

  one - settled on Yavin 4. The magicians married the natives to create the

  race of Massassi. A thousand years later an evil Jedi Knight named Exar Kun

  came to Yavin 4 to enslave the Massassi, build more temples, and resurrect

  the Sith teachings. Exar Kun was wiped out in the Great Sith War, which

  pitted the Old Republic and the Jedi Knights against the followers of Kun,

  who called himself the Dark Lord of the Sith."

  "That story gives me the chills," Tahiri said. "Especially the part

  about Darth Vader being part of the Sith."

  "Yeah, me too," Anakin agreed. Tahiri and Anakin could still hear the

  storm raging outside the palace walls. They turned a corner and stood

  before a crumbling wall of stone blocks. "I guess this is a dead end,"

  Anakin said. They were just about to turn around when Artoo's light stopped

  at a hole in the wall. Tahiri walked forward and peered through the hole.

  She could see a long stone stairway that wound down through the floor of

  the palace. Before Anakin could stop her Tahiri had crawled through the


  "Wait, Tahiri," Anakin called. "Someone built this wall so that we

  wouldn't go down those stairs," he said. "Well, the wall is crumbling, so

  maybe now we're meant to go down,"

  Tahiri called back. Artoo began to beep and blip loudly. "I don't

  think he wants us to go down there," Anakin said. "And he's not the only


  Anakin had poked his head through the hole and could actually sense

  something evil floating up the
stone stairs. The hairs on his arms rose.

  Artoo continued to beep - beep. Anakin crawled through the hole and joined

  his friend. Tahiri hadn't started down the stone stairway.

  "There's something evil here," she whispered in a small voice.

  "Anakin, what if those Dark Lord guys are still here?"

  "Maybe we should turn back," Anakin whispered.

  "No," Tahiri said fiercely, her green eyes flashing. "We've come this

  far. I'm not going to turn back just because I sense that something bad is

  trying to scare us away. Anakin, you said that you felt like we were being

  called to perform an important task, maybe it's something that will help us

  become Jedi Knights. If that's true, there's no way I'm going to turn back.

  " Tahiri began to make her way down the stairway. There were loose stones

  and several times she almost fell.

  "Tahiri, wait," Anakin called, but she kept moving. Anakin rushed down

  after his friend. This is not the way I like to do things, Anakin thought.

  I like to think, to figure out the choices. He slid his feet along the

  broken stairs. He thought about the fact that Darth Vader had been a part

  of the Sith. He always tried not to think of Vader as his grandfather. But

  Vader had once been Anakin Skywalker, Luke and Leia's father. And that made


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