Greeting Cards

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Greeting Cards Page 10

by Tinnean

  “Just something from Dr. Hewitt.” She handed him a square envelope.

  “Hmm.” Jason had been looking forward to introducing his advisor to his boyfriend, but then Ben told him they’d met on Halloween. Jason swallowed a laugh. Dr. Hewitt had made a hot science officer. But it was the memory of Ben in that sweatshirt with the sleeves torn off and the crossbow slung behind him that made him hard. He grinned at Cherry. “Thanks very much.”

  “Welcome. Say, have you stocked up? They’re predicting a blizzard come the weekend.”

  “They always do this time of year, but yeah, Ben and I hit the supermarket the other day, and we’re good.”

  “Glad to hear that. I’ve got to get my shopping done after I finish my appointed rounds.” She winked at him.

  “I won’t keep you, then. Have a good day, Cherry.”

  “You too, Jase.” She drove to the next house, and he stood there, looking at the envelope in his hand.

  Dr. Hewitt gave the best Christmas parties. They tended to spill over into every room of the first floor of the enormous home he’d inherited.

  Jason had always gone alone to the parties—it had been his choice, even though Dr. Hewitt had insisted he could bring whomever he liked, and male or female made no difference.

  This year, though…. He opened the envelope and pulled out the card.

  You’re cordially invited….

  The party was a week from this Saturday, which gave them time to get Ben a suit or sports coat. He tucked the invitation into his jacket pocket and trotted around to the back of the house.

  “Ben! Hey, Ben!”

  BEN looked so good in the black suit he’d chosen that Jason couldn’t help dropping to his knees, unzipping Ben’s fly, and blowing him there in the upper level hallway.

  “Whoa!” Ben leaned back against the wall, trying to catch his breath.

  Jason grinned up at him and caught a stray drop of come from the corner of his mouth.

  Ben pulled him to his feet and kissed him. “Love you, babe.”

  “Love you too.” He tucked Ben’s dick into his shorts and zipped him up. His turn would come later, and it would be worth the wait. “Now let’s get going. We don’t want to be late.”

  DR. HEWITT’S stone-faced, gabled home was lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree. Wreaths were on the door and in every window, except the bay window that looked in on the living room with its fifteen-foot balsam fir.

  “Jason! I didn’t expect this!”

  He could hear the panic in Ben’s voice, and he reached across the console to twine his fingers with Ben’s. “You know Dr. Hewitt.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t know he was a millionaire! How could a professor…?”

  “He comes from old money, but that never mattered. You like him, don’t you?”

  Ben nodded.

  “He’s good people. And you know almost everyone who’s going to be here. It’ll be okay.”

  “They’ll want to talk about… about Beethoven and… and Faulkner and….” Ben turned wide eyes on him.

  “Then you just talk about chanters and ‘Amazing Grace’ and ‘The Minstrel Boy’.” He loved hearing Ben play those on his bagpipes.

  “They’re gonna think I’m a dope.”

  “No, they won’t, but if they do, I’ll kick their asses.” One of these days he was going to track down the rat bastard and kick the shit out of him for what he’d done to Ben’s self-esteem. Ben might be three years his senior, but sometimes it felt to Jason as if he were the older one.

  “Will you really?” That seemed to ease some of Ben’s anxiety, and he smiled.

  “You bet. But I won’t have to, because they’re all going to love you. I’ll be right by your side.” Jason gave Ben’s fingers a final, reassuring squeeze. “I promise!”

  Ben licked his lips and nodded.

  “Come on.” Jason released his hand and got out of the car, leaving the keys in the ignition for the guy who’d be parking it.

  The front door opened before he could raise his hand to the knocker. “Mr. Prescott. It’s good to see you.”

  “Hi, Stewart. Same here.”

  “This must be your friend, Mr. Haggerty.”

  “Yes. Ben, this is Dr. Hewitt’s butler.”

  “Hello,” Ben mumbled, sounding almost awestruck. Hadn’t he ever…. No, I guess he’s never met a real live, honest-to-God butler. Come to that, neither had Jason until he’d met Dr. H.

  “Dr. Hewitt is in the conservatory.”

  “With the rope?”

  Jason couldn’t help laughing. Ben surprised him at the weirdest times.

  Stewart grinned as well. “As you say. Enjoy yourselves, gentlemen. Oh, and be on the lookout for mistletoe. You’ll find it around the house.” He gave an unconcerned upward glance before going to greet the next guests.

  Jason drew Ben closer. The kiss was just a brushing of lips, but Ben stiffened. “It’s okay. Dr. Hewitt doesn’t mind a little snogging, especially under the mistletoe.”


  “Kissing.” Jason leaned forward to steal another kiss. “If anyone objects, they aren’t invited back a second time.”

  “And Dr. Hewitt has so much influence that they’re willing to go along with him?”

  “Oh yeah. He gives the best parties, and everyone wants to come. I’ve heard rumors that the sale of family members has been considered in order to get an invite.”

  “Mr. Stewart said there’s more mistletoe,” Ben whispered against his lips. “Can we go looking for it?”

  “I love the way you think!” Jason led him through the house, pausing at various doorways to kiss him. “No, no need to look up, babe.”

  Finally they arrived at the conservatory, where there was a smaller Christmas tree. Strings of lights were wound through the plants and along the molding at the ceiling, giving the area the appearance of a fairyland.

  “Jason! Merry Christmas!”

  “Merry Christmas to you too, Dr. Hewitt. You know Ben.”

  “Yes, I do. Merry Christmas, Ben.”

  “Merry Christmas, Doctor. I still have your handkerchief.”

  “Oh? How come?” Jason couldn’t help being curious.


  “Oh yeah.” When he’d smeared Ben’s mouth with the zombie lipstick. Jason pretended to be contrite. “Sorry about that.”

  “No, you’re not. You just wanted everyone to know I was yours.”

  “This is true.” He bumped his shoulder against Ben’s. Lucky. That’s what you are, Prescott. Lucky, lucky, lucky.

  “Did you take advantage of the mistletoe in the front foyer?” Dr. Hewitt asked, looking so innocent that Jason was certain it had been a setup.

  “As soon as Stewart pointed it out.”

  “And all the other places where you had it hung as well,” Ben added.

  “It was only hung there and in here.”

  Ben’s eyes widened, and Jason began to whistle “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.”

  “Oh, you!” Ben swatted his arm.

  “But you love me anyway.” Jason slid his arm around Ben’s waist and gave a squeeze. He eyed the woman on Dr. Hewitt’s arm. She hadn’t been introduced yet, but there was something familiar about her….

  “Ms. Addams, hi!” Ben said. “Merry Christmas.”

  Jason blinked. Ms. Addams? The mousey little woman who kept the Chemistry department running like a top?

  “Wow, I didn’t recognize you!”

  “Merry Christmas, Mr. Haggerty. Mr. Prescott.” She touched a tentative hand to the blonde curls that clustered around her face. “Is it too much?” She turned to Dr. Hewitt. “Bob?”

  “No,” he said. “It’s not too much. You’ve been hiding your light under a bushel for too long, and it’s about time everyone saw how lovely you are.”

  “Well, I thought you had great legs.”

  “Ben!” Jason stared at him, horrified. “When did you see Ms. Addams’s legs?”

��Halloween.” The devil was grinning! “Didn’t I tell you she was dressed as Tinker Bell?”

  “No, you never…. Come on, you.” Jason grabbed his hand.

  “The buffet is set up in the dining room. Go and help yourselves.”

  “Thanks, Dr. H.”

  Another couple came into the conservatory just then, carrying on an intense, low-voiced conversation. As they came closer, it became obvious the “conversation” was actually a quarrel. “Richard, why don’t you go find one of your low-class friends?” the older of the two—Jason recognized him as Dr. Putnam—snapped.

  “Do you think I wouldn’t if he’d—Ben? What are you doing here?”

  “Rick. I was invited.”

  Rick? This was the clown who’d broken Ben’s heart?

  Jason stepped close to Ben.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here,” Preston said. His eyes narrowed, and he ran his gaze up and down Ben’s body. Now he had the gall to let his surprise become obvious at how good Jason’s boyfriend looked in his black suit?

  Dr. Putnam cleared his throat and turned toward their host. “Good evening, Hewitt.”

  Dr. Hewitt had been looking from Ben to Rick to Putnam, and his expression wasn’t happy.

  “Dr. H, this isn’t Ben’s fault!” Jason whispered.

  “I’m aware of that.” He was a good host, and he quickly smoothed the irritation from his face. “Good evening, gentlemen.”

  “Well, hello, there.” Dr. Putnam still watched Jason with hungry eyes. Dammit, didn’t the man take his warning seriously, or did he think enough time had passed that Jason would have forgotten about it?

  Jason knew he’d have to keep an eye out for the mistletoe, even though it was only in the—

  Dr. Putnam grabbed him and kissed him, trying to jam his tongue down Jason’s throat.

  “Argh!” He pulled free and wiped his mouth.

  “Mistletoe.” Putnam was all smug innocence. That was, until Ben drove a fist into his gut. Then he staggered back, gasping for air.

  “I thought I told you to leave Jason alone!”

  What? What was Ben talking about?

  “I… only kissed him be… because he was standing un… under the mistletoe,” Putnam wheezed. “Elspeth?” His eyes grew huge as he took in Ms. Addams’s altered appearance. In spite of his obvious discomfort, he glanced up at the mistletoe and took a step toward her.

  “I thought you were gay, David,” she said.

  “Bi, actually.”

  “Either way, I’m not interested.”

  His face fell for a second, but then he shrugged. “Your loss. I believe I heard Stewart say the buffet is in the dining room, Hewitt. Is it too much to hope the bar is there also?” He walked out without waiting for a response.

  “Ben—” Rick took a step toward him, and Jason would have made himself stand still to see how this played out, but Ben turned to him and held up his hand. It was starting to swell.

  “I forgot and tucked my thumb in.”

  “Come on, babe. That needs to be iced.”

  “I’m really sorry, Dr. Hewitt.”

  “That’s all right, Ben. I’ve often wanted to do the same thing to him. There should be something in the freezer for that hand,” Dr. Hewitt said, a slight smile on his face. “Jason, why don’t you take care of it?”

  “Thanks, Doc.” Jason touched Ben’s arm, and they started to leave the conservatory.

  But he couldn’t resist throwing a smug glance of his own over his shoulder at Rick, who looked as if he didn’t know whether to follow Putnam or Ben. Take that, you rat bastard!

  Chapter 19

  WHAT a difference this holiday season was from last year, when he’d been so miserable. Who’d have thought Rick leaving would have turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to him?

  Ben made himself as comfortable in bed as he could. His hand was still throbbing, but he didn’t think anything was broken. Well, how could it be? Dr. Putnam’s gut was on the soft side.

  He still saw red when he pictured that son of a bitch kissing Jason. He hadn’t even stopped to think how Jason would react to what he did. Rick would have been so pissed, but Jason…. After he’d taken the bag of broccoli flowerets from the freezer and gently put it on Ben’s sore hand, he’d slid an arm around his neck and kissed him.

  Now he pulled Jason’s body closer to his. “Tomorrow, we’ll go shopping for our own Christmas tree,” he whispered. “Our first tree.”

  “Our first Christmas.” Jason ran his fingers along the muscle of Ben’s thigh.

  “I haven’t had a live tree since I left DeKalb. It’ll be nice, won’t it?”

  “Babe, it’s gonna be great!”

  JASON’S wrist was taped up. “I told you I had two left thumbs,” he said glumly.

  “That’s okay. I love you anyway.” Ben still couldn’t believe this wonderful man was his, even if he couldn’t hit a nail to save his soul.

  “But how could I fall off the ladder? I mean, for Pete’s sake, all I was doing was putting up the garland!”

  When they’d picked up their Christmas tree, an eight-foot blue spruce, they’d also bought a wreath and enough garland to swag the entire front of the house, which now had green shutters and trim. Jason had stretched too far, the ladder had wobbled, and the result was they’d spent the afternoon in the emergency room.

  “You just leaned over too far. Next Christmas you can put up the tree and the wreath, I’ll do the garland, and everything will be fine.”

  “Yeah, but this means we won’t be able to go ice skating.” Jason had confessed that he’d never skated, and when Ben had offered to teach him, he’d accepted enthusiastically.

  “That’s okay. We’ve got plenty of time.” Especially since one of the gifts Ben was giving him was a pair of ice skates.

  “I’m sorry.”


  “No ice skating. No….” Jason held up his wrist.

  “Oh ye of little faith. I’ll take care of you.”

  “Yeah, but how can we… you know.” He looked around. Gabe, the kid from next door, had been making snow angels in their front yard after he’d run out of room in his own yard.

  “He’s gone home.”

  “What’s with him, anyway? I’ve never seen him this antsy.”

  “It’s a little more than a week until Christmas, babe.”

  “Well, yeah, I suppose….” He sighed and stared at his wrist. “It’s a good thing it’ll only need to be bandaged for a few more days.”

  “Let’s go in. It’s starting to come down harder.”

  “Yeah, but….”

  “You don’t need your right hand for what I have in mind. As a matter of fact, you can relax and let me do all the work.” Ben stole a kiss and hustled his boyfriend into the house.

  “Yeah?” The corner of Jason’s mouth curled in a grin.

  “Yeah.” God, Ben loved when Jason wore that expression! It turned him on so much that the first time he’d seen it, he’d had to warn him, “Don’t do that when we’re out in public.”

  “Why not?”

  “Do you really want me to jump your bones in front of strangers?”

  “You mean you wouldn’t have any objection to jumping my bones in front of family and friends?” The grin became more pronounced. How great was it that his boyfriend was so playful? “I… might.”

  It was fortunate they were home at the time, because Ben had jumped him, toppling him down to the couch and kissing him silly.

  AFTER they’d finished putting the tree in its stand, they wound strings of multicolored lights around it, followed by silver and gold tinsel garlands.

  “What do we have for a tree topper?” Ben asked.

  “What’s your choice? Angel, star, snowflake, Santa face?”

  “You’ve got more than one?”

  “I get bored easily.”

  “Should I worry?” Ben remembered how bored with him Rick got toward the end.

things, Ben. Not of people and never of you!” He ran the backs of his fingers along Ben’s cheek. “I’m in it for the long haul, and I hope you are too.”

  “Yes.” Ben swallowed. “Always.” That earned him another kiss.

  Jason finally drew back, breathing as hard as he was. “Now, choose whichever topper you like. I’m going to make us some hot chocolate, okay?”

  “Sounds like a plan, babe.” Mmm, now that is one fine ass, Ben thought as Jason strolled out of the room.

  “I know you’re watching my butt,” Jason called over his shoulder.


  “Just remember, turnabout is fair play.”

  “Works for me.” Ben laughed and then got down to business, opening the boxes and studying their contents. Finally, he selected an LED lighted fiber optic angel with blonde hair, a silver gown shot through with iridescent threads, and silver wings. Pleased with the way she looked on their tree, he decided to wait until Jason came back to put up the ornaments and went to work on the nativity scene instead. He found the boxes that contained Mary and Joseph, Baby Jesus in the manger, the donkeys and oxen, the three wise men and their camels, the shepherds who carried their lambs on their shoulders, the Roman soldiers with their own tent—and he set them up.

  Rick wasn’t religious, so while they’d had a tree, he’d never cared for them to have their own crèche. Ben wasn’t very religious either, but he’d missed Christmas with all the trappings.

  He was on his belly arranging the figures, but he rolled over when Jason returned, carrying a tray with two mugs, each garnished with a dollop of whipped cream and a candy cane, and a plate of sugar cookies sprinkled with candy decors.

  “You know the way to my heart.” Ben could throw together a decent meal as long as it came out of a box from the freezer, but Jason baked as well.

  “Of course. Now, come sit next to me.”

  Ben rose to his feet and joined Jason on the big couch that separated the living room from the dining room.

  “What’s this?” he asked, nodding toward an envelope on the tray.

  “It’s for you.”


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