When It Rains...

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When It Rains... Page 28

by Angie Daniels

  Jay peered at Honey out of the corner of his eye beforeanswering, “Not in a million years.”

  Honey slowly opened the door and found Sasha lying in the bed, propped up by several pillows. She smiled down at her tired face. “Hi, Mommy.”

  Sasha gave her a brilliant smile. “Have you seen her yet?”

  Honey nodded. “Yes, and she’s beautiful.” Honey moved to her and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Have you decided on a name?”


  “That’s so pretty.” A tear streamed down her cheek, and she quickly wiped it away.

  Sasha reached over and squeezed her hand. “How are you doing?” Honey had called Sasha after Kendra left the salon and told her everything.

  Honey bobbed her head. “I’m turning into a big crybaby.I can’t understand how he could do this to me.” The tears began to flow harder.

  “I believe in my heart that Jay didn’t mean to deceiveyou. Listen to what he has to say. I know the two of you can work it out.”

  Honey shook her head. “I don’t think so. It’s probablyfor the best. You should have seen his face when he saw Ciarra.”

  Patting Honey’s hand, Sasha said, “Girl, everything is gonna work out, I promise. You have to trust me on this.”

  Honey sniffled. “Oh ... I really hope so.”

  “Are you gonna give him a chance to explain?”

  She paused. “Maybe when I get back from the convention.Right now I need some time to think.”

  Sasha smiled with relief. “Good.”

  Honey rose from the bed. “I’m sure Terraine is dying to get back in here, so I’m gonna go. I just wanted to see you before I left and to tell you my goddaughteris beautiful.”

  “Thanks, girl. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  Honey waved and exited the room, rejoining the others outside the nursery window. She found the nurse wrapping Ciarra in a blanket.

  “It’s feeding time,” the nurse announced as she came out of the nursery door. “Follow me, Dad.”

  There was no mistaking the love in his eyes when, grinning from ear-to-ear, Terraine waved his hand and signaled for Roxaner to join him. “Come on, Grandma.”

  Once he was alone with Honey, Jay took her hands into his and stared down at her. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  Eyes downcast, Honey nodded. “Can we save this conversation for when I return from Minneapolis? I really need to get home and pack, and I’m a little exhausted.”

  Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was well past three in the morning. “Okay, I can live with that. But I want you to know that I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  What-the-fuck-ever. Honey raised her eyes and nodded.

  “I love you.”

  Lowering her lashes, she nodded again. “We’ll talk when I get back.”

  Before he could try to kiss her, she turned and walked away.


  As she exited her office, Natalia’s steps slowed when she found Sterling leaning against Tiffany’s desk, whisperingsomething in her ear that caused her to blush.

  Ain’t this a bitch? Sterling was already up to his old tricks.

  After their interview, Natalia had stormed down to Terraine’s office to voice her objections. For one thing, she considered two other candidates better suited for the position. But Terraine wouldn’t budge in his decision to hire Sterling. When he received the seal of approval from the other four directors, it was a lost battle.

  His second day on the job, and already Sterling had managed to charm over half the hoochies in the building.She, however, would never be one of his conquests.

  Natalia cleared her throat as she approached them. “Excuse me, but my secretary has work to do.”

  Sterling straightened from his leaning position and said, “My bad,” raising his hands to shoulder height. “I’m here to see you anyway.”

  “Me? What could we possibly have to talk about?” She turned and walked to the elevator, leaving him to stare at her backside.

  With long strides, Sterling moved beside her. “Hey, hold up.”

  “What do you want?” she asked without stopping.

  “I’m putting together a projected marketing plan for the coming year, and I thought maybe we could collaborateon ideas.”

  Natalia set her chin in a stubborn line. She didn’t have time to waste; she had a million things to do beforeshe flew to Los Angeles in the morning to meet with a potential buyer. Even if she wasn’t leaving, there was no way she was helping Sterling keep his job. If she refused, in a matter of weeks he’d fall flat on his face. She bit her lip to stifle a grin. “Sorry, I’m too busy.” Giving him a sidelong glance, she boarded the elevator.

  Sterling also hopped on. “Why you got to be like that?”

  “Why you got to be so damn ghetto?” she said, glowering at him. The doors closed, and as the elevator descended, she found herself once again alone with him. “This is a professional corporation. We don’t need any hood ideas around here.”

  She had thought her words would have some kind of impact, but they didn’t. His expression never changed. In fact, he laughed. “So I guess my MBA from Morgan State doesn’t count for anything.”

  The challenge in his voice infuriated her. “Oh yeah! The full athletic scholarship.” She slapped her foreheadlightly with her palm. “How could I forget? Let’s see now ... you were the first-round draft pick for the Baltimore Ravens, and after two seasons, you sustained a knee injury, ending your career. At that point, you decided to go back to college and finish.”

  His face broke into a wide grin. “You’ve been checkin’ up on a brotha.”

  “Not hardly. I just like football,” she said and crossed her arms, looking away from his lean, muscular body as she did. Sterling apparently still worked out.

  “Whatever you say.” He laughed again. “What you fail to realize is that I am qualified for this position.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” she said with a shrug. “I barely glanced at your resume.” Oh, he was getting on her nerves!

  “Then let me break it down for you.” Reaching out, he slapped his hand against the red button, stopping the elevator.

  Natalia gasped, then turned away shaking her head.

  “Straight out of college, I worked as a marketing analystfor Sears for three years before spending five years at Pepsi-Cola as their promotions manager. As marketing director for Jacqueline Giamanco ... who, if I’m not mistaken, is now one of Diva Designs’ most valued designers ... I spent the last two years making sure her designs were in hot demand for every buyer on either coast. So ... I think I’m more than qualified to market this corporation’s upscale designs.”

  Natalia stayed mute, so he continued. “In my spare time, I’ve done volunteer work for Big Brothers Big Sisters and several other not-for-profit organizations to increase awareness in the community. I’ve already spokento two such agencies, and plan to continue my effortshere in the Midwest.”

  That annoyed her. She didn’t want to know that behindthe playa there was a compassionate man concernedwith the needs of the area. Anxious to escape his company, she leaned forward and started the elevator,then turned to face him. “I’m impressed—”

  Her breath caught in her throat. His gorgeous eyes were staring down at her while a smile touched his beautifully supple mouth. For the first time, she noticedthe tiny amethyst stone in his left earlobe, and this gave her a sense of relief. Sterling was a Pisces. She’d never gotten along with a Pisces man. Then why is Ms. Kitty waking up?

  She took a step back from his scent, which was assailingher senses, and he closed the distance between them, trapping her in the corner with his powerful body. Standing so close, she could feel his heat.

  “You don’t have to pretend with me anymore.” His voice was low and smooth.

  “What? What are you—” Panic rose in her throat.

  Sterling put a finger to her lips to shush her, and she became wildly dizzy and realized she wasn’t br
eathing. At the touch of his warm skin, she was feeling somethingthat she had never felt before, not even with Jacob.

  He pierced her with his intense stare, and his voice was silken. “You want me, Natalia. You always have. That’s why it used to bother you so much to see me with those other women.”

  He lowered his finger and ran it down along her collar,sending tingles down the length of her spine. She opened her mouth to deny his statement, but the protest lodged in her throat.

  “You might as well get used to having me around,” he whispered, his breath hot on her face. She found herself at a loss for words, and nibbled nervously at her inner cheek.

  His hands traveled up again. Cupping her chin in his palm, he brought her face closer to his. With his other arm curled around her back, he pulled their bodies close.

  Then Ms. Kitty started to meow.

  She gasped. With the heat of his flesh through his navy blue suit, her nipples hardened upon contact. Then his mouth caught hers, and the impact was like nothing she’d ever dreamed. When his tongue stroked her lips, she felt a hot tendril of pleasure unfold low in her belly. Suddenly, she wanted his tongue in her mouth. Desire shuddered through her when his hand slid down to cup her buttock. She responded with a moan, wanting more. But just as she reveled in his arms, he broke the kiss and backed away, and Natalia’s eyes fluttered open in time to watch Sterling step off the elevator.

  Hands embedded in his pockets, he turned to her again, wearing a wide grin. “It’s a good thing I’m back. It seems that we have some unfinished business to attendto.”

  The following day, Jay landed the contract with PulsarMedical Research.

  Thank goodness something positive was happening in his life. Honey had left yesterday, and he hadn’t heard from her once. Rocking in his office chair, he tried to think of a way to make things right between them. He had fucked up, and was prepared to admit it every day for the next year if he had to. But as stubborn as Honey could be, it wouldn’t matter.

  He’d tried to reach Natalia, but found out from her secretary that she had left town this morning. Maybe he could find a way to get her to help him. If not, he could always resort to Honey’s mother. Since their introduction,the two had developed a mutual liking.

  He heard a loud commotion outside his office only seconds before his door flew open. Dean barged in, followedby Dory. Dean’s face was a mask of rage.

  “I’m sorry, Jay. I tried to stop him,” Dory said.

  Jay waved off her words with his hand. “It’s okay.” After she left, he turned his gaze to Dean and noticed his clenched jaw. “Come on in and have a seat,” he offered.

  “I’d rather stand,” Dean managed through stiff lips.

  Clasping his hands behind his head, Jay asked, “What can I help you with?”

  “Stay da hell away from my girl!” Dean barked.

  “Mercedes?” Jay shrugged. “I haven’t seen her. As far as I knew, she was back at home with you.”

  Dean moved to the end of his desk, lips thinned. “She left me again. This time she has a restrainin’ order keepin’ me from seein’ my son.”

  Jay turned slightly in his chair and eased into a smile. “So, she finally came to her senses. That girl deservesa medal.”

  “Shut da fuck up,” Dean demanded. “No one can keep me from my son. Not even you.”

  “I don’t have anything to do with this,” Jay replied honestly. “But you did bring this shit on yourself.”

  The answer infuriated Dean further. “How da fuck would you know? You don’t know shit about me or my girl, so just stay da fuck away or else—”

  “Or else what?” Jay said, then waited.

  Dean bunched his fists and moved forward. “Or else somethin’ might happen dat will keep you away from your own kid.”

  “I don’t have any kids.”

  “Yeah, you do.” Dean smirked. “I know all about Kendra.”

  Jay’s brow shot up in surprise. “How’s that?”

  Dean rocked back on his heels, apparently amused by Jay’s reaction. “I was there when she came to the salon and acted a damn fool with that bitch you’ve been humpin’.”

  “I’d advise you to watch your mouth,” Jay said, barely controlling his voice.

  “Whatever, man.” Dean chuckled. “It looks like we each got somethin’ the other wants. Stay away from Lil’ Dee, and I promise not to bring any harm to yo’ expectantfamily. I would hate for dat child to be without his daddy.”

  Jay rose and walked around his desk. “You got a lot of balls coming into my office threatening me.” He took another step so they were eye to eye. “If I was you, I’d get the hell out of here before I’m forced to hit you in your mothafuckin’ mouth again.”

  Dean lunged at Jay, hitting him square in the stomach.The unexpected attack knocked the wind from Jay’s lungs as they hit the desk. A lamp smashed to the floor, followed by stacks of papers. While Jay recovered,Dean was at an advantage and landed a punch on Jay’s cheek. Thinking he had the upper hand, Dean smirked, then swung again. Only this time, Jay was prepared. He caught Dean’s hand in midair and twisted it behind his back until he heard a pop. Then, with his foot, he pushed Dean headfirst into the wall.

  Dean gave a high-pitched scream. “Aahhh ... you broke my arm!”

  “You better be glad I didn’t crack your sorry ass in two.”

  The noise brought Chad through the door, followed by Dory.

  “Is there a problem in here?” Chad asked, looking down at Dean crumpled in the corner.

  Jay reached up and rubbed his knuckles across his cheek, breathing heavily. “Nah, there’s no problem. I think we understand each other quite well. Dean, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Cradling his arm, Dean mumbled, “Yeah ... Yeah, man, it’s all good.”

  Dory planted both hands on her hips and huffed. “Well, if you’re through throwin’ your weight around, you need to get to the hospital right away.”

  “Damn, Dory. I don’t think these minor bruises constitutea need to go the emergency room,” Jay said, a trace of laughter in his voice.

  “No, silly. A nurse from Christian Hospital called. Kendra’s in labor.”

  Jay dashed out the door, cursing silently when he rememberedthat Natalia was out of town. With Kendra’s birth coach away, he was left to deal with Kendra alone.

  Damn! It was raining on his world again.


  When Jay arrived, Kendra’s legs were jackknifed up alongside her swollen stomach, her hair was hanging wildly around her face, and her eyes were wild with fear. The birthing bed had been disassembled, and her feet were propped up against the edge of the shortened bed, with Dr. Gaye positioned between her legs.

  “About time your black ass showed up!” Kendra cried out between moans.

  A nurse gave him a sympathetic smile before anothercontraction seized Kendra. Putting aside their differences, Jay moved to her and grabbed hold of her hand. She screamed and squeezed his hand so hard he thought she had broken a couple of his fingers.

  “Kendra,” Dr. Gaye said, “when your next contractionbegins, I want you to bear down and push.”

  Her panting became rapid, and with the aid of the nurse, she leaned forward. Gritting her teeth, she followedthe instructions and pushed between sobs. “I can’t do this shit!” she screamed.

  “Yes, you can, Kendra,” Jay said while mopping her forehead. “You can do it.”

  The doctor smiled. “I see the baby’s head.”

  A bubble rose in Jay’s throat, and he released Kendra’s hand and walked around to stand beside the doctor to get a closer look. Shhiiit! Was that a pussy he was looking at all stretched out and shit? Hell, he knew they stretched, but damn, not like that. He wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. Then he noticed the baby and his mouth flew open. When he saw the crown of wet, matted hair a warm feeling flowed through him, and he no longer heard Kendra’s screams or the nurse coaching her along. The only thing he saw was h
is child’s head suddenly appear. The doctor stopped to suction the baby’s mouth and nose—a nose that was broad and so much like his own. Jay chuckled with excitement and placed a soothing hand on Kendra’s knee.

  “Come on, girl, you can do it,” he encouraged her, anxious to see his child.

  Kendra took a deep breath and gave an ear-piercing scream as she bore down hard. Within seconds, a small body appeared.

  The doctor held the baby up for everyone to see, then gave Jay a satisfied smile. “Congratulations, you have a handsome baby boy.”

  A boy!

  His son coughed, then squalled, and Jay couldn’t stop grinning. He watched with the grin plastered on his face, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks. He didn’t even try to stop them from falling.

  His son was placed on Kendra’s stomach while the umbilical cord was clamped and then cut.

  “You did good, Kendra,” Jay said softly before bendingover to plant a kiss on her cheek.

  Kendra stared down at her son and gave a weak smile that quickly faded. “He’s all wet and slimy.” Then she leaned back on her pillow and closed her eyes while the doctor repaired a minor tear. “Can you please take him away? I’m exhausted.” She brought the back of her hand to her forehead for added theatrical effect. The nurse carried the baby to a warmer and wheeled him out of the room.

  Jay moved like a zombie out into the hallway, followingthe warmer to the nursery, where a nurse met him at the door. She smiled and said, “Sorry, Dad, authorized personnel only. But you can watch over there.” She pointed to the long picture window.

  Jay was still grinning as he watched the nursing staff weigh and measure his son, footprint him, and put him in the tiniest diaper he’d ever seen. The nurse then put him in what looked like a small hospital gown and wrapped him tightly in a blanket. He tapped on the window, and she looked over and nodded knowingly. After she placed a small blue cap on the baby’s tiny head, she carried him in the crook of her arm to the window so Jay could get a closer look. His son gazed up at him as if he knew who his daddy was.


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