Backstage Billionaires: The Complete Serial (Menage Romance)

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Backstage Billionaires: The Complete Serial (Menage Romance) Page 11

by Marie Carnay

  Holding the pan under the hood with one hand, he turned to open the trash and almost ran into Rachel. She held his phone in her hand and from the look on her face, she’d seen the article.

  “Rachel—let me explain—”

  She glanced up at him and blinked. “Is that you and Alec and…” She cocked her head to the side and turned the phone to look at the woman pinned between them, naked from the waist down. “Your employee?”

  He dropped the burnt eggs in the trash and let out a ragged sigh. “Yes. That’s Daphne Meadows. The current head of A&R.”


  Rachel’s head spun as she stared at the photo. Alec Wells, Brooks Sullivan and mystery woman. She snorted. Daphne wasn’t a mystery to her. Unfriendly, abrasive, and gorgeous. But not mysterious in the slightest.

  Turning the phone, she squinted and tried to make out the action. The tabloid had blurred out Daphne’s naked ass, but there was no avoiding it. The way Alec pressed up against her and Brooks stared with those glazed over eyes—they weren’t practicing the latest dance moves. Rachel ran her tongue over her lips as her heart thump-thumped in her chest.

  She’d read the headlines when Melanie had searched their names the other day. Skimmed the stories. But staring at the two of them in full color, fucking the head of Artists and Repertoire…She sighed. “I take it you and Alec had a thing with her?”

  “Of sorts.” Brooks set the skillet on the stove and turned off the exhaust.

  The stench of burnt eggs and secrets filled the kitchen and Rachel glanced up with a frown. Why couldn’t the morning after just be awkward and sweet? Every time she woke up in one of their beds, the day turned to shit. She’d tumble onto the sheets full of hope and promise and wake up more confused than ever.

  She looked down at the photo again. “Did you fuck her before or after you hired her?”

  “Before. We met her at a nightclub. That’s where the photo was taken.”

  Of course. “You all had a threesome the night you met? Inside a club?” She pinched the bridge of her nose and breathed through her mouth. It really was their MO. Find a girl, pin her against a wall, screw her brains out. Rinse and repeat.

  “I’m not proud of it, Rachel. But that’s what we did back then, yes.” His voice dropped low with the last few words and Rachel glanced up.

  Gone was the man who’d wrapped her up in his arms the night before, opened up to her, made her hope. A stoic statue stood in his place. She frowned. “So what were all those women? One mistake after another?”

  His jaw ticked, but he stayed still. “Something like that.”

  “So am I one too?” She motioned with the phone, the photo of Daphne sandwiched between Brooks and Alec still lighting up the screen. “Because that’s how we met, Brooks. Or don’t you remember walking in on Alec with his head in my crotch?”

  In a blink, he closed the distance between them. “You are nothing like Daphne.”

  No shit. “You mean I’m not blonde and gorgeous and pixie-sized?” Her voice turned tinny and off-pitch and she fought back a sob.

  “No.” He took the phone from her fingers and set it on the counter before wrapping her hands up in his. His fingers dwarfed hers and she focused on their gentle pressure as he spoke. “I mean you actually care. Daphne…the other women…they used us as much as we used them. Don’t you understand?”

  She sniffled. “No.”

  “We were a novelty—a freak show they could gossip about to their friends. Not—someone we could love.”

  She flicked her gaze up to his. Love? “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that Daphne and that story are irrelevant. Alec and I want you in our lives for way more than a night. Don’t let some gossip-mongering tabloid ruin that.”

  She’d listened to all he’d said, but one word stuck on repeat in her brain. Love. Brooks said love. She chewed on her lip and shifted her weight back and forth. They’d barely gotten to know each other and every time she let him and Alec in, something got in the way. The contract, the tabloid. Past mistakes, new secrets. But…love. She swallowed and looked into his brown eyes. “So you were telling the truth when you said you’d given all that up—that I wasn’t just another fling?”

  He nodded. “That photo’s from over a year ago.”

  “Then why is it news?” She frowned and glanced at the counter. “What’s the point of publishing it now?”

  * * *

  Brooks twitched. Christ. She hadn’t even looked at it. No wonder she was focused on Daphne. He swallowed and picked up the phone. “You didn’t read the article?”

  “No. I thought it was just the photo…There’s more?”

  If he hadn’t lied already, he’d have been tempted to cover it up. Spare her the details. But she’d find out eventually. And lying would only make it worse. He scrolled up and handed it over. “The article’s about you, Rachel. You and Alec and Avenue Records’ Rich Garrett.”

  She grabbed the phone and her cheeks paled, color draining with every word she read. At last, she looked up. “It’s not true, Brooks. None of it.”

  He nodded. That’s what he’d hoped, but hearing her say it still mattered. “Is that when you met with him? The meeting I set up?”

  With a glance at the photo of her and Rich and Alec, she nodded. “Mmm-hmm.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me Alec showed up?”

  “I don’t know.” Her brows knitted and she paused. “I guess there wasn’t a good time. I didn’t run into you before the media event and when you whisked me out of there…I didn’t see the point.”

  He tore his gaze from her, concentrating on the worn wood floor as he mulled over what she’d said. God, how he wanted to believe her. But he didn’t know what Alec—what they both— meant to her. She could be stringing them both along. She could be falling for Alec instead of him. He could be falling for a woman who didn’t want anything from the two of them but their bodies in a bed.

  The possibilities ricocheted back and forth in his head until she reached out and touched his arm. “What is it? What are you thinking?”

  Her thumb rubbed in circles around and around his skin and he finally looked up. Sharing doubts and fears wasn’t his usual style, but for her…he’d try. “Is there more going on between you and Alec? Something you haven’t told me?”

  The circles stopped, but she kept her hand on his arm. “I don’t understand.”

  “Are you…picking him over me?”

  “Last time I checked, you were the one getting all the extra attention in this relationship, not me.” Alec sauntered in wearing nothing but last night’s suit pants and wrinkled his nose. “Ugh. What’s that smell?”

  Brooks frowned. “I burnt the eggs.”

  “What happened? You all get frisky and forget about breakfast?”

  “No.” Rachel dropped her arm and handed Brooks his phone. “But that would have been a much better start to the morning.”

  Alec glanced at Rachel and then turned to Brooks. “What’s happened?”

  “A tabloid’s decided we’re news again. Haven’t you checked your email?”

  “I haven’t even taken a piss yet, Brooks. So no, I haven’t checked my email. Just spit it out.”

  Brooks handed him the phone and as Alec read the headline, he burst out laughing. “Like Rich Garrett would come within ten feet of me naked. Must have been a slow news day, that’s for sure.”

  Thank god. His partner lacked for tact, but his reaction confirmed it was a lie. Rachel was telling the truth. He let out a breath as Alec handed back the phone, but he waved him off. “No, keep reading. There’s more.”

  Alec scrolled with his thumb, his eyes scanning back and forth until he hit the picture of Daphne. “Is that—?” He tilted his head and groaned. “Fuck. I thought we took care of that ages ago.”

  “Apparently not.” Brooks grabbed his cold coffee and dumped it in the sink. He poured a new cup for himself, pulled down an empty mug, and held it out to Rachel. She took it w
ith shaky fingers and he filled it to the brim. Part of him wanted to tell them both that he knew—that the reporter had called him and given him a warning. But he didn’t want to make it worse. Not when Rachel kept blinking back tears and Alec couldn’t stop clenching his fists.

  “There’ll be fallout. We need to contain it.”

  Alec nodded. “Have you talked to Daphne?”

  “No. Knowing her, she’s probably still asleep.” Brooks already dreaded the conversation he’d need to have next. Daphne hadn’t exactly been shy about their liaison all those months ago. Now that it was out in the open…He shook his head. “I’ll talk to her this morning.”

  “Good. Maybe you can get to her first.”

  “What about me?” Rachel piped up and both men turned to her.

  “You, darling, are ravishing.” Alec sauntered over and tried to slide in for a kiss, but she pushed him away.

  “Stop it.” She set her mug on the counter and crossed her arms. “I mean about the press. I can’t imagine what Mr. Garrett must be thinking.”

  Alec rolled his eyes. “Who gives a shit about Rich Garrett?”

  Rachel started to answer, but Brooks cut her off. “She does, you jackass.” God, Alec could be an arrogant prick. Sauntering into his kitchen half-naked, blowing off Rachel’s concerns. He had some nerve. “She had a meeting with him. Apparently you were there.”

  “Mmm. The meeting. Yes, I remember.” He winked at Rachel and she blushed.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Alec brushed past him and pulled a mug out of the cabinet. He filled it and leaned against the counter. “The meeting with Rich was…forgettable. But after…” He took another sip. “I’ve never had so much fun in a parking lot.” His eyes flashed and Brooks’s anger sparked along with them.

  “Is there something I should know?”

  Rachel spoke up. “No, there’s not. Alec walked me to my car. Things got a little…heated. That’s all. But that doesn’t matter right now, does it? What matters is the article.”

  Brooks wanted to press both of them harder, but Rachel was right. They needed to stop the story before it snowballed out of control. “I can make some calls. See if Avenue can kill the story.”

  Alec sighed. “Face reality, you two. Even if Avenue gets it taken down, they won’t touch her with a ten-foot pole.”

  “You don’t know that for sure.”

  “I know Rich Garrett. Any whiff of a scandal and he’s done.”

  Brooks glanced at Rachel. Shoulders slumped, arms wrapped around her middle, lip quivering. He wanted to snap his fingers and make it all disappear.

  “If you ask me, it’s the best thing that could have happened.” Alec grinned and Brooks tensed. Nothing good could come of that smug smile.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Easy.” Alec set down his cup and turned to Rachel. “You can sign with us. Our offer still stands. Come to Falcon. Be our artist.”

  In an instant, Rachel morphed. Gone was the quiver, hello was the rage. She palmed her hip and Brooks knew she was about to blow. Alec just didn’t get it. Not at all. With a last swig of his coffee, he set the empty mug on the counter and turned to his best friend. “That’s enough, Alec.” He stepped up to him and glowered. “She wants to sign with someone else. And I’m helping her do that. Drop it.”

  Alec smirked. “If this doesn’t go away, she won’t have any other options. She’ll have to sign with us.”

  * * *

  Rachel’s eyes went wide as Alec’s words echoed in her head. No other options. She’ll have to sign with us. It’s what Alec had been wanting all along. He wouldn’t…He couldn’t. She looked up and met his cocky stare. “You didn’t leak the photo, did you?”


  “The photo of me and you and Rich Garrett. Did you give it to the tabloid to ruin my chances of signing with Avenue?”

  He shook his head and the smile slipped from his face. “No. Rachel, I’d never do something like that.” He pulled himself off the counter and stepped up to her. “I’d never intentionally hurt you.”

  “But you’re not upset about it. You want my career to be over before it starts. You want me out of options. Just like Daphne.”

  His nose crinkled and he cocked his head. “Don’t be ridiculous. I want no such thing. Rachel—I want you. In my bed, signed with my label, more. So much more.”

  She snorted and stepped back. “That’s all this has ever been about with you. The conquest. Getting me in bed. Signing me as an artist. After that, what will I be to you? A box checked? Another former fling?”

  “No. You know that’s not true. Rachel—” He tried to close the distance between them, but she waved him off.

  “Save it, Alec. I’m not some game to play. I can’t—I can’t do this anymore.” She turned away from him, holding out her arm to keep him from following. All she could think about was leaving. Getting out of Brooks’s place and clearing her head. Ignoring the tiny voice deep inside begging her to stop and stay and listen. She busted into Brooks’s bedroom and dug out her phone.

  Melanie will know what to do. She’ll come get me. Help me figure out this mess. She swiped the phone on when it dinged. Her best friend was already on the way.

  Saw the article. I’m on my way. Be there in ten.

  At least someone had her back.


  She turned around and Brooks stood in the door. “I have to go, Brooks.”

  “I can’t convince you to stay?”

  “And do what? Pace back and forth while Alec pretends this isn’t a big deal? Watch you make some calls?”

  He closed his eyes and sighed. “You’re right. But I don’t like you leaving angry. I—I’m sorry, Rachel.”

  She shook her head. “No, don’t be. It’s not your fault. But I have to get out of here. I need some space. Some time to breathe.”

  Brooks nodded and she could tell he wanted to say more.

  “What is it?”

  “Just—don’t give up on Alec. He’s not used to relationships. He doesn’t know how to even begin.”

  Rachel gave him a weak smile. “Then maybe he shouldn’t be in one.”

  “I’ll fix it. If not with Avenue, then with someone else. I’ll get the story taken down. The buzz will die out.” He stepped toward her, but she shook her head. “You’ll get a record deal.”

  She zipped her bag shut and shrugged. “I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

  * * *

  The barista handed Rachel’s coffee through the car window and Melanie passed it over with a smile. “There. Drink that and take a breath. You need it.”

  Rachel nodded and took a sip as her best friend pulled out of the drive-thru and eased onto the road. Mmm. Chocolate and milk and just enough coffee to prove it wasn’t dessert. Perfect. If she could sip it all day, maybe she could make the morning disappear.

  “You don’t actually think Alec planted the article, do you?”

  Or not. The question jolted Rachel out of happy-land and straight into the unknown. “No. Yes. Maybe?”

  Melanie pursed her lips as she stopped at a red light. “It just doesn’t seem like him, if you ask me. He’d already interrupted the meeting and wasn’t exactly nice to the guy. If he’d wanted to make sure the deal was dead, he’d be more straightforward.”

  Rachel thought about Alec. How he’d never been cagey or indirect. Pinning her to the wall two minutes after saying hello. Bringing her right over the edge against the door of her car. She shifted in the seat and took another sip. Melanie was right. If he wanted something, he went for it. No holding back.

  “What’s the problem? You’re frowning.”

  “It’s just—he’s lied before.”

  “No. He kept something from you. That’s not the same as spreading rumors in the press. Besides, the story hurts Falcon too. I can’t imagine he’d want to do that.”

  “You have a point.” Rachel tucked her legs up underneath her in the passen
ger seat and glanced out the window. Palm trees and pedestrians and graffiti whizzed by and she swallowed. Hard. Everything she’d discovered about men and herself and even love with Alec and Brooks seemed to be slipping away. Just like the blur of West Hollywood.

  She inhaled and turned back to Melanie. “I didn’t tell Brooks about the parking deck and Alec.”

  Melanie slowed the car and looked over. “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. I—I guess part of me can’t believe that it’s all real. That not only do two sexy as sin billionaires want me, but they’re willing to share. That doesn’t happen in real life. I keep thinking it must be some wicked game. Some sick joke. That they’re in some sort of competition to see who comes out on top.”

  Her best friend shrugged. “Say that’s all true. Who’s winning?”

  Rachel bit her lip. She should say Brooks. He’d been the one to open up, to give her part of himself. Show her who he really was underneath his veneer. But Alec…She couldn’t see him without her heart speeding up and her muscles clenching in anticipation. One kiss of his lips, one caress of his fingers, and she melted. He’d been a class-A asshole, but only because he wanted her. “Honestly? I have no idea.”

  “Then stop worrying about it.” Melanie turned onto their street and gasped. “I think you’ve got other problems.”

  Rachel glanced up and let out a shriek. “Are those…paparazzi?”


  Brooks strode down the halls of Falcon collecting his thoughts. He hadn’t spoken to Daphne about that night since her job interview. The most awkward job interview of his entire life. He’d walked into the conference room, the ghost of her lips still wrapped around his cock. Her perfume all over him. And there she’d been—sitting at the table in a navy skirt suit with the same damn smile plastered on her face.

  Alec had thought it was funny, but Brooks’s stomach had flipped and he’d excused himself. By the time he’d come back, Alec had all but hired her. And he’d been right to do so. She’d hit the ground running. Handling late nights and early mornings with ease. Scouring the entire West Coast music scene for new talent. Wooing the best of the best.


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