Authorized: Mercenary Shifters (Mercenaries For Hire Book 4)

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Authorized: Mercenary Shifters (Mercenaries For Hire Book 4) Page 7

by Becca Vincenza

  “I’m sorry. Asher called me ‘mate’; it had torn me up on the inside. It usually was followed by some sort of …” I swallowed a couple times. Gods, I wanted to be braver for him. He looked like a male who deserved a fearless mate, but instead he got me. Little ole Mallory, still trying to figure out herself. Especially now, with this new revelation about having met my actual mate.

  Apollo growled again but opened the door wide enough to allow me inside without having to touch him. Sucking in a breath, I decided to try and be brave. I brushed gently against his chest when I entered the building. Satisfaction warmed my insides. It felt like it came from a different, new part of me.

  Apollo closed the door behind him and led me up the stairs. The building’s stairs creaked heavily under our combined weight and I worried that it would fall apart under us. Gripping the bannister, I hoped to hit a solid footing soon.

  We made it up two stairways before Apollo stopped at one of the doors and made quick work of the three locks on it. Lifting a hand, he indicated for me to wait as he slipped inside. He left the door open a crack, and I strained to listen.

  My senses had been getting better since the moment I left the hospital. Apollo’s fresh, crisp scent called to me. Like an invisible cord tied from my belly to him, it pulled me forward. Restraining from following him, I took comfort in following his scent and the quiet creaks of the floorboards. He moved silently in a way most shifters knew how to move. Mazy had gotten away with so much when we were kids because she could move silently. I had a major disadvantage.

  The door swung open, and Apollo stood there with a frown on his face but waved me in. Ducking my head, I slipped inside. The interior felt at odds with the entire building. While it wasn’t anything fancy, it felt homey; well-loved but well kept. The room smelled clean, it didn’t smell like someone lived here regularly. It felt strange to know that, but after living with shifters my whole life it felt right.

  “Whose place is this again?”

  “It’s an extra apartment my friend keeps. He is letting us hole up here for the night. Tomorrow we should get out of the city.”

  “What about after that?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  I sighed, leaning against the arm of the couch. Apollo stood in the kitchen area watching me with those rainbow brown eyes. Gold sparked underneath them, his animal watching.

  “Asher isn’t going to just give up. I am not naïve enough to believe that. Even if we leave the city and keep a low profile he won’t stop searching. He knows my weaknesses, or weakness. If Mazy has finally got her mate, I don’t want to ruin their lives either. So what are we doing after?”

  “We are doing nothing. Once I get in contact with your sister’s mate, he and I will take care of the problem.” His animal pushed forward, his eyes completely gold now, and his canines grew a little.

  “What are you?”

  “A mercenary.”

  “We’ll get to that in a moment. But I meant what kind of shifter.”

  A growl rumbled from his chest. “You sure you want to know that?”

  “Yes.” I refused to back down from his stare. My parents’ rules pounded in my head but a different, new part of me refused to listen. Don’t give in.

  Apollo’s lips peeled back into a smile. “Wolf.”

  A shudder went through my body; a delicious, unexpected shiver. Something inside of me loved knowing what kind of shifter he was. It took great pleasure in it.

  “Your animal approves.”

  My eyes flashed up to his. I hadn’t even realized I turned my gaze away―not down but away.

  “She’s showing herself just a little bit there in your eyes.”

  “I had been sick with Asher, I assumed that it’d been too late for her to emerge. I thought she was dying.”

  “No, she was waiting for your mate. And she probably needed an alpha, someone stronger than Asher.”

  Raising my brows, I gave him a look. He let out a warning growl.

  “I want to shower. But just so you know, I don’t accept your answer about you and my sister’s mate going after him.”

  “Good thing you don’t have to worry about it. Come on.” Apollo left the kitchen area, heading over to one of the closed doors attached to the living room. He opened the door to a small but functional bathroom. It was such a different contrast to what Asher had subjected me to that I felt the tension leave my shoulders.

  “There are two locks on the door. A regular lock that came with the house, and an industrial, shifter-strength lock. Use both. There are no windows for people to sneak through, and I will be in the kitchen making you food.” Apollo left, heading straight back to where he came from.

  For that alone I felt eternally grateful. My parents had been true mates, they were rarely without each other. Apollo must have been feeling the same urge to stay close―as was I―but yet here he was trying to give me a bit of space. It made me feel safer and trust him a little more.

  “Thank you, Apollo.”

  Before he could say anything, I shut the door behind me and flipped the locks over. The quiet clicks filled the room. Breathing a little easier, I went to the shower/bath combo and turned on the water. As I waited for it to warm, I went to the small vanity. The mirror that hung over the sink was small but served its purpose. It seemed to be the common theme in the apartment.

  Green eyes that had a hint of a glow in them stared back at me. Sunken cheeks, and thin, uncared for lips. I cringed at my reflection. Shifting my thoughts back to the glow in my eyes, I felt for that foreign piece of me that had been making itself known. A subtle brush of fur touched my mind. Warmth coursed through me. I blinked, my eyes glowing more readily than before.

  Stepping back from the mirror, I squashed down the hope that bubbled up inside of me. She might be just barely there, but it didn’t mean I would ever get to fully embrace my animal. I had to think about this logically. Though my parents had done their best to find out any information on latent shifters, we were rare and few in between. Especially those still living with their birth parents.

  I worried with the trauma from my past, coupled with our rocky start, she would never fully emerge. Letting those thoughts fade away, I got into the shower, hoping to wash away the memories. And my silly hopes.

  Chapter 15


  My wolf couldn’t understand how my mate stood only feet away and I wasn’t in the shower with her. Fuck, my cock grew hard as unwarranted thoughts rushed through my head. Water forming rivulets down her perky breasts. Her nipples tightened and wanton. Stifling a growl, I paced away from the door. Mallory probably deserved better than me, a male that could control himself. But fuck I didn’t believe any male had that sort of self-control.

  Maybe Moss.

  The thought of him anywhere near my mate made me see red. My claws punched through my skin, piercing where I curled my hands into tight fists. My mouth felt cluttered with my canines lengthening.

  Yeah, I was too much of an asshole to give Mallory up. She had just escaped captivity, after being sick for months, and my mind should be far from what I wanted to do with her sweet, supple body. Growling at myself again, I went to work in the kitchen. Moss kept the place semi-stocked, with foods that could last in the freezer. I pulled out two steaks and placed them on the counter to defrost.

  It’d be the best option for now. I threw them into a pan and dug through the fridge, searching for anything else to go with it. It was already late, and I had no idea if Mallory would really want that much food, but I couldn’t push away the urge to take care of her. The shower continued running and I kept myself busy with anything else to keep my mind off of her.

  Mallory’s earlier question about what we would do about Asher ran through my head. I had wanted out of the merc game―the life didn’t appeal to me anymore―but if it meant keeping my mate safe, I didn’t feel that normal niggling of guilt. Lucas and his other two friends had not been the worst mercs out there. Even before their
mates they had a code they lived by. I hadn’t for a small part of my life.

  The water turned off and my head popped up in the direction of the bathroom. She needed to be protected and I would be willing to sacrifice any piece of my remaining tattered soul. Forcing my head back down, my ears strained to listen to any noise that came from within. After what felt like a couple tortuous hours, the locks switched over.

  The door creaked open and I kept my head down even though every inch of me demanded I look up. A freshly showered Mallory might be my undoing though. And any shred of control I had would fly out of the window.

  She cleared her throat, demanding my attention. Instead, I kept my head down, watching the browning steaks.

  “Are there any extra clothes here? I really don’t want to put these back on.”

  Immediately shame roared through me; my wolf clawed at my insides. How could I have not checked for her? Of course she wouldn’t want to wear what Asher had forced upon her. Forcing my eyes up, my first sight was of her bare legs. A shudder went through me, as what seemed like miles of bare, milky smooth skin greeted me. Wrapped lightly around her lithe body was a thin, white towel. It stopped at the swell of her breasts, and that caused a twitch in my cock.

  Fuck. Following the line of her neck, my full-blown out eyes met hers. To my surprise and my wolf’s delight, her animal crept forward again. Luminous green eyes watched me with appreciation that I recognized.


  “Bedroom.” The word came out as a full-out growl. I had every intention of nudging my head in the direction of the room. Instead, my feet took over and I strode toward the room. Swinging the bedroom door open, I waited with my back pressed against it. Mallory looked uncomfortable for a moment before she stepped forward, straightening her shoulders. As she strode toward the door she slowed when she reached me.

  I didn’t leave enough room this time for her to pass without brushing against me. This time my wolf wouldn’t allow any distance between us. Mallory stepped forward, tipping her chin back stubbornly and refusing to back down. Whatever she tried to accomplish I didn’t think it was to have my cock pound with desire and lust for her. But it was all she managed to do with her glare.

  Mallory’s defiant look didn’t last long before it melted. I didn’t know where her thoughts had run to make her guard go up all of the sudden, but my wolf preened at seeing her relax again. Her scent had lost all traces of fear around me. Pride pumped through me. Mallory brought her hand up; it hovered over my chest for a moment before she pressed it against my shirt.

  Mallory peered up at me, nibbling at her bottom lip, and I growled with desire. Her hand on my chest twitched and a new heady scent swirled around her. Fuck, it almost brought me to my knees.


  “Don’t call me that.”

  She tightened her hold.


  Hearing my name on her lips? Fucking nirvana. Holding back, like an untrained pup, I felt my cock eager to burst with my release. Everything about her made me hyper sensitive. She made me want more than I cared to ever admit.

  “Get out,” she whispered as she slipped a little farther past me. She blinked her heavily lidded eyes, and I knew she hadn’t been immune. She felt desire for me. Her scent didn’t lie.

  Trying to be respectful, though, I tugged the door a little farther closed.

  “All the way, Arctic Breeze.”

  I snarled, shutting the door between us. I realized when she used a nickname with me she was trying to distance herself from me. Shaking my head, I knew I had been a shit. She needed time. Fuck, though, I wanted her now.

  Stepping away from the bedroom, I made myself busy in the kitchen again, saving the meat from burning. Mallory had been in the room for some time and I couldn’t hear any movement. I breathed in the scents of the apartment―still just hers and mine. Moss’s subtle undertone lingered but his scent had never been overpowering.

  Turning off the stove, I walked over to the room. Easing the door open I peeked inside. Mallory lay curled up on the bed, her breathing even and relaxed. She had found a pair of sweatpants that looked huge on her and an even bigger plaid button up. Her hands had been tucked inside of the sleeves and pressed close to her chest.

  As quietly as I could, I entered the room and covered her up with the blanket. Mallory sighed and her strained body relaxed. Her nostrils flared, and she uncurled a little more. Pride pumped through me. Mallory, at least subconsciously, trusted me. Her animal must trust me. The urge to stay with her lingered inside of me. Instead, I pulled my shirt off and set it next to her. Hopefully my scent would afford her a better night’s rest. The next couple of days wouldn’t be easy.


  My neck creaked as I woke up. One leg had fallen to the floor, the other draped over the arm of the too small couch. There’d be no way I could sleep on the couch at the cabin, when we got there. Mallory would have to just share.

  Sitting up, I rubbed at the back of my neck. My nostrils flared as I took in the scents in the apartment. Mallory’s had become stronger, and I whipped my head around to follow the scent trail.

  “Over here,” she announced from the table sitting in the kitchen area. She had the steak I made last night in front of her, about to pop a bite into her mouth. My gaze remained glued to her lips wrapping themselves around the small morsel that I made especially for her. My wolf rumbled with pleasure. Taking care of our mate, that felt right.

  “What time is it?” I grumbled. I should have been awake before her. Hell, we probably shouldn’t even be here anymore. We arrived at the apartment around two or three in the morning. I had only planned on letting her get in the shower, food, and a quick nap. Asher might already have scouts out, or his people could be headed straight for us.

  Rubbing my hands over my face, I waited for Mallory to answer me.

  “It’s ten after nine.”

  “Fuck,” I mumbled behind my hands. Swinging my other leg over, I ran my hands through my hair before standing up. “We need to get moving.”

  “Can I call Maze?”

  Shit. I remembered I promised her but I had also meant to get out of here earlier and pick up a burner phone on our way out of the city. I didn’t know that we could afford the time, but as my gaze swung toward Mallory I didn’t think I could deny her.

  “We need to get out of the city.”

  “I’m not leaving without being able to talk to Mazy.”

  “I gotta get a burner phone. I don’t trust that Asher hasn’t already tapped into anything that might be connected to one or both of us.”

  “Then go get one.”

  I looked over at Mallory who had both her eyebrows raised in a challenge. My wolf surged forth, wanting to answer the call. Pushing him down, I locked my gaze with Mallory.

  “I can’t leave you here.”

  “Then take me with you and we can head out while I’m on the phone.”

  A quiet growl sounded at the back of my throat. She sounded extremely pleased with herself, and I had a feeling she knew exactly what she was doing.

  “I don’t like games, Mallory.”

  “I don’t either. But the way I grew up, Arctic Breeze, is the way I have to do things. A latent in a shifter world? Sounds like the bad beginning to a song to be honest. Yet it was not an easy life. My sister was all I had after our parents died. I’m going to tell you this one more time, I won’t do anything without make sure she is safe.”


  “Thank you, Apollo.”

  A warmth spread through me. She finished eating the warmed up steak and I headed to the bathroom. We needed to leave the apartment as soon as possible but I needed a shower. The next hour we moved quickly, or rather I did while Mallory ate, then changed clothes. She couldn’t find anything that fit her much better than the sweats so she switched what she had on. However, I noticed she took the shirt I had left by her during the night and wore it.

  I walked through the apartment w
ith a towel hung low on my hips, hoping that Mallory would catch a sight of her mate. Instead, I couldn’t find her. Panic rushed through me and I pulled in the scents of the area. Nothing different. Instead, Mallory’s scent came from the bedroom.

  I headed in that direction.

  Chapter 16


  The shower stopped, and I felt a sudden flush through my whole body as I thought about who was currently under the spray. I highly doubted that he showered with a bathing suit on, and the other presence that kept getting stronger in my mind rubbed against me. Encouraging me to the door. Unlike I did, Apollo left the door completely open. Feeling restless and uncomfortable, I needed to put some space between us.

  I walked to the bedroom and decided to spend a few minutes alone trying to get the image of a very naked Apollo out of my head. When I woke up this morning, I discovered he had left his shirt on the bed, and to my total embarrassment I snuggled my nose in the folds of the fabric. I breathed in his scent, letting it calm me. I didn’t want to admit that I had nightmares about Asher, because he shouldn’t hold that power over me. But it had been impossible.

  Apollo’s scent alone chased away the lingering effects of the dream, so I kept his shirt close by―I put it on, and found another pair of sweatpants to wear for now. It felt strange not having anything of my own, but with the situation we were in, it’d have to wait. One thing I would not wait on, though, was contacting my sister. I sat on the edge of the bed, playing with the edge of Apollo’s T-shirt.

  “That looks good on you.”

  I glanced up to see Apollo’s wolf was out to play again. His eyes burned with his animal. My own responded in kind; I felt her shift around under my skin. I shuddered, feeling awkward as I adjusted to the new sensations.

  “You’re naked.”

  “Well, I can be if you want.” He grabbed for the towel that hung dangerously low already.

  My eyes shot up to his. “Oh no you don’t.”


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