International Guy_Copenhagen

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International Guy_Copenhagen Page 10

by Audrey Carlan

  Lost in my thoughts, I lean against the limo and cross my ankles, my eyes focused on those two doors. A buzz of activity occurs inside. Voices rise, and people calling out words of excitement and surprise becomes a dull roar in my ears as I anticipate what the hubbub is all about. Until the doors separate and there she is.

  My dream girl.

  My Peaches.

  Skyler freakin’ Paige.

  She smiles wide when she notices me, her gait sure and strong, never faltering for a moment. She could be walking a catwalk and never look more beautiful than she does now, on a mission to see me. Her caramel-colored eyes are sparkling against the morning sun, her hair a golden halo of waves around her pretty face.

  Flanking her are a beefy man and a petite blonde. Though what the blonde lacks in height she far makes up for in attitude. Her arm is out, and she’s created a wall around the left side of Skyler, keeping pace with her. The man on the other side has a stern, don’t-mess-with-us look plastered across his face. He has an arm out as well, keeping people at a distance. My Peaches doesn’t even notice the crowd that has amassed around her. She just keeps moving forward until she’s standing right in front of me.

  Her smile is stunning as we stare at one another with wonder.

  “Hi,” she says shyly, standing a foot from me.

  I swallow and lick my lips. “You are so goddamned beautiful I can barely keep my hands off you.” Said hands shake with the need to grab, hold, and grip her flesh wherever I can reach.

  She smirks. “Then why are you?”

  I gift her my best cocky grin. “We gonna do this here? All eyes on us?”

  One of her perfectly shaped eyebrows rises up, and she smiles coyly.

  “I’m not scared if you’re not.”

  I pet my bottom lip and tilt my head. “To be seen with the most sought-after woman in Hollywood? Scared isn’t the word I’d use.”

  Blessed. Honored. Lucky as fuck . . . would all work nicely.

  “Yeah well, they don’t know what they’d be getting, how much trouble I can be.” She bites into her plump bottom lip, and I want so badly to be the one nibbling down on that bit of flesh.

  “I do.” I smile wide and decide to throw caution to the wind. If she doesn’t care, neither do I. Eagerly I place one hand on her waist; the other I tunnel into her silky hair and curve around her nape, smashing my lips on hers, her body catapulting against my chest, just where I want her.

  Her lips are soft and eager as I kiss her, opening for me immediately. I take the invitation and drink long and deep from the well that is her succulent mouth. She tastes of champagne and berries, so fucking sweet I can’t get enough.

  People are cheering and clapping around us, but I don’t care. Nothing matters when I have her in my arms. I hold her chin, delve my tongue in deeper, tasting every inch of her mouth. She sucks at my tongue and bites at my bottom lip. Her arms come around my body, clutching me to her. The feeling of having her body in my arms, her lips on mine, is unlike any experience that has come before. The blood in my veins roars with satisfaction, and the beast stirs, locked away in my boxer briefs. By sheer will alone I hold myself back from getting a stiffy. Simply smelling Skyler can make me hard as a rock. I swear the damn thing is programmed to her scent alone.

  I pull back and suck in a lungful of air. She leans her forehead against mine, smiling.

  “Some greeting . . . ,” she whispers.

  The cameras click around us as the paparazzi go wild.

  “God, I missed you,” I admit honestly.

  “Me too.”

  I lean back, kiss her forehead, and cup her cheek so I can pet her swollen lips. “I love seeing your mouth swollen from my kisses.”

  She grins. “I know. You always touch them after you’ve kissed me silly.”

  “It’s because it’s so out of this world, kissing you, that I have to touch you after, to believe it happened.”

  Skyler loops her arms around my shoulders and brings me in for a hug. “Take me away. We’ve given the paps enough for today.”

  I nod against her hair but take a full, deep inhalation to capture her peaches-and-cream scent that drives me crazy. I fill my lungs with it, and a sensation of utter peace fills every inch of my being.


  With her near, I feel complete.

  Fuck me.

  Holding hands, we enter the lobby of the hotel. We weren’t able to avoid the paparazzi at the entrance here either. It’s as though every media source in Europe is in attendance, and they have bombarded every ritzy hotel and airstrip.

  Skyler ignores the camera flutters, staying by my side, her bodyguards flanking both of us as we enter the hotel.

  “Ms. Paige, you are to go nowhere without either Rachel or me at your side. This is a media shit show,” Nate growls as we enter the elevator.

  I smile and nod at Nate Van Dyken. The man is huge. As big and broad as King Sven, he has to be of Scandinavian descent. The man could lead a ship full of Vikings into battle and come out unscathed. From his shoulders to his feet he’s a wall of muscle. His wife, Rachel, is no lightweight either. She may be small and fit, but I saw her push a man ten feet back when the guy attempted to touch Skyler, and he was three times Rachel’s weight. Between the two of them, they do not mess around.

  “I like your team,” I state loud enough for both of them to hear. Rachel’s lips twitch with a smile, but Nate stands in front of the elevator doors, bulging arms crossed over one another, feet apart in a battle stance, acting like a shield as we stand in the back.

  “Me too. They’re awesome. And they lighten up when we’re alone in a room chilling out. Don’t you, guys?” She speaks as if she’s annoyed, but they don’t so much as react. They are in work mode, and I fucking love it.

  We get to the suite I ordered. The three-bedroom suite connects in the middle where there’s a living room, bar, and dining area.

  “Stay here with Rachel.” Nate’s demand stops us both where we stand. “I’m going to check it out.”

  I hand him the key, and he enters silently. Within seconds I hear a ruckus behind the doors. I grab Skyler and place her behind me and wedge her into the corner.

  Rachel opens the door, holding it open as she calls out, “Do we need backup?” She hollers into the hotel suite after her husband but doesn’t leave her post.

  “Nah, I got the filthy locust.” Nate storms out of the room, a huge camera in one hand, a man in a hotel catering uniform dangling by his other meaty fist. Nate has the man strung up by the back of his shirt and vest. He kicks and swings his arms out but is no match for the sheer size of the brute.

  Nate hands Rachel the camera. She opens the back and pulls out the SIM card and places it in her back pocket.

  “You can’t do that!” he screams as Nate presses the button for the elevator to come back up.

  “You’re lucky I don’t destroy the camera, butt-wipe!” she grates through her teeth, and slams the camera into the man’s chest.

  “Babe, I’m taking him to the hotel security. Check the room to make sure there aren’t any other creepy-crawlies hiding under the bed.”

  Skyler gasps. “He was under the bed?”

  Nate nods and shoves the guy into the elevator.

  “I’ll be right back. Ellis, protect her.”

  “With my life,” I state, not realizing how serious my response is . . . because I would. Protect her with my life if anyone were trying to hurt her. Though wouldn’t I do that for anyone I cared for?

  Cared for.

  I close my eyes and turn to Sky, trying to ignore the niggling tension pressing against my chest. “You okay?”

  She nods. “Yeah, that was freaky, though. He was under the bed. Eww.”

  I inhale full and deep and nod. “Don’t worry. I plan to take away any bad vibes that bed may have and replace them with good ones.”

  She grins and wraps her arms around my neck. “Oh really, Mr. Ellis. How, pray tell, do you plan on accomplishing suc
h a feat?”

  I cup her cheek and lift her chin so that I can look into her now deeper-brown eyes. “Like. This.” I press my lips to hers. She sighs into the kiss, responding in a lazy manner as our tongues swirl and dance slowly around one another. I suck her bottom lip in, rubbing my tongue against it until she moans, repeating the process on the top lip next. She lifts up onto her toes, bringing our bodies in closer contact.


  “It’s clear. Uh, yeah. So, as much as I want to let you snuggle it out, can you do it within the safety of your hotel room?” Rachel interrupts our kiss and holds the door open.

  Sky beams with joy. “I need a drink!”

  “Yeah, me too. A cold one. Freezing.” I pretend to bite at her lips and eat at her neck as she squeals and jumps around me and past Rachel.

  Rachel smirks and purses her lips.

  I tap her nose on the way inside the hotel room. “Not afraid of you, She-Ra,” I joke.

  Her blank stare is rather unsettling. “You should be. I know thirty-seven ways to kill you with just my bare hands.” She blinks prettily, her blue eyes so light they’re almost lavender. She’s got long white-blonde hair that’s pulled back into a stack of what could only be called warrior braids. I surely wouldn’t mess with her.

  “I like you.” I gift her one of my sexy smiles.

  She huffs and slams the door behind us. “You think charm works on me? Did you not see my husband? He could break you in half like a twig. I go for slabs of muscle, Mighty Mouse, not charm and GQ looks.”

  Sky comes up to me and curves an arm around my waist. “Oh, he’s packed with muscle. Fit as a fiddle, this one.” She runs her hand up and down my chest. Pleasure splinters out, warming and liquefying every muscle in my body.

  Rachel tilts her head and assesses me from top to bottom. “Add fifty more pounds of solid muscle and then come talk to me. Until then, don’t mess with my girl, or I’ll have to end you.”

  “Damn, She-Ra! And I thought we were going to be friends.” I make a show of being properly affronted.

  “That remains to be seen. Don’t leave without telling us.” She glances at Skyler, giving her a stern look that means absolute business.

  Skyler squeezes me around the waist. “No worries. We’re going to get a drink and hit the sheets. I’m uh . . . tired.”

  Rachel looks at Sky as if she’s just grown a pair of red devil horns. “After sleeping all the way over here on the plane? Did you know this girl can sleep an entire eight hours on a flight?” She hooks a thumb toward Sky but addresses me.

  I shake my head.

  “As though she were in her own bed back home. It’s incredible.”

  Skyler shrugs. “Planes lull me to sleep. The constant hum . . . the three shots of tequila, a full belly of beef Wellington . . . nighty night!” She laughs.

  I laugh with her and kiss her hairline, inhaling her natural scent once more. Can’t. Get. Enough. She smells so damn good.

  “I’ve got a bottle of Patrón at the ready. Shall we, Peaches?”

  Her eyes light up with joy. “Oh yes, we shall!”

  Warmth surrounds my cock as Skyler sucks me down her throat.

  “Jesus Christ!” I groan and arch up, gripping her hair at the base and pulling tight.

  She moans around the bite of pain I’ve inflicted but doesn’t stop her magnificent suction. Her tongue comes out of her mouth, and she runs the flat of it from the base up the length to swirl around the knobbed head. She flicks the slit at the top until a drop of my arousal spills out.

  Skyler hums and goes back down, bobbing along my cock, giving me world-class head.

  “Fuck!” I grit through my teeth. “Peaches, you’re gonna make me come.”

  “Mmm, then come.” She pulls me in deeper. The second she runs her wet fingertip along my perineum and swirls it around my asshole, I shoot off. The double stimulation obliterates my resolve not to come. There’s no holding back. Too much sensation at once. My balls pull up, my groin muscles lock, and I can barely handle not ripping the sheets to shreds as I grip both fists full of the cotton fabric. This way I don’t force her onto my cock and fuck her face the way I want to. She likes a little pain, but I don’t want to lose it and end up hurting her.

  My girl sucks me down like a champ until every last drop of my arousal is gone, along with that empty feeling that’s surrounded me since I left New York weeks ago.

  Sky cuddles up to my side, and I pet her naked body from her shoulder to her hip, while my own skin tingles and zaps with aftershocks from her magic mouth. “I’ll be returning the favor momentarily.”

  “Oh, I know you will.”

  “Though I’m going to have you sit on my face first.”

  She bites into my pec and then swirls her tongue around it. “Mmm. You taste and smell good, pretty boy.”

  There’s the pretty boy again. Hell, as long as she’s calling me something, I don’t care what terms of endearment she uses. Anything coming from her lips is golden.

  “Are you excited about tomorrow?” I ask, giving the beast a little recuperation time before I attack my girl.

  She absentmindedly traces the square bricks of my abs. “Yeah. Worried, though, too. It didn’t dawn on me how public this event would be. It should have, but I forget sometimes that I’m not normal. I can’t just go to a wedding with the guy I’m seeing.”

  “The guy you’re seeing?” I reiterate.

  She leans her chin on my chest. “Yeah. The guy I’m seeing. You okay with that casual description?”

  I mull it over in my mind. It’s actually the same thing I told the princess when she asked who Skyler was that first morning. “Yeah, I think it sums up what we’ve got going so far.”

  She smiles sweetly. “I just wish sometimes that every move I made weren’t caught on camera. I mean, I don’t regret being an actress. I love my job, and thanks to you, I’m back to doing what I love, but the fear, it’s still there crawling up my throat ready to choke me at any minute.”

  “How’s the therapy going?” I haven’t asked about it before now, feeling as though it’s hers to discuss or not, but now that she’s opened the door a little, I find I’m genuinely interested.

  Sky turns onto her back, putting some distance between us as she stares up at the ceiling. A long sigh leaves her mouth, and she pulls a lock of her own hair and twirls it in her fingers. “I guess you could say it’s good. Tracey is thrilled. More so because the studio is happy, I think. Is that wrong of me to say? I mean, she’s my best friend, but her work ethic can sometimes be annoying.”

  I chuckle and turn toward her, resting my head in my hand, my elbow lifting me up, so I can look down over her. “Your feelings are your feelings. Have you thought about talking to her about it?”

  She purses her lips. “I don’t know what to say. Every time I try to say I want to take a step back, she talks about the next big project, who wants me next, what ad campaigns I should consider later in the year that will boost my image.”

  I run my fingers through her hair, flipping her long layers over to the side. “What do you want to do?”

  “Mostly, I want to look into the charity thing we discussed. Do some volunteering. Help people. And of course, I want to act. Do the movies I’ve committed to and read scripts I receive for fun. Decide if I want to throw my hat in the ring. Most of the time, she’s already picking the big blockbuster-budget films, and I’m already a shoo-in. I don’t even have to audition anymore. I liked auditioning. It would be cool to work on a smaller project, you know. Something I could really sink my teeth into. Not another sci-fi or romance chick flick. Maybe a deeper, tragic movie. Something artistic.”

  “Do you have anything in mind?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but I have tons of scripts on my desk back home.”

  “I think you need to talk to her. Tell her what you’re feeling.”

  “I guess I just miss my best friend. We never talk about anything other than work.”

; “Have you thought about hiring a new agent?”

  She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. “I could never do that to her. It’s always been us.”

  “Then you need to talk to her. Tell her how you feel. Explain that you want some time being friends and not just coworkers.”

  Sky seems to mull it over. “I can do that.”

  I lean over and kiss her, biting down on her bottom lip. She kisses me back with fervor, the press of lips simple at first, then turning fiery and passionate within moments. I tunnel my arm under her back and lock my arm around her before rolling her over and on top of me. The beast takes notice of her naked body, hardening at the glorious friction of skin on skin.

  “Mmm, looks like Biggie is back in business.” She sighs happily.

  I snort, lift her up to a seated position on my stomach, and run my hand over her breasts, pinching her nipples until she arches back in the way that makes her look like a pleasure goddess.

  “Crawl up. I want to taste you,” I command.

  She shimmies her legs up the bed and braces her knees on either side of my head. I grip her hips and bring her center just over my face.

  “Hold it there, Peaches. I’m going to make you come so hard you see stars. You might want to hold on to the headboard.”

  “W-what—” she says, right before I lick her from slit to clit. “Oh God!” Her hands fly out, and she grips the headboard in a white-knuckled hold.

  I go to town on her, licking, nipping, sucking, and kissing every inch of her sex until she’s deliciously slippery. The thighs embracing my head are locked tight and shaking with the effort to stay in position.

  Taking my time, I flatten my tongue and bathe her sex, marking her everywhere I can, leaving no bit of her untouched.


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