Skin Walkers Conn

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Skin Walkers Conn Page 4

by Susan A Bliler

  Typically stoic, York was shocked to see the Indigenous Walker smile back at King as he nodded once.

  “Uh, you wanna let me in on the joke?”

  King turned back to York and slapped him on the back, a smile still splitting his features “Come on man we gotta get rolling. We’ll talk later.”

  York didn’t budge. “What do you mean affliction? Come on King, is he alright?” Concern marred the younger man’s features.

  King gripped York’s shoulder as he steered the man toward the waiting convoy of five blacked out four-wheel drive pick-up trucks. “Not yet York, but I promise you he will be.”

  York rubbed the back of his neck and let StoneCrow’s Chief of Security steer him to the third truck. “I should ride with Conn.”

  “No.” King supplied firmly. “He won’t want any men that close to Aries.”

  York stopped at the door of the third truck, “How do you know that?”

  King shook his head as he chuckled, “Oh, believe me I just know.”

  Chapter 6

  As the convoy ascended the final mile long winding road that led from the manned front gate to the main facility centered on the 336 acres of Montana forestland that comprised StoneCrow estates, Conn was distressed to discover that rather than finding relief with the promised conclusion of his business with Mason, he was agitated at the prospect. His eyes dipped to Aries as she moaned quietly in his arms beginning to wake from her sleep.

  When his truck pulled up in front of the four story castle-like building, he was annoyed to see Mason and Monroe waiting with Dr. Jenny Arkinson, formerly Jenny Houlton before she was claimed by Skin Walker Sentry Bishop Arkinson.

  Just as the truck was pulling to a stop the driver said, “Commander Drago, Chief of Security Mulholland requests you remain in the vehicle with the target until he’s had time to secure the perimeter.”

  Conn’s eyes left the trio waiting to greet them to scan the area. “Is there a problem?”

  “No Sir, but as your aware the main facility houses a school. Monroe doesn’t want the children witnessing more of StoneCrow’s…extracurricular activities than is absolutely necessary.”

  “Then why house your school in the same location as your main facility, infirmary, and holding cells?” More to himself he muttered, “Goddamn layout is a logistical fucking nightmare.”

  The driver eyed Conn through the rearview mirror. “It’s important to keep the children centrally located. Here they’re guarded on all sides and are close to their parents and the Sentries.” The driver shrugged before he dropped his eyes from the mirror. “It’s safer this way.” Then as an aside he stated, “And the holding cells are underground beneath the barn, not part of the main facility.”

  Conn merely grunted his dissent and turned his attention to King as he watched the Chief of Security approach Mason, Monroe, and Jenny from the vehicle behind his own. The group talked briefly and Conn could tell by Mason’s expression that whatever he’d just been informed of, he didn’t like.

  “Perimeter secure.” The driver was already halfway out his door as he made the statement.

  Not waiting for the driver to come round, Conn opened his door and effortlessly exited the vehicle with Aries in his arms. When he approached the waiting trio, Mason dropped his eyes to Aries’ still form. He leaned down and inhaled and Conn had to bite back a possessive growl at the other Walker’s action.

  When Mason stood, he kept his eyes on Aries even as a sadness seemed to wash over him.

  “Let’s get her to the infirmary shall we?” Jenny spoke up and motioned for Mason to take Aries.

  “I’ve got her!” Conn didn’t give Mason the opportunity to relieve him of Aries, instead he stormed by and walked purposefully down the corridor that he knew led to the infirmary.

  At the infirmary, Jenny insisted that he leave Aries on a gurney in an exam room before she requested privacy for her newly acquired patient.

  Conn didn’t go far, Jenny could scent him just outside the door. Quietly, she checked Aries’ vitals and made notes on her e-tablet before Aries finally began to stir.

  Aries’ eyes slowly blinked open and she gasped awake, her eyes frantically searching the room.

  “Easy,” Jenny placed her hands on Aries’ shoulders to keep her on the gurney. “You’re alright Aries. My name is Jenny Arkinson. I’m the Chief of Surgery. You’re going to be fine. Just relax.”

  “Where am I?” Aries demanded.

  Jenny’s voice was calm, soothing. “You’re at a place called StoneCrow.”

  “Who’s in charge?”

  Jenny smiled, “Of the estate? That would be Monroe StoneCrow. Of the infirmary? That would be me.”

  “Who’s in charge of letting me go?” Aries demanded.

  Jenny shook her head sadly, “You’re not a prisoner Aries you…”

  “Fine,” Aries snapped sitting up and swinging her legs off the gurney, “I’ll be leaving then.”

  “Wait!” Jenny’s hands were instantly on her shoulders, “We just want to ensure that you’re alright. It’s just a precaution.”

  “Precaution?” Aries growled, “You people shot me with tranquilizers. You people kidnapped me and took me from my home. If you wanted to ensure I was fine then you should’ve left me the hell alone.” Aries shoved Jenny’s hands from her shoulders and jumped off the gurney only to discover her legs weren’t truly prepared to hold her weight. She wobbled ungracefully halfway to the door when it clicked open and her eyes locked on Conn.

  Aries drew to a stop, her tone was angry as she growled, “I demand to be released!”

  Conn didn’t respond, instead he simply watched her.

  In turn, Aries watched him. His lithe power was inherent in his fluid movement as he circled silently around her. When he was behind her Aries made for the door, but Conn’s hand clamped around her arm before she was able to advance a single step.

  She spun on Conn, her angry eyes shimmering as she fought her overwhelming emotions. She was terrified and alone. Add to that the fact that she was starving and still hazy from the drugs. Tears threatened and she couldn’t control the telling catch in her voice, “I want to go home.”

  Conn’s sharp features appeared to soften as he stared at her. “Jenny,” he kept his eyes on Aries, “get Mason.”

  “Yes Commander.” Jenny strode obediently from the room and Aries’ eyes followed her.

  When the door closed Aries looked back at Conn and tried to control the rush of fear that swept over her. She was still wearing practically nothing in her black slip and matching ballet slippers. She had no weapons and no knowledge of her location or surroundings.

  She slowly pulled her arm free of Conn’s grip as he loosened his hold. “Who is Mason and what does he want with me?” She rubbed her arm where Conn had gripped it.

  Conn titled his head, watching her closely. “He’s your brother, and I’d assume he seeks to reconcile.”

  Aries’ eyes snapped to the door before she scanned the room searching for a weapon. “He’s lying. I have no brothers. I have no family.” She backed away from Conn and the door on legs that were slowly gaining strength. Bracing herself in the corner of the room she could only watch as Conn inhaled slowly, his eyes darkening drastically. Aries frowned at him, “What’s wrong with you?”

  Conn’s eyes slowly shifted back to their too reflective original state. “What do you mean?”

  “Your eyes. There’s something…wrong with you.”

  The corner of his severe mouth lifted by a fraction, but when the door opened the grin disappeared and Conn closed the distance to place himself directly in front of Aries.

  Chapter 7

  “Conn.” The tall broad man Aries assumed to be Mason greeted the man blocking her from view as he entered the exam room.

  “Mason.” Conn replied just as smoothly.

  Aries peeked around Conn’s massive frame to spy a glimpse of her so-called brother. She couldn’t help the un-lady like snort that left her
. The man looked nothing like her. Where her hair was all black except for the white streak at her temple, Mason’s was a soft brown. While her eyes were a warm hazel, Mason’s were a striking and vivid green.

  Mason cleared his throat, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to be alone with her.”

  Aries felt her heart accelerate. Dread swept over her. This can’t be good.

  “I do mind,” Conn replied.

  Aries couldn’t help the rush of relief that washed over her. She didn’t know Conn, but she certainly knew him better than Mason, and she knew that if Conn wanted her dead, brutalized, or raped it would already have happened.

  “Conn!” Mason growled in challenge.

  “Stop with the theatrics Mason, you’re frightening her.”

  Aries cowered behind Conn, hoping that if Mason couldn’t see her he’d forget she was there and just leave.

  “This,” Mason ground out, “is family business that does not concern you.”

  Aries could hear the amusement in Conn’s voice, “Let’s ask her.” Conn turned his head then to frown down at her, “Would you like to be alone with your…with this man?”

  She couldn’t keep her small hands from fisting in the back of his cammo shirt, “Can you stay?”

  Conn stared at her evenly, “Yes.” Then he turned to Mason. “You heard the woman.”

  “Fine!” Mason barked, “But for Christ’s sake get out of the way so I can at least get a good look at her.”

  Aries fully expected Conn to step to the side. Instead he reached behind him and pulled her under an arm so that her body was hidden leaving only her upper body exposed to Mason’s scrutiny.

  She blinked at the man who was staring at her intently, letting his eyes rove her features as if searching for something. He was built like Conn, large and broad.

  Now that I think about it all these men are built the same. They look like a team of MMA fighters.

  When Mason’s eyes shifted from the glassy green to a full matte black that consumed nearly his entire eye Aries tried to retreat under Conn’s arm. He clamped her to him holding her in place.

  Aries watched the other man inhale slow and deep several times before his eyes transitioned back to their beautiful reflective green. His eyes dropped to her throat and lingered there for long moments before the man dipped his head and his shoulders slumped. Aries knew then that he’d genuinely thought, or hoped it would seem, she was the sister he’d been searching for.

  “I…” Aries began softly drawing both men’s attention. “I’m sorry I’m not what you were looking for.”

  Mason’s expression darkened then he looked at Conn. “I still want tests. I need the proof.”

  Conn lifted his arm from her shoulders and pushed her behind him. “You know she’s not your sister Mason, there’s no need to torture her.”

  Torture! Panic flared to life and standing behind Conn, Aries again scanned the room quickly for some form of weapon, any weapon.

  “Now who’s indulging in theatrics? It’s not torture Conn, it’s a few simple blood tests to confirm that she’s no relation. And the last time I checked you had zero say about what occurs here at StoneCrow.”

  “Equally, I care zero about what occurs here at StoneCrow, but she’s my prisoner and I’ll decide how she’s treated.”

  “Prisoner?” Mason scoffed, “I retained you for your services Mercenary Drago, you’ll do as I say.”

  Aries pulled herself into the wall as Conn tensed in front of her, “I follow no man’s orders Mason, so I suggest you watch your mouth. And it’s Commander Drago.”

  “You’ve been paid!” Mason challenged.

  Conn reached down and pulled a rolled stack of hundred dollar bills from the front leg pocket of his fatigues before Aries heard it slap on the floor, “Keep your money. I’ll keep the woman.”

  Aries peeked around Conn’s large frame in time to see Mason stripping off his black suit coat. With it on he looked like a burly businessman, and with it off he looked like a potential challenge for Conn.

  “You forget Conn, I too am a Walker.”

  Walker? What in the hell does that mean? Could it have something to do with what I saw Conn do in the jungle?

  Then the door swung open and a third man casually entered. He too was dressed in a tailored all black business suit, but unlike Mason, this man’s hair was jet black and combed stylishly back. His eyes were a sultry sea blue and his olive complexion gave him a devastatingly handsome appearance. Aries sucked in her bottom lip, But not as gorgeous as Conn. What? Whoa, where did that come from?

  Conn turned to stare at her, the glint in his eye mortified her into wondering if she’d said the words aloud. No, I didn’t!

  “Aries.” The newcomer frowned at Mason then Conn before striding around the gurney that sat in the middle of the room to approach her from the other side. He extended his hand even as Conn growled a warning, “I’m Monroe StoneCrow. It’s a pleasure to have you here at the estate.”

  Aries looked from Monroe to Conn then back before timidly stepping forward and accepting the other man’s hand.

  “I apologize for my colleagues’ hostility. You’ll have to forgive Mason, he’s been searching for his sister for several years and every failure is quite disheartening.” Monroe released her hand and stood back to frown at Conn, “As for Commander Drago I understand he hasn’t slept or eaten since the night he discovered you in the jungle.” Monroe turned to smile at Conn, “Hunger can drive a man crazy you know.” It wasn’t a question.

  Aries spoke up then, “Now that you’ve all discovered that you’ve abducted the wrong woman I’d like to go home Mr. StoneCrow.”

  Conn smiled, crossing his arms over his massive chest as he leaned back against the wall to watch Monroe talk his way out of this one.

  Monroe’s smiled faltered, “Yes, of course.” He raised a finger to press it into his lips before proceeding, “But first, you must let our Surgeon examine you, ensure you’ve been unharmed. Then, we’d like you to be our guest here at the estate until we can arrange for your transport back to South America.”

  Aries’ eyed the man warily, “Can I refuse?”

  Monroe sobered, “I’m afraid not.”

  Aries ground her teeth together. Fucking liars! “I don’t want the exam,” she bit out as she strode to the door, ignoring Mason as he frowned down at her. The room was silent for several long moments until Aries turned to scowl at Monroe, “Well is someone going to take me to my cell?”

  Conn shoved off the wall and uncrossed his arms from his chest.

  “You’re not a prisoner Aries.” Monroe’s tone was light.

  “If I can’t leave than I am a prisoner. Take me to my fucking cell.”

  Mason spoke then, his expression still hard as he dropped his eyes from Conn to her as she stood before him, “I’m sorry I got you involved in this. It was my fault.” Then he lifted his eyes to stare at Conn, “I’m sorry I got you involved with him.” Then Mason turned and left the room.

  Aries still stood facing the door waiting for either Conn or Monroe to take her to her cell when Monroe began again, “Aries, the exam…”

  “Not tonight.” Aries didn’t turn as Conn growled at Monroe.

  “Conn, we have to find out…”

  “I know,” Conn cut in angrily, “But not tonight. It’s been a long four days. She’s tired and hungry. The effects of the drug still haven’t fully worn off either.”

  Silence reigned for several moments before Monroe relented on a harsh sigh, “Fine. Take her to her…cell.”

  Aries heard the rumble in Conn’s chest as he grabbed her arm and led her from the exam room.

  Chapter 8

  Aries kept her head down as she was led down the long narrow corridor. She rubbed at her arms in an attempt to ward off the chill that had crept over her when she’d envisioned the damp cold cell she anticipated being held in.

  Conn pulled her to a halt and grabbed the front of his shirt, ripping it open and sendi
ng buttons bouncing loudly on the linoleum floor. He pulled his arms free and wrapped the shirt around Aries’ shoulders. “Sorry if it smells bad.”

  It still held warmth from his body and Aries pulled it tighter around herself, whispering a “thank you” before noticing the earthy, spicy scent she now knew to be his. She inhaled deeply finding an odd comfort in the scent even as her eyes slid to stare at the form fitting white under shirt that clung to his chiseled torso like a second skin.

  His arms and chest were huge. The deep tan of his skin only added emphasis to the stark contours of his thickly corded muscle. Several scars resembling claw marks marred one rounded shoulder. Aries wondered if the same creature was the one to leave the long scar down his face as well. She liked the scar on his face it made him seem fierce. Hell, he’d seem fierce without it.

  His chest rose when he inhaled deeply and the action drew her attention. Letting her eyes slide down from the well-muscled chest, she could see the outline of his washboard abs through the thin white t-shirt he’d had on under his button-up. She had to force herself to pull her eyes from their eager wandering.

  She was led out double swinging doors as they entered what appeared to be a fancy hotel lobby before she was steered to a glass elevator. Conn followed her in, his hand still clamped—not roughly—on her arm.

  As they rode up, Aries lifted her head to stare at the beautiful manor and out the large picture windows that dotted the front of the building. It was night time, dark outside, and the lights were low and dim inside. In the night she could just make out thick fluffy flakes as they drifted gently to the earth. She sucked in a sharp breath.

  It’d been three long years since she’d last seen snow, and she’d missed it more than she ever could have imagined. The sharp sting of tears at her eyes had her lifting a hand and placing it on the glass of the elevator. She could almost feel the snow in her hand. She didn’t know that Conn watched her curiously.

  The elevator went up to the third floor and stopped before the doors slid open. They exited onto a beautiful navy carpet with gold designs that covered the expanse of the third floor. The hall was long with dark oak doors alternating on either side of the hall. Again she couldn’t help but feel that the estate felt more like a luxury resort than the hide-out for Walkers….whatever in the hell a Walker is!


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