Rosset, Barney, 48n
Roth, Philip, 321
Rothschild, Adolf, 96
Royal Court Theatre, 257
Rudge, Olga, 368
Russell, John, 137n
Russia, 78, 87
Ryder, Alfred, 229n
Saher, Lila von, 285n
St. Clements Church, 279n
St. Elizabeths Hospital, 213n–14n, 305, 306n, 323
St. Just, Lord Peter, 112n, 211n, 232, 255
St. Just, Maria, see Britneva, Maria
St. Louis, Mo., xii, xxiv, 4n, 37, 41, 52, 76, 108, 110, 194, 199, 264–65, 292, 303
Salter, Stefan, 219, 283n
Salt Lake City, Utah, 11n, 14–16, 36n
San Francisco, Calif., 86–87, 343, 344, 356n
American Conservatory Theatre (ACT) in, 337, 338n, 343n
San Francisco Examiner, 337
Santa Fe, N.Mex., 16, 17
Santa Monica, Calif., 24, 29
Sarasota, Fla., 249, 252
Saroyan, William, 34
The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze, 34n
Madness in the Family, 34n
The Man with the Heart in the Highlands, 34n
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 184
Crime Passions (Mains Sales), 105
No Exit (Huis Clos), 80, 81n
Sassani, Eleanora, 312, 313n
Saturday Review of Literature, 125, 128n, 140, 165
School of American Ballet, 4n
Schwartz, Alan, 245, 247n, 256
Schwartz, Delmore, xiii, 54, 156–57
Dr. Bergen’s Belief, 34n
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities, 34n
Shenandoah, 34
Summer Knowledge, 34n
Scofield, Paul, 309, 310n, 312
Seldes, Marian, 251n
Selznick, David O., 84, 86n, 92
Selznick, Irene Mayer, 84–85, 86n, 90n, 92, 154
Sevier, Valentine, 305
Shakespeare, William:
Hamlet, 105, 106n, 132
Othello, 38
Romeo and Juliet, 170
Shankar, Ravi, 211–12, 213n
Shapiro, Harvey, 348
Shapiro, Karl, Victory Letter, 54, 55n
Shostakovich, Dmitri, Fifth Symphony, 64
Shubert, Lee, 25n
Sicily, 99, 145, 148
Sillcox, Louise M., 164, 246
Simon, Simone, 21, 22n
Simon and Schuster, 306n
Singer, Louis J., 123, 124n
Sisters of the Holy Cross, 78
Sitwell, Edith, 158–59, 184
Small World (TV show), 224n
Smith, Kate, 72
Smith, Rita, 255
Smith, William Jay, 97
Tom: My Friend the Poet/Playwright Tennessee Williams, 98n
Social Credit, 87, 88n
South, The University of, xiv, 353
Sewanee Writers’ Conference at, xivn
Spain, 78, 185, 209, 320
Spark, Muriel, 232–33, 236
Memento Mori, 233
Spearhead: 10 Years of Experimental Writing in America (JL, ed.), 63, 64n, 86
Spencer, Theodore, 69, 70n
Spender, Stephen, 132–33
Spiral Press, 286
Spoleto Festival, 225, 234
Stamperia Valdonega, 331n
Stanley Theater, 53
Stapleton, Maureen, 163, 164n
State Department, U.S., 85
Stein, Gertrude, 8n
Steloff, Frances, 106, 107n
Stevens, Ashton, 52n, 57n
Stevens, Wallace, 8n
Stilwell, Joseph, 80n
Stone, Naomi Burton, 299n
Stony Lodge sanitarium, 254, 341n
Strand Theatre, 12, 16
Streetcar Named Desire, A (film), 130n, 150
Stromboli (film), 136n
Studio Duplicating, 355, 366
Suddenly, Last Summer (film), 272n
Supreme Court, U.S., 328
Surrealists, 208
Swift, Jonathan, 237
Switzerland, 11n, 96, 110, 148, 333
Sylvia, 73–75, 96
Taj Mahal, 18
Tandy, Jessica, 90n, 92
Taos, N.Mex., 30, 31n, 32, 76, 78, 111, 121, 284
Tarrytown, N.Y., 341n
Tate, Allen, 296n
Taylor, Laurette, xxix, 51, 52n, 60, 62, 80, 81n
Tchelitchew, Pavel, 27, 28n, 29
Ten Eyck, Mills, Jr., 246
Tennessee (state), 305
Tennessee, University of, 305
Tennessee Williams Reading from The Glass Menagerie, The Yellow Bird, and Five Poems, 206n
Tennessee Williams Reads Hart Crane, 206n
Texas, 21, 241, 242
Texas, University of, 246, 247n
Theatre Arts Books, xx, 175n
Theatre of the Absurd, 233n
Thiery, Jacques, 21n
Thomas, Dylan, 81, 88, 244, 250
Thomas Merton Legacy Trust, 129n
Time, 48n, 209
Tokyo, 223, 305
Tony (Antoinette Perry) Award, 174, 301n, 338n
Town & Country, 49, 63, 98
Trevis, Di, 350
Trilling, Lionel, 11n
Truck & Warehouse Theatre, 310, 311n
Turner, Lana, 16, 17n, 18, 23
20th-Century Fox, 93
Tyler, Parker, 15, 16n, 44n, 53
Tynan, Kenneth, 205, 206n, 289–90
Utah, xvi, 47n, 67, 108, 110, 115, 148, 249, 285, 315, 333–34
Vaccaro, Marion Black, 254, 257n, 266, 284
Vancouver, 362
van Doren, Mark, 129n
Van Fleet, Jo, 229n
Van Gogh, Vincent, 102
Vedanta for the Modern World (Isherwood, ed.), 22n
Vedanta Society monastery, 21, 22n, 25
Venice, 323, 368
Verona, 331n
Vidal, Gore, 7n, 64n, 101, 104n, 114, 115n, 179, 193
Myra Breckinridge, 305
Search for a King, 146
“Some Desperate Adventure,” 146
Vienna, 156
English Theatre in, 338, 341, 362n
Vietnam, 293n, 302
View, 43, 44, 46–47, 53, 54, 56, 62
Visconti, Luchino, 99n, 135
Vittorini, Elio, 117, 174
In Sicily, 117n, 140
The Twilight of the Elephant, 175n
Voices & Visions Series, 368n
Voight, Jon, 323n
Wallis, Hal, 205, 206n
Warhol, Andy, 273, 343n
Warner Brothers, 123, 124n
Warren, Robert Penn, 296
Washington, D.C., 155, 213n, 332, 359
Washington Post, 277, 360
Watkins, Vernon, 219
Webster, Margaret, 35, 36n, 37, 39, 41–42, 43, 45, 47–48
West, Anthony, 212
Weybright, Victor, 173, 179
Wharton, Carly, 6, 7n
Wickes, George, 244n
Wiesel, Dr. Benjamin, xxvii, 306n, 368n
Wilbury Park, 306n, 349n
Wilde, Oscar, 143
Wilder, Thornton, 133n, 231
The Emporium, 133
The Ides of March, 133
Willard, Catherine, 63, 64n
Williams, Cornelius Coffin (father), xii, 32, 259
character and personality of, xiin
Williams, Edwina Estelle Dakin (mother), xii, 37, 38n, 43, 62, 95, 122, 124n, 194, 254–55, 264, 273, 281
Remember Me to Tom, 245
Williams, Floss, 243
Williams, Paul Wightman, 113n
Williams, Rose Isabel (sister), 122, 124n, 237, 238n, 254–56, 273, 310, 319, 339–42, 347
Williams, Tennessee:
Broadway career of, 49n, 252
burial wishes of, 4
Catholic conversion of, 287–88
character and personality of, xi, xiv, xvii, xx, xxv, xxix, 39, 52
childhood and adolescence of, xiin
h of, xi, xxiv, xxviii–xxx, 104n, 341n, 372n, 374n
depressions of, xxiii, 251, 259, 268, 273, 297
drinking and drug habits of, xvii, xxiv, 284, 292n, 300
eye operations of, 62
failure feared by, xvii
family background of, xii
financial concerns of, 67n
funeral of, 279n
homosexuality of, xvi–xvii, xx, 109n, 302, 303, 323n
illnesses of, 77–78, 169, 171, 189, 247–48, 249, 251, 256, 264, 276–77, 280, 285, 286, 297, 299, 301–4, 365, 367n
income of, xiv, 46, 115, 168, 169–70, 185, 271, 353–54
last will and testament of, xxiv, 246, 251, 252, 254–57, 280, 299, 323n
lectures and readings by, 65, 68–69, 206n, 271, 300, 355n, 357
on love, 60–61
need to write expressed by, xxii, 185
paintings of, xix, 284, 346–47
paranoia of, xx, 292
physical and mental collapse of, 222n
physical appearance of, xi, 3
press reviews of, 56, 57, 76, 77, 92–93, 158, 165, 182–84, 186, 187n, 205, 209, 216, 224n, 279, 281, 360
prizes and grants of, xii, xiv–xv, 7n, 37, 41, 43, 102, 239n, 341n, 359
psychoanalysis of, xxiv, 217, 268, 269, 273
publicity photographs of, 40n, 42, 44, 67
real estate of, 256–57, 271, 322, 356n
screenwriting of, xiii–xiv, 15, 16, 17n, 18, 23, 25, 29, 131, 135, 271, 283, 356n
self-destructive tendencies of, xiii, xvii, xxiv
self-image of, 35, 39
seventieth birthday celebration of, xxvi, 363
Williams, Tennessee, works of, 376–77
Adam and Eve on a Ferry, 7n
All Gaul Is Divided, 364n
American Blues (1939), xii, 7n, 136n
American Blues (1948), 7n
Androgyne, Mon Amour, xix, xxvi, 61n, 325, 342, 347n, 355
“The Angel in the Alcove,” 95n, 98
“Angels of Fructification,” 157
Baby Doll, 130n, 213, 214n, 215
Battle of Angels, xii, xv, xvi, 34n, 35–36, 37, 39, 40n, 45, 47n, 48, 62, 63, 68, 84, 115, 213, 214, 336
“Beanstalk Country,” 16
“Blue Mountain Blues,” 12
“Bobo,” 98
“Camino Real,” 65, 157
Camino Real, xxii–xxiii, 66n, 71, 75n, 130n, 181–84, 186–88, 189n, 207, 235, 360
Candles to the Sun, 292n
“The Cataract,” 24
“The Catastrophe of Success,” xvii, 67n, 94n
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, xxiii, 130n, 196, 199–202, 203n, 207, 321
A Cavalier for Milady, 362, 367n
“The Christus of Guadalajara,” 24
Clothes for a Summer Hotel, xxiv, xxvii–xxviii, 220n, 224n, 359, 360, 361n, 362, 366, 369, 370, 372
Collected Plays, 286
Collected Poems, 356n
Collected Stories, 104n, 270n, 356n
Confessional, 297, 313, 315
“Cortege,” 41
“Counsel,” 135
“The Couple,” 59, 61n, 64
“Crepe-de-Chine,” 285
“The Dangerous Painters,” 23, 24n
Daughter of the American Revolution, 36n
The Demolition Downtown, 301n, 307, 362
“Desire and the Black Masseur,” 77n, 78, 79, 80n, 90, 95n, 103
“Dissection,” 41
Dos Ranchos or The Purification, xiii, 6, 7n, 11n, 68, 75, 161, 228, 229n
Dragon Country, A Book of Plays, 113n, 275, 285, 287, 297, 307, 330, 331n, 362
The Drunken Fiddler, 340, 341n
“Drunken Fiddler,” 339
The Eccentricities of a Nightingale, 248, 255, 265, 266
Eight Mortal Ladies Possessed, 327n, 330, 332
“Electric Avenue,” 59, 61n
“The Fox,” 24
“Frivolous Preface,” 15
The Frosted Glass Coffin, 297
The Glass Menagerie, xiin, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xxii, 11n, 36n, 47n, 49, 51, 52n, 53–54, 55n, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61n, 67n 68, 71, 73, 75n, 79, 81n, 96, 101, 102, 104n, 112n, 114, 115n, 123, 124n, 126, 131, 161, 163n, 227, 228n
The Gnädiges Fräulein, 232, 269n, 271
Grand, 270
Green Eyes, 301n, 307, 362
“Hard Candy,” 156, 178, 187, 194, 196
Hello from Bertha, 229n
“A History with Parenthesis,” 40n
“Homage to Jay,” 364–65
“Homage to Ophelia,” 32n, 63
“The Hot Seat,” 99n
A House Not Meant to Stand, 362, 363n, 365n
I Can’t Imagine Tomorrow, 297
“The Important Thing,” 99
In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel, xxiv, 238n, 275, 306
In the Winter of Cities, 22n, 24n, 64n, 206n, 209, 216, 223, 253, 261, 262n, 267–68, 273, 279n, 301n, 318
“The Inventory at Fontana Bella,” 321
I Rise in Flame, Cried the Phoenix, xviii, 7n, 111, 113n, 121, 123, 132, 135, 144, 159, 171–72, 228, 229n, 279
“I Think the Strange, the Crazed, the Queer,” 319n
“Jockeys at Hialeah,” 61n, 64n, 66n
The Kingdom of Earth, 224n, 276, 281n, 283, 286, 307, 331
“The Kingdom of Earth,” xix, 11n, 112, 123, 126, 131, 187
Kirche, Küche, Kinder, 366, 367n
The Knightly Quest, 240, 251, 257, 266–67, 270
The Knightly Quest, a Novella and Four Short Stories, 270n, 276, 277–79
The Lady of Larkspur Lotion, 229n
“The Lady with No One at All,” 342
The Last of My Solid Gold Watches, 11n, 14n
Le Doux Oiseau de la Jeunesse, 308, 309n
“Les Etoiles d’un Cirque Etrange,” 300
“Let Me Hang It All Out,” 321n
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond, 364n
“Lost Island,” 240, 259, 260n
A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur, xxvii, 355, 356n
“The Malediction,” 80n
“Mama’s Old Stucco House,” 270
“Man Bring This Up Road,” 270
“The Man in the Overstuffed Chair,” 32n, 258, 259
“[The] Mattress [by the Tomato Patch],” 194
Memoirs, xv, 312, 313, 314
“A Mendicant Order,” 240
The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore, xxiv, 232, 234, 237–38, 248, 249–50, 251n, 257, 261, 262–64, 271, 272n, 280, 285n, 331
Moise and the World of Reason, 306n
“Mornings on Bourbon Street,” 21, 22n
The Mutilated, 232, 269n, 271
“Mysteries of the Joy Rio,” 194
New Selected Essays: Where I Live, 32 n, 67n, 224n, 270n
“The Night of the Iguana,” 71, 76, 100
The Night of the Iguana, xxiv, 54n, 200n, 225, 239, 275, 279n, 301
“Night Visit,” 327
The Notebook of Trigorin, 24n
Now and at the Hour of Our Death, 367n
Now the Cats with Jeweled Claws, 365, 366n, 367n
“Old Men Go Mad at Night,” 321
“Old Men With Sticks,” 139
“One Arm,” xvi, 67, 68, 74, 80n, 94, 95, 194
One Arm & Other Stories, xix, 95, 97, 98, 106–7, 115, 126, 364n
“On the Art of being a True Nonconformist,” 113n
Orpheus Descending, 136n, 164n, 213, 214–15, 216, 217
Out Cry, xxiii, 11n, 275, 309, 311n, 312, 319, 320, 321n
A Panic Renaissance in the Lobos Mountains, 7n
The Parade, 356n
A Perfect Analysis Given by a Parrot, 110–11, 113n
Period of Adjustment, 225, 226, 228n, 308
Pieces of My Youth, 355, 356n
Portrait of a Madonna, 90n
The Portrait of an Idol (painting), 284
“Prudence in Kings,” 340, 341n
The Purification, see Dos Ranchos or The Purification
The Reading, 301n, 307
“Recuerdo,” 66n
The Red Devil Battery Sign, 11n, 317n, 331, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 341, 342, 362, 366
The Rich and Eventful Death of Oliver Winemiller, 75n
The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, 114, 119, 122, 125–26, 132, 137, 138, 143–45, 147–51, 154–56, 157n, 158, 163, 172–73
The Rose Tattoo, xxii, 36n, 106n, 113n, 114, 122, 137, 139, 141, 145, 150–51, 156, 160–61, 163, 164n, 165, 166, 167n, 168, 169, 171
“Sand,” 87
“A Separate Poem,” 260n, 261, 262n, 265, 279n, 301n
“Serious Preface,” 15
The Seven Descents of Myrtle, 11n, 281, 282
Short Short, 291n
The Slapstick Tragedy, xxiv, 272, 279n
Small Craft Warnings, 311–12, 313, 315–17, 319, 320n
“Snowfall,” 347
“The Soft City,” 135, 206
“Something About Him,” 99
Something Cloudy, Something Clear, 35n, 260n, 311n, 362, 366, 367n
Something Unspoken, 238n
“The Songs that Saved Me from a Drunkard’s Grave,” 12
“The Speechless Summer,” 344
Spring Storm, 292n
Stairs to the Roof, 11n
The Starry Blue Robe of Our Lady, 137
Steps Must Be Gentle, 356n
“Stones Are Thrown,” 342
Stopped Rocking & Other Screenplays, 356n, 363–64
A Streetcar Named Desire, xv–xvi, xvii–xviii, xxii, 35n, 36n, 48n, 67n, 77n, 83, 84, 86n, 87, 89, 90, 91–93, 96, 97, 102, 106n, 115, 130n, 149, 150n, 161, 163n, 179, 184, 322, 323n
Suddenly Last Summer, xxiii, 64n, 218, 219n, 238n, 257, 283
Summer and Smoke, 11n, 77n, 80, 85, 89, 90–91, 94, 97, 100, 101, 115, 163n, 205, 220n, 224n, 248, 255, 265
“The Summer Belvedere,” xiii, 15n, 16, 157
Sweet Bird of Youth, xxiii, 130n, 164n, 219–20, 309n
Ten Blocks on the Camino Real, 66n, 157
“Tennessee Williams Presents His POV,” 224n
The Theatre of Tennessee Williams, xxv, xxvi, 286, 306n, 309n, 313n, 325, 331n, 335, 349, 362, 366n
This Is [An Entertainment], 337, 338–39, 343n
“Those Who Ignore the Appropriate Time of Their Going,” 205
“3 Players [of a Summer Game],” 194
“Three Myths & A Malediction,” 29
“Three Plays for the Lyric Theatre,” 367n
The Traveling Companion, 362
27 Wagons Full of Cotton, 63, 64n, 67, 74, 214n, 272, 346
27 Wagons Full of Cotton & Other One-Act Plays, xvi, 7n, 14n, 75n, 111–12, 113n, 114, 115, 275, 307, 362
The Two Character Play, xxiii, 275, 276, 281, 282, 284, 285–86, 291–92, 298, 299, 301, 304, 306n, 307, 308n, 311, 312, 319n, 320
“Two on a Party,” 185, 186–87, 194, 257n
Two Scenes in the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel, 284, 288, 290, 291
Two Slapstick Tragedies, 232, 234
The Unsatisfactory Supper, 214n
Urban Problems Confronting, 367n
The Luck of Friendship Page 39