The Bewitched Box Set

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The Bewitched Box Set Page 84

by W. J. May

  He snatches his kiss from my lips; I see a glint in his emerald eyes.

  “Oh dear, what will my guests make of my behaviour? I can almost see them whispering behind their hands and hear their tongues as they wag. What a scandalous affair.” He laughs with a quick shake of his head. “Madam, one dance and you have me bewitched.”

  A cough, followed shortly by another. I turn towards the guests as they spectate. Returning my gaze to Lucian, I notice his eyes have lost their sparkle. I briefly catch his curved smile, which dissolves into a frown of indifference.

  “Have I taken leave of my senses?” His tone is stern.

  But then I stop to think, for I believe it is me who has taken leave of mine. Immediately I tense. Where the hell am I? Is this a dream that I’m trapped within? This isn’t like me; it’s as if I’m an actress playing the role of some leading lady.

  The dancers move closer and stand in silence; one of us must hold great importance. I lose focus of my steps, teetering on my heels. He pulls me closer. It is as if he looks right through me.

  “As you were!” he shouts into the crowd of people.

  The orchestra strikes up and the next dance is announced. Our audience return to the dance floor and the dancing commences, while we stand lost between the gaieties of galloping feet.

  With a fleeting shake of his head, I hear Lucian chuckle as he guides me away from the hubbub and out into the castle gardens. His eyes seem transfixed on me as together we saunter through the vast grounds. After a while his steps slow and he complains of feeling tired. We pass a weathered stone bench on which he sinks down to rest.

  He sits forward, resting his arms on his knees.

  “My life holds very little meaning these days. The truth is, I am dying. I have consumption, and very little time left in this world.” He lifts his gaze towards the sky. “I stood back in the shadows of the castle tonight watching my guests arrive. I had no desire to attend the ball myself.” He strokes my hand. “And yet when you walked from your carriage, instantly I was mesmerised. No, I was captivated by your beauty. I could not stand back and let you pass by. It may have been a little presumptuous on my part, but I took the chance, took your arm, and ... well, you know the rest.”

  Though he is masked by darkness, I can still see the outline of his handsome face. I lift my hand and reach up to unveil myself.

  “No, please.” He grips my wrist. “Please do not mar something as perfect as we are tonight.”

  My arm drops to my side and my eyes make their way up to his.

  Lucian’s voice becomes a distortion of words, though I am able to make out that he wishes me to stay seated on the bench. He will be back. I feel our stare as it intensifies and blink several times as he walks away. As my eyes clear, the darkness transforms into daylight. My ears pick up a man’s voice, his words crisp and clear; it is no longer Lucian, but Tristan who is speaking.

  “Can you see him walking away from you towards the castle, Rose? Open your eyes.”

  My eyelids flutter. I am lying on the plaid picnic blanket and Tristan sits behind me. My black hair is fanned out, my head resting gently in the hollow of his lap.

  “What just happened? How are you doing this? I want answers!” I demand, hearing an anger grow in my voice.

  “I’m opening up a dream, a dream you had but you choose to forget. There’s a lot you choose to forget.”

  I push myself away from Tristan’s hold and up into a crouched position. I peer into his face, which portrays a serious edge.

  “It was an interlinking of time, wishes and destinies... I’m so stupid; I was the catalyst to it all!”


  He leans forward and places his finger on my lips. I’m unable to ask the many questions that are about to fire off my tongue.

  “Your life with Jai, your relationship was a perfect picture. He loved you unconditionally and you loved him back.”

  A great sadness falls over me and my face drops. It’s like I am sitting within a dark veil. Our relationship is something I don’t feel ready to discuss with Tristan, or anyone for that matter.

  “You know at some point you’ve got to let him go and move on with your life.”

  I jump to my feet.

  “I don’t intend hanging round any longer to listen to this crap.”

  “Don’t be in such a rush to leave; you will listen to me.”

  Stabilising my stiletto, I attempt to walk away but my heels stick fast and I’m unable to move.

  “Remember back to the last few weeks of Jai’s life. You prayed to God for an escape. When he failed to answer your prayers, like many before you, you called out to me. How could I fail you, how could I fail to answer your prayers?”

  His stern look has changed to one of sincerity. I have to swallow back a lump in my throat.

  “My resolve was to allow you escapism from Jai’s illness and all your unhappiness. I went against the gods and the rules they have written for us. I allowed you to escape your life of heartache. I allowed you to forget Jai each night when you entered your dreams, but Rose, they were not merely dreams. They became realities and I made it possible for you to enter and briefly to live within them.”

  His narrow lips are pulled taut. I can’t catch his stare as his eyes flit to avoid me.

  “These dreams were my gift to you. They helped you forget, glossed over your grief while you slept.”

  It takes a while, but eventually he looks up.

  “Don’t you remember your adventures, your conquests and scandalous affairs, the guns, the fire, the dancing, the music, the romance? I could go on, but I’ve said enough...”

  “You’re full of crap, playing on my feelings.”

  I yank my heels out of the mud.

  “Just for a second, Rose, let me un-cloud the windows of your mind. Rome, Valentino, Sebastian, Venice, New York, do I not spark some kind of recollection in your memory?”

  All I hear are empty words, empty names and places that mean nothing.

  “The Masquerade, Lucian...”

  Lucian Valentino, Sebastian ... I flinch as faces appear before me. I’m replaying so many beautiful memories.

  “Oh my God...”

  My whole being trembles, and I grab one hand with the other to steady my nerves.

  “Tristan, I hate you!” I spit. “You’re telling me that when Jai lay dying I was gallivanting with other men, having fun, dancing? Why would you do such a thing? How could you be so cruel?”

  He raises a brow. “Why? Because I couldn’t sit back and watch you break into tiny pieces.”

  I hear such conviction in his voice, and can see the many cracks in his chiselled face.

  “What are you?” I hiss.

  “I have already told you. I’m your guardian angel, a saviour to many.” A low chuckle passes his lips. “I’m sorry!” he shouts towards the powder-blue sky. “Even guardian angels mess up, and on this occasion I messed up big time. During regency times Lucian was an Earl of high standing. He’d been ill for months after contracting consumption. I know everybody’s destiny, and Lucian’s was that he would die the night of the masquerade...”

  Tristan pauses, and I hear him swallow before taking a deep breath. Briefly I close my eyes and imagine Lucian walking away from me as I sit on that weathered stone bench.

  “It was by pure chance that a masked lady walked into his life and stole his heart.”

  “That lady was me!”

  “Yes. On his death bed Lucian called out to Lucifer to spare him, he wanted a life with his masked lady. But there was a sting in the tail: the masked maiden was not of Lucian’s time, as you already know.”

  I nod in response.

  “This challenge pleased the devil somewhat, and he came up with his own concoction of a life. The devil granted Lucian his request; he ripped out his heart, allowing him to live on as the un-dead, a vampire, a blood drinker and scourge of the earth. He and his family may wear the faces of humans, but they are no more real than th
e masks they wore at the masquerade ball. I am here to reclaim their souls and rid the earth of these unholy creatures.”

  “Take me home, get your stuff and get out of my flat, get out of my life.”

  “I can’t do that, Rose; I need to protect you... You are the key to end this curse.”

  My straight face falls into a frown.

  “Rose, I’m going round in circles, but the point to all of this is that the masked girl Lucian fell in love with two hundred years ago was you. You were only there because I made it possible. Can’t you see how your destiny and wishes have intertwined, and the mess I’ve made of everything by doing so? All these years Lucian has waited to find his masked lady, though the caveat was that you, Rose, lived over two hundred years in his future.”

  Tristan turns away from me, pointing his finger towards the trees.

  “Lucian’s here, he wants you, he wants you badly, but he has no idea why. Under no circumstances can he discover your true identity. Your love alone is the only way to break the devil’s curse. Your love has the power to give back mortality to both Lucian and his family of vampires.”

  “What are you saying? Where does all of this leave me?”

  “If they die as vampires, their souls will burn in the depths of hell for all eternity. If you were to break their curse they would become human, which would give me the power to free their souls and lead them to heaven’s stairway. Lucian will sense you and he will come. Go to him, Rose; you need to finish what should have ended long ago. Go to him, and when all the loose ends are tied up, come back to me.”

  “Come back to you? Why should I?” I sneer.

  “Jai has left your heart cold. I cannot help the human side of my nature taking over.” Tristan’s gaze wanders up and down my body. “Or where my attraction lies,” he adds.

  The corners of his lips rise into a half moon. The glance he throws always manages to lighten my mood, but only now can I see the seductive low-lashed stare in which he holds me.

  “You know, you and I are very similar creatures. I spend my life collecting souls, while in your dreams you have been collecting your fair share of hearts. Yet this I put to you: in the future there will be a trade-off between you and me. Metaphorically speaking I shall own your soul, and in return you shall own my heart.”

  Chapter Five


  Turning towards a nearby tree, I count.

  “One, two, three, four...”

  I continue in my head.

  “Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!” I shout.

  My eyes snap open and I turn to look for my family. Although this is the same game we play every night, we still manage to have fun.

  Edmond has such a chip on his shoulder. He thinks he’s faster and can out-run and out-smart me. Instead of fleeing like the others, he stands mockingly only feet away, with an annoying smirk on his face. I look over his black trousers and open-necked shirt, and then up to his dirty-blonde hair, which is tied back against his pale skin; his amber eyes goad me to take chase. He may not think he needs a head start, but I’ll prove him wrong. I watch his walk turn into a slow trot.

  “Come on, Lucian, get me!” he calls over his shoulder.

  So blasé, I think, as he runs between trees and thick bracken bushes. Who’s he kidding? He can’t out-run me. I wait a few seconds longer. I’ll give him a chance. Taking chase, my eyes catch sight of Julian, his small figure darting away to my left. He can wait for now. Edmond is by far the strongest game-player; I will get him first.

  I hear a splintering of branches and female laughter. Jazlynn skips along delicately. I can’t help but admire her jet-black hair, which floats down way past her waist. Her long maroon skirt is pinched between her fingers as she lifts its hem from the forest floor.

  I imagine my feet to be as fast as a cheetah’s; it’s times like this that I actually enjoy my life as a vampire. I take deep breaths, but my chest doesn’t burn. Gaining speed, I love the fact that my legs don’t ache or cramp. My predatory instincts awaken and I run my tongue across the edges of my teeth, their tips as sharp as knives.

  I know the direction that Edmond takes. There is such predictability to the man; he hardly strays from the leaf-lined path that snakes its way down towards the riverbank. Light-footed, I arc around the path. I will get there first. My feet accelerate, almost tripping me up as I stop dead. My senses are heightened; I can smell him, he is so near. Hardly breathing for fear of being heard, I stand inconspicuously behind a tree. A shiver runs the length of my spine and I’m filled with sudden excitement on seeing a wisp of Edmond’s fair hair. I leap with the stealth of a preying mantis and grab him within my arms.

  “You sneak,” his muffled voice cries out.

  I have him clamped in a head-lock. I smile victoriously as he struggles to free himself. Whilst holding him down with his head pressed into the ground, Jazlynn shows her face. I turn towards her.

  “Same outcome, just another night!” She laughs.

  I see her gaze divert to Edmond, and the way her brows raise and her eyes widen.

  I release him from my arms and hear him spit out the leaves. Turning back, I see him wiping dirt from his mouth. Jazlynn clears her throat; it isn’t her voice that speaks, but Edmond’s.

  “Lucian,” he splutters, “don’t get me wrong, our nightly games, the duels are great fun.”

  Why does the roll of his eyes tell me otherwise? Edmond gets to his feet and circles me. Jazlynn crouches and appears to watch us both.

  “We’ve done it,” he announces.

  I frown.

  “Can you really deny them? Don’t you think it’s about time our women got into the real world, into the twenty-first century and out of the nineteenth? There’s money to be earned and jobs to be had.”

  Am I hearing Edmond right? I can’t hide the lift of my brows.

  “My friend, women like to talk,” I say, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Our secret has been well-kept within the forest. If it were ever to get out that we are vampires, what do you think the humans would do to us?”

  I can feel my fingers tighten on his shoulder blade.

  “Think, man, think.”

  Forcibly I shake him.

  “Lucian...” Jazlynn is quick to interrupt. “Can’t you see we’re bored? Every day we sleep, and every night is the same. Before you men go to work, we play these games of yours because they make you happy. When the games are over, it’s us women that hunt. There is a big world out there waiting, and we want to see more of it.”

  I stamp my foot down hard.

  “Why can’t you, Arabella, Emily and the others just be content with the life I have given you? I don’t lock you away, do I?” I say, lifting my arms. “We’ve got the car, you have the choice of visiting neighbouring towns and cities, why isn’t that enough?” I ask, and await her answer.

  “I have an interview at the snooker hall,” Jazlynn says, “and whatever you think, Lucian, whatever you say, I’m going. We need money and lots of it to get out of here and find our castle above ground...”

  I lift my finger to silence her.

  “I will have the final say!” my voice thunders. “There are no jobs for any of you female vampires. There’s no life, no living for the dead.”

  I point my finger towards the depths of the forest. My temper cools as I swallow back my harsh words.

  “All I do is try to protect you. I love you, you fools.” There is a break in my voice.

  What they have said has weakened me, but I do not let them see. It is very rare for me to succumb to sentiment. Looking back towards Edmond’s and Jazlynn’s straight faces, I force a smile, one that could have been painted on.

  “Go and hunt, get out of my sight. I’m not hungry; you have left a nasty taste in my mouth.”

  With my head held high, I walk with the river behind me as Jazlynn and Edmond leave together in the opposite direction. I catch sight of Julian; simple-minded as he is, he has no idea the game is over. He laughs and co
ntinues to run between the trees, waiting for me to give chase.

  The fun side of my nature is quick to slip away. I can’t help mull over Edmond’s and Jazlynn’s words. Perhaps old habits do die hard and there is some substance to what they say. Though as I stand and contemplate, I can’t be ignorant of the times we are living in and the changes we face. It’s begrudgingly that I admit to myself that life here in the forest does get boring, but I don’t welcome change. Men are meant to provide, and the women are meant to look after us, stay in the forest and await our return.

  Tired of walking, I sit down to rest, crossing my legs. I scrunch crisp leaves between my fingers; they are porous and disintegrate like paper. On their release, I watch them as they are picked up by the cool breeze and, like confetti, are taken away.

  Getting up again, I walk for a while before resting against a nearby tree. A thick knotted rope hangs above me and I grab it between my hands. As it swings, I sit inside the worn rubber truck tyre. Edmond, ever the opportunist, couldn’t resist when he discovered it lying at the edge of the road and rolled it like a hoop to our hideout. I have to admit, it has added a dash of fun around the place. Before we converted the tyre into a rope-swing, Edmond and I would take turns positioning ourselves inside its rim and would then roll at speed towards the River Trent. Making fun with other people’s cast-offs is about as exciting as life as a vampire gets. I think about how I enjoy my job at The Silken Kite. Though our women complain, maybe they do need escapism of their own. Am I too set in my nineteenth-century ways, or just a selfish man?

  With the momentum of my legs, I swing to and fro from the large horse chestnut. Even as night casts her dark face upon me, the essence of summer still holds its sweetness. It is not the best time of year for a vampire, for the hours of darkness are short, leaving us little time to hunt. But even so, my senses cannot help but admire summer, with her prettiness and the sweet fragrances that dance around but go unseen.


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