Hot for Xmas

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Hot for Xmas Page 2

by Trinity Blacio

  “We’ll all meet you there sweetheart. Do as Baas says. He’s one of the best attorneys around.”

  One by one each of his brothers kissed Emily’s cheek and turned their gaze on him and nodded.

  He pulled out of the driveway and she turned towards him. Her arms crossed over her chest and she glared at him. “You going to tell me what this is all about? The kisses and you acting all He-man.”

  “I’ll explain, but first I want you to tell me what the FBI wants with you.” He quickly glanced at her and she nodded.

  She reached into the console beside him and pulled a pistol totally shocking him. “Every man I’ve tried to date or has had an interest in has disappeared. A total of three men.” She put the pistol back into the holder that was strapped around her waist under her coat.

  “The FBI suspects you? Why? And what’s up with the gun?” He pulled onto the highway waiting for her answer.

  After a few minutes, she sighed. “The families of these men have been pointing fingers at me for some time, not that I blame them. Last any of them knew was that they each were supposed to show up at my house for a date, but not one of them made it to my door.” Her attention once more was on him.

  “So if you four have any ideas of trying to get into my pants, you might want to run for the hills. It seems they have found the three men, dead. As for the pistol, ever since the last time I ran into my crazy father, I’ve always carried one with me. No man will ever hit me again.”

  He had heard the venom in her last statement and Baas couldn’t agree more. No one would hurt this woman again. All four of them would make sure of that. As far as running for the hills, there was no way they would ever leave her.

  “Do you have any clues or ideas to what might have happened to the men? Any warning, something?”

  She shook her head. “I told the FBI, but they didn’t think anything of it. Every time I was getting ready for a date someone would leave a gift for me at my door before each man was supposed to show up. The FBI agent told me the gifts were traced back to the men who were going to meet me. That is about all.”

  She looked at him, appraisingly “So are you going to tell me, why all of a sudden I have four men looking my way?”

  “How much do you know about our kind?” Baas reached over and squeezed her hand. “Please, I need to know where to start.”

  “I know you and the other three are the Alpha’s of your clan. You are werewolves and your pack is one of largest in the northern US. I have also heard you are the National Alpha for the United States, that you settle big disputes between the clans?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes we do, that’s one of the reasons we didn’t hear of this happening till it was too late. We were away on business. It’s still no excuse. The one who should have made us aware of this has been demoted,” he snarled.

  Getting back on track he asked a pointed question to her. “What do you know of our culture, social structure? About our mates?”

  Her eyebrow lifted and she sat up a little straighter. “Nothing formal, but I did hear you mate for life, and that sometimes a female can have a number of males for a mates at the same time. That is all dependent on the pack.”

  He shrugged. “Not so much on the pack, but as to the power, or you would use the term magical strength. Each alpha is born with a power, depending on family lines and such the power can increase as it did with my family. The four of us, we are brothers, but are not blood related. We are mates, but also seek our female. We have been searching for a long time for the right female.”

  She frowned. “So the four of you would share a female? How do you know you have the right female and why are you telling me this?” Her head snapped to the side and she gaped at him.

  “No way!” she shook her head. “Please tell me you aren’t thinking that I’m her!”

  They arrived at their destination before he could answer.

  TV crews, and newspaper reporters surrounded the little police station. “Shit, this is a mess. I’m going to go around to the other street. We can slip in through the back, by cutting through the trees.” He glanced down at her feet and saw that she wore a pair of winter boots. “And yes, you are.”

  “There has to be a mistake, I’m a damn virgin for Pete’s sake. I can’t be mate to four hunky giant men. Damn it. When did my life get so out of control?” she mumbled and stared out the window.

  “Park there. The car will be hidden and we can still dash through the trees. I’ll call the Sargent to make sure they have the back door open for us and this discussion is not over.” She glared at him.

  He smiled and parked the car. Grabbing her hand before she opened the door, he stalled all her exit. “You are our mate, so get used to the idea. There is one other thing you have to know. We are extremely protective of our females. Just the thought of our mate in danger sends our wolves into a panic.” He gently grabbed her chin and held it. “You will let me help you and when we are done here we will go to your place to collect some of your things, because you are coming home with us.”

  Baas quickly kissed her before she could say a word. He slid his tongue into her mouth, his hand slid to the back of her neck and held her to him, while he devoured her.

  Only her phone ringing had her pulling back. “Damn. Hello” She answered the phone and pushed out of the car.

  “I was going to tell you to stop making out and get your butt in here, but I see you coming now,” Agent Mathews said before once more disconnecting the phone the again.

  Chapter Three

  “I’m really starting to hate that man,” she snarled and glared at Baas when he took her arm.

  “You and me both. Let’s go in before they notice us out here. Once inside I’ll call Abe and tell him to park behind the station also.”

  Before she could say a word he picked her up and ran for the back door at a speed that was not possible for a human. His hand rested on her ass while he ran.

  When he set her down in the station she screeched, “I’m not a damn sack of potatoes here,” glaring up at him.

  He held her around the waist till the room stopped spinning. “Sorry, but I wanted to get here before we were spotted.” Baas had his phone out, calling Abe. His arm stayed around her as they walked into the police station.

  “Remember, let me handle this,” Baas said in her ear, right after he told Abe where to park. The other Alphas were almost here.

  “Ms. Garland, thank you for coming so soon, and this is?” Agent Mathew looked like a scarecrow and she hated when he talked. It always reminded her of someone at a chalkboard running their nails down it.

  Baas stepped forward and offered him his hand. “My name is Baas Sather. I’m here to support my fiancé and I’m also her attorney, if need be. So tell me what you found. Emily has been so worried about those men.”

  Agent Mathew grinned and nodded. “I’ve heard of you Mr. Sather and your friends.” He nodded behind them.

  Emily stepped around Baas and glared at the weasel in front of her. “Listen here little man and you are a little man compared to them. I don’t give a shit what you think about me, but you will not insult my friends. Do I need to report you to Agent Brag, or have you forgotten he is still your boss?”

  Two strong hands pulled her back. Baas and Abe smiled and shook their head. “As you can see, our fiancé is very protective of us. Now can we get this over with? We have to go pick up some of her belongings before the night is over.”

  He nodded. “Follow me.” Mathew moved all of them into an interrogation room. As soon as she sat down he had a folder of pictures in front of her.

  “Tell me what you see?” He nodded to the folder.

  She hated the idea of opening it. Tonight she would once more have the nightmares, like that when she was a child. Wiping her sweaty hands on her skirt, she opened the folder and grabbed onto the table.

  Warren Betts would have been staring at her if he had eyes. Now where his eyes were, a gold coin was shoved in their
socket. His stomach ripped open; his cock and balls were sticking out. “I’m going to be sick.” She pushed her chair back and looked for a trashcan, but didn’t make it as she fell to the floor.

  Everything she had eaten for lunch now lay out before her. Abe was behind her rubbing her back. Sam held her hair back and Zack handed her his bandana, but none of that mattered. What had her worried was getting up to stop Baas from going to jail. He had Mathew against the wall by his throat.

  “You knew damn well what those pictures would do to her. From now on you talk to me and only me.” He released the man and scooped her up into his arms.

  “We are done here,” he snarled and held her tight against his chest.

  “Wait, there was a reason for this, please.” Mathew coughed and rubbed his neck.

  “Please.” He indicated to the table, but pulled the folder closed.

  “Baas I have to try, please.” She tried to get down, but he held her tight against his chest and sat in the chair with her in his lap.

  “We do this together, then. And no more pictures. Ask your questions,” Baas ordered.

  “All three men were found six feet apart from each other, each one was displayed as you saw, but in the ground a cement plaque was found.” He dug through the files and pulled out one picture.

  Underneath her Baas’ muscles tightened, his arms were like that of steel poles. He was ready to strike the man if he hurt her. She squeezed his arm. “I can do this.”

  He nodded and took the picture from the agent. “Do you know this Cheyenne Gordon?”

  She couldn’t breathe, Emily pushed at Baas arms needing to get up. “Can’t…”

  Baas scooted the chair back and shoved her head down. “Breathe baby, come on. It’s okay.” Each one of the men surrounded her and touched her, soothing words surrounded her and helped hold the panic at bay.

  “Mommy,” she cried as she turned and buried her face into Baas chest. “My father, his family was all in a cult.”

  She faced the agent again. Tracing the symbols in the picture, Emily continued, “As soon as my mother discovered their plans, she tried to get us away from them. That was when the beatings started. She’d found out that my father was supposed to offer me to the three men who ran this cult when I turned 16. I was to remain a virgin until then. It looks like they’re still watching me.”

  Agent Mathew sighed and shook his head. “We had the group staked out, but every single one of them has disappeared since we found this. We think it was their place of worship. Do you have any idea where they would have gone?”

  “No. We got out of there when I was thirteen. I’ve only seen my father once and since that time. I moved. I had hoped I moved far enough. I even changed my name, but I guess it wasn’t enough.”

  He sat forward. “We don’t know for sure that it’s for them, it could be another group. There are a few in the area.”

  “It’s them.” She pointed to the one mark near the Goat head and unbuttoned her shirt.

  “When mom was at work, my father did this. I was 12.” She parted her blouse and showed him the mark. “The burn is deep; a tattoo won’t cover it. Only surgery will remove it. I guess I just haven’t had the balls to do it, maybe it’s time.”

  She slumped back against Baas chest, all of a sudden really glad h and the others were here. “You know the four of you will be targeted next?” Emily glanced up at Baas.

  He shrugged. “Let them come. It’s time we take care of them, before they hurt you more. Agent Mathew, Emily will be staying with us from now on.”

  Standing up Baas, held her in his arms. “Our address and phone number are on that card. You can contact me there. Emily will be taking a few weeks off till we get these people and Agent Mathew, if you don’t get them first, we will.” Baas promised and moved out of the room.

  “You can put me down, I can walk.” She buttoned her shirt up and tried to get down.

  “Abe follow us in the truck, Zack you come in the car. Sam called the pack and put them on alert. Have a team go out to Amy’s house, but make sure they take supplies with them. While they are there they can start fixing that house up for her. Let’s go, I want Emily’s things moved by tonight.”

  They pushed through the back door and took off running for the cars. “Um, there is going to be a problem with this Baas.”

  * * *

  He stared down at her as he buckled her seat belt. “What’s the problem Emily? Sam is getting a moving truck meeting us at your place. Don’t you think that will be enough?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You are so lucky I believe in this stuff or your ass would so be sitting on the ground right now. Hello, I live on a farm. You know, animals, and I’m not leaving them. They’ll kill them all.”

  Emily rubbed her arms. “I’m so glad mom isn’t here to see this,” she whispered and rested her head back against the headrest.

  Reaching around her seat Zack rubbed her arms. “We’ll get your animals, we have trailers we can haul them in. What do you have?”

  “Two cows, Suzie is pregnant so we have to be careful of her. Then there are about 15 buffalo, we’ll have fun gathering those since I’ve given them free rein of my hundred acres. Then there are about ten goats and six sheep. Cats, at least ten and two of the females have litters of kittens.”

  “You have cats, really?” Baas teased her and she rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, and your wolf boys better leave them be. My dogs leave them alone. Oh and I have about 13 dogs, four puppies and two Arabian Horses. I know we might not be able to get the buffalo tonight, but I really want to try and get all we can.”

  “We’ll get your animals. How did you happen to acquire so many?” Baas pulled out onto the road and headed back towards the highway. It would take them a good hour to get to her farm, and at least two hours to load everything even with all the help they had coming.

  He glanced at their female. She seemed to not notice that her hand was still twined with Zack’s. “A farm was in foreclosure and I knew the older couple. Their grandson had used the last of their money buying these animals in hopes of raising them to make money, but instead, he just buried them in debt. I bought them so Edna and Peter could use the money for a small house in town. They’re too old to have to worry about where they are going to live. Most the animals were given to me due to people losing their homes and not being able to take them where they ended up going. The only ones that are actually mine are the cows, horses, my two German Shepherds, Maxine and Vander, plus their pups.”

  She turned her seat and looked at him. “Baas are you guys sure about this? I mean, I’m human there has to a mistake. You should be with one of your kind and a woman who is beautiful. I mean look at you guys, you could be centerfolds in Playgirl, and me, I’m a chunky.”

  “Are you done?” Zack leaned in-between the seats and unsnapped her seat belt. “Come here.”

  He smiled and watched in the rearview mirror as Zack place Emily on his lap facing him. Grabbing a handful of her hair he tugged her head back exposing her neck. “Do you know the four of us have each been walking around with a hard on that is actually painful? My pants are rubbing against my cock making it worse.” Zack nipped the side of her neck and she whimpered.

  “You are our mate, ours to pleasure, to protect, and to love. I’m thinking a Christmas Eve wedding. We’ll have the pack come to the house and we’ll do Christmas that night while we get married. We’ll also mate with you. Do you know what that entails?” His words were heated, the dominant side in each of them could be a curse, but the way Emily’s body responded, it looked like their mate was turned on by being controlled.

  Her scent filled the car and both of them knew she was creaming her panties. Baas reached down and adjusted himself. It was going to be a long drive.

  Chapter Four

  She didn’t know how they did it, but once any one of them dropped his voice and stared at her with that look in his eyes, her body turned to jelly. Her nipples hardened and it felt
as if she had wet herself; Emily was so wet down there. It was just like it had been described in all of those erotic romances she loved to read, especially when he tugged on her hair.

  “Let us see what we got under here, shall we?” Zack undid her blouse, and after each button, Zack kissed the skin that was exposed.

  “Your skin is so soft and your scent is driving me nuts.” He nipped at her nipple through her bra. “I think one of our rules will be no bras, or only when you go out, but around the house I want you naked. I want to be able to look at our breasts when I want, or touch them when I want. Don’t you think Baas?”

  He turned her partly forward in his lap at the same time unhooking the front clasp of her bra to expose her breasts to Baas view. “Damn these are perfect. Look at the dark areola and these nipples are large like suckers.”

  There was no way to hold back the moan when his lips touched her nipples. Her gaze met Baas in the rearview mirror.

  “Beautiful. I think it’s going to take us a very long time to explore you, to find every little thing that makes you wet. Tell me, have you used toys?” Zack whispered around her nipple before he bit it.

  “Zack!” She grabbed onto his hair and pulled, but he wasn’t having it and caught her hands, holding them in one of his and gently tugging them behind her back.

  “Answer him Emily. Have you used toys?” Baas voice sent a shiver down her back and she nodded.

  “I have a few,” she teased and both men growled.

  “That will be the first thing that I will be searching for when we get to your home, but be warned, you will never pleasure yourself again unless we tell you to. It’s our job to see to your pleasure and we take that job very seriously.” Zack licked around her nipple, while his other hand slid down her stomach and hiked her skirt up. Baas adjusted his mirror.

  “Hmm, I see panties. I think we need to make sure she wears no panties either unless we tell her to. Zack remove them, I want to see her bare. Open her for my view.” Baas ordered and before she knew his intent, Zack lowered her head, reached down and ripped her panties at each side.


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