Cry Werewolf (Godhunter Book 20)

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Cry Werewolf (Godhunter Book 20) Page 5

by Amy Sumida

  I'd found Kirill shackled to the floor, with an iron bar stuck straight through his ankle. It had to be done because he was wild, nearly insane, and kept shifting back and forth between human and lion. He would attack anyone who came near him. Except for me. I had been able to use the Intare magic to heal him, bring him back from the insane edge, and lead him home. He'd been at my side ever since.

  “I see that there was far more to it than that,” Hygieia observed.

  “Um, yes, it was a rough day,” I agreed, “but also a very victorious one.”

  “Best day of my life,” Kirill said softly, and leaned down to nuzzle the sensitive skin beneath my ear.

  He breathed in contentedly, then stiffened. His hand tightened on mine, and a low growl rose in his throat. He started to pull me towards him, and I stiffened in shock.

  “Kirill,” I slapped at him, “what the hell?”

  Kirill's jaw clenched, and his whole body began to shake. He held me even tighter, one hand sliding up my robe. His face went back to my neck, and he started to climb onto the table with me. A snap echoed nearby, and Hygieia shoved something between our faces. We both turned away as the sharp scent of ammonia burnt our nostrils. Kirill fell back and shook his head violently.

  “Tima,” he looked horrified, “I'm so sorry. I don't know vhat came over me.”

  “Estrus,” Hygieia nodded, holding up the cracked vial of smelling salts. “I think I'd better send a few of these home with you.”

  “You're saying I'm in heat now?” I gaped at her.

  “Yep,” she nodded. “Has there been a lot of these incidents?” she waved her hand at Kirill, where he was pressed tight against the door.

  “Actually,” I thought back to that morning, and the night before, and the night before that. “It's been about two days of this...”

  “Estrus,” she supplied the word again.

  “Can we call it heat?” I grimaced. “That word sounds kind of gross.”

  “Does it?” Hygieia cocked her head as if to think about it.

  “I attacked her because she's in heat?” Kirill was finally easing back towards me.

  “You attacked her because she's giving off a scent that signals your lion to mate,” Hygieia explained. “She's silently screaming at you to have sex with her. It would be nearly impossible to resist. The smelling salts cut through the scent of estr-, sorry, heat. It cuts through that scent, and allows you to return to push your base instincts back.”

  “But all of my men have been behaving like this,” I frowned. “You know, Aidan actually came onto me in the hallway yesterday,” I looked to Kirill. “I thought it was a joke, but when I ordered him to stop, he looked like he was in pain.”

  “You must have a strong control over them, to be able to turn a lion away from a female in heat,” Hygieia shook her head in wonder. “And as far as the other men, you said something about the lioness magic needing lots of lovers. Did this magic bind all of you together in some way?”

  “Oh,” I felt my mouth drop. “Yeah, it did.”

  “Then, there's your answer,” she waved her hands out in an “aha” gesture. “The magic is in them, they are essentially part of your Pride.”

  “Okay, but why am I in heat if I've already conceived?”

  “This magic is all confused,” Hygieia shrugged. “It could just be because you didn't go into heat before you conceived, and now it's trying to make up for it. Or it could be that this is the way it works for you. You're in uncharted territory, bringing life to the magic in a new way. There may be an adjustment period.”

  “How long is this heat supposed to last?” I tried to calm down. It couldn't possibly go on through the whole pregnancy, that would be catastrophic. Cat-a-strophic. I'd have to move out of the palace. “I have a full pride at my place.”

  “Oh,” she blinked and thought. “You said you've been experiencing this for two days now?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Well, a female lion goes into heat for four days,” she mused. “Then, if she doesn't conceive, she goes into heat again two weeks later.”

  “Are you saying I could be on a constant two week cycle of this until I give birth?” I nearly screeched.

  “It's possible,” she gave me a sympathetic look. “But it's more likely that this is just a glitch, and will work itself out. You've got two days to go. At the most. I recommend you stay inside, away from the other Intare, and enjoy the seclusion with your husbands. But,” she turned to the cabinet and pulled out a white box. “If you do have any problems, crack one of these open, and swish it under your... suitor's nose. It should do the trick.”

  “Thank you,” I clutched the box to my chest.

  “It vill be okay, Vervain,” Kirill pried the box away from me. “Ve vill get through zis.”


  “Try not to swish your hips too much when you walk,” Hygieia suggested.

  “What? Why?” I looked at her with wide eyes.

  “Because a lioness will swish her tail about and walk sensuously around lions to signal that she's ready to mate,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “Okay, no tail swishing,” I rolled my eyes, “got it.”

  “You don't want to conceive another child after all,” Hygieia chuckled, and I felt my eyes round further. “Oh, you didn't know that? A lioness can conceive at different times, from different fathers.”

  “What?!” I growled.

  “But you're not actually a big, predator cat. You just have certain aspects of one through your magic,” she reassured me. “You should be fine. I would think that the possibility of multiple children from multiple fathers would decrease significantly after the first few days.”

  “I had sex with all of my husbands within that time frame,” I whispered. “Does that mean I could be pregnant with more than one child?”

  “Most likely not,” she gave me another pat.

  I gave her another horrified look.

  “We'll know for certain after we do the ultrasound. If there's only one fetus, I think it will be safe to assume you can't conceive from multiple fathers at one time. But, if you go into heat again after two weeks, come back and we will find a way to deal with this,” Hygieia said confidently. “Now why don't we get to the fun bit. Do you want to see your baby?”

  “Oh,” I glanced at the machine she was tapping. “Yeah, I'd like that.”

  “Would you like your other husbands to come in for this?” Hygieia offered.

  “Yes, I would,” I looked to Kirill, and he beamed at me.

  “I'll go get zem,” he strode out the door.

  “Why don't you put your underwear back on,” she suggested. “I'll have to open your robe.”

  “Okay,” I got up, and slipped my panties on just as the rest of my husbands came in.

  “Is everything okay?” Trevor asked immediately.

  “I believe so,” Hygieia answered. “I'll let Vervain explain certain details to you later. For now, let's take a look at your baby and make sure she's healthy.”

  The men gathered around the exam table as I scooted back on it. Hygieia spread my robe, and put some cool gel on my tummy. Then she took a silver paddle and flipped a switch on the ultrasound machine behind her. The monitor flared to life, and Hygieia began moving the paddle over my belly. The screen instantly showed the bright outline of a baby. The paddle moved and the sound of a heartbeat filled the room. No, two of them. There was my slow, steady, thump-thump, and then a much faster one.

  “Zere she is,” Kirill whispered, and I was surprised to see his eyes wet with tears. “Look at her.”

  “How wonderful,” Odin nodded, “to be able to see her in the womb.”

  “She looks very healthy,” Hygieia nodded. “Judging by these measurements, and what I know of lioness pregnancies, I'd say you're due around,” she looked at a calendar hanging on the wall, and then back to the monitor, “February twentieth.”

  “February twentieth?” I blinked. It was difficult to g
et used to these rapid pregnancies.

  “Right after Valentine's Day,” Azrael smiled. “Perfect.”

  “Except it means there won't be any Valentine sex for all of you,” I teased them.

  “There absolutely can be,” Hygieia corrected me, and my husband's eyes began to gleam. “In fact, it would probably help the baby come faster.”

  “I don't know about that,” I frowned.

  “We had sex when you were far along with the twins, remember?” Trevor gave me his lopsided smile.

  “Yes, I remember,” I sighed, but I couldn't keep my eyes away from the image of my baby on the screen. “She's definitely a girl then, Doc?”

  “Yes, she's a girl,” Hygieia pushed a button and something whirred.

  She removed the paddle, and turned off the machine, going through the glove routine again before handing me a print out of the ultrasound.

  “Lesya,” I whispered as I looked at the perfect profile of my baby girl. A girl. I have to admit I was excited to have a girl, after being surrounded by so many men.

  “I have a feeling this little girl is going to be treated like a princess,” Hygieia chuckled.

  “She is a princess,” Kirill declared. “Daughter of Lion Queen.”

  Chapter Six

  There were some people in the waiting room when we exited. One was a goddess waiting for her appointment with Hygieia. After we made our goodbyes to Hygieia, she went over to greet the goddess. The other three people in the room included a woman who resembled Hygieia and an Egyptian couple.

  I stopped short in shock. They were the last people I'd expected to see. The last people I wanted to see. I had all sorts of mixed feelings about running into them, and I wasn't the only one.

  “What the actual fuck are you doing here?” Trevor snarled at Ptah.

  “I think it's pretty obvious,” Sekhmet answered for her husband, rubbing her huge belly.

  “Ah, you've met our other lioness mommy-to-be!” Hygieia abandoned her patient, and hurried over to us with a panicked smile. When she was close enough that her patient wouldn't overhear her, she whispered, “Is there a problem here?”

  “Yes,” Ptah hissed as he stared murderously at me.

  “Don't look at my wife like that,” Odin stepped in front of me. “You nearly killed her and her sons. You don't get to look at her at all. Not if you want to live.”

  Kirill and Trevor growled their agreement while Azrael's wings whooshed open to make his intent clear silently.

  “Alright, alright,” I held up my hands, and stepped between the men. “This isn't the place for this.”

  “No, it isn't,” Hygieia agreed, but then she narrowed her eyes on Ptah. “You're the man who tried to kill Vervain and her baby?”

  “She was threatening my family,” Ptah's aristocrat jaw clenched.

  “That's reprehensible,” Hygieia gasped. “And then you come here with your own pregnant wife, expecting me to treat her?”

  “He doesn't have to justify himself to you,” Sekhmet sneered. “You're paid well for your services.”

  “Get out,” Hygieia said calmly.

  “What?” Sekhmet's sneer vanished. “You can't kick us out, it's against your oath.”

  “I took an oath to help women and their children,” Hygieia lifted her head, “I never made an oath to you directly, and I refuse to help someone who tried to kill unborn babies. You're a monster,” she pointed to Ptah, “and you're not welcome here.”

  “Hygieia,” the other woman, who'd been with the couple, was wringing her hands, “you can't cut her off now. Sekhmet is nearly due. She's my patient, I should have some say in this.”

  “And you think I'm a monster,” Ptah growled, ignoring the other Greek goddess. “You'd deny a pregnant woman your help. How is that any different from what I did?”

  “Unless she has serious complications, you don't need our help,” Hygieia narrowed her eyes on Ptah. “Your wife and child are not dying, and I am not trying to kill them. Which are better odds than you gave Vervain. So I hardly see the similarities.”

  The other goddess in the room, Hygieia's patiently waiting patient, was watching us with wide eyes, her arms protectively curled around her belly.

  “This is my boyfriend's daughter,” I said in a low tone to Hygieia as I nodded towards Sekhmet. “Please don't deny her your care. In a way, she's family.”

  “I'm not your family, you whore!” Sekhmet snarled. “You're just the bitch who spreads her legs for my father.”

  I blinked at her in shock. Not that I hadn't been called that word before, but I was trying to help her. Come on. This was just rude.

  I recovered and sighed, “Family can be trying.”

  But Hygieia didn't hear me, all she heard was the venom in Sekhmet's voice. My husbands were about to come to my defense, but Hygieia beat them to it.

  “Get. Out. Now!” Hygieia bit each word off. “No one says that word in my clinic. How dare you? You're about to become a mother. You should be mortified over your husband's actions, especially now that you know what it feels like to have life growing inside you.”

  “This is my second child,” Sekhmet growled. “Motherhood changes nothing. This bitch tried to hurt my father, so my husband defended Re. Simple. I support him completely.”

  “You're the one who helped Re kidnap me,” I glared at Sekhmet. “I was at the end of my pregnancy, and you pushed me into Aaru so your father could trap me there. All I was doing was trying to escape.”

  “He loves you,” Sekhmet rolled her eyes. “I have no idea why, but he does. The greatest god of the Egyptians loves you, and you tried to escape him?! You're a fool, and you don't deserve my father.”

  “Do I have to call my guards?” Hygieia asked. “I told you to get out. If you don't leave now, I will have you physically removed.”

  “Sister, please!” the other Greek goddess cried. “Don't do this. We can work this out. Lots of our patients dislike each other, it doesn't mean we deny them our care.”

  “Lots of our patients aren't capable of murdering babes in the womb,” Hygieia pointed at the door imperiously. “Go now.”

  “My father will hear of this,” Sekhmet promised me before she turned, and flicked her long, wavy, golden blonde mane over her shoulder. “I don't need your help anyway,” she said to Hygieia. “I'm a goddess.”

  “That's right, darling,” Ptah put his arm around his wife's shoulders, and shot a nasty look back at me as he escorted her out. His forest green eyes were narrowed with menace, and his thin lips pulled back in a sneer.

  “That went well,” I sighed, and rubbed my hand over my belly. Lesya was rolling around angrily. “I know, Lesya,” I said. “Don't worry, I won't make you call her 'Aunty'.”

  Chapter Seven

  Armed with smelling salts and four protective husbands, I exited the tracing room at Pride Palace, and scanned the entry hall cautiously. It was empty, there were no sounds coming from the nearby dining hall, nor were any filtering in from the veranda to the left, or coming down the hallway to the right. I glanced up the massive staircase apprehensively, but no one seemed to be venturing down it either. Phew.

  Just a couple more days till this heat thing ended. All I had to do was get upstairs and barricade myself in before I caused a riot. Talk about not being able to take the heat. How embarrassing. I was a dragon-sidhe, heat was kind of our thing.

  But this heat had to be handled with a little more delicacy, and so I raced out of the tracing room and into the gilded cage of the elevator like a gazelle fleeing... well, lions. My men followed me in with sexy smiles, and we quickly closed the elevator door. Odin pressed the button for the top floor.

  “I have to say,” Odin turned his peacock colored eyes to me. “I'm looking forward to the next few days.”

  “So glad you're enjoying yourselves,” I rolled my eyes. “And it's a couple of days,” I corrected him. “Not a few.”

  “We could draw it out a bit,” Trevor was already nibbling on my neck.
  “At least hold off until we're in the bedroom,” I shoved at him, but he'd already got a good sniff.

  Trevor growled and yanked me against him.

  “Easy,” Kirill put a hand on Trevor, and Trevor snarled, flashing golden, glowing eyes at Kirill. “Okay, go ahead, but that's our pregnant mate you're digging your claws into.”

  Trevor looked down, shocked to see that his hands had partially shifted, and his wolf claws were digging into my hips. He drew them back, and the scent of blood mingled with the scent of aroused men. Kirill shuddered, and Trevor closed his eyes and looked pained. Blood and sex were like drugs to shapeshifters. Even without the heat thing, the combination would have driven them wild. But they stood back and clenched their fists. With the help of the other two men, who restrained Trevor and Kirill, we made it into the bedroom before my clothes were ripped to shreds.

  But we didn't make it to the bed.

  Odin barely had time to close the door and lock it, before he too got whisked away in my lioness magic. I ended up on the floor, cool stone pressed hard against my back, and my husbands even harder around me. It was like a sexy dogpile, with me in the center of it all. I lost myself to the feel of lips and kneading hands. The cool sweep of silky hair and the heat of licking tongues. The earthy aroma of sex wrapped around the musk of lion and wolf as well as the amber richness of men with sweet notes of angel. Gasps, groans, and growls rose around me as we attempted to satisfy the Intare lust haze.

  Hours later, we finally lay together in a sweaty, satiated heap, slick skin rubbing sensuously over hard muscles and soft flesh. I sighed and made a half-hearted attempt to extricate myself, when a knock came at the door, and we all froze.

  “Vervain, it's Re,” my Egyptian god boyfriend (and Sekhmet's father) called through the thick wood. “It's Friday, Lala, time for our date.”

  “Oh sweet succubi,” I whispered.

  “He'll probably love this,” Trevor rolled his eyes, stood up, and answered the door naked.

  “What in all the blazes is going on in here?!” Re shouted.


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