Yearning: Enchanting the Shifter (Legacy: A Paranormal Series Book 3)

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Yearning: Enchanting the Shifter (Legacy: A Paranormal Series Book 3) Page 9

by Ciana Stone

  “Then maybe she needs reassurance from someone other than you,” Sabine suggested.

  “Like who?”

  “Like me,” Ily said. “Or me and Sabine? Sabine’s a mother now. Maybe if Grace saw her and Lilyann and got to know them, and me, maybe then she wouldn’t react so negatively. Maybe she’d see that we’re like her—just different races of humanoid, kind of like being a different nationality or religion.”

  Beau looked over at Sabine, sitting on the couch beside Logan who was holding their daughter Lilyann. “Do you really think that’s going to work?” He directed the question to Logan.

  “I don’t know. What I do know is that we have to do something. And fast.”


  Logan looked over at Ily and she answered. “According to Severin and Darius, the cloaking spell has weakened to the point that a Daemon or Wizard level four or above can discern it. Our enemies have many that level or higher, so we need to do something to get the spell reinforced, and we need the complete spell to do it. Not to mention what’s happening with the Weres. And in case no one told you, there are now three Shifters affected.”

  Beau said something he’d been thinking for a while and had kept quiet about to avoid argument. “I don’t want to start a fight, but can anyone here really think that our enemies don’t know about this place? For crying out loud, it’s our family’s town. We started it and we live here. It’s not a secret so a cloaking spell…”

  “It’s not just our family,” Logan argued. “Yes, we’re obvious but there are others at risk.”

  “If our enemy manages to breach our defenses here, anyone could be a target,” Sabine said quietly. “Including Lilyann. She may have Shifter qualities.”

  “And it may be more than Shifters and Weres who are susceptible,” Ily added. “This could be a threat to all our people.”

  A sound outside had everyone freezing. When they heard their father’s voice, there was a noticeable lessening of tension. A few moments later, he walked into the room, followed by Mysti, her husband Jean Paul, and Ravyn. “I’m glad you could all be here.” John said. “We’re in great need of a family meeting.”

  “About?” Logan asked and looked over at Ravyn. “Why didn’t you bring Wayne?”

  “He’s out of town.”

  “Good reason.” Logan looked at his father. “What’s on the agenda, Dad?”

  “Grace Summerfield for one.” John looked at Beau. “And news from the Council of Seven that will affect everyone.”

  “Let’s start with news,” Logan said.

  “Fine.” John took a seat and waited until everyone else was settled. “As you all know, when John Luke, Ily, and Severin went to Florida, they spent time at the deceased King’s home. Ily and Severin left clues for Michael’s daughter and Ily came up with the idea of having an attorney contact the daughter to tell her about her inheritance.” He paused and looked around before continuing. “She found a letter Michael had written to his daughter. Thanks to a lot of people helping, we located the daughter and the letter was mailed to her from Florida. She has now gone to Florida to claim her inheritance and with luck will discover the clues left for her.”

  “And then what?” Ravyn asked.

  “Then open the portal between dimensions.”

  Beau would not have admitted it, but that sentence sent a shiver sliding over his skin. Parallel dimensions were supposed to be the stuff of science fiction. Well, once they were. Now, according to what he’d read, the theory was widely accepted in scientific circles.

  Why he’d have trouble with the idea was a bit of a joke. After all, he was a man who could turn into an animal. It didn’t get much more sci-fi or fantasy than that.

  “And?” he asked.

  “And either the Light will have control of the other side and join with us to combat the darkness here, or the dark will have prevailed and we will fight to the death to keep more of the Dark Fae from entering this realm.” Ily’s words delivered more than a shiver.

  “Am I the only one who wishes we could find out in advance of opening the portal who is in control on the other side?” he asked.

  “We all wish that, son,” John agreed. “Now to the matter of Grace Summerfield.”

  “Yeah, I’m curious what she has to do with any of this besides being scared out of her mind and barely able to leave her home for fear of seeing me.” Beau made no effort to keep the anger from his voice.

  “She has quite a bit to do with the cloaking spell we need to strengthen,” John answered. “Her father and King Michael created it and it’s believed that she is the only one who can reinforce it.”

  “That’s crazy. She’s not a magician, she’s just a—a—“

  “Kindred,” John said bluntly. “She has Fae blood.”

  “No.” Beau shook his head.

  “Yes, son. The Fae Council person told me himself.” John looked over at Ily. “And Severin said that Ily can confirm this to be true. Grayson Summerfield was actually Grayson Summerfield Whitehorse, younger brother of King Michael. He followed King Michael here many years ago and didn’t want to return.”

  Beau looked at Ily and she spoke up. “I don’t know that much about Grayson except that I liked him. He was kind and gentle, smart and could make Michael laugh and see the beauty in life. He was not just King Michael’s younger brother but also his best friend. And Lucan of the Fae is a man to be trusted, so I believe what your father has told us.”

  Beau thought about it for a moment and then addressed his father. “So, you’re saying that Grace is part Fae.”

  “Yes. Kindred. Just like you and your brothers—like me.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t mean she has any—any abilities. I mean, what abilities could she have?”

  “Magic.” Ily answered.


  “She could have inherited abilities to control air or water, or perhaps plants. There are thousands of magical abilities and I don’t know what hers are, but if her father created the cloaking spell, then I’d guess she’d inherit abilities similar to his, or perhaps she has a particular affinity for plants and can alter their constituents in a way a non-magical can’t.”

  “Which would explain why Ily couldn’t reverse engineer that formula Mom had made,” John Luke said.

  “I thought it was because she didn’t have all the ingredients?”

  John Luke looked at Ily and then back at Beau. “We found the bog lily. Grandmother Beaudreaux had it planted at the edge of the swamp on her estate. It was the Dragon’s Blood we didn’t know about.”

  “Grace said that could be a hundred different things.”

  “Actually, it can only be one,” Ily said. “Blood. Scythian blood.”

  Beau felt his spine stiffen. His connection to Ily ran deep and he felt the rage that simmered inside her. Someone had either killed or taken a Scythe prisoner and used her blood to create a poison.

  “I can’t believe that Mr. Summerfield would willingly go along with making something that required blood.”

  “I agree,” his father said. “And Augustus has people looking into this. If there’s a Scythe being held prisoner, we’ll find her.” He looked at Ily. “We’re all in this together.”

  “Yes.” She gave him a smile. “And stronger for it. But back to the cloaking spell. Beau, maybe it’s time someone else approached Grace.”


  “Like I suggested earlier.” Ily looked around and gestured. “The women of this family. She knows Mysti and Ravyn so they shouldn’t pose a threat. Sabine and I are the newcomers, but as long as I don’t go into warrior mode, I shouldn’t frighten her. And Sabine has a child; that gives her common ground with Grace. Perhaps Mysti could invite Grace to a luncheon or gathering?”

  “Yes, I think that would work,” Mysti agreed. “We’ve been talking on the phone and have had coffee and lunch a couple of times.”

  “Before she saw me shift.” Beau blurted and when all eyes focused on him, conti
nued. “Yeah, she saw it and it scared the living daylights out of her. She’ll run back inside the store if she sees me on the sidewalk and isn’t taking my calls.”

  There was silence for a bit and then Sabine spoke up. “Well, she has no cause to fear Mysti and if permitted, I can lessen whatever fear she has of us. Nothing drastic, just a bit of calm.”

  Beau knew everyone was waiting for him to agree and at the moment, he couldn’t see a reason not to. “Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you if she hangs up on you when you call.”

  “I stand warned.” Mysti gave him a smile. “Okay, so what’s next?”

  “Food.” Sabine said. “I’m starving”

  “Yes.” Ily immediately agreed. “Me too. Who wants to help me get it on the table? Everything’s ready and in the oven keeping warm.”

  “You cooked?” Beau asked with a bit of trepidation. The last time he ate Ily’s cooking, he accused her of trying to poison him.

  “I followed recipes from that cookbook you gave me.” She stood and put her hands on her hips. “I have two doctorates, smart-ass. I can follow a recipe.”

  “We’ll see.” He stood and gestured for her to precede him. “I’ll help.”

  “We’ll all help.” Mysti was the first to stand.

  In under a minute, the entire family was in the massive kitchen, setting the table, fixing glasses of iced tea, getting food from the oven and refrigerator and taking it to the table. Talk turned to lighter matters, and before long, there was laughter in the house.

  That was just what Beau needed. A dose of family normalcy. They might be Shifters and Angels and Scythes but before all that, they were family and loved one another.

  He just wished he had not blown his chance to bring someone new to the family, someone he loved and wanted to share a life with.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Grace looked up as the bell attached to the shop door jingled. Mysti and another woman walked in, a beautiful brunette pushing a baby stroller. Damn, she doesn’t give up. Mysti had been after Grace for a week to get together with her, her sister Ravyn, and her sister-in-law.

  Each time, Grace had come up with an excuse. She hated that she had to do that. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Mysti. She did. A lot. But since Beau had— She mentally shoved the thought away. She was doing everything she could not to think about Beau.

  “Hi, Grace.” Mysti walked up to the counter and gestured to the woman with her. “This is my sister-in-law, Sabine. She’s Logan’s wife.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Grace gave the beautiful brunette a smile and looked across the counter at the stroller. One look at the beautiful child inside it and she was in motion. She rounded the corner and stooped down by the stroller.

  “Oh, look at you, you beautiful…girl?” She looked up at Sabine.

  “Yes, and it’s such a pleasure, Grace. And oh my, what a divine place.” Sabine looked around. “All the wonderful smells. Are you the apothecary?”

  “Oh, no. No, that was my father. And my mother. I just help out. What’s your baby’s name?”


  “How pretty. She’d just adorable. Is this your first?”

  “It is. I almost threatened to make it my last after fourteen hours of labor.”

  Grace forgot to be wary; Sabine was so pleasant and the baby was so cute. “I know exactly what you mean. But in time you forget and one day you see someone with a baby and you start missing that feeling of holding a child in your arms and— Oh my goodness, listen to me going on. I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t apologize. It is the most wonderful feeling to hold your baby in your arms. I never knew anything could make me feel so complete.”

  “It sure does. So, you married Logan.”

  “I did indeed.”

  Grace smiled as she remembered back to her childhood, growing up in Legacy. “I’m glad he found someone to settle down with and have a family.”

  “So, I am.”

  “Since it’s almost closing time, how about having dinner with us?” Mysti asked. “We’re all getting together at Ily’s house out at the new wildlife center. Have you seen it? Your children would love it.”

  “Oh, I should probably get on home.” Grace stopped short of telling a lie and left it at that. Tonight was her mother’s weekly dinner with Beau and he was taking her and the kids to the local steak house. The kids were both as excited as Ida was.

  Grace had planned on getting some takeout and spending the evening going through more of her father’s notes.

  “Oh, come on, Grace.”

  “No, really, I can’t. The kids are going out with my mother, but I want to be there when they get home.”

  “Well, okay, then let’s do it at your house. I’ll call Ily and Ravyn and tell them to meet us there. We can get takeout from the barbecue place. You still eat barbecue, right?”

  Grace saw that she wasn’t getting off the hook this time. Maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. Well, unless Mysti or Ravyn turned into a wolf or something and if that happened, Grace was leaving town. Immediately.

  “Okay, sure.”

  “Great, we’ll meet you there. What time?”

  “Seven? That’ll give me time to close up here and get the kids ready to go out with Mama.”

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  After Mysti and Sabine left, Grace tidied up and headed home. She was barely aware of the passing scenery she was so caught up in thinking about her company. She had been purposely avoiding Mysti. She didn’t know how to bring up the subject of Beau being able to turn into an animal.

  Dear God, did I just think that? It was too unbelievable and too terrifying. Did Mysti know? Was she like that too?

  Grace both wanted to know and didn’t. She’d told herself a hundred times that if Beau was some kind of Shifter then he’d always been that and it didn’t make him any less kind or honorable or, God knows, any less sexy.

  But men weren’t supposed to turn into tigers.

  Grace shook her head as if that would dispel the thoughts. When she reached her mother’s house, the only car in the driveway was Ida’s. Grace pulled in behind Ida’s car and got out of the truck.

  She hadn’t made it to the front door before Theo pushed the screen open, banging it against a chair sitting near the door. “Mama, Mama! We going to go out with my friend! Can I wear my Transformer shirt? I can’t find it. Mama, will you help me?”

  Grace caught him as he ran up to her and swung him up into her arms. “Hey there little buddy. So, you’re going out with your friend tonight, huh?”

  “Yeah. Mr. Beau. Him my friend. Him taking me and Gran and Sherri to eat and get ice cream. I needa wear my Transformer shirt.”

  “Well, let’s see if we can find it.” Grace entered the house with Theo on her hip to find Ida in the kitchen.

  “You sure you don’t want to join us?” Ida asked.

  “No, but thanks.” Grace set Theo down. “Okay, buddy, you go look one more time in your drawers for that shirt and I’ll check the laundry room, all right?”

  “Okay, Mommy!” Theo took off and a second later, she heard the sound of his feet pounding up the stairs.

  “So what’s up with you and Beau?” Ida asked.



  Grace cut a look at her mother as she headed for the laundry room, which was off the kitchen. “So? I am married, Mama.”

  “Bull. You know you and Tad will never get back together, just like you know you’ve always loved Beau. And I think it’s probably the same for him, so what’s holding you back?”

  “Nothing.” Grace made herself busy looking for Theo’s t-shirt, which kept her from facing her mother. “But I just got separated, Mama. What’s it going to look like if—“

  “I call BS.” Ida walked over to the door and leaned against the frame. “And since when do we live our lives based on what someone else thinks, Grace Summerfield?”

  Grace knew her mother was right, but Ida d
idn’t understand and Grace couldn’t tell her.

  “Well, I guess I’m just not ready, mama. I mean, it’s not like Beau wasn’t part of the reason I ended up with Tad. He cheated on me too, if you remember. I’m not sure I want to put myself back in the position of letting him hurt me that way again.”

  That did it. Ida let it go. “So what are you going to do this evening?”

  “Actually, I’m having some people over—if you won’t mind. I ran into Mysti and her sister-in-law Sabine and they were getting together with Ravyn and the lady John Luke is engaged to, Ily, and asked me to join. I suggested they come here. We’re getting takeout, but I’m going to fix up a salad and maybe a dessert. I need to make a run to the store.”

  “Well, that sounds good, sugar, and I’m glad you’re reconnecting with people. You need friends. What time will they be here?”

  “At seven, so I think I have time to scoot to the store and get the kids ready when I get back.”

  Ida opened the refrigerator. “We have plenty for salad makings, but you might want to make up a salad dressing or buy some. As for dessert, I don’t have a clue.”

  “I’ll pick something up. Oh, here it is!” She pulled the shirt from the dryer. “I forgot to fold the clothes this morning. I’ll do that in a bit. Right now, would you mind if I ran on to the store?”

  “That’s fine. Oh, pick me up some sweet cream for morning tea, would you, honey?”

  “I will. I’ll be back soon. Oh, here’s Theo’s shirt.” She handed the shirt to her mother, picked her purse up from the counter, and headed back out. If she timed things just right, she could get the salad and dessert prepared and be getting into the shower about the time Beau arrived to pick up her mother and the kids.

  Grace went outside and got into her truck, backed out of the driveway and headed for the store.

  Yes, she was doing her best to avoid him, but if she was truly honest with herself, it wasn’t entirely because of his Shifter thing. It was also because of shame.


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