Pathological Therapy Billionaire Bad Boy Box Set

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Pathological Therapy Billionaire Bad Boy Box Set Page 15

by Brittany Dreams

  Chapter 4

  The incredibly handsome, well built, mysterious, alluring man walked away from Christine and all she could do was watch. Her mind whirled with the adjectives she’d come up with to describe him. Somehow they were all inadequate. She’d never seen such a man in her life. He was well over six feet and looked like a cross between an ancient warrior and a sculpted statue made real. She knew, without seeing him naked, that he was chiseled and rock hard under his all black suit. His face was intense in a way she couldn’t quite describe. Perhaps it was his eyes. Such a deep blue. His hair was long and shaggy and not quite tamed. She liked blonde men. That was her ultimate weakness. That and the fact that Curtis had dared to come to such an event looking a little rogue. He had obviously declined to shave and his strong, square jaw sported the growth of a fresh beard.

  Curtis was the epitome of masculine beauty, Christine decided. She had been so confident that she would not find a single person at the club who would pique her interest. How wrong she had been. This man, Curtis, had appeared out of nowhere. He had vanished almost as quickly.

  Leaning back against the chaise, Christine went over and over in her head what she had said wrong. Whatever it was, Curtis left in a hurry. She was shocked and a little humiliated when he got up. She hadn’t called him back.

  Glancing around the club, Christine couldn’t see Stacy or Curtis. There were rooms all over the place. Some led outside, others to bars, others to places she wasn’t quite sure she was allowed to go into. She and Stacy had peeked into a couple rooms while they were walking around earlier.

  Should she leave? Should she go and try and track down Curtis? Christine didn’t like that Stacy seemed to have disappeared while she was distracted. She debated about leaving. She hated that her brain wanted her to get up and leave but her body begged her to stay. She wanted to know more. More about Curtis, of course. He had come and talked to her, tantalized her with his company, only to deny her abruptly. The shocking way he had leaned into her fired her blood. Her body still hadn’t quite cooled from his proximity.

  Christine decided she couldn’t just leave. She had to at least make an attempt to find Curtis and prove to herself that he was like all the other men here. That he wanted one thing only. The one thing she had so flippantly told Stacy she wasn’t willing to give. Herself.

  Leaving the safety of the chaise, Christine wondered aimlessly through the club. She walked past the bar, through the main room. She even walked through into a couple of the other side rooms where couples were already paired off. She didn’t see Stacy and she didn’t see Curtis. She did see a lot of other things she wasn’t quite comfortable with. The women here seemed a little desperate. And fake. She saw enough fake breasts, bleach blonde hair, huge lips, long eyelashes and orange toned skin to make her want to vomit. She was disgusted by the way some women hung and clung to the men in the club.

  One more side room turned up nothing but a couple making out in the corner and a few others sitting and talking on ritzy looking leather furniture. Christine finally decided to give up. She wasn’t going to wonder around like a lost puppy forever.

  Finding the front entrance wasn’t a problem and Christine was relieved to push open the heavy wood door and step out into the warm summer night. The day had been a scorcher and the night had hardly cooled. There was a man outside off to the left smoking something strong and spicy. He had his back to her. She almost walked by him, out onto the sidewalk to call for a taxi. She stopped at the last moment and turned.


  He was watching her, his blue eyes almost glowing in the streetlight above. He took a cigarillo from between his lips and when he breathed out the spicy sweet scent of the tobacco filled the air. For some reason that action was so much sexier than it should be. Christine stared longingly at his mouth, blinking, unable to say or do anything.

  “Were you leaving?” He asked casually. Christine’s mouth went dry for the second time that night. God, Curtis filled out that suit well. Black was definitely his color. That expensive jacket showcased his broad shoulders, barrel chest and narrow waist. His pants were black also and ended in a pair of shiny, square toed black shoes. Christine felt even more uncomfortable as his eyes roved up and down her figure. She was reminded that her dress was a tad too tight and cupped all the wrong places.

  “I was considering it.” Christine turned back to the street. She pulled her cell out of her purse. This was a stupid idea. She didn’t stand a chance with a man like Curtis. She cursed herself for even searching the club for him. What had she been thinking? She hadn’t. She hadn’t been thinking at all. She’d been completely mesmerized by Curtis’ body, by his charm and magnetism and she’d let her desire lead her around like a girl experiencing her first crush. She was going to put a stop to it now. The sooner she got in a cab and was safely back home, the better.

  A warm hand on the small of her back froze Christine. Her hand paused, her cell forgotten.

  “Don’t. I have something I want to ask you.” Curtis leaned against her, the heat from his solid form transferring through their clothing into her body. Christine shivered violently.

  “What’s… what’s that?” She stammered. She tried to keep her voice steady and failed. Even she could hear her uncertainty and a hint of hopefulness.

  “I was wondering if you would like to see my home. You know what kind of club this is and what kind of event so I won’t insult you by beating around my offer. I want you to come stay with me for a day. I want you to submit to me and let me teach you. I can’t remember the last time I read a woman wrong and if I’m correct, I know that you won’t turn me down.” His hand came up and brushed a lock of hair off Christine’s neck. She shivered. She hadn’t turned to face him yet and his words came from just above her head.

  She spun around now, trying to put a little distance between them so she could think. His hand fell away but she was presented with his devastatingly handsome face. God, he was like sex incarnate. Her entire body turned on, electricity buzzing through her veins. Her heart pumped double time, blood pounding in her ears. Her breath came unevenly.

  “Are you serious? You want me to come to your house? And submit to you! That’s what you have to ask me? Are you crazy! You’re pretty full of yourself to think that I wouldn’t deny you.” She didn’t know where such brazen words were coming from. Certainly not from her non-functioning brain.

  “Oh I’m perfectly serious. Are you going to say no?” He studied her for a moment, hands at his side. She wondered absently where his cigarillo had gone. “I think not,” Curtis said after a moment of tense silence. “Since you haven’t said no, let me tell you what’s on offer. I will teach you about the most incredible pleasure. I think you will enjoy it as much as I will. For one day you will be mine. In return I will be yours. I promise you won’t forget our time together. And as to payment, I would be willing to give you a hundred thousand dollars. You know, so you can quit your waitressing job and do what you really want with your life.”

  Christine’s head swam. She took in Curtis’ face, trying to decide if he was serious or if he was just toying with her. One hundred grand? Who on earth had money like that to pay someone for a week of their time? It was ironic, how right at the moment, everything she had said, all her protests about this being cheap or like selling oneself, faded away. Christine never banked on meeting a man like Curtis. Someone who stole her breath and lit her body up at the slightest touch. Hell, he didn’t even have to touch her to bring her into a state of heady arousal.

  “What if my family finds out?” Christine could have killed herself for uttering such a ridiculous statement.

  Curtis just smiled. “I see that you haven’t done something like this before. I thought not.” Christine was about to protest but Curtis held up a hand. “I like that. That you haven’t done this. That you’re so much more innocent than the other women in there. And so much more beautiful.” Curtis stepped forward. He reached out and stroked
her cheek gently. His fingers burned her skin and Christine gasped. She made no move to pull away.

  What would a night with this man be like? Hell, she should have been the one paying him to be with her, not the other way around. She couldn’t believe her incredible stroke of luck. She almost asked him if he was sure he wasn’t joking.

  “I… I won’t tell anyone. I’ll come…” Christine stammered. “No one has to know… I mean… just us… I want to…” She hated that her brain wouldn’t form one single coherent thought.

  “Good.” Curtis nodded as though he had known all along she would search for him and not deny him his proposition. “Be ready at seven on Monday night.” Curtis’ fingers slid from her cheek down to her lips. His thumb played over them in a lazy, sultry stroke that ignited a fire of longing deep in Christine’s stomach. She closed her eyes and savored his touch. All too soon he stepped away. He pulled a business card from his back pocket and handed it to her. “Text your address to the number on here. I’ll send a limo for you.” He handed her the stiff white business card and turned.

  Christine watched helplessly as he Curtis walked down the sidewalk. She watched him as he grew smaller and smaller. Eventually he turned a corner and disappeared. Closing her eyes, Christine recalled the sight of his face, the crazy way her body responded to him when he touched her. As she turned dialed the number for a cab, Christine counted down the hours to Monday night.

  Chapter 5

  Curtis waited anxiously. He was above checking the time again and again but only because he had too much self-control for that. He didn’t like that he had spent most of the weekend thinking about Christine. No other woman had captured and invaded his mind as effortlessly as she had.

  He doubted she would come. Perhaps that was it. He wasn’t sure of himself. It wasn’t a position he had been in before and he didn’t want to be in it again. He was used to being in control. Of his work, of his life, of the relationships he did have, if they could be termed as such. He didn’t like the hard pit of doubt squeezing and clenching the bottom of his stomach.

  “She’s going to show isn’t she Curtis?” Curtis snapped his attention back to his two friends. Matthew and Nathan. They occasionally shared romantic interests. Not that it was something any of them would admit if questioned. It was why only one of them went to the club at a time. They chose a woman and arranged for her to take care of all of their needs. Usually the woman in question was only too happy to agree. Matthew and Nathan were handsome men. Most women were flattered by their attention.

  “I sent the limo half an hour ago,” Curtis responded, taking care to keep his doubt out of his voice. He stood up, pacing around the huge living room. The white leather couches were uncomfortable at the best of times. The house was open concept and had been designed with minimalism in mind. Curtis hadn’t touched anything himself. The builder had taken care of the six thousand square foot house and after that, an interior designer and decorator finished things off.

  “What’s up Curtis? You don’t seem happy about this.” Matthew stood. He’d obviously had enough of the rock hard couch as well.

  “Oh I’m happy enough about it.” Curtis faced Matthew and glanced towards Nathan. He wondered how to tell his friends that he hadn’t exactly filled Christine in on the other part of the bargain. She was going to be furious, he knew. He shouldn’t have picked her but he had. And once he had he should have done her the courtesy of explaining to her exactly what it was he wanted. He knew if he had she wouldn’t come. It was a simple as that. Curtis had to have her. He wanted to keep her all to himself. Unfortunately that wasn’t part of the plan. If he wanted her, he had to share her.

  “You didn’t tell her about us did you?” Nathan said dryly. He shifted on the couch. Matthew came to stand beside Curtis. He glanced out the window that faced the park on the far side of the street. Cars passed. There was a young woman with a child at the park. Her own or just a baby sitting charge, Curtis wasn’t sure.

  “Not exactly,” Curtis said after a moment’s hesitation.

  “Why not?” Matthew looked confused. The point of using the club was so that they could find a woman who agreed to be with all of them. The regular bar crowd usually wasn’t into that. It was surprising how money changed the mindset. The women who went to that club and attended those mixer nights expected men who had different tastes. Married men, fetishes, older men… that kind of thing. It was less surprising to announce to a woman that he wanted her to come to his house and pleasure him and his friends, sometimes his friend’s girlfriends even, if they expected it.

  “You said she was perfect,” Nathan protested. He glared at Curtis from his spot on the couch. “She’s not exactly perfect for what we had in mind if you were too afraid to tell her.”

  “It wasn’t that I was afraid to tell her. I just didn’t want to scar her off.”

  “Isn’t that pretty much the same thing?” Nathan jumped up and began to pace the room in agitation. His face was screwed up in concentration. Curtis watched his friend and long-time business associate. He had met both men through his company. Somehow, over the years, the friendship had turned into something else. Something that the three of them hardly spoke of and only ever when they were in one of their own homes.

  Their fun had started out innocently enough. Nathan had a girlfriend a couple years back that Matthew thought was hot. One night at a party, the three men were drunk, Nathan most of all. He was willing to share his girlfriend and she was willing to sleep with Matthew because she termed him ‘sexy as sin’. Curtis had walked in on the fun and it wasn’t a stretch, in their inebriated state, for him to join in. Nathan’s girlfriend, what was her name? Samantha? Savannah? Curtis couldn’t remember. He did remember her looking up in the middle of both men banging her and seeing him. After a moment’s hesitation she had shyly invited him to join in and that had started it all.

  Sometimes they had three women, sometimes two, other times, just one. Curtis had been the one to suggest it. They always used his house. They took turns finding and convincing, even paying women to join them.

  “Not at all,” Curtis ground out. It had been hard for him to admit, at first, that he liked strange things like this. He’d had so many women over the years it wasn’t exciting for him any more unless he was doing something experimental. Something totally taboo. He wasn’t into men at all and certainly not his friends but it gave him a strange sense of pleasure to fuck a woman at the same time as someone else. To pleasure her and teach her, in some cases, introduce her, to a whole new experience. He supposed that was the thrill in it.

  “Why her? You’re supposed to find someone willing to do this Curtis. Not someone who can’t hack it. Or worse, would tell anyone.”

  “She still has to sign the contract,” Curtis retorted. “It has a confidentiality clause remember?”

  “But why her?” Matthew joined in. He seemed as confused as Nathan was annoyed.

  Curtis sighed. He glanced around the room. At the neutral grey walls, the grey hardwood floor, the huge hanging abstract art above one of the uncomfortable, fashionable couches. His eyes roved over the large windows and over to the fireplace which was done in grey tile. It was modern and didn’t actually burn anything. The flames flickering there were generated by a switch on the wall and gave off no heat.

  “I wanted her that’s why.” Curtis finally decided just to be honest. Matthew raised a brow and Nathan blinked. Curtis didn’t exactly confess to desiring anyone very often. He was the tight lipped, controlled one. The one who was always hard to read.

  “You wanted her?” Matthew parroted. His voice held an undertone of disbelief.

  “Yes. I wanted her. I saw her and I didn’t think. She’s shy. She hasn’t done anything like this before, I can tell you that much. I doubt she’s very experienced at all. I thought that might be fun for a change.”

  “I don’t like them squeamish. The last thing I want is some girl turning into a crying baby when I whip
my cock out.”

  “Fuck off Nathan,” Curtis growled. Nathan rolled his eyes in response. “She’s going to be here soon. I’m going to tell her everything then. I already put the money on the line. I offered a lot, so I’m sure she won’t refuse. The thing is, I want to be with her first. She met me and I could tell she was attracted to me. She was hesitant to even speak with me. I thought at one point she was just going to leave. I wasn’t going to offer her the deal but I didn’t see anyone else I was interested in.”

  “So she wasn’t there looking for someone?”

  “She was there with a friend. She had no intention of finding anyone.”

  “I don’t like this,” Nathan shook his head. “This isn’t what we do Curtis. She’ll take one look at us and faint dead away.”

  “You’ll have your answer then,” Matthew laughed. “Get her to sign the confidentiality agreement first Curtis. Just to be sure she won’t tell anyone about this. That would be the last thing we, or the company needs.”

  Curtis wanted to snap back that he wasn’t an idiot but at the moment he caught sight of a black limo pulling up in front of the front of his massive house. He wondered what Christine thought when she caught sight of it and realized it was his. Was she impressed? Did she think it was too much? There were days when Curtis himself thought so.

  “I guess we’ll have our answer soon enough,” Nathan growled. He obviously wasn’t happy about the situation. He stepped to the window and watched beside Curtis as Christine got out of the car.


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