Being Emma

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Being Emma Page 15

by Jeanne Harrell

  Janie gulped and then she smiled. When Ted and Ed stood, so did she. Barker extended his hand to shake hers.

  “Good work on that Naples counterfeiting case, Deputy. I hope to be hearing from you soon.”

  “Thank you, sir.” She looked from Ed to Ted and left the room. She practically skipped out of the building.

  Craig was waiting for her in the parking lot, standing by the car. He had noticed her good mood. As they got in, he asked her, “How’d it go?”

  She looked into his handsome face and smiled.

  “You won’t believe this either.”


  “They asked me to apply for a position with the U.S. Secret Service.” Craig looked at her in surprise and then put his arms around her.

  “Oh, Janie… How fabulous!” He thought a minute and pulled back. “Are you going to do it?”

  She looked at him slyly. “It all depends…”

  “On what?”

  She paused before speaking.

  “Are you going to ask me to marry you?” Craig was astonished and sat back in his seat. He ran a hand through his hair.

  “For God’s sake, Janie… You want to do this sitting by the federal building in a parking lot?”

  “Yes. My decision depends on it.”

  “Explain that...”

  “If we’re married or engaged, they do a background check on us both. If I’m hired, I’m sent for fifteen weeks of training to Georgia.”

  “That’s wonderful…”


  “… But?”

  She gazed into his eyes and spoke from the heart.

  “I won’t do it without you. I won’t accept the position, if it’s offered, I won’t leave town, I won’t do any of it unless you come with me. You’ve been with me my whole life, Craig. I can’t do without you now… I need you with me.”

  His eyes filled with tears. He’d been waiting for this moment for most of his life. “… Ah…”

  “It’s a new adventure for me, Craig, and I want it to be for us. You know how I’m always wanting to go on new adventures.”

  He cleared his throat and finally spoke. Craig took her hands in his.

  “Janie, I’ve had the ring for a month now and I asked your father for his permission last week…” She blinked, caught off guard.

  “Of course, I want to ask you to marry me, but could I please do it in a more romantic setting?”

  She smiled at that comment. “Will you marry me within six months?”

  “Sweetheart, I’ll marry you tomorrow if you like.” She beamed at him.

  “Good… Then I’ll fill out the application as soon as possible.”

  “Is there a deadline?”


  “Are you sure you’re ready to be Janie Ferguson?” She took his hand, turned it over and kissed his palm.

  “I think I’ve been Janie Ferguson most of my life, haven’t I?”

  “It was touch and go for a while there. Your brother told me I’d wait a long time for you.”

  “I love you, Craig.”

  “And I adore you, Janie.” They kissed in his car in the not-so-romantic parking lot by the federal building. “We need to go home, sweetheart. It’s been quite a trip…” He winked at her.

  “I’ll say…”

  “How long do I have to keep any of this to myself?” He put the key in the ignition and started the car.

  “About as long as it takes to get us home. And take me to my apartment first, please. I need to pack.” She looked over at him.

  “Pack?” She nodded.

  “Yes. Do you want me to move in with you?” He stopped the car before taking it out of the parking lot, while shaking his head.

  “Do I get to ask you anything first?”

  “I suppose when we get around to having children, you can ask me that.” He laughed and started the car again. It would never be dull with Janie Johnson Ferguson.


  The next day there was a phone call from Sonoma to Naples…

  “Just what the heck happened in Las Vegas anyway?” Jeanne was beside herself.

  “… I can only guess, Jeanne,” said Lily. “All I know is Craig came in second in the state tournament…”

  “And Janie’s moved in with him…”

  “Right and she’s applying for a position with the U.S. Secret Service.”

  They both paused and exhaled deep breaths.

  “That’s a lot, Lily… Something must have gone right in Las Vegas.”

  “But you know, Jeanne,” Lily smiled, “what happens in Vegas…”

  “… Stays in Vegas…” they answered together with a laugh.

  “… What about Diane?”

  “Their new friend, Sharon, moved in with her.”

  “Well… Stating the obvious, he must have finally told her that he loves her and ditto for Janie.”

  “Yes,” Lily chuckled. “Sandy did tell me that he noticed some mighty warm looks between them when he and Bill were there watching the shoot… For a while, I thought I would have to lock them in a room somewhere forcing them to talk to one another….

  Jeanne grinned at that. “I bet they did much more than talk, Lily…”

  “Indeed. I hope so… Craig was looking pretty miserable… And by the way…”


  “Janie said there would be a background check after her interview if all goes well. The check will last several months and we will all be contacted for interviews about her and probably him too.”

  “Wow, really… How terrific for them both – Love and a fabulous future. Sam and I are so happy we could pop.”

  “Sandy and I are thrilled too. I was wondering how the Mike Church incident would play out, but apparently, it helped get her out of the rut she was in. Luckily, she saw Craig for all his worth.”

  “It was so plain for all of us to see they were in love, but so difficult for them.”

  “Love takes time for some…”

  “Very wise, Lily.” Jeanne smiled at her.

  “Sometimes I get lucky.”

  “Okay, gotta go... Sam needs his lunch. See you at the roundup.”


  A day later, the men had ridden their horses out to a northern section of the Johnson ranch to check the herd. Jason, the foreman, had also asked that they count the number of calves again, since the number had surely changed from several weeks ago. They had stopped to spread out for different vantage points and sections of the herd, and began their work.

  When he finished, Jesse rode over by Craig. Jesse leaned back in his saddle, wiped his hands and took his hat off to brush off some dirt.

  “How many did you count?”

  “I saw about fifty. What’d you get?”

  “Probably close to thirty. Wonder what Colt’s count is?” They looked over to their right as Colt came galloping up. His horse kicked up some dust and Jesse’s horse moved away from him.

  “How many?”

  Colt smiled. “Forty… “

  “That makes a hundred and twenty, give or take a few. That should make Dad pretty happy. That’s a lot of money on the hoof…”

  Colt looked up. The big Nevada sky was darkening fast with sprays of orange and yellow painting the horizon. “Beautiful sky tonight.”

  “You’re quite the romantic, aren’t you?” Craig smiled at him.

  “… You must be too… What did happen in Vegas, Ferguson?” Colt’s eyes twinkled. “It must have been some trip…”

  Jesse agreed. “I was wondering about that myself. You guys take off for the state tournament barely speaking, and when you return, she moves in…” He smirked. “What gives?”

  Both brothers gave Craig unrelenting stares. Craig cleared his throat.

  “Well… first off, we were speaking just fine when we left and second what happened is between us. All you need to know is that we love each other and it’s finally out where everyone can see it… Including us…”
/>   “Have you proposed?”

  “Yes and no…”

  A What? look passed between Colt and Jesse.

  “… Which is it?”

  “It’s complicated, but basically, Janie wants us to get married before she leaves for training, if she gets the Secret Service job. So she asked if I was going to propose and I told her I would under different circumstances.”

  Colt was more confused. “I don’t understand that.” Jesse shook his head.

  “I told you it was complicated…”

  “So… what if you get married and then Janie doesn’t get the job?” asked Colt.

  Craig laughed. “Well, then she’s stuck with me anyway…”

  “From the look on her face, Craig, I don’t think she’d mind. It’s wonderful she finally made a move. It was hers, wasn’t it?”

  “Oh, yeah… I’d still be at square one trying to figure her out, if she hadn’t decided to prod us both.”

  “Well… congratulations. I knew you’d be the one to peel back those hard layers of hers. You’re as tenacious as she is.” Colt stuck out his hand to shake Craig’s.

  Jesse leaned over to shake his hand too. “Congrats, Craig. Always knew you’d end up our brother-in-law.” Craig smiled at them both.

  “Thanks, guys. You both hung in there with me when the going was rough, and I appreciate it.”

  Colt took off his hat and brushed off the dirt that clung to his jeans. “Gotta get going, guys. Mandy hasn’t felt well the last few days and I have to cook dinner tonight. Want to stop by, Craig?”

  “… Love to, but it will have to be another night. I’m helping Janie prep for her interview. It’s in a few days and she’s nervous, if you can believe that…”

  Jesse started laughing. “Remember that time he told us he was happy not to have a wife and children to go home to? I do believe he’s changed his tune.”

  Colt laughed along with him, while Craig had a sheepish look on his face.

  “… I’m thrilled to have Janie waiting for me at home, and you both know it. Cut me some slack here.”

  Colt laughed and turned his horse. “See you later…” Jesse did the same. Craig took one more look at that incredible sky, pulled his hat lower on his face and turned his horse to follow them. All three men were galloping back to be with the women they loved. And it was the best part of their day…


  The cattle were contentedly grazing in a pasture located in an immense meadow between several hills outside of Naples on the Johnson Ranch. Just past the smaller hills, rose the jagged Sierra Nevada Mountain range complete with snow on top – and it was spring. The mountains reached up like sharp-edged steps into the big sky… Breath came out a little frosty on that chilly morning.

  It was sunup… Colt was on his horse about a mile away from Jesse who was situated on a small hill looking down at the herd. Jesse waved his hat at Colt who took off his hat and waved back. Then they both started riding towards the cattle for the start of the roundup. A few hands rode up to join them.

  Sandy, Craig and Jason were waiting a few miles in for Colt and Jesse to bring the herd forward. Sandy smiled… The cattle could be heard for miles, bellowing and snorting, running into each other and moving ahead. An immense cloud of dirt swirled overhead and covered the cowboys with a fine layer of dust. Colt and Jesse’s clothes and chaps were thick with it by the time they reached Sandy. Their faces were covered with kerchiefs to keep from breathing in all that dust. It was midday when Colt pulled down his kerchief as he rode up to his father.

  “Here’s your herd, Dad…”

  Sandy grinned and tipped his hat at Colt. “Thanks, son. We’ll help you out from here.” Colt laughed and trotted back to one side of the cattle.

  The men rode in various places along the route to keep the herd moving. Horses and riders together moved in and out, keeping the cattle from straying too far one way or the other. Dogs ran around, nipping at the cows’ ankles if they started going the wrong way. The noise was considerable, but to the owner of the cattle, the view more than compensated. Sandy exported a huge percentage of his unique cattle and prices right now were sky high. He expected to do very well with the next shipment going out. Each new calf brought an additional 6% to his bottom line, so the today’s roundup was important.

  Eventually, they drove the herd to the many freestanding corrals on the backside of the property. All the equipment needed for branding and inoculating the calves was already in place. Meg and Janie had ridden out to join the men during the last mile bringing in the herd. Meg and Carter had driven over for the roundup, but they were still a few hands short with Joey and Miles gone. So several hired hands were there to help out.

  As soon as they were close enough, the cowboys started separating the mature cattle from the calves. It was an exacting process and one that took an experienced hand to complete. When the calves were separated, everything started happening at once… In one corral, Meg lassoed a calf and a hand jumped down to pull it over and brand it. Another hand came in to inoculate with a big, strange-looking needle. In another corral, Sandy lassoed a calf as Jesse jumped down to drag it down. Carter ran in to inoculate and then brand it.

  On and on the procedure continued… Lassoing, branding and inoculating. It took everyone’s help, which included Lily, Mandy and Audrey. Sam and Jeanne had babysitting duty with all the children back at the house. There was so much dirt and dust flying that Lily wanted the grandchildren out of the way. And sometimes they were scared at the size of the big cows and how noisy they were. But as soon as the grandkids were old enough, Sandy would put the boys as well as girls to work in the roundup. No one escaped because of age for very long.

  It was a long day… After several hours of branding and inoculating, Sandy couldn’t find any more calves. He threw both of his hands in the air to signal they were done. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief… They began the long process of cleaning and putting all the equipment away, as well as corralling their horses and making sure there was hay and water for them.

  Dusk was only a few hours off when Sandy made his announcement.

  “Okay, everyone. Go home and clean up. Come back in an hour for the roundup party. Food and drinks are on us, as usual to thank you for your help. See you later.” He and Lily started for the house and party preparations.

  An hour later, Colt and Jesse were stringing the party lights around the perimeter of the back yard. Lily and Meg were busy finishing food to be brought out to the tables that had been set up, and Sandy had started the grill. Audrey began bringing different kinds of meats out for him to barbecue – the usual, steaks, chicken, hamburgers for the adults, and kabobs for the grandchildren.

  Janie looked out the kitchen window to the back yard of the ranch house. The party lights were twinkling giving the area a romantic feel. Craig was outside setting up the sound system. It took all hands to put on a Johnson party, but the effort was worth it. Janie smiled just thinking of all the parties they had had at the ranch. Parties and weddings… The house was the keeper of Johnson memorabilia and she realized how much she loved it all.

  “Janie… Are you just going to stand there or could you give Meg and me a hand?” Lily looked over at her.

  “Sure, Mom… Take stuff out, I presume?”

  “Yes, indeed and see how your intended is doing with the sound system. I don’t hear any music yet.”

  Janie took platters from her mother and went out to the back yard tables. After arranging them, she went over to see how Craig was faring. She found him moving speakers and twisting wires.

  “How’s it coming?” He looked up and grinned at her. Craig stood and walked over to her. He gently tugged her ponytail and put his arms around her. As they kissed long and slow, Lily looked out and saw them. She nudged Meg…

  “Look, Meggie… Did you ever think you’d see that?”

  Meg glanced and then pretended to fan herself.

  “Whew… I can feel the heat way over here.” They smi
led at each other and went back to work.

  And then everyone was in the backyard eating, talking, laughing and mingling. The music was fine, the food was good, but the company was excellent. Colt and Mandy’s children were running around with Jesse and Audrey’s kids with little Sofia playing catch up. Colt had finally managed to get the twins to eat kabobs with Sofia. She showed them how to put the napkins on their laps, but they just stared at her puzzled. Colt and Meg laughed at them.

  “Don’t you teach your children any manners, brother?”

  “I’m lucky to get them to sit at the table. Usually, Craig’s the one who can get them to eat, but he hasn’t been over for a few days.”

  “They’re probably starving then,” she laughed. “And why haven’t Craig and Janie been over?”

  “He was helping her prepare for the Secret Service interview. It was a few days ago now, so maybe we’ll get them back over.”

  Jesse’s boy, little Sandy, ran past them and Meg grabbed him. He squealed delightedly at his aunt. Squirming in her arms, she lugged him over to meet his uncle Carter.

  “Who’s this, Meggie?”

  “This, Carter, is your nephew little Sandy. Remember? He’s Jesse and Audrey’s oldest.”

  “He’s going to be the eldest of three before long, isn’t he?” Carter smiled at him.

  “… Indeed. Audrey’s four months along and doing well… She helped with the roundup today.”

  Mandy was talking to Sandy and Lily, while Jeanne and Sam were talking about his winemaking efforts with Jesse and Audrey. Meg took little Sandy over to them.

  “I believe this is yours, Audrey…”

  “That’s where you are… We’ve been looking for you,” she said to her son. “Jesse finally found Emily hiding under a table with Sofia. The cousins have been having fun together, Meg.”

  Just then Mandy and Colt walked over to join them. Colt mentioned Mandy’s recent stomach problems – Meg raised her eyebrows at her.

  “Stomach? Or another area perhaps?”

  Mandy laughed at her. “Okay… You got me there.” She looked at Colt. “I guess we can tell them, but where’s Craig and Janie first?” Everyone looked around and, out on the dance area, Craig and Janie were dancing slowly, looking into each other’s eyes. Four little pairs of eyes were staring up at them – Lucy, Livy, Sofia, and Emily sat close together smiling at their beloved aunt and uncle. They were whispering to each other and giggling. Craig and Janie noticed the little girls and reached down to pick up two apiece. The girls laughed happily and were more than willing to be scooped up.


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