Stakeout (Aurora Sky

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Stakeout (Aurora Sky Page 5

by Nikki Jefford

  “Spice,” I answered before Whitney could respond.

  She glared at me.

  Marcus’s eyebrows shot up. He shook his head. “So the mice have gotten a taste of poison?”

  Whitney and Hope looked at the ground.

  “I prefer simple pleasures, myself,” Marcus said. “Fine wine and art; champagne and appetizers; beautiful people and a room with a view.”

  I smirked. “Simple pleasures?”

  Marcus winked. “Perhaps some of the fine gentleman here this evening can help remind your friends what it’s like to enjoy the simple pleasures. I expect Henry and Gavin anytime. Until then, please, help yourselves to a cocktail. As you know, I specialize in liquids. I’m sure you’ll find something to satisfy.” Marcus bowed slightly.

  “Thanks a lot, Noel,” Whitney said, smacking me on the shoulder once Marcus turned away.

  “He thinks we’re total druggies,” Hope said.

  I shrugged. “You are druggies. Maybe you should rethink smoking something that could make you eat someone’s face off.”

  Hope’s lip curled back.

  “Don’t give me that look,” I said. “I told you that shit was fucked up. What happened to alcohol and vampires? We used to have fun.”

  “Right, the simple pleasures,” Whitney said rolling her eyes.

  “Here’s the thing,” Hope said. “A vampire gets off on biting us. Our blood is like a drug when it enters their system, right? But what about us?”

  Whitney placed a hand on her hip. “Yeah, what about us? Bullshit is what I say. We get bit and provide the rush. Where’s our rush?”

  I looked from Whitney to Hope, unsure how to respond. “The biting and sucking is the rush,” I said. It was for me, anyway. Something thrilling came over me every time a vampire sucked blood from my vein. I wasn’t looking for a mind altering experience. I guess that was where my friends and I differed. I got off on the sexual nature of the exchange. Maybe that wasn’t their thing.

  “Tonight you agreed to come out with me, so we’re doing things my way,” I said. “And that begins with a cocktail.”

  “Fine,” Whitney said. “Have it your way... tonight.” She smiled at the last part, arms relaxing. My girls didn’t hold grudges. The drug thing sucked, but they were my friends come hell or high water.

  We walked into the kitchen where a young man in a dress shirt and pants greeted us from behind a counter. Rows of liquor bottles, lime wedges, salt, and sugar bowls were set before him.

  “You three look thirsty,” Marcus’s makeshift bartender said. “You name it, I’ll make it.”

  I elbowed Whitney. “Bet the east vamps don’t have their own bartender.”

  Whitney jabbed me back. “Nice try.”

  Too bad she missed the topless waiter or she might have sang a different tune.

  “Oh, what the hell?” Hope said, stepping ahead of us. “Surprise me—just so long as it’s something strong.”

  “Make that two,” Whitney said.

  “Three,” I called out. “No sissy drinks.”

  We chuckled as the bartender pulled out a bottle of brandy, rum, and gin. He tossed a glass into the air, caught it, and set it down on the counter followed by two more. Once all three were lined up, he began pouring the liquor.

  Whitney, Hope, and I took our drinks into the living room, selecting a spot on a leather couch.

  I took my first sip.

  “That’s strong.”

  Hope chugged down her Dying Bastard. “Who says we can’t get fucked up tonight?”

  “Cheers to that,” Whitney said, lifting her glass. She shot me a sly smile. “Simple pleasures, right?”

  “Right,” I said, sipping my drink.

  Whitney lowered her glass. “Don’t look now. Bitch alert.”

  I followed Whitney’s gaze across the room, where Valerie stood perched against the spiral staircase’s iron banister with a crystal champagne flute in her hand. One of Marcus’s regulars stood close enough to have a bird’s eye view down her plunging tank top.

  While I’d been drinking and talking, I’d missed the redheaded banshee’s arrival. Because of Valerie Ward I no longer went to school with my friends. Melcher had suddenly decided he didn’t want two informants in one school. Naturally, Valerie refused to transfer.

  “What’s she doing here?” Whitney asked.

  “Probably looking for her next conquest,” I said.

  “I still don’t see how Fane went out with her... twice.” Whitney’s lips formed a pout.

  “Probably some Freudian connection to red hair and blood,” I said. “That or she sucked him off as good as he sucked her.”

  Hope sniggered.

  “Eww! How dare you assault my mind,” Whitney cried out.

  I shrugged. “I call it like I see.”

  “And that’s why we love you,” Whitney said. “Even if you’re a sick bitch.”

  I raised my eyebrows before taking a swig from my glass. I didn’t realize I’d closed my eyes as I tilted my head back, not until Gavin appeared as if from thin air, standing at the lip of the living room the moment I swallowed. And his eyes were on mine.

  Panic seized me and I nearly dropped my glass. I sucked in a breath, steadying my hand. Hope was finishing the last of her drink, but Whitney didn’t miss a beat. “Uh, oh,” she said. “Here comes trouble.”

  Hope looked up and grinned when she saw who we were talking about. “I hope you brought concealer.” She and Whitney sniggered.

  I silently beseeched them to shut up.

  “I see you’re having a good time,” Gavin said. He made it over before I could say something I’d later regret like, “He’s taken.”

  “Hi, Gavin,” Whitney said sweetly.

  “Hello, Whitney. Hello, Hope.” Gavin inched his way over to me and pressed his leg into the fabric of the couch just beside my bare knee. “Hey, Noel,” he said softer.

  My throat went dry. I didn’t want him to see me swallow so I said a simple, somewhat breathless, “Hey,” back.

  “Whitney and Hope,” I heard Henry call out behind Gavin. “How are you?”

  He plopped onto the couch beside Hope, managing not to spill one drop of his drink.

  “Doing great now that you’re here,” Whitney said back.

  “Ah, I’ve missed that mouth of yours.”

  Whitney cocked her head to the side, showing off her neck. “And I’ve missed yours.”

  Whitney and Hope tittered. I might have joined them at another time, but I’d taken that opportunity to swallow down the Sahara Desert lodged inside my throat.

  “Join me upstairs and I’ll show you just how much you’ve been missing,” Henry returned.

  Whitney stood up. “Well, if you insist.”

  Henry rose to his feet after her.

  Hope looked at Gavin expectantly, which made me leap to my own feet and nearly stumble on the three inch heels of my pumps. Gavin’s hands shot out to steady me. His grip on my bare skin made me hum to life like a telephone wire.

  I looked at Hope.

  “Go,” she said, waving a hand in the air. “I want to see what else this bartender can come up with.”

  "Thanks," I mouthed.

  Gavin and I followed Henry and Whitney to the spiral staircase wordlessly. I’d nearly forgotten about Valerie’s unwelcome appearance the moment Gavin arrived. Luckily she wasn’t hanging over the banister any longer.

  Whitney disappeared into the first available room with Henry—a silver bat dangling from their doorknob within seconds. Gavin headed straight for the October room. With every step, I felt my hormones and emotions raging into a fever pitch. I felt as though I’d never known hunger until now. Never known desire. Never known the anguish of wanting a boy to like me and only me.

  Gavin’s steps didn’t slow until we were three feet from the doorframe. When he turned around, I didn’t allow myself time to think. Eyes half-closed, I went straight for the kiss. Gavin responded instantly, crushing his own lips agai
nst mine.

  He spun me around, pressing me against the wall beside the open door, his hand gripping my waist then traveling down my thighs. I kissed him harder.

  Gavin pulled me away from the wall and maneuvered me inside the October room, fumbling for the bat around the knob without breaking off the kiss. The silver bat knocked against the door as he looped it around the outer knob. Once secured, Gavin smacked the door shut.

  “Noel,” he whispered like a breath between kisses.

  My name sounded like music coming off his lips.

  I pressed my body against his, finding the proof protruding in his pants that he wanted me. Not my blood. Me. To be connected. To join in the most intimate act two beings could ever perform together.

  Gavin’s breath became ragged. His grip on me tightened, but I still wanted him to hold me tighter.

  I ran my hand over the bulge in his pants. I felt him strain beneath my slim fingers.

  Gavin caught my wrist and leaned forward until his eyes were inches from my own. “Someone’s in a hurry,” he said.

  “We can’t all live forever,” I returned, pushing my hair behind my shoulder with my free hand.

  Gavin’s hand relaxed on my wrist. “I’d turn you if I could,” he said.

  I stopped messing with my hair and looked him in the eyes. “That’s the nicest thing any vamp’s ever said to me.” And I thought Henry was the sweet talker. Gavin was full of surprises.

  Gavin’s expression changed, sending a shiver through me. He stepped closer, causing me to take an instinctive step back. Something akin to excitement flashed across Gavin’s eyes. “Appearances can be deceiving. I’ve done things you can’t begin to imagine, Noel. You should leave while you have the chance. I’m not sweet. Not at all.”

  Why were his words exciting, rather than scaring me?

  “Good,” I said. “Neither am I.”

  I didn’t care that Gavin was a blood thirsting vampire. That was nothing compared to my current state of lust cravings. I didn’t even have to worry about protection. Not only were vampires sterile, they couldn’t pass on their disease; it festered within them. Forever. That reason alone made vampires perfect one night stands. Not that that’s what I wanted this to be. Not even close.

  Gavin stared straight into my eyes. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  He smiled slowly and steered me over to the bed. With one small push he had my butt planted on the edge of the mattress. Gavin placed a hand on either side of me and leaned forward.

  My entire body quivered. Gavin slid his hands down my dress, fists tightening around the hemline. He began sliding the fabric up. It didn’t have far to go before it was around my waist, exposing my black lace panties.

  I could feel the pressure of his knuckles on my thighs. I wanted them gripping me, guiding the first thrusts of his dick.

  A sharp knock at the door interrupted the direction of my thoughts. For several seconds, I stared slack-jawed at the door. We’d hung the bat. No one knocked when the bat was in place. Who was knocking? Why were they knocking?

  Gavin let go of me and straightened up. Lines formed at the corner of his lips. He looked as annoyed as I felt. As he turned around, I pulled my dress down and stood up.

  Gavin stormed across the room with me following close behind. He yanked open the door. Suddenly, his shoulders relaxed. At first I couldn’t see over him, so I craned my head around his body, instantly scowling when I caught sight of Valerie. What the hell was she doing knocking on a closed door with a bat in place? She’d accompanied Fane to the palace before. She knew how things worked.

  “I’m sorry to bother you,” Valerie said sweetly. “You’re one of Fane’s friends, right?”

  “Yeah. Gavin. We met at Marcus’s Halloween party last year.”

  Valerie made a show of pursing her lips in thought. I also remembered Valerie at that party dressed as a slutty nurse. She’d waltzed into the palace and announced, “No biting, gentlemen, I’m with Fane. Besides, it’s my job to take blood, not give it.”

  Fane had seemed pretty cool so go figure how Valerie ensnared him. Like I said, the sex must have been mind-blowing. Most likely Valerie had been assigned to Fane, but that still didn’t explain why he went for her.

  “Oh, right, Halloween,” Valerie said with a sultry chuckle, tilting forward.

  If I could see cleavage from where I stood, that meant Gavin was definitely getting an eyeful.

  I cleared my throat. “Was there something you wanted?”

  Valerie looked around the room until her eyes settled on me. “Actually I need to talk to you.”

  I placed a hand on my hip. “And it couldn’t wait?”

  Valerie stared at me in response. I lifted my brows impatiently. She better explain herself or move along.

  Gavin ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat.

  “Well, um, I’ll let you two chat. See you downstairs, Noel.”

  My jaw clenched as Gavin retreated down the hall.

  “What the hell, Valerie!” I said the moment Gavin was out of earshot.

  She didn’t look at me right away; her eyes were still following the path Gavin had taken. “You two together?”

  “No we’re not together.”


  I narrowed my eyes. “Why is that good?”

  “Because it’s my job to monitor vampires... closely.” Valerie shot me a sly smile. “I had an in with Fane until Aurora stumbled along and ruined everything. I’m looking for a replacement and that one’s tasty.”

  My heart erupted into angry beats that kicked at my gut.

  “You can’t go after Gavin.” No way.

  Valerie squared her shoulders. “Why not?”

  “Has Melcher authorized this?” I demanded.

  “I don’t need Melcher’s approval. I’m doing exactly what’s expected of me. You’re not exactly in a position to argue, Noel.” Valerie lifted her nose and looked down at me. “What would Melcher think about you fucking anything with fangs?”

  I lifted my hand as though to slap her. I wanted to see the bitch cringe, but instead, her eyes lit up. The banshee probably liked S&M.

  Voices from down the hall stopped me. A vamp named Tom walked up to the door with his arm draped around a skinny blonde. “You two coming or going?” he asked.

  I looked at Valerie in disgust. Even if I played for the same team, Valerie would so not be my type.

  “Going,” I said, storming out of the room. At least as much as one can storm in pumps.

  Valerie smirked and followed me out. Tom pulled the blonde into the October room and shut the door with a firm click. The bat knocked against the wood in the process. I’d never gotten a chance to move it to the other side of the door. I gave it one last wistful stare. That should have been me and Gavin inside the October room.

  I looked up at Valerie and glared. “If you’re looking for a pet project you shouldn’t do it on my turf.”

  Valerie snorted. “Your turf? What is this? Westside Story?”

  “You’re the one who insisted on running with the Denali crowd, so you should stick to that side of town.”

  Valerie batted a loose curl hanging over her face.

  “It’s a free country,” she answered.

  There was no reasoning with the vixen.

  “Fine. Go wherever you want. Just stay away from Gavin and don’t ever interrupt me again.”

  I turned on my heel with a huff and stormed down the hallway, slowing down at the spiral staircase to take each step carefully. I wasn’t about to allow anger to cause a misstep and wind up tumbling headfirst down the stairs. Valerie would love that.

  The din from the living room filled my ears like white noise. The bodies below blurred together until one came into focus at the base of the staircase. Gavin.

  He held a hand out. I took it and stepped down.

  “What was that all about?” he asked, leaning into me. His touch had the power to erase the animosity swimming throug
h my veins.

  “Nothing,” I said. “Sorry about the interruption.”

  Gavin nodded toward the kitchen. “Want a drink?”

  “I’d love one.”

  We walked into the kitchen where the bartender from earlier was pouring two drinks for a vampire into martini glasses. Once the vamp had taken the glasses and left, the bartender looked at me and said, “You might want to check on your friend.”

  “Hope?” I asked immediately, even though that name would mean nothing to him.

  “She’s in the restroom.”

  I turned to Gavin. “I’ll be right back.”

  He nodded. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  I forced a smile. Obviously the universe was conspiring against me this evening—that and the ghosts of high school past. This was one Denali High reunion party I could have done without. Things were so much simpler on my own.

  The bathroom door was closed. I pounded on it. “Hope,” I called. “Hope, are you in there?” There was no answer. I tried the doorknob, but it wouldn’t budge. “Hope, open up!”

  The knob turned and clicked. I pushed my way in, closing the door quickly behind me.

  Hope stood shaking against the bathroom counter, eyes bloodshot. Behind her I saw a line of cocaine on the porcelain countertop. “What the hell are you doing? You know Marcus doesn’t allow this shit at his place.”

  Guests had been banned for less, no second chances. I couldn’t let Hope ruin everything for me. I locked the bathroom door and stormed over to the counter.

  Hope sniffed. “You left me alone.”

  “Hey,” I said, grabbing her roughly by the shoulders. “Don’t blame this on me.” I shook her. Rage seeped over my bones, and I shook her harder. Hope’s eyes widened in surprise.

  Hope’s lower lip quivered. She nodded ever so slightly. I released her to swipe the white powder with one hand into another right before dumping it into the toilet.

  “What are you doing?” Hope cried.

  I flushed the toilet. “Getting you out of here before Marcus finds out what you’ve been up to.”

  I yanked a line of toilet paper from the roll, ripping it off and wadding it up. I wet the wad and swiped it over the counter.

  “Do you know how much that cost me?” Hope asked.


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