Stakeout (Aurora Sky

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Stakeout (Aurora Sky Page 16

by Nikki Jefford

  My heart gave a leap of joy. Melcher had said house. Not apartment. House.

  I nodded. “I won’t say anything.”

  It would be hard, but not impossible. Keeping secrets was part of the job, and I could understand why Melcher didn’t want to dangle the house in front of Aurora right now. She’d probably want to move in right away. I was looking forward to being roommates, but I also wouldn’t mind having the place to myself for a few months—maybe even six if she spent the summer with her mom.

  I did a half spin outside Melcher’s office and headed to my car. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas. Packing would be easy since Clive took all my things. Should have asked Melcher if the place came furnished.

  I’d slept on a mattress on a floor; I’d be fine. Now to tell Fane the good news.

  Knowing I’d soon have a place to live, I felt much more motivated to get up, get dressed, and go to school in the only clothes I now owned. And when Friday night rolled around, I was most definitely ready to follow my usual routine.

  “I’m going to Marcus’s,” I announced after a late dinner with my vampire hosts.

  Joss gave me a sour look.

  “It’s the weekend. It’s my job.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Fane said.

  “Okay.” I was sorta looking forward to going off on my own. I didn’t like the feeling that I was encroaching on other peoples’ space. But it wasn’t like I could say “no” after Fane had taken me in and dealt with my dad. I owed him big time, and we could split up once we reached the palace.

  “I’m not going,” Joss announced.

  “Shocker,” Fane said under his breath. He grabbed his coat and keys, calling out, “Don’t wait up.”

  Once we stepped out into the dark I said, “We should take separate cars in case one of us wants to leave early.”

  “It’s cool,” Fane said, heading to his car. “I can stay or go whenever you want.” He looked pointedly at the passenger door.

  Guess we were carpooling.

  We didn’t talk much on the way over. Fane was the kind of guy who could do silence. That was until he asked, “Have you spoken to Aurora lately?”

  “No, actually, and I really need to,” I admitted. “Things have just been so crazy.”

  Fane looked sideways at me. “You don’t like sharing your personal life with people.”

  I shook my head slightly. “We all have problems to deal with. No one wants to hear about my problems. And I’m not a whiner, not usually.”

  “I don’t think you’re a whiner.”

  My lips twisted into a frown.

  Fane stopped at a yellow light and leaned over the car bench. “Noel, it’s okay to share your burdens with friends. And it’s okay to ask for help.”

  I didn’t know how to answer, so I didn’t. What Fane said sounded good, but it didn’t change the fact that my life was personal, not something to be shared publicly. There was enough woe in the world without me adding to it. No one liked to hear about that kind of stuff. Hell, I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted distraction. I wanted purpose. I wanted escape.

  And that’s exactly what the palace provided.

  “You didn’t happen to be some kind of European prince back in the day, did you?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Whitney was wondering.”

  Fane stretched back in his seat, one hand resting on the wheel. “No, not a prince or even the second cousin of a prince, but I had far more power and money. Would that impress your friend, or is she all about titles?” Fane shot me a mocking smile.

  I rolled my eyes, playing it cool. “Okay, so you were a rich aristocrat. Did you blow all of your money over the centuries?”

  “How’s that?”

  “This ain’t exactly a Lamborghini you’re driving.”

  Fane tried to hide a smile, but I could see his teeth even in the dark interior of his car.

  “Oh my God, you have owned a Lamborghini before!”

  Fane had on a poker face and shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “If you have money why are you driving this piece of shit car or living in a duplex? Why is your roommate scouring the internet for old books?” Seriously, if Fane Donado was loaded he should really look to Marcus as a prime example of how to live it up in the afterlife.

  “Maybe I wanted to find a woman who’d love me for more than my money.” Fane raised a brow.

  “Are you serious? That is so lame!”

  Fane chuckled. “I believe most ladies would find that romantic.”

  “Well, I’m flattered you referred to me as a lady, but as far as the billionaire disguised as a poor man looking for real love—I think it’s for the birds. Fuck love. I’d buy myself a mansion, a castle, fifty different cars to fit my mood of the day. I’d jet around the world. I’d go see the seven wonders... What?” I demanded when I saw the way Fane smiled at me.

  “I’ve done all that.”

  “Fifty cars?” My jaw dropped.

  “Not all at once. I’m not as lavish as you.”

  I huffed. “I suppose now you’re going to tell me that all the money in the world can’t buy true happiness or love.”

  Fane began humming to himself, watching the road as though I wasn’t there.


  He glanced at me briefly. “Why tell you what you already know?”

  I had to go back to my initial reaction on this one. Lame! “Love’s overrated.”

  Fane shot me another one of his teasing smiles. “I hope for your sake someone comes along and proves you wrong.”

  Let any man try. I loved men as much as the next woman, but they couldn’t be trusted. They were always running off after some younger, hotter, louder, redhead.

  I folded my arms across my chest.

  “At any rate, I doubt your prince is awaiting you at the palace.” Fane chuckled.

  Ha, ha. Did I look like the kind of chick who’d ever swoon over a fairytale prince?

  “What about you? Ever come close to finding true love?”

  “Now you’re mocking me,” Fane said. “Fair enough.”

  I turned in my seat to face him. “No, really. Has anyone ever come close?”

  Fane was silent for several moments before answering, “Yes.”

  All of a sudden he seemed awfully intent on keeping his eyes on the road.

  I took a deep breath. “Aurora.”

  Fane didn’t bother denying it. “There’s something about her that gets under my skin. She has enough spark inside her to last a lifetime, but she’s also reckless. I never knew whether she really liked me or if I was simply a convenient bad boy who made her feel daring at the time.”

  “Aurora is crazy about you!” I said the words before thinking. I just couldn’t believe Fane would think she used him as a scapegoat.

  “Aurora broke up with me,” Fane said darkly. “Money doesn’t matter to her, but being human does.”

  Aurora broke up with Fane to protect him. It had broken her heart. And what had he done? Hooked right back up with Evil Red. I wanted to yell at him.

  “What about Valerie Ward? Were you looking for love when you met her?” Yeah, so my tone was totally sarcastic.

  The vixen’s name got an instant smile out of Fane.

  “That was one persistent hellcat. Wouldn’t take no for an answer. A little hard to turn down a woman who wanted me that badly.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.” With his eyes on the road, Fane missed my eye roll, but I still felt it was necessary. Little did Fane know that Valerie’s persistence had nothing to do with liking him. In this case he really was the chump that Valerie successfully ensnared as part of her undercover work.

  Fane tapped the steering wheel. “I guess you could say Valerie was part of my own rebellious phase—a taste of the wild side with a woman who wouldn’t break my heart.”

  No, just stake it if she were angry enough.

  “Why did you get back together with her?”
br />   “Oh, that,” Fane said. He let out a breath. “Val came after me again. I knew she didn’t really want me back after I’d dumped her. I figured she had some hidden agenda, but I didn’t care. I was upset that Aurora left me. Knowing Val’s vengeful side, I preferred she do whatever it was she needed to do to me rather than take it out on Aurora.”

  Wow, bittersweet. Aurora had been protecting Fane from Valerie while Fane did the same for her, but neither of them knew it. Guess Valerie got the last laugh after all and, that accomplished, moved onto Gavin. God, I wanted to pull her ginger hair out by the roots.

  Parking in a downtown neighborhood proved challenging every Friday night. Fane found a spot a block away from the palace. I didn’t want to walk in front or behind him, so we ended up side by side walking down the sidewalk. It felt funny in a way that made my lips curve up. I was ready to get inside and go about my normal routine.

  When we reached the front door, Fane held it open for me to go inside first. Marcus stood in the foyer with his hand on another guy’s shoulder. He turned slowly, ready smile to greet his incoming guests. When he saw Fane and me together his smile widened, and he got this wicked glow in his eyes.

  Marcus gave the guy’s shoulder one more pat before stepping over to Fane and me.

  “Welcome, my friends,” he said.

  “Hello, Marcus,” Fane said in the most casual manner.

  Marcus’s smile stretched further. “Did you two arrive together?”

  I glanced at Fane who lifted his head, matched Marcus’s grin and said, “Yes.”

  “Excellent,” Marcus said. “Never a dull moment. Can I get you two something to get you started?”

  “I’ll have anything with alcohol,” I said.

  “Red wine for me,” Fane said.

  Marcus took a step toward the kitchen. “Of course, right this way.”

  Although Marcus showed amusement at my arrival with Fane, he poured our drinks without further questioning. I could always rely on Marcus not to probe too deep. Don’t ask, don’t tell. No judgment. Besides, he always had that look on his face like he had it all figured out anyway. I didn’t care what conclusions he’d jumped to about me and Fane. We were friends, and it felt good to have a vampire in my corner.

  Fane leaned against the kitchen counter, sipping wine.

  “I’m going to mingle,” I told him

  He nodded. “Have fun.”

  Mingle probably wasn’t the right word, but it sounded better than spy. I made my rounds through the living room, stopping to chat with a few of the vamps I had some familiarity with.

  “Noel Harper, where have you been?”

  Prickles jammed at my insides when I heard Henry’s voice behind me. Should have gone for a refill five minutes earlier. My glass was empty.

  Henry had on a nice pair of slacks and button up top. His dark brown hair was well kept as usual.

  He flashed me a friendly smile. “We’ve missed you at lunch.”

  Yeah, sure you have, and I’m sure Gavin especially.

  I tried answering in a breezy, nonchalant tone and was pleased when the words came out sounding just the way I wanted them to—like I had better things to do with my life. “I was out of town.” I looked over his shoulder as though talking to him bored me.

  Henry’s brow rose. “Family vacation?”

  My eyes returned quickly to his. An instant scowl formed over my face. “I don’t have a family.”

  Henry lifted his hands, dropped his smile. “Sorry, Noel. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just wondering where you’d been.”

  I’d never crushed on Henry, but I had liked him. Not at the moment, though. Henry thought I was some sad little girl, but he was mistaken. Boy, was he mistaken.

  I could swear he never wanted anything to become of Gavin and me. This was a vamp that for all his honeyed words was most definitely not in my corner.

  I lifted my head and flashed Henry my teeth in that cool, calculated way I’d observed from vampires. “It doesn’t matter where I’ve been, Henry. I’m back now.” I held up my glass. “I’m dry,” I said. “Nice chatting.”

  I turned and walked away with an air of complete confidence. I could feel Henry’s eyes on my ass. He could kiss it!

  I was feeling pretty damn awesome as I approached the kitchen. Then I heard Gavin’s voice.

  Great, of course. Where one found Henry, Gavin wasn’t far.

  “Isn’t it a little sad showing up to these things alone all the time?”

  There was a malicious lilt to Gavin’s voice that I wasn’t used to hearing. I had no doubt he’d been addressing Fane. I couldn’t believe Gavin was so hung up on Valerie that he’d talk to an old friend this way. Guess I never knew Gavin as well as I thought I did. Sadly, I was still convinced that deep down he was a nice guy. Valerie had gone and twisted his brain was all. I was sure of it.

  Gavin was so focused on Fane, he barely noticed me walk into the kitchen.

  “Maybe your roommate can teach you how to live without blood and women.”

  Did Gavin want to get his ass kicked?

  Fane’s calm stance against the counter didn’t fool me. I wasn’t sure what his plan was. At the moment, it seemed to be letting Gavin make a complete ass of himself, not that Gavin picked up on any of that, but if Fane didn’t slap him soon, I just might.

  “What’s with the wine?” Gavin asked, nodding at Fane’s glass. “Can’t get the real thing anymore?”

  God, was he going to let up or what? What a dick. I was sick of it.

  Fane looked damn well near done, as well. He set his glass on the counter.

  Despite what I’d said to myself a moment earlier about slapping Gavin, I didn’t want either boy getting hurt. Why did they have to act this way over the vixen?

  Quick as a whip, I stepped in front of Fane and wrapped an arm around his waist. I looked up and smiled sweetly. “There you are. Can we go upstairs now, before someone steals my room?”

  Amusement danced across Fane’s eyes. I enjoyed seeing how quickly his tight frown loosened into a lazy grin.

  “Whatever you want, babe.”

  My mega smile was one hundred percent genuine. No one had ever called me babe before. It sounded so comical I nearly bit my tongue to keep from laughing.

  Nothing was quite as satisfying as seeing the look on Gavin’s face as Fane led me out. His expression changed from shock to outrage. My heart gave a tiny thump.

  Fane squeezed me against him. “Enjoy your drink, Chum. I’m off to enjoy mine.”

  “Noel!” Gavin called.

  I turned my head.

  “So, you’re with Fane now?”

  Rather than answer, I smiled and said, “See you around, Gavin.”

  I willed him to stop me, yank me from Fane’s side. Yeah, he had poor choice in women and he was being a complete dick, but he was also a male. A vampire male, but still bullheaded like the entire sex, no matter what his blood type. If anything, it made him more human.

  But Gavin didn’t stop us.

  There was nothing left to do but continue the farce all the way up to the October room in case anyone was following our movements. Fane stuck a bat on the door knob and shut us inside. As he turned, back to the door, he crossed his arms and shot me a bemused grin. “What was that about?”

  I mimicked his stance, arms folded, standing in the middle of the room. “That was about preventing a fist fight inside Marcus’s pristine kitchen.”

  Fane smirked. “I would have dragged him outside first. I know the rules. Little bastard probably would have enjoyed licking his wounds.”

  I grimaced. “Well, I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

  “You don’t want Gavin getting hurt.” Fane took a step toward me, lowering his voice. “You like him.”

  I shrugged and broke eye contact. “Yeah, well, I’m an idiot.”

  “He’s the idiot,” Fane said. “Doesn’t even realize he’s dating a vampire.”

  My heart did this weird thin
g where it bottomed out, actually causing me to stumble forward. “What did you say?”

  Fane cocked his head to the side. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know. You’re the spy here.”

  “Valerie Ward is not a vampire.”

  Fane grinned. “You sound awfully sure of yourself.”

  I wish he’d stop smiling like that. It was getting frustrating. “I’m certain.”

  “Are you now?”

  “Yeah, I am.” God, he was maddening. “Why are you so sure?”

  “I tasted it in her blood.”

  There went my heart again, beating loud, while my voice nearly lost all sound. “What did she taste like?” I asked.

  Fane walked up to me and lifted my chin so that our eyes were inches apart.


  I tried not to shake. Not only would Fane see it, he’d feel it with his hand on my face.

  Gavin had said I tasted odd. Odd like death? Fane said Valerie tasted like death. Valerie had AB positive blood. I had AB positive blood. Vampires had AB positive and negative blood. We had their diseases, but we also had the antidote, unless it didn’t work. Unless it had never worked.

  “Noel, say something.”

  My eyes had wandered off. I stared back into Fane’s deep brown irises, ready to deliver my own bombshell.

  “Valerie is an undercover informant, like me. She works for the same unit as Aurora and me.”

  Fane’s hand fell from my face. “Val, too?” He took a step back and ran his hand through the blond tuff of hair on top of his head. “Boy, do I know how to pick them.”

  “They picked you,” I said. “Well, Valerie anyway. Aurora didn’t know you were a vampire until I told her.” Actually, I thought deep down she knew before then but didn’t want to admit it to herself. Denial could sound pretty good when it came in the form of a dark hunk of a man.

  “I knew it,” Fane said. “You’re all vampires, just like me. I had my suspicions with Aurora, but now that I know Valerie is part of your operation it’s confirmed.” He nodded at me. “That means you are, too.”

  I shook my head. “I’d know if I was undead.”

  Fane raised a brow. “Ever experienced any blood cravings?”


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