HAMMER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 16)

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HAMMER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 16) Page 4

by Samantha Leal

  She crossed her arms over her chest and sank into a sulk.

  God, get me out of this van… she said to herself as she looked out the window to her side and watched the deep red of the desert flash by. Through the tinted black of the windows it made the landscape around them look like Mars. Dark crimson and barren and completely deserted. The rolling hills in the distance made it look like another world, and Shelby realized it had been a really long time since she had actually spent any time out in the desert. Going back home was going to be like reconnecting with the earth she had grown up knowing so well.

  When the roads began to become more familiar, she closed her eyes. Until she was inside the house, she was still in denial. None of this was really happening. She was going to wake up, any moment, in her lovely bed, in her stunning apartment and all of it would have been a bad dream.

  Hammer cleared his throat as the van slowed and she heard the sound of the window going down. She opened her eyes and looked to see him leaning out to press a button on the pad next to the huge, black, wrought iron gates that were closed tight ahead of them. His muscles flexed and his tanned skin was taught over them. As Shelby watched him she was sure that she had never seen a physique quite like it before.

  She could still remember when she had seen the gates and the huge brick wall that surrounded the house and grounds for the first time. When her dad had had them built and fitted, she had only been a baby still, really, and they had seemed as tall as the sky.

  “It’s Hammer,” he barked into the intercom. “I’m back from the hospital with Miss Petrov.”

  Miss Petrov…

  Just hearing him say her name like that made her mad. Why couldn’t he just call her Shelby like a normal person? Why did he have to make it so serious and professional? It wasn’t making her feel any less uncomfortable about the situation, and for a bodyguard, surely, he should know better?

  She pouted and sighed as the gate ahead of them began to slowly open. The van edged forward and through them, and started up the long, winding drive. It was a route Shelby knew well and didn’t feel the need to take in yet again, but she still couldn’t help but let her eyes wander to the landscaped lawns being spritzed by sprinklers and the wonderful trees and sculptures her father had employed designers to find and place over the years.

  As the house came into view, she felt a pang of nostalgia and was surprised that she even smiled a little. For all it was, this house really was still home, however much she tried to deny and ignore it.

  It stood three-stories tall, all white and gleaming in the desert light, with pillars and lush trees surrounding the entrance. Hammer pulled the van around the bubbling fountain in the center of the courtyard and stopped in front of the big, double front doors.

  He jumped out and came around the back and pulled open the sliding door for her and held out his arm. He sighed and looked at her irritably again when Shelby hesitated, but she scowled and reached out for him, accepting his offer of help after learning her lesson the last time.

  “Thanks,” she muttered as she climbed out of the van.

  She looked up and around, and breathed in the arid desert air that was, somehow, a lot clearer and fresher there at the house. It was as if her father had created his own private oasis, completely away from the rest of the world. They didn’t feel as if they were in the desert anymore, it was as if they were in the Garden of Eden.

  Hammer didn’t say another word, but he marched toward the main doors of the house with her duffle bag and bag of meds gripped tightly in his big hands.

  The door opened ahead of him and he nodded to one of the maids as she stood back and waited for Shelby to enter. She was new and looked nervous, and Shelby gave her a half smile as she passed.

  “I’ll take these to your room,” Hammer barked over his shoulder as he made his way up the big sweeping split-marble staircase and disappeared out of sight.

  She wanted to call after him and tell him not to bother, but she would only be cutting her nose off to spite her face. She could barely move without being in pain and she knew there was no way she was going to be able to carry the bag.

  “Can I get you anything, Miss Petrov?” the maid asked through a thick Spanish accent.

  “No, thank you,” Shelby smiled as she made her own way toward the stairs and began to climb them slowly and carefully.

  She had never realized how high and how many steps there had been before, but each movement made her ribs ache and by the time she got to the top, she had to stop and take a rest.

  She could hear Hammer’s footsteps coming back down the hallway toward her and she rolled her eyes. If he saw her struggling, he was sure to insist on helping her even though it was obvious he didn’t want to.

  “Here,” he said as he made his way toward her, holding out his hand. She looked up at him and when their eyes met again it sent a shiver right through her. Hammer faltered and slowed his pace, unable to tear his gaze away too, but he still looked so mean and fierce that Shelby just wanted to be as far away from him as possible.

  He stopped when he was a foot away from her and stood looking down on her through his intense eyes. Shelby’s heart was quivering away and she felt trapped there by him, held by those incredible eyes and by the fear of his power.

  “It’s okay,” she snapped suddenly and broke the silence and tension between them. “I’m fine.”

  He ignored her and helped her over to a bench at the top of the hallway and sat her down. Hammer sighed and stood back up in front of her.

  “I know you don’t want me around and that daddy has spoiled all of your fun, but you’re going to have to get used to it, okay?” he said with a sneer as he looked down at her with his big arms folded across his chest.

  “Excuse me?” she hissed as she looked back up at him with a scowl.

  He smirked and shook his head.

  “I don’t want to be here any more than you do, but I’ve been hired by your father and I’m true to my word and honor, so, for now, we’re both just going to have to suck it up.”

  He was stern and serious, and it made Shelby blush. She hadn’t realized she was acting such a brat, but it must have been written all over her face. But at the same time, who the hell did he think he was?

  “Daddy spoiled all of my fun?” she asked sarcastically. “Are you actually being serious?”

  She wanted to laugh but her anger was keeping her face straight and stern.

  Hammer took a step closer to her and leaned over so his face was in line with hers. He didn’t look amused one bit and Shelby found herself moving back instinctively.

  “I’ve seen hundreds of girls like you,” he half snarled. “And you’re all the same. Spoiled, little rich kids with no concept of the real world and too busy breezing through life with a sense of entitlement and greed.”

  Shelby felt her jaw sag and she went to speak but he silenced her as he continued.

  “I didn’t want this job,” he said it almost with a spit. “But I’m here and I’m going to see it through. Your father needs you to be kept safe and it’s in our interests to ensure he gets what he wants.”

  “Our?” she asked with confusion, still stunned from his first barbed comment and judgement of her.

  Hammer snorted and half laughed and then he rose to his feet.

  “Just do as I say while I’m here and we won’t have a problem,” he continued. “The way I operate, I need your cooperation or we’re just going to be wasting both of our times. No sneaking out, and no sneaking anyone in without running it by me first. If you want to leave the estate, that is absolutely fine, but I come with you, at all times… everywhere.”

  He really meant business and it made her heart flutter a little, even though she was refusing to acknowledge it.

  “Everywhere?” she asked with a half-laugh. “Are you going to be following me into the bathroom as well?”

  Now it was her turn to cross her arms over her chest and she rose to her feet and pushed her hip out to
the side sassily.

  “Don’t give me a reason to,” he said meanly. “And then I won’t have to, no.”

  Shelby scrunched up her face in disgust and turned her back on him.

  “I’m going to bed,” she snarled over her shoulder. “And I don’t want to be disturbed.”

  She walked away from him without looking back and without another word.

  Yep, she hated him already.

  And she had the distinct feeling things were only going to get worse from there.


  Her bedroom hadn’t changed at all since she had left for college. Her bedding was still exactly the same, as were some of the posters she had on her wall and she cringed as she realized how juvenile they looked.

  “Why didn’t you pull these down before you left over three years ago?” she laughed to herself as she reached up and winced as she quickly ripped them down from the walls and shoved them into the trash. There was a selection of inspirational quotes and beautiful sunsets, but now, they all looked so dated and lame, nothing like they had seemed when she had placed them there originally.

  “As if he saw these,” she whispered as she crunched them down into her trash can.

  She saw the bag resting on the ottoman at the end of her bed and she opened up the meds and popped a pill into her mouth. If she was going to rest, then she may as well do it pain free.

  She peeled off her jeans slowly and climbed underneath the covers and then she used her remote control to close the blinds and she relished in the darkness. She noticed a replacement cell phone had been put on her nightstand and she reached for it and turned it on. She entered in her passwords and information and watched as it began to restore all of her saved information. She added her email accounts and found her new number before she opened up an email and started to write one to Molly…

  Shelby: Oh my goodness Mol, are you okay? I’ve just got home after a stay in the hospital and it’s all gone by in such a blur! Were you there too? Did your stuff get stolen? I really hope you’re okay? My dad has gone out of town and has hired me a goddam bodyguard. Can you believe it? He’s a complete jackass and completely full of himself. I have no idea how I’m going to stand having him around. I’ve also been banned from going back to the apartment alone, so I’m staying up at my family house for the next few weeks until my dad is home. Jeez, what a night. My ribs are aching and I’m sore and just want to rest. I hope you’re not hurt, I really do.

  Let me know as soon as you get this and I’ll try and find your home number to call you.

  Love S x

  She pressed the send button and rolled onto her side. It had been a crazy, crazy weekend and even though she was exhausted she had the distinct feeling she wasn’t going to be able to rest until she knew Molly was safe and well.

  She debated calling down for Hammer, but she decided against it. He would surely know what had happened to Molly, but she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of asking for his help. But if Molly didn’t reply to her within the next couple of hours, she would have to rethink her plan.

  Luckily, she didn’t have much of an agonizing wait. It could only have been ten minutes before her cell phone beeped with a new email and she looked down to see a reply from Molly.

  Molly: Jesus Christ, Shelby, I can’t believe what happened. I am so, so sorry! I feel as if it is all my fault! Are you okay? I wasn’t admitted to the hospital but I did come in with you and then back to visit and your dad and some bruiser told me to leave. Is that him? Your bodyguard? He was built like some kind of tank and looked so mean and terrifying! Kind of cute, though, if I’m honest, so hopefully having a bit of eye candy around will make it a bit more bearable being back up at the house!

  I’ve been desperate to get in touch but I didn’t know how to reach you with all of our stuff getting stolen. I’m such a grandma I didn’t even think to email! I have a replacement cell – it’s a shitty old one of my mom’s but it will do for now. I’ll sort out something properly on Monday and I’m going to keep my same number. Are you still on yours? Xxxx

  Shelby: Thank God you’re all right! I was so worried and I didn’t know how to get in touch with you either. The hospital was so weird, I was all dizzy and feeling really sick, and then this idiot bodyguard started acting all controlling and macho and in charge, and he just drove me nuts so I had to get out of there as soon as possible. I figured the doctor would have told me if you were there. I still can’t believe it all happened, it all went by so fast. Those guys were so frightening and I can’t believe they stole our things, but the main thing is we’re both okay.

  Definitely no more partying in Iron Hill for me! I think I’m going to be on lockdown for the foreseeable future. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if my dad suggests I leave town!

  Molly: No way, he can’t do that! But yes, I know it really was frightening and I don’t like it one bit. I was so scared when you were unconscious and I rode with you in the ambulance and got questioned by the cops, but as soon as your dad turned up at the hospital, he spoke to them and they dropped it? What could that mean?

  Shelby: Sounds about right… I have no idea. But I’m sure they won’t go unpunished…

  Shelby bit the edge of her thumb and instantly regretted sending the last email. She knew this would just raise more questions from Molly, but Molly wasn’t stupid, she knew the kind of influence Shelby’s dad had around town. And not just in Iron Hill, in the whole of the West. He was well-known and powerful and had many, many connections.

  Molly: I think, maybe, we are best not knowing. I’m glad you’re home and safe. Get some more rest and we can meet up tomorrow xxxx

  Shelby: Sure, you too. Good night Mol xxx

  She placed her cell phone down and lay back, wrapping the quilts up tightly around her. Molly wanted to meet her the following day but Shelby knew she had no chance of that happening. She wasn’t able to go wherever she wanted and as she pleased anymore. She was going to have to, basically, ask for permission from Hammer.


  The thought made her blood boil.

  She could kill her father for putting her in such a situation, but she was determined not to let it get into her head too much and ruin the next three weeks of her life.

  He disliked her and she disliked him. It was clear as day. He thought she was a spoiled rich princess and he hadn’t even wanted to take the job, and she thought he was an arrogant asshole with only muscles for brains.

  She was angry but she was also exhausted and she wanted to sleep. Now that she knew her friend was safe and well at home, and she was under the watchful eye of Mr. Universe, she could surely sleep at ease…

  She listened out for any sounds in the hallway and just hoped he wasn’t going to take his job so literally that he would actually be sitting outside her bedroom door. She could only hope he had decided to stay right down the end of the hallway or, even better, downstairs completely.

  She sighed and pulled her pillow over her face before she screamed lightly into it.

  “This sucks,” she said into the pillow, the cotton filling her mouth.

  She pulled it away from her face and threw it to the other side of the bed before she yanked the covers up over her head and closed her eyes.

  “I knew, all along, I never should have gone out… and next time, I’m going to make sure I listen to my inner voice. Because it is clearly always right.”

  She sighed again and rolled her shoulders before she took some deep breaths and promised herself she would try and relax. There was no point in lying there and winding herself up any more. She could look at this as a kind of vacation, if she had the right attitude. She was back at home and she could be waited on hand and foot if she wanted. Maybe she could even rope Hammer in to doing some chores for her and helping her out with a few things.

  She laughed at the thought and at how ridiculous it was.

  As if.

  If there was one thing she knew about Hammer already, it was that he wasn�
�t going to take any bullshit or be pushed around. It was very clear, if anything, it would be him who was going to be calling the shots.

  She grumbled as she looked up at the ceiling and started to count slowly back from one hundred, a trick she had done many times throughout her life.

  She only made it to eighty-eight before her eyelids drooped and she felt her voice begin to break, and before she knew, it she was softly and silently fast asleep.

  The morning came around lazily but quickly, and as Shelby started to shower and get herself ready for the day, her head was full of thoughts of what it may entail.

  There was plenty for her to do around the estate, but it still felt like a prison. She could go and sit around the pool, she could hang out in the cinema room and watch movie after movie or binge watch some box sets! Or she could ask Hammer if she was allowed to go into town to do some shopping.

  But the fear was still there within her, even if she would never admit it to anyone else.

  Shelby had been shaken by the event. She had been attacked, after all, and she had been robbed. The thought of going out on the streets any time soon was enough to make her quake.

  She walked back through to her bedroom from the adjoining bathroom and made her bed as she ran a comb through her wet hair. It felt good to be washed and clean after what had happened. The water was so lovely and warm it had soothed her muscles to her very core.

  She opened her old closet and saw all of her clothes in there and she laughed with disbelief.

  “Wow, I really have been moved back over here, haven’t I?” she said aloud as she shook her head and reached inside for a swimsuit and pair of denim shorts. She slipped them on and buttoned them at the hips before she pulled a tank top on over the top and started to put on her sunscreen as she checked out her reflection in the mirror.

  “May as well have a day around the pool,” she said as she started to put on a dab of tinted moisturizer and some lip gloss.


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