HAMMER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 16)

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HAMMER (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 16) Page 52

by Samantha Leal

  “I can’t believe Dad and Oliver got out of this, this year,” Chloe smirked. “They are definitely untangling the lights next year… no exceptions.”

  Her mother laughed and poured them both a glass of red wine before slipping back into the big, soft cushions of the couch.

  “Women do it best,” she said as she took a sip. “They only would have been in the way.”

  Chloe smiled and nodded. Her mother was right there, for certain.

  Oliver had always been a handful, and even though he was her younger brother and she enjoyed his company, she had been glad of just a day with her mom. It wasn’t often they spent so much time together, and after the night she had been through with Damon, the last thing she needed was Oliver or her dad asking questions.

  “They’ll be home soon anyway,” her mom said as she got to her feet and stretched. “I better start thinking about making us something for dinner.”

  Chloe got to her feet too and followed her mother through into the kitchen. There was something so magical about the house when it was decorated for the holidays, it made it feel so much warmer, so much more alive. She smiled as she looked up at the garlands trailing up the bannister rails of their huge staircase, and the candles that lit the way from room to room. Her family had never been the kind to do things by halves, and Christmas was one of the times when her mother really showed the world what they were made of. Nothing went untouched when it came to holiday magic.

  Chloe sat down at the center island in the kitchen and sipped the warm red wine as she reached for her cell phone and looked at it for the first time that day. Her heart almost stopped as she saw that she had a missed call and a voicemail from Damon and she dropped the phone onto the counter and sighed.

  “What’s the matter?” her mom asked with concern as she turned around and saw the ghostly expression on her daughters face.

  “Damon,” she said quietly. “He’s tried to call.”

  “I’m finding it hard not to ask what’s happened with you two,” her mom confessed. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

  What could she tell her… that he was aggressive and possessive? That he drank too much? That he was generally the worst boyfriend she had ever had and she was frightened of him? After the lovely day they had had together the last thing Chloe wanted to do was concern her mom, and especially at this time of year.

  “It just wasn’t right,” she shrugged. “I’ll be okay…”

  She pushed the cell phone away and picked up her wine and sipped it slowly. Her heart was still pounding and she knew in that moment that maybe Damon wasn’t going to go so quietly after all. Was he going to make this hard for her? Would he start to harass her until she caved and took him back?

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of her father and Oliver bursting through the front door in fits of raucous laughter. Their voices boomed down the hallway and they ‘ooed and aahhed’ at all of the decorations adorning the house.

  “Well it looks like you two have been busy!” her dad exclaimed as he came through the kitchen doorway clad in a crisp suit and holding his briefcase.

  Oliver followed closely behind him with a massive grin on his face and Chloe instantly knew why… he hadn’t had to help and he was relieved. She scowled at him and he slyly flipped her the bird.

  “Looks good girls,” her dad smiled as he leant down and kissed her mom on the cheek and then came and gave Chloe a hug.

  “Thanks Dad,” she grinned as she hugged him back.

  “So what are we having?” he said as he undid his top button and tie and poured himself a glass of wine.

  Oliver sat down with them and it was almost as if it could have been ten years earlier… her dad coming home from work and her mom cooking up a storm… Oliver tormenting her quietly behind their backs and Chloe in a funk over a boy. Yes, it was certainly a typical family evening! And even though she wasn’t feeling her best, she was glad to be there with them.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” her mom joked and they all moaned in unison.

  As they all sat down around the dining room table and her mom placed a huge roast in front of them, Chloe felt again as if she had gone back in time. She really loved being at home with her family, even if they did drive her mad on occasions. She watched the way her dad shifted uneasily in his seat and she felt her posture tighten. If there was one thing she had learned being a part of this family, it was when someone was hiding something and working up to lower the boom. Her dad had been an expert at it his whole life and Chloe had learned early on that he was the type of man to throw surprises their way when they least expected it.

  “So,” he said suddenly and Chloe felt her heart sink.

  “Umm?” her mom smiled as she passed a bowl of red cabbage to Oliver.

  “Well, I’m hoping none of you are going to bust my balls over this,” her father continued. “But I have to go away on Monday… for two weeks.”

  “What?” Oliver said, as angry and shocked as Chloe and her mom clearly were.

  “I know, I know…” he held up his hands as if he was surrendering. “I feel terrible about it, but there’s nothing I can do.”

  “You’ll be missing Christmas,” Chloe said. “Can’t it wait?”

  “It’s business,” he said sternly. “And no it can’t.”

  “But George,” her mom interjected. “I mean… Christmas?”

  “If I don’t go we won’t acquire our new offices in the Middle East. This is important Karen,” he said as he looked at Chloe’s mother with sad eyes. “I know its shitty timing, but it can’t be helped.”

  Chloe felt her heart sink. She was just getting back into the family vibe, and now the head of the household was going to be disappearing on them over the holidays.

  “But,” he said as he dabbed the corner of his mouth with a serviette and smiled wryly. “I have arranged something that will help soften the blow…” he winked as he trailed off and Chloe felt her disappointment peak into excitement… What did he have up his sleeve to make them all feel better?

  Her dad looked at them all with his hands clasped together and sighed.

  “I honestly do wish I was here to celebrate Christmas with you all,” he said sadly. “But, I thought if I’m not going to be here… then maybe you shouldn’t be either.”

  Chloe looked at her mom with intrigue and then at Oliver… what was going on?

  “So,” he dad continued, “I’ve leased out a luxury log cabin in Colorado for you all for the next two weeks.”

  “Oh my God!” Chloe slapped her hands together! She couldn’t believe it. What perfect timing with everything that had been going on with Damon, she couldn’t think of anything better than escaping for a couple of weeks and spending the holidays in a luxury log cabin in the wilderness.

  “George,” her mom smiled. “I can’t believe you’ve done this for us.”

  They leaned across the table and shared a loving kiss and Chloe felt all of the sadness and dread that she had felt since the previous evening evaporate into thin air. If there was ever proof of a true love, it was her parents. And now she had her first adventure of her new life to look forward to… And she really couldn’t wait.


  Chloe’s dad hadn’t messed around. He had arranged for a car to come and collect them first thing the following morning so Chloe had spent the rest of the evening dashing around and packing her belongings for the next two weeks. As she filled her suitcase with wooly jumpers and thermals, she couldn’t help but let her fingers dance over the selection of bathing suits and bikinis she had in her bottom drawer. She thought of how stunning it would be at their winter retreat in the mountains, underneath the stars and amongst the snow, relaxing in a hot tub and sipping champagne. She nearly squealed with excitement as she pulled a bathing suit free from the drawer and threw it into her case. She couldn’t wait to be away from her hometown, away from Damon, and to be doing something new for the first time in a long time.

  The following morning as she got into the car with her mom and Oliver they all waved goodbye to her dad and she blew a kiss to him from the window. She would miss him, but she was glad they wouldn’t just be hanging around the house feeling the big gaping hole that he would leave. Her dad was a shrewd business man, and he had done well in his life. Chloe knew that he would always put them first so it must have been important for him to leave at this time of year. She turned back and looked over her shoulder as their beautiful home and her doting father slipped out of view.

  Now they were really on their way, and she was so excited she could barely sit still.

  The cabins in the woods were twinkling with lights as they pulled into the mountain resort and weaved their way up the thin, winding roads to their lodge. Chloe was almost pressing her nose against the glass of the window to try and see what was out there in the dark and her heart thumped with anticipation. The snow was thick and pure, and even in the dark the white shone out of the night and seemed alive around them.

  “This is incredible,” she whispered and her mom squeezed her hand with an excited smile.

  “I still wish Dad were here,” Oliver complained from the front seat and Chloe found herself rolling her eyes. Her brother could always be counted on to try and dampen the mood.

  As the driver pulled up outside of what would be there new home for the following two weeks Chloe’s excitement peaked and she snapped off her safety belt and bounded out of the car. Her eyes were wide and expectant as she looked up at the amazing lodge in front of them. It was so big, so luxurious, and so fantastic that she didn’t know what to say. It had already been fully kitted out with decorations and the twinkling Christmas trees that flanked the impressive doorway were just the icing on the cake.

  “Wow,” she said with a laugh. “This is something else.”

  She walked forward and waited at the foot of the steps for her brother and mom to catch up and then they all climbed them together, holding on to one and other to make sure they didn’t slip. As her mom slid the key into the door and turned the latch and they opened it and walked inside, Chloe felt her jaw drop…

  She walked in to one of the most exquisite rooms she had ever been in. The ceiling was high and vaulted with beautiful exposed beams that were covered in garlands, candles were lit and stags heads were mounted on the walls, before an open fire that roared in the huge hearth. It was like something out of a movie, it was so perfect and so Christmassy, she knew that they were going to have an amazing time.

  “I may be able to forgive your father after all,” her mom joked as the driver pulled their suitcases into the lobby and waited to be tipped.

  “I’ve got first call on the rooms!” Oliver shouted as he raced off up the main staircase and Chloe instinctively rolled her eyes. For an eighteen year old, he was still so immature it drove her nuts.

  Later that evening after they had all unpacked and pulled themselves together, Chloe stood on the decked terrace that ran the full exterior of the lodge and looked out over the balcony and down into the valley. The small town at the center of the resort was fully visible from their vantage point in the mountains and it must only have been a short walk down there by sticking the resort paths.

  “It looks so picturesque,” she smiled as she hugged her arms around herself.

  “It’s lame,” Oliver’s voice came from behind her as he stepped out of the double French doors and slid them closed behind him.

  “Trust you,” she snapped.

  “Well I’d rather be back at home, wouldn’t you?” he said.

  “No,” Chloe said defiantly, “Obviously not. I think it’s great here.”

  “Well I’ve got nothing to do and no way of even getting any booze. No one knows me here.”

  “Well that’s tough luck,” Chloe found herself smirking. It was about time her annoying little brother had his comeuppance.

  “I don’t suppose you’d…” he trailed off but looked at her with pleading eyes.

  “No chance,” Chloe roared with laughter. “All the Christmas Spirit in the world couldn’t get me to go and buy you booze.”

  She slapped him playfully on the arm and pouted in mock disappointment.

  “Maybe Mommy will let you have a glass of her wine… if you’re a good boy.”

  Chloe couldn’t help but burst into laughter as Oliver clenched his fist in mock fury.

  “Sorry Ollie,” she shook her head and giggled. “But you’re on your own on that one.”

  Oliver covered his eyes with his hands and groaned.

  “Anyway,” Chloe smiled as she turned back towards the door to the lodge and slid it open, “That reminds me… it’s about time I went and checked out what sort of bars they have in this town.”

  “I hate you,” Oliver said jokingly as she walked away and closed the door behind her and grinned at him through the glass.

  “Are you two winding each other up?” her mom said as she lounged on the plush couch and nursed a glass of red wine.

  “What else are the holidays for?” Chloe smirked.

  “You two…” her mum smiled.

  “I’m going to head down into town,” she said as she picked up her purse and pulled on her coat. “I don’t suppose you want to come?”

  Her mom shook her head and yawned.

  “I’m far too tired for that,” she said. “But go on, have a good time… just be safe, stick to the roads.”

  “Of course I will,” Chloe shook her head. “What do you think I am, some kind of idiot…”

  “No dear,” her mom laughed. “But you know, strange place, strange town…”

  “Luxury resort,” Chloe said. “I hardly imagine it’s going to be crawling with criminals.”

  “Have a good time!” Her mom rolled her eyes before swigging her wine and waving her goodbye.

  Chloe laughed again and blew her a kiss before making her way to the front door of the cabin and opening it up to the night.


  The fresh snow crunched underfoot as she walked along the winding paths and down towards the town. It was so cold that it was already starting to freeze and Chloe was glad of her fur lined hat and cape. She pulled it around her tightly and smiled up at the stars. The night was so clear and there was barely a cloud in the sky. The moonlight shone down on her and lit the way, along with the lights that dotted along the sidewalks, letting her know she hadn’t veered off course. Up ahead she could hear sounds of life and of people cheering. Music was thumping softly and it sounded as if somewhere a group of people were either watching a sports game or playing beer pong. Chloe hustled up and started to walk faster. Whatever was going on down there, she didn’t want to miss it.

  As she got closer to the town and all of the shops, restaurants and bars came into view, she couldn’t help but smile. It was the sort of place she had always dreamed of visiting but had never had the opportunity. Sure, she had been skiing when she was a kid, but this was different. It was Christmas and the whole town was decked out in thousands of twinkling lights. Trees and Santa Claus’s were everywhere and the whole place felt so magical she could barely put it into words.

  Small crowds were outside of various venues and the whole town seemed so friendly and buzzing with life that she couldn’t help but smile and say hello to everyone she passed. Even though there were many places to choose from, her eyes had focused on one place in particular as she had started her walk along the Main Street and she kept her gaze fixed firmly on it as she made her way forward.

  The bar was wooden and a lodge itself in style and out the front a small group of girls and guys were drinking and chattering. She smiled as she walked past them and made her way inside and she wasn’t disappointed. Music drifted out from an old retro jukebox, open fires roared in the corners and the low lighting made the bar feel even more welcoming and inviting. Chloe made her way towards the long counter and pulled up a stool. As she slid onto it and began to unwrap her cape she felt the eyes of the room on her. It wasn’t ove
rly busy in there and she was certainly a new girl in town. She could feel how each man in there was waiting to check her out and see what she had on under her fur cape.

  As she revealed her low cut black t-shirt and the large swell of her breasts, she looked down to make sure her bra wasn’t showing. When she had dressed that night she had wanted to be provocative, but not slutty, and so she had teamed it with a pair of tight jeans. They clung to her curvy figure perfectly and made her feel so goddam sexy that she couldn’t help but smile as she brushed her long, silky hair behind her ear.

  “Hi,” one of the barmen leaned across and grinned. “What can I get you?”

  Chloe bit her lip and looked down at the bar menu. She could see lists of wines and champagne, but what she really wanted was a beer. She could tell that the majority of the people in the resort were well heeled and normally this would have made her want to fit in, but she was feeling rebellious.

  “A bottle of Bud,” she smiled and the barman nodded and turned to get her, her drink.

  After he passed it to her she sipped it slowly and felt herself begin to unwind. It had been a long day and the travelling had taken it out of her, but she didn’t want to miss a moment of her new abode. She wanted to experience it all and make sure that she made the most out of her time there.

  She swigged the beer fast and as she felt her eyes starting to droop with tiredness, she was about to call it a night when suddenly she sensed that someone was beside her. They slid onto the stool right next to her and leaned over across the bar to speak to the bartender. Chloe tried to see out of the corner of her eye but her vision was blurred, so in the end she turned to face them and for the second time that day her jaw almost hit the floor.

  The man who had come and sat beside her was so incredibly attractive it almost took her breath away. She couldn’t help but stare, her mouth slightly agape, as he pointed to a bottle of vodka on the back wall of the bar and then turned to her and smiled. He caught her, in full stare mode and her mouth hanging open. She snapped it shut quickly and his eyes glistened as he smiled, the skin around the corner of them crinkling slightly.


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