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Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More)

Page 11

by Neil, Louisa

  “Your cock is drooling, you’re going to come soon.” Using her body weight, she continued to push the cock in his body and pull it out. “You said you wanted to see me fuck you, so open your eyes and watch me, Wyatt.”

  “Yes” was all he managed, staring at her, watching her tits bounce each time she pushed in him. “God, you’re amazing. You don’t know how good that feels.”

  “I do in my own way,” she answered, reminding him of their earlier lovemaking when he fucked her ass thoroughly. “I know how every nerve comes alive, how every time your cock penetrates me I get wetter and hotter.” Lila paused as if in deep thought. “Too bad you’ll never know how it feels when you fuck my pussy. It’s similar, yet not. That’s my advantage of being born a woman.”

  “And that you have amazing breasts.”

  Lila smiled down at him. “Especially lucky that they’re big enough so I can suck them myself.”

  “I love watching you do that. It makes me jealous that you’re sucking and biting them instead of me.”

  “If I’m sucking my own breasts, it means you’re pleasing me in a different way.”

  He licked his lips. “Can I suck your tits?”

  “Not now, but you can lick your cum off them.” Lila leaned forward and kissed his lips, using her tongue in rhythm with her toy cock. “Come for me, Wyatt, I want you to lick your cum from my nipples.”

  She thrust inside him one more time, and he sprayed his cum on her belly and chest. Lila paused for several seconds, kissing him before she leaned upward. Wyatt grabbed her breasts and started sucking them, using his fingers to wipe his cum from her belly onto her nipples so he could lick them clean. He felt her body start to waver above him and released his grip. He used his hands to steady her as she rose above, pausing to stroke him a few last times before taking a step backward and letting the toy slip from his body.

  “God, you are amazing,” he told her, totally exhausted.

  “So are you, my dear.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Next time we’ll continue this in the playroom where I can properly chastise you.”

  “Yes” was all he managed. She lay down beside him, her fake cock still in place standing proud as a reminder of what he asked her to do.

  “Next time, I’ll strap you to the table and paddle your ass until I like the color red.”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Think on that for a while, Wyatt.” She hesitated and added, “You must be because you’ve come three times tonight and just the thought is making your cock stir.”

  “It has a mind of its own,” he tried to tease. “I’m too exhausted to get hard again.”

  “How about a sip of wine instead?”

  He felt her weight move on the bed beside him and opened his eyes when she ran her finger along his cheek, offering him the wine glass. He forced himself to sit up and take it from her, sipping the liquid. “Thank you, for everything tonight.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m sure I’ll ask you to reciprocate.”

  “I’d be pleased to as soon as I recover.” Wyatt cleared his throat before speaking. “Lila, this part of us, I’d prefer to keep separate from Ben.”

  She rolled on her side and propped her head on her hand, watching him. “Which parts?”

  “You know very well which part.” He sounded exasperated. “But you want me to say the words. Fine.” He drew a breath. “For now, I’d prefer you only use the ginger root on me when we’re alone.”

  “What about the paddling and spanking?” She ran her finger along his chest, stopping to rub his nipple.

  “They’re all right, I suppose, to a degree. I guess I’d like to keep one thing we do together private. Like tonight, I’m not sure I could have asked you to do me with the strap-on in front of Ben and enjoyed the memories of our other times.”

  “But you let him fuck your ass. Is it the paddling that embarrasses you?”

  “Yes, I suppose I figure he’ll lose some respect for me if he witnesses my weakness asking you to spank me.”

  “Then we’ll only spank him,” she said, laughing, rolling onto her back. “Until you tell me you’re ready for more.”

  “I guess if Ben lets you spank him in front of me, it would make it easier to bear.”

  “How about if I lie you side by side and paddle both your butts at the same time. Then you’ll both be getting the same treatment.” She rolled back onto her side, watching him. “I’ll wait until you decide you’re comfortable with my paddling you in front of Ben. But in private, I can still punish you, can’t I?”

  “Absolutely, I don’t want that to end. I just want to be a bit more comfortable with Ben before you chastise me in front of him.”

  “You’ll let me know when that happens. Until then, our private times will leave you sore and aching.”

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  “This is supposed to be fun for both of us. I don’t want you angst-ridden, worrying about what I might do.” She dropped a kiss on his cheek. “Are we okay now, anything else you’d rather not do in front of Ben?”

  “Just the punishment phase unless it’s him and I being spanked together.”

  “I see you and Ben resting your weight on your elbows on the exam table naked from the waist down. I picture butt plugs in both your asses and my spanking each of you in turn. How would that be?”

  “That I could handle. It’s just begging for you to fuck me with the dildo in the missionary position that seems so embarrassing.”

  “No worries, Wyatt. I won’t cross that line unless you approve it.”

  He watched as she walked to her bathroom, the toy bobbing at her crotch with each step. Finally, he managed to stand up and grab his cock, giving it a few quick pulls before deciding he was truly finished for the evening. He met her as she was leaving her bath and saw the panty and cock both soaking in her sink. He used the second sink to wash his face, chest, and crotch. When he left her bathroom, she was standing before a full-length mirror, wearing a slip of white satin, brushing her hair. He wandered around the room, gathering his clothing from where it had fallen earlier when they were so intent to fuck the first time. Finally dressed, he paused to watch her.

  “As always, my dear, you exceed my expectations. Thank you for tonight.”

  “You’ll pay me back,” she told him and accepted his kiss. “Sleep well.”

  “How could I not. Anything you need before I leave?”

  “Get some sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Wyatt let himself out of her apartment and walked the length of the hallway to his own apartment. If there was anything that would have made his night better, it would have been staying beside her to sleep. But, he reminded himself, he knew from the start it was her one rule she never broke. He considered himself lucky in many ways and knew he wore a smirk on his lips, remembering their evening. Reliving how she used her fake cock to fuck him like a man would. Only he always found that position more intense with Lila. It gave her complete control over him and his body. Maybe that was why he asked her to refrain from using it in front of Ben. For now, he still wanted Ben to consider him the alpha male.

  He didn’t bother to turn on the lights, just hit the remote to the television and dropped onto the sofa. It didn’t matter what was on the screen. It was the bit of light and noise he needed to fall asleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Lila paused before the door to the document room while she went through the security procedure. When the door finally swung inward, she took the covered tray from Vernon. With a nod of thanks, she entered and waited until Vern shut the door behind her. The main overhead lights in the room were off, but she could see the lights near the desk in the back of the office were on. Approaching slowly, she found Ben hunched over his computer, paper files open on both sides of the desk. He was so intent on his work, he hadn’t heard her come in, still hadn’t noticed her presence. She took a few moments to view him, smiling as she thought about their last encounter together. Fi
nally, with the tray becoming heavy, she cleared her throat and noted how Ben jolted at the noise.

  “Damn, Lila, my heart just about jumped out of my chest.”

  “That’s the first sign you’re working too hard.” She smiled and nodded to the tray she still held. Ben stood quickly, almost upturning the chair behind him, catching it just before it hit the ground. She held back a laugh as he cleared files from one side, noting he was still careful with the pages. He took it from her hands and laid it on the surface, turning the chair for her to sit. She watched patiently while he went back to the files and closed the covers. When he was done, he finally drew a deep breath before turning to face her.

  “I’m sorry I missed dinner tonight. The time just got away from me.”

  “We’ll let you off the hook just this one time. What has you so fascinated?” She took the cloth covering the tray and stood upright the bottles of water that had been laid down, as well as the wine bottle and glasses. Ben had walked toward the other desk area and returned with a second chair. He moved it beside her and sat heavily, running his fingers through his hair. She filled the glasses halfway with the wine and offered him one. He took it with a smile.

  “Thanks.” He waited while she took her seat. “I keep getting sidetracked with the history of this place.” He started to ramble facts about the island that she knew all too well. Lila sipped from her glass to cover her smile. “But you know all this,” he finally realized.

  She watched as his cheeks heated with embarrassment. “Am I making you nervous?”

  Ben put his glass on the desk and turned to her. “Truthfully, yes. Sometimes I feel like a schoolkid when I’m with you, tongue-tied and scattered with sweaty palms.”

  “Have I ever asked you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with?”

  “No, it’s just a reflex reaction.” He seemed to relax before her, and she sat back, sipping the wine. “How could I not be nervous around you? Look at all you’ve accomplished here. The more I read the more I realize just how much work you’ve accomplished in such a short time.”

  Lila felt her own cheeks heat a bit at his compliment and decided it was from the wine. She lifted the metal cover keeping his meal warm. “Supper was too good to miss,” she said, placing the plate before him, then handing him a cloth napkin and silverware encased with a silver ring. “Eat before it gets cold. Cook would be annoyed.”

  “It smells wonderful. I was looking forward to this meal.”

  “Because you forgot to eat lunch,” she said, her roundabout way of letting him know she knew how much time he was spending in this archive. He looked up at her, his fork halfway to his mouth and paused. “I trust you, Ben. Don’t be afraid to learn more about my island. You flatter me by it. But…” She hesitated and smiled at him. “Just don’t ever get visions of grandeur about turning this place into some kind of museum. My documents won’t ever leave this island, and I’ll never consent to opening any of the facilities to the public for any reason.” Then she leaned forward and ate the chunk of steak from his fork.

  “I’d never presume to think in that kind of a direction.”

  “Good, then tell me what you found tonight that kept you from supper.”

  “Well, originally the island was called Manittuwond by the Native American Pequot Nation. Around 1640, the Dutch West India Company charted the area. They named the island Pruym Eyelant because of the beach plums that grew along the shores. About twenty years later, Samuel Willis III, he was the son of the Governor of Connecticut. He was from Wyandanch and Chieftain of the local Indian tribe. He bought the island for a coat, a barrel of biscuits, and one hundred fishhooks.” He paused to take several bites of his meal.

  Lila was enjoying his enthusiasm for her island’s history and prompted him to continue. “The one hundred fish hooks always amused me. They were Native Indians and had fished for generations to survive. I’ve never been able to find a likeness of the hooks they traded. I always wondered what was so different between the Dutch and Native hooks.” She noted Ben was making notes on the pad beside his computer. She wondered if he’d research it for her. “What else?”

  “By 1775, it had become known as Plum Island. There was a General Wooster who sent soldiers to the island to explore it. They were immediately fired on by the British. Guess they were surprised, thinking it was an uninhabited island.”

  Lila reached forward and brushed a lock of his hair from his forehead. “Did you read that it’s considered the first amphibious assault by an American army? Seems they only returned one shot at the British and they retreated, but it still made history.”

  “I did come across that. And the fact that in l789 George Washington ordered the construction of the first lighthouse here to mark the turbulent tidal waters and shoals.” Ben took a few more bits of his food before continuing.

  “The first lighthouse used whale oil as its light source. They updated it with a six-order Fresnel lens in the mid-eighteen hundreds. Then about fifty years later, they changed it to a four-order Fresnel lens.

  “It became automated in the late 1970s through the Coast Guard,” Ben added. “And in the late 1990s, they took the lens to the Greenport Museum.”

  “Think of all the history that’s happened here.” Lila didn’t hold back her sigh of amazement.

  “I know more facts,” he said enthusiastically, taking another bite of his supper. “The United States government purchased the island about the time of the Spanish-American War, around the turn of the century, 1900. They paid ninety thousand dollars back then to the family who currently owned it. It went through several family ownerships in those early years.”

  Lila leaned forward and added some wine to each of their glasses. “Back then that was a huge amount of money.”

  “It became known as Fort Terry as a Coast Artillery post. During World War II, it was activated as an anti-submarine base and deactivated after the war. Later, it was reactivated and assigned to the Army Chemical Corps.”

  Lila lifted her glass to him. “You’ve learned a lot. I’m impressed.”

  “The history excites me, hence losing track of time.” He finished his meal and put his fork down. “Thank you for supper. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” Ben sipped at his wine and relaxed. “Your island was established in l954 as the Plum Island Animal Disease Center by the US Department of Agriculture. They conducted research on animal pathogens to protect ranchers and farmers, basically the national food supply. They restricted access to the facility due to the nature of its research.” He hesitated before adding, “Of course, that’s what the official documents say. Not many people would ever really know what kind of experiments were really done here.” He cocked his head as if to ask if she agreed.

  “Are you becoming a conspiracy theory addict?” she asked.

  “No, but you have to admit there is a lot of information about what went on here missing. I suppose it’s considered top secret stuff, and I wouldn’t really want to know if I ever wanted to sleep again.”

  “Smart man that you are,” she teased. “I wondered for years what really went on here and finally had to accept I’ll truly never know. I did make sure to have the island swept for man-made and natural problems before I closed the deal. I know we’re safe here.”

  “I never doubted that. You’re way too smart a woman to buy an island where biological experiments were conducted without having it thoroughly checked.” He reached his wine glass forward, and she lightly touched hers to his.

  “You won’t find any documents here about their experiments. You will find the history of the earlier families who owned it and how it was originally designed and executed. I do have building plans and blueprints.”

  “I saw them but resisted temptation looking at them until I learned the actual history. I read that Homeland Security took over ownership of the island in the early twenty-first century. Five years later they decided to build new facilities in Kansas, and the decision was made to close this facility.”
/>   “Very good, Ben, succinct and factual. I bought the island as soon as I could after I heard about them closing it.”

  “You make it sound like you made a call and made the deal, I’m sure there was a lot more to the process.”

  “Of course, but I got my heart’s desire. I now own Plum Island, which I’ve renamed Pyxis Island.”

  “That means mariner’s compass, right?” He smiled and laughed. “You taught me that when you took me back to the mainland by boat that first night.”

  Lila wondered if he’d mention the blow job on the boat that night. “Absolutely, mainly because I want to bring back the lighthouse. Then it will once again be a beacon for boaters to navigate by.” Lila sat back and stared at her protégé, proud of her choice. “Wait until you get to the good stuff,” she joked.

  “I’d never presume to violate your trust or your confidences in me, no matter what I found down here. Beyond my contract and confidentiality agreements, I’d never betray you or Wyatt in any way.” He stood and paced a few steps before turning back to her. “You must realize how much I’ve come to admire both of you. You’ve given me a job I love, on an amazing island to live on. This is the closest I’ve come to feeling at home since I went off to college.”

  “I’m glad you think of this as home. I appreciate the compliment. Is there anything else you’d like to have here that would make it more comfortable?”

  “I’m truly satisfied with my life here, Lila. Beyond any dreams I ever considered.”

  “And Wyatt and me, we haven’t pushed you in any sexual directions that you’re uncomfortable with?”

  “Hell, lady, I’ve been uncomfortable since I first laid eyes on you.” He laughed at himself and reached to refill both their glasses. “But it’s the best uncomfortable I’ve ever felt. Being free to just be me without censure is a gift. Having you both return my feelings is beyond my wildest dream. I have the perfect sex life, a man and woman who hold no restraint when it comes to pleasure. That’s your greatest gift.”

  “I learned a long time ago how to separate business and pleasure. Don’t think for a second if you do something businesswise that displeases me, I won’t call you on it.”


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