Were All Animals

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Were All Animals Page 25

by Mima

  Kelsey was anything but shy about what she wanted. Her late night text messages were often suggestive, as were the photos she would send to him. He feared that his children or Audrey would see some of these images and insisted that Kelsey practice better judgement in the future, as if he were an authority figure attempting to set her straight; while at the same time, he felt blood rushing to his groin when his thoughts secretly slipped to Kelsey’s sexual openness.

  And then he felt like a dirty perve; what the hell was wrong with him? She was Maggie’s younger sister; the same one that used to sneak out with boys and drink by the lake when she was 14. The one who was always getting in trouble? The one who had screaming matches with both Maggie and Ellen Telips; occasionally at the same time.

  His heart sank. No wonder she felt like such a misfit. She was one in her own home.

  With the windows down, sunshine flowing through and bronzing his already dark skin, Chase flew down the highway and eventually lost the traffic that stemmed off in various directions, little of it going in either the Hennessey or Mento area, he had the road to himself. It was probably about a half hour from home when his phone rang. Slowing down, he felt his heart race in anticipation as he put on his turn signal and parked on the side of the road. A semi flew past him, sending a gust of wind through his opened window and along with it, a shitload of dust that filled his eyes.

  Blinking rapidly, he grabbed his phone, tears forming where the dust landed, he sniffed and answered the call.

  “Chase?” Jolene asked, her voice dragging out the word in an almost musical way and he noted it was very different from how she said Maggie’s name, which was almost in disgust. “Is this you?”

  “Yes,” he replied while wiping away a dust filled tear, sniffing at the same time as his nose started to run. “Hi, Jolene.”

  “Hello,” She replied with a deeper accent, that seemed to come out more with some words than others, something he was really liking about her. She was sexy, but not in the least pretentious, like a lot of attractive women. “Are you crying, Chase? You do have the job, so no need to cry.”

  He laughed at her remark. “Nah, I just got a bunch of dust in my eye when you called and..” There was an awkward silence at the other end. “Did you say I got the job?”

  “Yes!” she let out a throaty laugh at the other end. “You’re silly. I even said to one of your old bosses today, on the phone, ‘I’m going to have fun with that one’ and he said ‘yes, Chase was one of my best employees’”

  “Oh,” Chase let out a self-conscious laugh. “Oh, you must’ve talked to Harold?”

  “Nah nah, it was the other one, Brad?”

  Oh. He had hoped she wouldn’t call him.

  “He really liked you a lot, told me stories about fights you broke up, dealing with some minors, that kind of thing,” She said the word ‘minors’ in such a way that alerted Chase. Had Bud told Jolene about Kelsey?

  Now, you’re being paranoid.

  “Oh, yeah?” He replied.

  “Yes, he said you were good with people but you were tough when you needed to be and he admired that about you,” she replied while rattling around a piece of paper, making him think she possibly wrote everything down. ‘He said you left due to scheduling conflicts with this other job but that he didn’t have much work for you anymore, so we will fix that here, Chase. I will give you work.”

  “Thanks.” He heard the relief in his voice and he felt his early frustrations drain away.

  “Now, I will be in touch with Harold too. I am waiting for him to call me back.” She spoke slowly, drawing out each of her words. “But I still feel strongly you are perfect for this position and for once, Maggie got something right.”


  “I will get you to start soon and I have training for you,” she continued, speaking slowly as if to choose her words carefully. “It’s not…difficult? Yes, difficult, that is the word. I will have different things for you to help with, helping set things up for me too, like my assistant, I guess.”


  “I need someone strong to carry and also, I need someone who does not talk. Women talk too much, you know? I do not need that,” she continued. “I need someone who works more, talk less, you know?”

  “I know.”

  “I already told Maggie you would be staying with her when you start until you can find a place.”


  “And she said that is okay,” Jolene continued to talk. “But there may be somewhere in her building, I told her to check.”


  “You do not have to live there, if you wish to go somewhere else but I think your first priority is to get here and work.”


  “So, I’m thinking next week?” Her voice seemed to mellow out, her tone almost passive. “Would that be okay for you?”

  “I’ll make it work.” Chase confidently replied.


  Chase let out a small laugh.

  “Hermoso dia!!” she let out a victorious laugh. “Beautiful day!”

  “Thank you,” Chase replied, his comment warm and he felt a rare jolt of happiness. “I appreciate it.”

  “You will be paid well,” Jolene continued. “We will talk more about that when you get here but it will be good. It’s going to be good.”

  He certainly had nothing to lose. They ended their conversation with intentions of talking more the following day, ironing out the details. Before returning to the road, he checked his text and found a new one from Maggie, confirming everything Jolene just said.

  Chase felt as though he was floating on the way home. Suddenly his life was in a whole new hemisphere that he couldn’t have imagined only a few days earlier. He had felt so hopeless, the possibilities were limited and yet now, everything had changed again. He liked Jolene and suspected that he’d enjoy working for her. Although, it surprised him that Maggie had even helped him out, judging by her coldness when the two of them met but he wouldn’t question it.

  As he drove through the small town he had always considered home, he suddenly felt like more of a stranger than he ever had before; the reality was that he had never really fit in there and for the first time, he was starting to think that maybe that was a good thing.


  Delivering the news was another story. He had, for some reason, expected a stronger reaction from everyone than what he received. Audrey was indifferent, as she fed one of the twins and appeared preoccupied, uninterested; while the children were simply too young to understand. He felt a sting when Audrey mentioned a new boyfriend that was now in her life and how he loved children; almost as if she had been looking for his replacement long before their official breakup. He remained silent and expressionless.

  Taking a deep breath, he nodded and turned around and headed toward the door. Once outside, Chase realized that he didn’t really have anywhere to go. He didn’t care to tell Flora and in a way, was hoping to avoid her all together before moving. Standing by his car, he texted his sister the news then called his mother for a brief conversation. Rather than ask his plans, show any excitement or regret that he was leaving, her thoughts immediately skipped past and directly to her grandchildren. It was as if he hadn’t told her the news at all, as her questions were about Leland’s recent fever and to remind him, yet again, of something funny the twins did a few weeks prior. It was like talking to someone locked in a time warp, a world that consisted of only the things she wanted to know about, as opposed to the facts. Chase wasn’t sure about having her around the children but Audrey insisted his mother was delusional at worst and never alone with the kids.

  Who else could he tell? Feeling some reluctance, he sent a quick text to Bud, thanking him for the pleasant reference and he then sent another to Harold, warning that he might get a call. His reply was immediate.

; Great news, Chase. I will be sure to give a terrific review and I might be able to hook you up in Calgary. I have a friend that owns a gym.

  Chase wasn’t sure if that was for another job or simply getting a deal at a gym but he was open to anything at this point and knew that Harold was probably the only person excited for his new opportunity. He knew that one person wouldn’t be and that was Kelsey.

  He hated going to her house in case her mom was home; never a pleasant meeting, since she seemed to hold a long-standing grudge toward him and Chase wasn’t sure why. Luckily, she wasn’t home that evening but Kelsey was. With somber eyes, as she met him at the door, Chase didn’t even have to tell her. She already knew.

  “You got the job.” She bluntly commented, her voice was soft as she slowly moved toward him with reluctance in her step. “Didn’t you?”

  “You talked to Maggie?” he stood awkwardly outside her door while she leaned against the doorframe as if to block him from seeing inside. A short gust of wind flowed through him, deeper than anything ever had before, as he stared into her expressionless eyes. It wasn’t the reaction he had anticipated.

  “I didn’t have to,” her comment was abrupt and her eyes roamed to the ground and back up to this face. “I just know.”

  “Kelsey, I know you’re upset with me-

  “You don’t know anything, Chase,” Kelsey replied bluntly, although her face was expressionless, he could see tears forming in her eyes as she closed the door. There was no anger, no emotional goodbye, just a simple, unsettling ending. Then again, as he drove to Calgary a couple days later, he realized that they had all been unsettling. It was almost as if his departure was met with dispassion. No one was excited about his new opportunity. No one appeared to care that he was moving. Someone displaying a new haircut on Facebook would receive more of a reaction than he did from the very people he thought would be happy for him.

  Moving his few possessions into Maggie’s apartment felt awkward, even though she was friendly and helpful, grabbing a few bags and lugging them upstairs. Most were clothing, the essentials since he was never the kind of guy who collected much of anything; outside of personal items, a laptop, his iPhone and pictures of the kids, along with some messy drawings, he really had nothing to bring.

  He was surprised to discover that Maggie had a spare room. He had assumed her apartment would be small and compact but it was a reasonable size and although she admitted to not being home much, she didn’t volunteer information on where she was all the time. He assumed it was because she had two jobs; both in an office setting and part-time for Jolene, mostly on weekends and holidays.

  “I talked to the landlord and there may be another place in the building,” She assured him and glancing at the calendar on her phone, quickly continued. “It’s almost the end of the month and he expects someone will be moving out. Meanwhile, you’re welcome to stay here.”

  Her comment was emotionless; neither making him feel as though he were an imposition or welcomed. It was easier to nod yes, say thank you and head for his new room. He had briefly considered inviting her out for dinner but almost as soon as he was settled, Maggie left and wouldn’t return for a couple of days. Had she taken an overnight bag with her? He hadn’t noticed.

  Once alone, he roamed through the apartment, noting that it barely looked lived in. Few groceries were in the refrigerator, just some vegetables, a carton of almond milk, a jar of natural peanut butter and a package of moldy multigrain bread. Although her bedroom door was closed indicating it was off limits, he couldn’t help himself and gently turned the knob and walked in. Also appearing as if not lived in; the bed was made with a pretty pink blanket, the pillows were numerous and fluffy, very feminine. He didn’t want to pry beyond glancing around but curiosity pulled him toward the nightstand but nothing was in the drawer other than some sinus medication and something for period cramps.

  It wasn’t very exciting. What had he hoped to find? Sex toys and lingerie on the bed? Even Audrey’s room had more personality, which this one lacked, seeming almost like a hotel that only carried the bare essentials. He left the room, making sure to close the door behind him.

  His first night in Calgary was awkward. The sounds of the night were quite different from those in the country but he quickly fell asleep, awaken early the next morning to a garbage truck near his window. The empty apartment made him feel homesick, the stillness was something he wasn’t used to at all.

  Checking his phone, he was disappointed to have no texts. His heart sank a bit when realizing Kelsey was clearly still upset with him; but what else was he supposed to do? He needed to find work and move forward with his life, something that wouldn’t happen in Hennessey.

  He wasn’t required to go to work until after lunch. He met Jolene at the same office where she conducted his interview. She wore a black and blue dress that fit over her curves perfectly, along with high heels and dark, maroon lipstick. Unlike everyone else in his life, she appeared quite excited about his new job and move.

  “So did Maggie and you have some fun last night?” Her question appeared to be loaded and perplexed him briefly. “You two are friends, right?”

  Chase shrugged, wrinkling his nose, he slowly shook his head. “We use to be,” he replied. Jolene’s smile dropped.

  “I thought you two, you are close?” she appeared confused. “Like best friends, maybe?”

  “Use to be,” Chase quietly replied. “We aren’t now and I can’t really tell you why.”

  “You do not know?”


  She nodded, her face solemn as she glanced at some sheets on her desk. “Well, I guess people, they do change. I do not see Maggie,’ Jolene said her name with the same disdain as the first day they spoke “I do not see her as friendly but she works well, so I say ‘okay’ and that’s all.”

  Chase nodded.

  “So no evening out? Drinks? Party? No?” She asked and shook her head no, along with Chase.

  “oufff!” She made a face and sat back in her chair. “She not talk to you, or what?”

  “She left,” Chase replied. “I don’t know where she went.”

  Jolene raised her eyebrow, almost as if she was aware but didn’t reply. “Hmmm…well, Chase, I do see something on here, this form, you fill out?” She lifted both government forms off her desk. “This sheet says here, you have three dependents. Three?”

  “My kids.”

  “Three?” She repeated, her eyes appearing slightly glazed as she stared at him. “You, you young boy, have three babies?”


  “You do not know birth control?” She made a face. “You are still a baby.”

  Chase cracked a smile for the first time since moving to Calgary and nodded. “I know birth control. My wi-, I mean, my ex-wife didn’t always use it.”

  “Oh you boys, you have to protect yourself,” She warned and continued to flip through the mountain of paperwork he had to fill out.

  “I know, the first was definitely unexpected and the other two are twins,” he said, scratching his cleanly shaven face self-consciously, avoiding eye contact. “It’s complicated.”

  “It sounds to be.” She pushed the sheets aside. “Okay, so as I explain before, this is a very secretive job. You cannot talk about it. Its like that movie says, the first rule of the sex club industry is that you do no talk about the sex club industry. And the second rule of the sex club industry is that you do no talk about the sex club industry. Understand?

  Chase grinned at the Fight Club reference and nodded. “Yes, I do understand.”

  “Not that you appear to talk much,” she continued, slowly, as if picking her words carefully. “I guess actually, the first rule is not to call it a ‘sex club’. People do not like the term. We like to call it more of a lady’s, I don’t know, I guess a lady’s garden of Eden, where women are free to explore their sexuality
and not feel repressed or restricted. Women pay top money to explore and are surrounded by same kind of women. Women who like to try things, not be labeled. It’s almost like, a social gathering, where ladies can meet others, see what happens.”

  The idea did entice Chase and he felt the blood rush a little faster through his veins every time he thought about the kind of activities that probably happened at these events but he appeared stone-faced and merely nodded.

  “Now, you will be expected to handle the door, as I s’plained before and you must dress to impress. I like you to wear a suit, do you have?”

  “Yes, I have a suit.”

  “I will have to see it. I want you to look sexy but yet, professional. If I do not feel it works, we may have to go shopping, ok?”


  “For now, you can wear whatever but over time, I want a more professional image. This isn’t just a bouncer job but you will be my assistant. If I need to set up a party, if I need errand run, if I need you to do anything you are required to help where needed.”

  Chase nodded.

  “We will sometimes travel in Canada. Not the US but you should have a passport in case, do you have?”

  He nodded yes.

  “Perfect. I will mostly be traveling in this country - Toronto, Vancouver, maybe other cities later, but for now, just the big ones, right? And we will tell people we are party planners, nothing more. I work for my brother, Diego. He’s in the US and started this business there and wanted me to oversee it here in Canada.”

  “We’ve had success already and a lot of demands,” she continued after taking a drink of her coffee. “Women love our parties and want more but I needed help and that’s why I hire you. It’s a lot of work.”



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