From Texas to New York

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From Texas to New York Page 3

by Stephen Brandon

Chapter 3 First Blood

  Three days later we had our plan for raiding the North Fort Hood motor pools. That's when the commo section sent a runner to get me and the sergeant. The runner told us that they had contact with another unit over the radio, but told them they would not give any information until our NCOIC was present.

  When we arrived I picked up the headset and told the operator on the other end to get me their NCOIC. Someone claiming to be a 2LT came on and demanded I identify myself. I told him that I was SP5 Kenric and I wanted to speak to his NCOIC or he could hang ten. After screaming over the radio he wanted me to authenticate Alpha Romeo. I then informed him that our radios were from a load-out conex and we didn't have any authentication books, so unless he wanted to put his NCOIC on he could get off our net. After another minute of yelling a calm voice came over the radio claiming to be Master Sergeant Wilcox.

  I replied that I was SP5 Kenric and acting NCOIC of a mixed troop of soldiers retrieved from several locations. We were at present in a defensible location without external logistics or other support. We had two evacuation routes mapped and booby-trapped.

  After a long pause he replied, your unit is in almost as good a position as we are. We have three tanks, and two deuces. Low on tank ammo, but good on small arms. Our next move is to gather more ammo and a fuel truck. Any ideas. By the way we are located in the impact zone on FH.

  I told him to wait one. Turning to the commo man I told him to pull a PRC-77 with a foil antenna and tune it to our present frequency. I took it outside and set it on top of the bunker and called MSG Wilcox.

  He came back with, “What the hell happened to your radio, you were 5 by 5.

  I told him that I had a radio problem and would sent a couple of my scouts out to find him and his unit. After they verified that he and his unit were actually who they said they were, we'd resume contact. Then I told him my scout would be at his location within the week and he'd know how to authenticate us.

  Turning to my sergeant I informed him that they were probably within 20 miles and we should continue with our plan on NFH, except we'd move all personnel except a detachment to maintain security here on this range. That evening we explained to all except the guards and then I designated a detachment to remain behind. The corporal, sergeant, and I chose a rendezvous range further up the road and he pulled his 15 men and explained what their new mission was. I then had the other corporal show them the escape route and how to arm the booby-traps.

  Before dawn the next morning we moved out on the west side of the road. We all knew that it was a three day walk to NFH and then we had to infiltrate to the motor pools.

  Several of the guys the first night were joking about the bitch squad when one of the women stuck the muzzle of her M-16 in his crotch and told him she could arrange for him to qualify for the bitch squad. That stopped all the lewd comments and jokes. The sarge came and told me and I replied that I knew all about it and then asked him how many shadows he had. Looking around he just said, “Hell, we might as well get a gallon of coffee, two cups won't do.”

  Five days later we had scouted and selected eight vehicles, plus two fuel trucks. One platoon had secured a dining facility, after eliminating the three guards quietly and replacing them with three of his troops. The early morning cooks were eliminated when they entered to fix breakfast for the terrorist. Two hours later eighteen terrorist entered and lined up for chow. One machine gun got them all.

  The small arms basic load was secured in a warehouse only three hundred yards from the motor pool and it was ours as we moved into the motor pool at dawn. The guards were no problem and we had the trucks fueled and the fuel trucks topping off as the APC's we picked moved to the warehouse to load their ammo. I didn't want to waste the extra ammo by blowing it in place so I grabbed a 5 ton and drove over to the warehouse and told the crews to fill it to the top, then set the warehouse on fire. By then the first of the other trucks were at the dining facility and supply warehouse loading. Two trucks of ammo, three APC's, two fuel trucks and four trucks full of food hit the cattle guard to east range road two hours later. Our convoy rolled down toward the rendezvous range at thirty miles per hour.

  I was getting load reports from each of the trucks and was surprised when one claimed to have liberated two cases of grenades and a pallet of claymores.

  My scout had done their job to the T and we spotted two M-60s just short of the rendezvous range. They were dug in, one of each side of the road. As we pulled into the range parking lot a 2LT came running out and demanded the NCOIC report to him immediately. The sergeant stepped out of the truck he was riding on and saluted the lieutenant. Then he told the lieutenant to shut up and get under cover because when he returned the salute he identified himself as an officer and officers were the first target that any sniper would aim for. He followed as the lieutenant ran screaming back toward a tank.

  I signaled for my commo guy to call our range and verify their status. He got an all clear and I then sent one fuel truck, two trucks of food, one truck of ammo, and two APC's on down the road to them.

  The first thing I heard when I walked up to my sergeant was MSG Wilcox congratulating him on putting the fear of God in that butter bar asshole that got some of his men killed on more than one occasion.

  When he heard my voice as I reported the trucks en-route to base he turned on me with a smile and informed me that my mother ran out from under the porch and bit officers.

  It was hard not to smile as I told him that his mother needed rabies shots.

  As he was telling us that his men would pull security he suddenly stopped and asked why he had two rifles pointed at him and why we were surrounded by half a squad of women.

  I then told him what happened on our retreat from Belton and the field punishment I instigated.

  He glanced back at the shrimp and said, I heartily agree with the punishment and that rule will be announced and enforced here by me and my NCOs. Lets go get some coffee. As he called in half of his NCOs to introduce them to us his lieutenant came out of his tank and started toward our tent.

  I heard one of the women loudly announce officer in the area, rifle salute. Needless to say all we heard in the tent was someone scrambling to get out of the area. One of Wilcox's NCOs then said, “So that's how you control your officers in a combat zone.”

  I simply answered him by saying, “If I had an officer, he'd do the strategic planning and leave the day to day operations and planning to his NCOs like any good officer would. Officers tell their NCOs what they want done and then get the hell out of the way.”

  One young buck sergeant then commented, “Everyone knows that a sergeant outranks a SP5, however I think your experience outranks this sergeant. Right Top!”

  Then MSG Wilcox told them that I had a mixed sex unit and they'd better pass the word quick that rape was a capitol punishment crime because we have no way to keep prisoners. Also my unit did not take prisoners.

  One of his corporals then commented that he wished that the prisoner the LT insisted they take alive would escape. The only problem was that guy was so lazy they he wouldn't even roll over without an kick. I had my guard detail back off the other night and left him alone and untied for three hours and all he did was sit under a bush and whimper like a bitch.

  I ducked my head as two of my escort walked in and asked who used the bitch word. When the corporal said I did they informed him that that was a word that he'd better inform his soldiers not to use. Then she explained that one of them would personally arrange for anyone that used that word to become qualified to join their squad. Then she pulled a knife and started stropping it on her boot. After testing the edge she announced that it was sharp and they left.

  As the tent flap dropped I lifted my head and informed them that one of my female squad was a nurse and she'd make sure any castrations were done in a medically safe method. Now the female civilians I hav
e have accepted military training, but prefer the Bobbet method.

  Wilcox then turned and announced that years ago a woman was charged because she cut off her husbands junk and threw it out the car window as she drove away. “I think this meeting is over and you'd better brief all your solders before chow and relieve the sentries and have their NCOs report to me now.”

  Suddenly the tent flap was kicked back and the shrimp and my civilian drug in a sorry looking soldier that had no shirt on. Shrimp announced, “We found this trying to sneak up on the tent. Where shall we put this terrorist body?”

  Wilcox then said, “LT, you are out of uniform in a combat zone. That means that you could be shot as a spy or terrorist. What do you want?”

  The LT then said, “I'm the officer in charge of this unit. I insist that I must know what plans are being made. I'm in charge of this unit.”

  Then MSG Wilcox said, “Sit down over there and listen to the briefing that will start as soon as the rest of my NCOs get here.”

  His other NCOs entered and grabbed seats.

  I noticed none of them took more than a glance at the LT.

  MSG Wilcox started his briefing and informed them that my sergeant had a mixed sex unit. He plainly stated that rape was a capitol punishment crime and two soldiers had already been executed for a rape near Belton. They were to make sure that all of their soldiers were on their best behavior and also not to use derogatory words about the females in the other unit. They'd already been blooded in combat and chewed up the enemy.

  One of the corporals commented they're only a bunch of rear echelon pussy's.

  Then MSG Wilcox glared at him and stated, “Those supplies they brought in were secured by those pussy's and a bunch of terrorist at NFH died the hard way because those so called pussy's were there with weapons. Several of them prefer knives over M16's.

  Shrimp then commented to her friend, “I never did get the idea of sticking a bayonet on the muzzle of an M-16. I like it better when I can just slice them up like a pig.”

  Genevieve then commented, “I just stick the knife between their ribs and then castrate them like they did my husband. After all they can't play with their 72 virgins without their joy stick or balls. Master Sergeant Wilcox, permission to go play with your prisoner.”

  I quickly stepped in and said, “Ladies, you have enough blood on your hands for today. We need to let MSG Wilcox's unit have some. Go take a break and locate the chow. All the exercise this morning has given me an appetite. Don't kill the cooks no matter what they say today, they don't know about my lady squad. Move out!”

  Shrimp pointed over her shoulder with her bayonet and asked, “What about it.”

  Wilcox jumped in and said, “He's mine and he'll stay in uniform from now on.

  ~ ~ ~


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