Chevon's Mate

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Chevon's Mate Page 6

by April Zyon

  “I can’t seem to help myself when it comes to you. You are too good to me. The fact that you’re willing to do this for me, I love it. Everything, all of it. I’m keeping you. I refuse to let you go, now or ever.”

  “Glad to hear that since I had no plan to ever let you go either.” He held her close as they stared out at the stars for a little longer. Then he took her hand and led her from the room. This time, Chevon took her down into the cruiser to a section she knew held the landing bays and storage areas for dry goods. To say she was confused was an understatement. Chevon led her to a door, punched in a code, and stepped aside. The lights flickered on a moment after the door slid open and before her Laura saw rows of racks holding clothing. Civilian clothing. “I thought you might want a little shopping trip. And this was the least painful way I could think to make it happen for you while being at your side.”

  She glanced from him to the clothing and back again. Laughing, she threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. “I love it but how? How in the world did you manage this?”

  “A colleague was tasked to pick up this shipment, and I offered to do it for him. He’s awaiting the birth of his first child, so he didn’t even ask why. Whatever you take I will make sure the shop owner receives proper compensation for. There are all sizes in each design, so you don’t need to worry about taking something or not. Choose whatever you want.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he waved her into the room, then followed before settling on a crate to one side.

  She went through the clothing, shooting him looks from time to time. “Your people cover up far more of their bodies than mine do,” she said with a frown as she looked at the clothing. “I’m not saying that it’s bad, just that it’s something I will need to get used to.”

  “Not really. These are going to one of the larger moon colonies where it is not nearly as warm as the home world, or Craegin for that matter. When we return home, I’ll take you shopping to one of the seamstress shops. Although I will admit that when I saw everything I was rather pleased by the fact you would be mostly covered up.”

  That had her grinning. She touched the fabrics and from time to time lifted one up to rub against her cheek. “They’re all so soft.” She had soft clothing back home as well, but nothing like this.

  After half an hour she had selected a full wardrobe for herself, and then some. “Now the question is, how do we get this back to our rooms and where in the world do we put all of it?” She realized that she might have gone overboard in her selections.

  “We move clothing from one rack to the others and put yours on the rack we have cleared. Then we can wheel it to the cargo lift and take it to our rooms. And you haven’t seen your closet yet. We’ll make room.” Pushing to his feet, he moved to the rack with the least amount of clothing remaining on it and began to transfer items over to the other racks.

  She had to grin at that fact. “So your people realize that women need far more clothing than men do?” she teased, moving to assist him. “As long as you don’t mind me getting so many clothes and you don’t mind paying for them.” She’d been a small child the last time anyone had paid for all of her things, and she felt bad that he was doing so now.

  “I don’t mind in the least, little one. Except for my familial home’s upkeep I spend practically nothing that I earn from the military.” Giving the rack a push, he headed for the door.

  “How often are you at your family estates? The way you make it sound you spend all of your time on your ship and not on your planet. Not that I mind, because I’ve never been on a ship, so I’m finding this all quite fascinating. Well, another ship aside from the pleasure cruise of course.”

  “I’m out here the majority of a solar cycle training one class or another. I have a lovely couple who act as caretakers while I’m away. They have been working for me for at least twenty solar cycles now, maybe more. You’ll like them, and I know they will adore you. The wife is actually Craegin. She was kidnapped as a child, but her kin never came looking for her. She was raised on an outlying planet until she met her soul-bond mate and they joined.”

  She shook her head in stupefaction. “If we ever have a child and it goes missing we will turn over the universe looking for them. Her family must have been deceased or I’m sure they would have looked for her.”

  Chevon shrugged. “She doesn’t remember them, and at that particular time there was a lot of unrest on the outlying planets. And if we ever have a child who is taken as she was I will tear both worlds apart to find them. With you at my side,” he added when she shot him a look. “Always with you at my side, Laura.”

  “Great answer.” She had to smile. The man was already learning what made her tick and part of that was being included in any and all decisions that were made in their lives.

  “I thought so, too,” he said. Sending a smile her direction, he wheeled the rack into a much larger lift. She noticed it was designed differently and had manual controls easily accessible unlike the others on the cruiser. “Many will claim an old man cannot learn new tricks or cues but I plan on proving the critics wrong. It may take me a while, and you may need to be less than subtle, but I will get there in time.”

  She moved back to his side and slipped her hand into his once the lift started. Pulling her in close, he wrapped his arms around her. “I am never letting you go.”

  “Good, because I’m never letting you go either.”

  “So,” she told him several moments later as they walked toward their quarters. “I’m shocked that we haven’t run into anyone. How did you manage for us to be completely and fully alone?”

  He shot her a look and kept on going. “It’s good to be the one in charge. Occasionally I like to flex those muscles as a reminder to the crew. Actually, I have never done something like this before. But it seemed to be the way to keep them all from learning something that may jeopardize their futures while giving us some time alone. A hard thing to do on a vessel this size. It was part of the reason we remained in certain sections for a set amount of time. I couldn’t shut down the entire crew or sections of the cruiser. Everything had to happen in a set pattern. I must admit it went better than I thought. I may need to recommend a raise for my first. Malek really came through. He suggested some drills that would guarantee certain sections were completely empty when I needed them to be.” Opening the door to their rooms, he let her proceed ahead of him. Then he followed, pulling the rack. “Did you enjoy our night out?”

  “I did. I think you owe Malek a huge thank you for giving you this idea,” she said with a grin. “I know I’m going to thank him for helping you plan this date.” Malek had quickly become a friend to her during her time on the ship, but no one was better than Chevon and she knew it.

  “It was my idea, let us not forget that detail. But you’re right. I do owe him a thank you. He might have some additional time off shortly. He’s been helping to carry a heavy load with these training runs, and I think he deserves to know I would never survive without his assistance.” He brought the rack into their bedroom and moved to the side opposite his own closet. A push to the panel and it slid open to reveal a large space full of shelving and hanging bars at various levels. Unlike his, she could walk into the space. “Your closet, little one.”

  “Thank you.” She began to pull out the clothing and put it on the hanging bars. Once she was finished, she stepped back and to Chevon’s side.

  He kissed her before taking the rack back out to the main room. “I need to return this to the bay before I let the crew get back to normal activities. Will you be all right while I take care of this?”

  “I will. If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a sonic shower and put on some of the night clothes we got from the bay.” She moved closer to him. Her hand on his chest, she tilted her head back for his kiss.

  “Don’t bother with the nightwear, Laura.” He left her standing there processing it while he headed out with the rack in tow. Laughing, she locked the door behind him. Then she stepped in
to the bathing room to take a sonic shower to fill the time while Chevon was gone.

  Chapter Eight

  When Chevon came back to their rooms she heard him moving around in the outer room. Then the lights all dimmed and music began to play from speakers she couldn’t even see. Wandering into the bedroom a moment later, he stopped to look her up and down. Laura had wrapped herself up in a robe, positioning it just so that sitting on the bed he wouldn’t know one way or another if she had anything on underneath.

  Not that he said anything. He sat down in the chair to take off his boots and socks before standing to begin removing his uniform. Occasionally he threw her a look as if trying to figure out if she’d listened to his advice on the nightwear or not.

  She leaned back slightly and tilted her head to the side, her hair falling over her shoulder. “So are you wondering if I listened to you?” She watched him as he removed his shirt first. She wanted to reach out and touch him when he hesitated at taking off his pants.

  Propping his hands on his hips, he narrowed his eyes. “If you didn’t listen, I might have to spank you, little one. But before we get to that there are some things we should discuss.” He moved to the side table and pulled open the drawer, then dug out a data pad. He pulled something up and handed it over to her before sitting down at her side.

  She looked at the data pad in her hands and frowned. “What is this?” she asked, curious about what he would have her looking at. She knew that on her home world lovers would agree to a contract of conduct in their bedrooms, things that they would and would not do, before making love. It was something that was often used to ensure that lovers knew each other’s hard limits before they came together.

  “I know on your world that the couples often have a contract between them before anything happening. This is along the same lines, more for my peace of mind than anything else. It’s not a contract by any means, but a list between the two of us. I don’t want to ever make you uncomfortable, Laura. To that end, I want to know if your tastes line up with my own and if there is anything you want to explore.”

  She began to look over the lists, nodding from time to time. She added things to the list as well. “The list will be able to shift and change, right?” she wanted to know as she paused in her typing. “If there is something that we try and don’t like?”

  “It can be altered at any time, little one. It’s a guide more than hard and fast rules, Laura. Experimenting is half the fun.”

  Laura grinned. “I like how that sounds.” She added a few more items to the list before passing it back to him. She felt her body reacting to his, felt herself getting wetter with just the thought that he would be touching her soon.

  He took the data pad and gave it a quick read. After a couple moments, he closed it down and tucked it back into the drawer. Then he turned to look at her and touched her cheek gently. “Are you truly all right? No leftover aches from your injuries?”

  “I am more than all right. And I’m ready to bond with you.”

  His lips twitched before curling into a smile. Giving her a kiss that was much too quick, in her opinion, he stood up to remove his pants. She didn’t get to see anything, given when he straightened up he had them in front of him while folding them neatly. Then he turned and Laura got to take in the full back view. He hadn’t been wearing any underwear.

  “Oh my.” She fanned herself and wanted to reach out and touch his ass. His rump was perfect, rounded and firm. He had a scar on his left butt cheek but it only made him more handsome in her eyes.

  Turning slightly, Chevon shot her a look and lifted an eyebrow. “What?” he asked. Still adjusting his slacks, he tucked the hanger into the closet, then turned to face her completely, distracting her from replying to his question.

  She took in every single inch of his body. His cock was long and thick—and hard. The head of his shaft was a deep color that had her licking her lips and wanting to taste him. “You are utterly perfect,” she whispered. “I want to taste every single part of your body.”

  He snorted at her first words while walking back to the bed. Climbing up, he leaned in to kiss her cheek, then her neck. “You can touch all you want if you’re not wearing anything under this robe. If you are wearing even one little item, I plan to bind your hands and have my way with you until you can’t think clearly.”

  “Now I wish I would have put on something under this robe,” she grumbled. “Because I listened to your orders and have nothing on under it. I was just trying to give you a hard time. Did it work?” She tugged at the belt of her robe and watched him. “Are you ready for me to get naked?”

  “I have been ready to get you naked since the day I met you. You must admit I’ve restrained myself admirably during your recovery.” She knew for a fact he’d been more concerned about her health than anything else. He’d taken amazing care of her. “But yes, you should remove the robe. And if you are completely bare under there then you get to play first.”

  She pulled off the robe, standing there before him so that he could see every inch of her body. Heat infused her cheeks and she chewed her lower lip. “Chevon?”

  He breathed out something she didn’t understand, but his tone was reverent. Slowly he lifted his hands to brush up her arms, then cupped her face. Pulling her in for a kiss, he growled something out, the sound feral. It sent a thrill through her body, tightening her nipples and making the throb more pronounced between her legs. “So you approve?”

  “Always,” he told her. Grabbing her ass, he lifted her and turned to the bed. He got them settled on the mattress so they were in the middle and she was on top. “Your reward is to play for however long you like, or until I can’t hold back. Whichever comes first.”

  She couldn’t wait to be able to play with him. Teasing Chevon with her mouth, she moved down his body slowly and took her time to nip and touch him from time to time. Finally, she closed her mouth over his cock and moaned, then looked up his body at him. “I’m not hurting you, right?”

  He shook his head and swallowed hard enough she heard it. “No, little one.” Chevon shifted on the bed, bending one knee up slightly, and reached over his head to grab hold of the headboard. She leaned up and let her lips skim over his taut stomach, her hand on his chest once again, and he shivered under the touch. She couldn’t stop touching him. Laura wasn’t virginal as many women were when they came to their marriages but she was actually thankful for that at this moment in time. She scooted down and closed her mouth over his shaft again.

  Chevon let out a string of words she didn’t know but had her blushing anyway. She knew the tone, and with the groans, moans, and other things he said, Laura knew he was on board for whatever she did to him. A creaking sound had her glancing up to see his hands holding the headboard tightly. She could only smile at the way he was reacting. She continued to touch and move her body over his, her mouth teasing him eagerly. Finally, however, she pulled back from him and kissed her way up his body. “Tell me, my darling man, are you ready for more?” she asked, kissing the side of his neck.

  In an instant, his arms banded around her and she found herself on her back with his larger body covering hers. His flesh pressed deliciously against her own. Chevon grabbed her wrists and tugged her hands over her head until she felt the headboard brush her knuckles. “Hold on,” he told her, his voice rougher than she’d ever heard it before.

  She wrapped her fingers around the headboard. “Holding on,” she told him, then moaned. “Please.” The way that he had manhandled her, the way he’d forced her body to his will, had her body getting wetter than she could possibly imagine. “Chevon…”

  “Be still,” he ordered. Pressing his lips to her cheek, he trailed down to her neck. His hands were busy stroking her arms, moving down her torso, then back up to squeeze her breasts. Chevon pinched her nipples hard enough that she couldn’t stay still, and she gave in to the urge to squirm around, earning her a bite to the space where shoulder met neck.

  She wiggled under
his touch. Everything he did to her had her body aching for more.

  Gripping her hips, he lifted his head enough to stare at her for a time. Then he slid his hands down, and in a quick move pushed her legs apart and up. He moved down further, his breath warm against her skin, never releasing her gaze. Even when he lowered his mouth to where she felt each breath against her throbbing clit he didn’t look away.

  She shivered when he opened her body to his. He seemed to know exactly what she wanted when she wanted it. “Chevon.” She shivered, then lost all trains of thought when he pressed his tongue to her clit.

  He was keeping her still while he teased the nub with his tongue. A quick swipe over her slit had her trying to come off the bed, with no success. Letting out a low chuckle, he smacked his lips. “Tasty,” he said before pressing his mouth to her pussy to suckle and lick.

  She could only moan, lost to sensations, to the utter rightness of his tongue on her body. He was perfection in form. “More,” she begged.

  The sharp edge of his teeth lightly scraped over her clit before he gave it a hard suck. A long, thick finger invaded her sheath, pushing in farther than she’d thought possible. He began to stroke it in and out in time with the pulls of his mouth to her nub.

  She was slowly losing her mind. “Chevon.” His name came out as a moan.

  She felt his chuckle through her clit a second before he used his teeth to squeeze it, then tug. A second finger pressed into her body.

  She arched up off of the bed and with her teeth holding her lower lip, she moaned. She accepted each and every single touch that he gave her and widened her legs just a bit more for his shoulders as he began to work her body unlike anything she had ever felt before.


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