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Monsters Page 10

by Viktor Zólyomi

  `She would have just sent you to your death.'

  `Not necessarily.'

  `So, you had a plan of your own. What was it?'

  `Why do you care? I am dead now.'

  `I want to know how a common dragon thinks. Speak!'

  `Ha! So be it! As you said, your Councilors would intervene against a peasant uprising personally if needed. It's simple. We make the peasants draw them out, and we stay hidden, waiting. When they come, we strike. Just a few dozen dragons would do for that.'

  They are here! This is... This is madness!

  `How many dragons have infiltrated Ess'yer in human shape?!'

  `More than you can imagine...'

  `Tell me exactly how many! Now!'

  `Why so nervous? Afraid, perhaps? Ha! Regardless, I do not know. Ask my Queen!'

  `You must have an approximate number. Tell me!'

  `Somewhere between fifty and one hundred.'

  Fifty to one hundred... Impossible! But he cannot lie under my spell. If this is true... Then the situation is worse than I thought. Much worse...

  `Shocked, night elf?' he asks, sounding amused.

  `Silence! Speak not unless I ask!'

  `You can't silence me. I am forced to speak the truth, but not to remain silent.'

  `Where are your brethren?'

  `Scattered all over Ess'yer. All over Ess'yer... You will never find them!'

  `We found you...'

  `Yes. But why? Because I wore the mask of Jason Vogan. Had I not, you'd never have found me. I've been here for the last half century. As have many others...'

  `Where is the real Jason Vogan?'

  `I don't know.'

  `Do you even know if he's still alive?'


  `You can leave.'

  He stays silent for a few seconds, then he says:

  `You can't succeed, night elf!'

  `I said, you can leave!'

  `I will, but not before I say this. You cannot succeed! My Queen will reign over Ess'yer, and there's nothing you can do to stop her!'

  `We'll see... We'll see what she can do when the members of the Supreme Council cease to bicker, when they unite in one, when the entire Supreme Council consists of one man. One night elf...'


  He vanishes at last, and I can think.

  So many of his brethren are here... So many...

  All they need to strike, is get rid of the Council!

  I must be cautious, and I must hurry. They are still not ready. I must get rid of Worriil and Jenathar as soon as possible. Once I lead the Council, I will have all the resources I need. I can manipulate the others into using up their own forces against the dragons. Once we're rid of the invaders, I can deal with my weakened fellow Councilors.

  Yes, that's what I must do.

  But first and foremost, I need to get rid of Worriil and Jenathar. Perhaps opportunities will arise. For one, there is still Jason Vogan. He still wants to kill Jenathar, I am sure of that. Wherever he is, whatever he's planning, he will strike sooner or later. Who knows, he might be preparing to strike even now...

  If he comes, I will be there. I will use him. And then both Jenathar and Worriil will be but a bad memory...


  In the castle of Kurt Aurach, Kh'Tal, present day (1 year, 1 month, and 9 days before Twilightfall)

  It feels strange to be in this castle again. Last I was here, for just a few days, I couldn't get to know the place well. Even in such short time I admired the architecture. I felt it was a beautifully constructed place, with wonderful decoration. Now, I can't help but feel it unimportant next to the fact that I was reborn in this place. Reborn into what I am now. Beautiful as this place may be, the memory of that makes its beauty pale.

  Yet I do not feel uncomfortable. Had Kurt Aurach not done what he did, I'd be dead now. He saved my life. I never even thanked him for it. Now is my chance to make up for that.

  To my surprise, the man to greet us in the main hall is not the old wizard, no. It is someone else. A short, bulky figure. Someone I've met once before.

  That filthy dwarf scoundrel... Aaron Chraem.

  `Hello there, boy! How are you doing?' he asks.

  `Aaron... What are you doing here?' replies Jason.

  `Oh, I thought I'd pay you a visit for old times' sake.'

  `Where is Aurach?' I ask him.

  `Up in his laboratory. He let me in, and said I could wait here, that you'd arrive soon... My my, Flora... You look so pale, that lack of sunlight in this place sure is a bummer. You have changed. Errr... You are Flora, right?'

  `I am...' I tell him, as I try to resist the urge to feed...

  `Good, good. You can never know with this world. It's full of crazies. Have you ever been to any of the towns?'

  `Not yet.'

  `Well, if you do end up there eventually, be mindful. Watch your back, you never know what jumps on you around the corner.'

  `Did you come to chat, Aaron, or do you want something?' asks Jason.

  `Little of both, actually.'

  `So, what do you want?'

  `Straight to the point, I always liked that about you! Well, it's not really that I want something, rather, that I brought you something.'

  `What do you mean?'

  `Well, boy, I thought you might make good use of something I have.'

  `How much?'

  `It's free! It's a gift!'

  `Free? From you?'

  `Aw, don't be like that, boy! It is the least I can do. You brought me here, and this place is a regular gold mine! I earned a fortune thanks to you. Let me return the favor!'

  He opens one of his magic little bags and pulls out two strange looking objects from it. Made of some kind of black metal, they somehow remind me of crossbows, despite how they are much smaller, and have no bowshaft.

  `What are these? They look like that weapon of yours.' says Jason,

  `Yes, these weapons are similar to what you saw when we were ambushed.' replies the dwarf. `But they are smaller, lighter, and can be used with one hand. The people I got it from called it something weird. Something short starting with U... But I forgot. I think that calling it mini lead-breathing hand dragon will do just fine!'

  `Are they as powerful as the other one?'

  `Absolutely! Which means, that since you can use two of them at the same time, they're actually twice as good! Here, you can have these two, and I have a whole crate of ammunition for you as well.' he says, handing the magic bag to Jason.

  `Aaron... Did you know I was going back?'

  `Well... yeah, I did. The old mage told me. I thought, this was just the time for me to repay the favor. Actually, he wanted to buy the stuff for you. He called me here. He said you could use the stuff, and he offered me a Hell of a lot of money, but I didn't accept the coin. I owed you.'

  `You didn't accept the money?'

  `Oh all right, so I accepted half of it, but only half of it, okay? I know that I owe you, boy!'

  `I'm pretty sure that basically means that you didn't ask for twice as much money as what you were offered, you filthy scoundrel...' I tell him.

  `What have I ever done to you, girl, that you think I am so greedy?'

  `Truly, you live up to your reputation. But it's pointless to argue about your past now. Besides, as long as you don't go back to Ess'yer, I might as well bury that past. Assuming, that this weapon of yours will actually help us.'

  `Of course it will! This is a weapon like no other, girl!'

  `What did you call it again?'

  `A mini lead-breathing hand dragon!'

  `Why the Hell do you call it that?'

  `Because it roars like a dragon, my dear Flora! Let me show you how it works...' he says, and he picks up one of the weapons and points it at a nearby vase.

  `Aaron! Not in here...' says Jason strictly.

  `Oh, come on, boy! The old mage will fix it in no-time.'

  `I said, no.'

  `Oh, very well!' he says, shrugging. `I suppose you're
gonna show it to her soon anyway. You're going back, soon, aren't you?'


  `Well, I wish you luck in whacking Jenathar. When you send him to the Hells, give him my regards.'

  `Will do.'

  The smuggler says goodbye to us and finally leaves. Good for him...

  Jason takes those two strange weapons in his hands, and looks at them for a while. Then he holds them up, points them forward, then lowers them again.

  `They are light indeed.' he says.

  `What can they do?'

  `These are extraplanar weapons. They fire lead bullets, like a sling, but faster. Much faster. Even faster than a crossbow fires bolts.'

  `Interesting. And they make a sound like a dragon's roar?'

  `Sort of.'

  `Are they as dangerous as a dragon?'

  `Aaron claimed that these kind of weapons could weaken magical shields. I have seen one pierce an enchanted plate armor. Perhaps I can use them to bring down Jenathar's defenses. We shall see.'

  He puts the weapons in his belt behind his back, and he walks towards the stairs. He stops and rests his hand on the wooden railing. He just stands there, staring ahead, like he was strongly thinking of something.

  `You look troubled.' I tell him. `Are you worried about facing Jenathar?'

  He sighs and slowly turns towards me. His eyes seem like the weight of the world rests upon his shoulders.

  `I was just thinking... It's all so strange, what's been happening as of late. Unexpected things. You. Aaron. The Dragon Queen... Meliorath has turned me into a hero in the eyes of the people. I never foresaw this...'

  `I don't understand.'

  He sighs again, then he continues.

  `Aurach has means of following the events in Arghard, even from here. He told me some unexpected things. After we came here, Meliorath has apparently taken the chance and made her move. After the destruction of Gatestown, she started a campaign of deceit to further her goals.'

  `What did she do?'

  `She sent her agents, disguised as me, to instigate a rebellion. She set up my actions as a fight against the tyranny of the Supreme Council. Now, there are riots all over Ess'yer.'

  `That's not bad. It may turn things in our favor.'

  `Yes. It may. Only Jenathar knows the truth behind the Dragon Queen's deception, but he keeps his knowledge to himself, understandably. The riots will continue as long as he keeps his knowledge secret. The riots may weaken his defenses. That could help me. But I can't ignore the fact that what I am about to do, may turn Ess'yer over to the Dragon Queen.'

  `She will never have Ess'yer. If war comes, the people will have to realize that they must fight or become slaves. They will sooner or later fight her off.'

  `Perhaps, but honestly, I couldn't care less.'

  `If you don't care, why does it bother you?'

  `It doesn't. It's just... strange, that's all. It makes me feel that everything is uncertain. Things happened that I could not foresee, and I no longer know if I can foresee what will happen when I strike at Jenathar.'

  `You will kill him. I will help you. He won't escape this time, I assure you!'

  He sighs deeply.

  `A year ago, I had Jenathar where I wanted him. Yet he slipped away. Now he knows what to expect of me. He will be more prepared. You and I... we're not enough.' he says, shaking his head. `I'd need an army to face him now.'

  `Those five liches are your army?'

  `No. They are powerful, but even they are not enough. Not even a dozen of them would be enough.'

  `So, what's your plan?'

  `Have you heard of the Demon Mirror?'


  `It's an eight-foot tall three-foot wide mirror with a golden frame. It was created to be a Summoning Gateway to the Hellish Planes.'

  `So, it can be used to summon demons?'

  `Yes. But the mirror doesn't function as it was meant to. The demons summoned are not under the summoner's power. They can do as they please. Some mages believe that sufficient precautions and preparations can allow one to enslave the summoned demons, but the last mage to try was Jenathar himself, and he almost died. Since then, the mirror is situated in the Summoning Chamber in Re'Cas. Covered by a black canvas sheet. So that no-one can look into it.'

  `What if someone removes the canvas?'

  `There is a special protection ward on the mirror, placed upon it by Jenathar himself. It prevents the canvas from being removed, or harmed. If someone were to attempt to remove the canvas while the wards are active, a powerful spell would strike them down, and likely kill them on the spot. This is where the liches come in. As soon as we find our way into the Summoning Chamber, I will release them. They will dispel the ward. Then, I will remove the canvas.'

  `Then what?'

  `Then you must do as I ask. Then you must change shape. Change into your mist form. So that the demon or demons summoned cannot harm you.'

  `What about you?'

  `I will join with my shadow and wait there until the smoke clears. But you must change shape! You must!'

  `Alright... What will you summon?'

  He sighs and stares into the distance. Then he answers.

  `I do not know. There is a specific demon I want to summon, but there's no telling if it will come. If it won't, others will. And who knows what they'll do to Re'Cas...'


  Summoning demons... Jason has clearly made a desperate plan. Despite his emotionless voice, his hatred of Jenathar is more than apparent. He will do anything to kill him. And I will do anything to aid Jase. Anything...

  After he told me of his plan, he said we should retire for the night. But I want to speak with our host first. To thank him. So while Jason leaves to rest, I head for Kurt Aurach's laboratory.

  I knock on the massive door and it slowly opens before me. I step inside.

  His laboratory is still as magnificent as it was the last time I saw it. So much magical equipment, such grace, such glory. I never cared a lot for magics, but this place left me in awe when I first saw it, and it still does.

  Aurach is in the middle part of the room, working with some of his equipment. As I approach him, he turns towards me.

  `Flora! I am glad to see you again! What brings you here?'

  `I ran into Jase when he was hunting for a dragon. I thought I'd help him out, for... old times' sake.'

  `I take it you were successful?'

  `Of course! How could we not?'

  `Your confidence is a pleasure to hear, Flora!' he says. `Jason could certainly use some encouragement.'

  `I will go with him to Re'Cas, and later, to kill Th'Mesh.'

  `Ah. I see.' he says after a brief silence. `Are you certain?'

  `Yes, but speaking of that can wait until tomorrow. I've come to you now for something else.'

  `Go ahead, please.'

  `I... I never thanked you for... for this. I thank you now. You saved my life.'

  `Are you not uncomfortable with your new life?'

  `I was, but not any more. I've accepted it.'

  `I understand.' he says, nodding his head. `Perhaps it's for the best. There was no other way. Only...'

  `Only death. I know.'

  `Yes... but to be honest, I always felt it must be unsettling for you. You're a wood elf, and you became a vampire through the intervention of a black magician...'

  `It was unsettling, yes. But not any more. Perhaps I am still not too fond of the Dark Arts, but who am I to judge? I am a vampire now, after all.'

  `Did Jason ever tell you of how I came to be a black magician?'


  `Would you like to hear of it?'

  I nod.

  `It's a long story, actually. Do make me stop if I bore you.

  It was many years ago. Thousands of years ago, in fact. I was a scholar of sorts, studying the world I then knew. I lived in another Material Plane. Not Arghard, and not Kh'Tal. I was born in that distant world which I have largely forgotten by now. There I lived a happy life. I
had a family, people that cared about me, people that I cared about.

  As it happens, I got old. I was content, as I felt death nearing me. Before I could have joined my ancestors, a man found me.

  Bryan Voorseth, he called himself. He spoke to me of things I couldn't believe. He spoke to me of different planes of existence, of magic. It made no sense to me. You see, in that world where I lived, magic was pretty much nonexistent, and we knew nothing of other planes. So I didn't believe a word he said. Until he showed me.

  He showed me what magic was, he showed me the things he could do. He told me, he would teach me all of that. He said, he sought me out because he was looking for someone to whom he could pass on his knowledge before he died. I asked him why he would choose such an old man on the brink of death such as myself, and he said that I was not old. That compared to him, I was very young. He claimed to be several thousand years old. He claimed that I could live such an age as well. He said all I had to do, was leave my world behind forever. Leave it and never look back.

  I thought about it, and I had to realize that I did not truly know anything of the world. I took his offer, went with him, hoping that through him I would learn the truths that have been hidden to me for so long.

  He took me to Arghard. He taught me how to use magic, both arcane and black magic. He never bothered to tell me of the Blackest Ritual, the rite during which a black magician devours a soul and strengthens his own lifeforce with it. Not until the time came for me to perform it, that is.

  When I realized what it was about, I wanted to back out. I didn't want to destroy anyone's soul. Then he threatened me that if I did not perform the ritual, he would go back to my world to kill my family. I do not know if he would really have done it, but when he said it, I believed he would. So, I bitterly agreed to perform the Blackest Ritual. After I performed it for the first time, there was no turning back.

  He stayed with me until the time of my fifth rite. Then he said that his time had come. That he would set off and accept his fate. Before leaving, he taught me how to summon the souls of the dead, and told me to try summoning him a few days after he left. I did as he asked. As he promised, he appeared.

  He told me then, that I must be cautious with the Blackest Ritual. That I could absorb no more than twenty-five souls. That when the time comes for the twenty-sixth, I should not even attempt it, because I would just die in horrible agony. He said that he attempted it, and is now passing on his knowledge to me, to learn of his mistake. He wouldn't say how exactly he died, what exactly happened. He wished me luck, and vanished. I haven't spoken with him ever since.


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