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Monsters Page 12

by Viktor Zólyomi

  `Five etched crowns!'

  Jason pays him, and tries to proceed. But the orc doesn't intend to stand aside just yet.

  `That's five etched crowns, each!'

  Suddenly I feel the thirst in me. I am thirsty for orc blood... But before I could attempt to sate the thirst, Jason pays the orc and we move on. A pity. I am really curious what the blood of this oversized orc tastes like. Perhaps on the way out...

  The gigantic orc shuts the massive door behind us, and we find ourselves in an enormous chamber. Here, in this end of the chamber, there are many tables, where men and women of various races can be seen sporadically. Most of the people in the chamber however are concentrated in the far end, in a huge area with no chairs. There they stand, in front of a large stage of sorts, patiently, waiting for something.

  `Now what?' I ask Jason.

  `We'll ask around.' he replies, and he asks the nearest guest about the whereabouts of the Boss. He gets no useful reply however, so we keep asking around. Eventually, we run across a table where two unusual figures are conversing.

  One of them is a human man, with rather pale skin, long black hair, and a small beard. He's dressed in black, wearing black leather pants, black boots, a black sleeveless shirt, and a black leather glove on his left hand. He has some tattoos on his arms. The other figure is an orc male, who does not have the typical grayish skin of his kind. His skin could be called pale by orcish standards, I guess. His hair and beard are white. An albino, if such a thing exists among orcs.

  As we approach their table, the black haired human looks up at us.

  `Hey, Errak, check this out. New guys! See, we have some new guests every year!' he says, smiling.

  `That's great! More income!' says the orc.

  `Damn fucking right!' replies the human, and then he addresses us. `Good evening! How do you like the place? Eager for the show to start, ain't ya?'

  `Actually, we're here to speak with the... Shaman.' I tell him.

  The smile gradually fades off his face, while the pale looking orc stares at me, and I can see he is trying hard to suppress an urge of laughter.

  `Is that so?' asks the human man, with an angry look in his eyes. `Just who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?'

  At this point, the pale orc bursts out in laughter. After half a minute, he stands up, walks to me, and pats me in the back.

  `Sweetie, you couldn't have made a worse first impression.' he says, still laughing. Then he turns back to the human. `Sorry man, I gotta go take a piss!'

  As he storms off laughing, the human asks me once more.

  `So... what the fuck do you want, sweetie?'

  `We want to access the old tower to the east. We'd like to speak with the owner.' says Jason.

  `And just why...?'

  `Kurt Aurach sent me.'

  The human man then looks at him curiously. After a brief pause, he says:

  `So... you are the fabled Jason Vogan, destroyer of Gatestown and soon-to-be slayer of Councilor Johnny Boy. We finally meet. Kurt has told me a lot about you...'

  `You... are Zack Sands?' I ask him.

  `In the flesh!' he replies, smiling.

  `You... are in charge here?'

  `I know. It's unusual for a human to be the Boss in an orc village. Then again, you, as an elven vampire, must be used to the unusual by now.'

  `This is more than unusual...' I tell him. He slowly shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

  `Well, why don't you have a seat?' he asks. We sit down at his table.

  `So... what can I do you for? Errr... I mean, what can I do for you?' he asks, smiling at me. Pfeh. Funny guy...

  `Did Aurach not tell you?' asks Jason.

  `No. Last we spoke was weeks ago and he didn't say when you'd be coming. Well, maybe he sent a message since then, but I've been busy preparing tonight's show, so I haven't been to my stronghold in a while. I'll ask Tano when I go back.'

  `We'd like you to get us into Re'Cas.'

  He blinks a couple of times, then he bursts out in a brief laughter.

  `Say it again, say it again, I surely did not hear it right.'

  `You did.'

  `I did? Kid, if you want to die, I can arrange that in simpler ways, you know. For example, if you call me Shaman a couple of times, I'll surely blow your head off in two seconds. You won't feel a thing!'

  `It's not a joke!' I tell him. `We want to get into the city, can you do it or not?'

  `Of course I can do it. It's your funeral, so if you want it, fine! I'll get you in tomorrow.'

  `Why not now?' asks Jason.

  `Because, the show is about to begin, and I ain't going anywhere until it's over. Besides, I don't do favors for free, so be glad if I do it at all!'

  `I'll pay you. How much do you want?'

  `Ha! Come on, I'm not interested in coin. Tell you what. On the off chance that you survive this shit, you'll owe me a favor. I'll make you pay up when I feel it's time. Whatever it is I want you to do, and whenever I want you to do it, you'll do it without saying a word, kid. Deal?'


  `Good! But I'm still only taking you to Re'Cas tomorrow. I won't miss the show for anyone. Besides... you deserve at least one calm night to think before you walk into your doom.'

  `Don't worry about me.'

  `I don't and I won't. But I still ain't going anywhere tonight. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Have fun for the night! You have never been here before anyway, am I right?'

  `This is my first time here, yes.'

  `What about you, sweetie?' he asks, turning to me.

  `The name's Flora, and yes, I've never been here, either.'

  `Then what's the hurry? Enjoy the show, you're gonna love it!'

  `I'd better not stay among people for long. You know of my condition, don't you?' asks Jason.

  `Yes, Kurt told me all about it. I know well that you're a half-demon.'

  `Must you say it out loud?'

  He laughs.

  `Haha! Kid... do you really think anybody gives a damn in here if you're a half-demon?'

  `They should.' says Jason.

  `Well they don't. Quite frankly, they don't give a fuck what you are. Do you know how many people are in attendance here today?'

  `How many?' I ask.

  `Exactly five thousand six hundred and thirty-two, including you two.' he says, turning to me.

  `I didn't realize this place was so big.'

  `Do you know how many of these guests are Arghardians?'

  `Not all?'

  He laughs.

  `Haha! No, not all. Only one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven of them are Arghardians.'

  `But... what of the rest?'

  `They're from other worlds. We have all sorts of visitors from all over the Multiverse and it is they who make up the majority of today's guests. For example, see that girl over there?'

  He points towards a young woman with long curly black hair and a blue dress. She is having a conversation with a short haired man in casual clothes.

  `She's out of this world. Completely. She's human, but definitely not Arghardian. I think this is also the first time I see her here. Anyway...'

  At this moment, she slaps the short haired human so forcefully that the guy falls on the ground. He slowly gets back up and gradually backs away from her, while she looks at him with an angry smile.

  `My, she is a fiery one, isn't she?' says the black haired mage with a wide smile on his face. `Anyway, just for the sake of a more obvious example, let me introduce you to someone.'

  He turns towards the entrance and yells out loud.

  `Hey... Hey, Pinky!'

  About a minute later the troll-sized orc we ran into earlier shows up at the table.

  `Yeah, Zack?'

  `Have you seen Eono here today?'

  `Sure, he wouldn't miss the show for the world!'

  `Go find him for me, will ya? Send him here for a minute.'

  `Sure thing, man!'

  As Pinky wa
lks back to his duties, I turn to our host and ask him about the troll-sized brute.


  He shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

  `He got named after his size, you know...'

  A few minutes later, a strange looking creature approaches us. He's humanoid, but quite clearly not human. His skin is purplish, and his head is covered by tentacles. His mouth is small, and circular shaped.

  `Hey, Eono, how's it going?'

  The creature wiggles its tentacles, but does not speak.

  `Great! Enjoying yourself?'

  Again, it just wiggles its tentacles.

  `Nah, I just wanted to say hi. So, have fun!'

  The creature wiggles its tentacles again, and then goes back into the crowd.

  `Now, do you know what kind of creature he was?'

  `An octopus-man?' I ask.

  `Ha! Haha! That's good! But no... He's a... Well, how can I translate properly... Well, brain-sucker is the most accurate translation, but it's a little crude... Eh, what does it matter? It's still better than trying to pronounce the name of his kind in his language...'


  `You see, his kind feed on the brains of living creatures. They have strong mental powers, they communicate telepathically, and they can even control the minds of other creatures if they so wish. Once they have their victim in their grasp, they drill a little hole on the victim's skull and begin snuffing out the brain through the hole, slowly and carefully, making sure that the victim stays alive as long as possible. You see, they don't just eat the brain. They read it as well.'

  I can't believe what I'm hearing...

  `Read... it?'

  `Yes! They probe the mind of the victim, and practically live through the whole life of the victim, during feeding. Very fascinating, actually.'

  I blink.


  `Yeah! It's kind of like if I was reading a good book during dinner. This is a very intellectual way of feeding, you know. And the method is extremely fascinating.'

  Extremely fascinating... Intellectual way of feeding... This guy is fucking nuts!

  `You let such creatures in here?' I ask. `What if it tries to feed on the other guests?'

  `Oh, he will do no such thing. This is a place of recreation and enjoyment. People come here to have fun. I have no prejudices. Anyone, any creature, is welcome in here. Even fucking humans like me... Hell, even the Enforcers could come in here if they wanted to. As long as they remember one simple rule of the game.'

  `What rule is that?'

  `Here, I am the Boss. Things go my way. No fighting and no killing allowed within the concert hall. If you have a problem with someone, you take it outside. In here, everyone is just trying to enjoy the music. Troublemakers are removed immediately. Pinky takes care of that.'

  `What if a lot of people cause trouble at the same time?'

  `Trust me, no such thing will happen. No such thing happened in the past ten years. No such thing will ever happen, not as long as I'm around, heh! Well... I guess if the band refused to play there'd be a riot, but that's not fucking gonna happen...'

  Turning back to Jason, he adds:

  `So, kid, you've no reason to worry. This place is crawling with monsters, nobody cares if you're a half-demon. No-one will even notice, haha!'

  Then he turns to me.

  `You need not worry either. Everyone in Arghard will think you're a night elf until you bite them! Which I am sure you would not try in here, you don't look so dumb...'

  Just as I am about to reply something, the pale orc returns.

  `You sure took a long piss, Errak!' says the sharp tongued wizard.

  `Sorry Zack, turned out I also had to take a shit... So... Who are these two?'

  `Old friends of an old friend of mine. The girl you call sweetie is Flora, and the guy with the stone face is Jason.'

  `Pleased to meet you! I'm Errak!' he says, nodding towards us.

  `And Errak... Would you believe it? He's a half-demon!'

  `Really? That's cool!' he says. After a brief pause he adds: `Hey, show us what you look like in demon shape!'

  `Forget it!' says Jason strictly.

  `Well, if you don't wanna show us...' he says, looking sad. Then he leans forward.

  `Do you have a painting?'

  `Are you kidding?' asks Jason slowly.

  `No I'm not. I wanna see what your demon shape looks like.'

  `You don't. Believe me, you don't.'

  Suddenly, Zack Sands shouts towards the crowd.

  `Hey, Eono! Come here for a sec!'

  The tentacle-headed creature returns moments later.

  `Hey buddy! Can you do us a favor? This kid here is a half-demon... Yes, yes, who would have thought? What's that? No, I don't want you to throw him out, I'd call Pinky if I wanted that. No, Errak wants to see what he looks like in demon shape. Can you peek into his mind and look up an image of the demon with your telepathic powers, and then transmit it into Errak's mind? You can? Great!'

  `Hold it! I will not have this creature look into my mind!' says Jason.

  `Come on, kid! Are you a chicken? Nothing's gonna happen!'


  `What about you, sweetie?' asks Errak. `Have you seen him in demon shape?'

  `I have.'

  `Would you show me?'

  `I don't think so.'

  `What, are you a chicken, too?'

  `Nobody calls me a chicken!'

  `Then prove that you're not!'

  Fine! Have it your way, you big ugly white-haired moron!

  `So be it! Just try not to crap your pants!'

  The mind flayer wiggles one of its tentacles towards my forehead, and another towards Errak's. A few moments later, the albino orc bursts out in laughter.

  `Haha! It's working! Oh, man, Zack! You should see this, it's awesome! It's got three heads! No, wait... it's just one head with three faces. It's got four arms. Man, I ain't never seen a demon like this before!'

  `What do you mean with a demon like this?' asks Zack. `Did you ever see a demon of any kind?'

  `Well...' he says, scratching his head. `Come to think of it, I guess not. Hey, you know what that means, Zack! I just saw a demon for the first time! Awesome! This calls for a drink. You want one? Right, you never do... Well, how about that black water you love so much?'

  `It's called coffee, you fucking moron! Coffee... Learn it!'

  `Whatever, man! Hey, Pinky! Get us some drink, will ya!'

  Suddenly the lights near the stage go out, as if signaling that the performance is about to start. The crowd begins to shout: Monsters! Monsters! Begin! Begin!


  How quaint...

  `Skip the drink Errak, there's our cue. They're starting. Let's go!' says Zack.

  `Right, don't wanna miss the beginning!' replies the albino orc, and they both stand up and head towards the stage, along with the brain-sucker.

  `You two might want to stay here for the beginning, I don't think you're used to this kind of volume. Later on, do get closer to the stage, it's best up close and personal!' says the black haired mage with a smile as he walks off.

  So, we are left alone. Stuck in a gigantic room with thousands of people of various races, waiting for some kind of musical performance. This wizard... This Zack Sands...

  This guy is nothing but a big fucking clown, and he is supposed to get us into Re'Cas? Into the City of Mages? The city of the Supreme Council?


  Maybe, just maybe, if we're lucky, we'll actually see a blurred image of the city before he gets us killed...


  `Perhaps we should wait upstairs in the tavern.' says Jason.

  `I am curious of this... show. Let's wait and see what it's like.'

  `Are you sure? What if the demon...'

  `Don't worry about it. That Pinky guy looks very intimidating, I'm sure the demon won't dare to surface while he's around.'

  `Don't joke with this, Flora!'

't worry... You have control enough to be able to leave before it's too late. We can leave if it comes to that. I want to see this... show.'

  He slowly nods.

  `Very well.'

  So, we turn our attention to the stage.

  For a while, the stage is completely dark, but slowly colorful lights begin to illuminate it. The crowd keeps screaming: Monsters! Monsters! Begin! Begin! Soon, five orcs enter the stage. As they march in, above them a large banner is illuminated, saying Monsters of Coldrock.

  Three of them are holding some stringed instrument, and one guy sits down behind a set of what appears to be drums, although such drums I've not seen before. The last guy carries a short stick, and nothing more. The crowd shouts louder and louder, and as this last orc raises his hand in the air, they erupt in a loud roar, and the show begins.

  As the musicians begin to play on their instruments, a sound with the strength of a hurricane strikes us. It is much louder than I expected. Much, much louder... Yet I hear it perfectly clearly. It is certainly an unusual kind of music, with a sound reminiscent of swords clashing, but much deeper, richer. It has an unorthodox melody of its own. I can easily believe that it is extraplanar music.

  Not long after the music starts, the orc in front with the short stick begins to sing. Not quite what I was used to from the bards in elven lands, to say the least. He has a rather harsh but clear voice, and his singing is more like shouting than singing, but with the loud instruments, it is no wonder.

  Many in the crowd sing along with him, as if they already know the song. Zack Sands in particular, up in the front. All the while the crowd roars in approval. As the song reaches an instrumental part, the singer motions the crowd to clap their hands in rhythm with the drumbeat, and the crowd follows. Suddenly I find myself tapping the table with my right hand in the very same rhythm...

  Slowly the first song draws to a close, and the crowd gives the band a thunderous applause, accompanied by a loud, approving roar. Much deserved, in my opinion. Although this music is harsh and wild, it is strangely beautiful. It reminds me of Kh'Tal. Dark, foreboding, yet beautiful.

  After the song ends, the singer speaks to the crowd.

  `Hey! How's everybody doing down there? Are you having fun?'

  A loud approving roar is the answer, which makes the singer smile.

  `You know what, I remember that some ten years ago everybody said that we would never have such a gigantic crowd applauding us. Everybody said that we suck! Now after all these years, what do you think of that?'


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