Ms Amazing: Lair of the Lycans: Synne City Super Heroines in Peril (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20)

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Ms Amazing: Lair of the Lycans: Synne City Super Heroines in Peril (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 20) Page 4

by JK Waylon

  "I've never heard of more than twenty," she said with a shrug. "So two dozen is not out of the question. They all live here, along with wives and girlfriends."

  "They have wives and girlfriends?"

  "I know. I have a hard time understanding it, too," she said. "Also, be careful of their women. They're twice as vicious as the men."

  They could hear the wild rock and roll music coming from the building. There were three floors in that structure, with the bottom two lit up. From the shadows on the dirty windows, it looked like they were dancing.

  "Front door or third floor window?" Ms Amazing asked. "Your call."

  "Front door." she said.

  Wrapping an arm around Amazon Arrow's waist, Ms Amazing lifted up a few feet, and then dropped quickly to the ground. She angled their descent to land right in front of the door. Amazon Arrow held her high-tech bow in her left hand, with an arrow ready to go. The arrows all had stunner heads strong enough to drop a full-grown werewolf.

  It flashed through Ms Amazing's mind how Victor had resisted the stunner in their last fight. That seemed confirmation that he and Jake were bitten and turned. Their plan was to cull either Jake or Victor out of the group and secure him behind locked doors. They wouldn't have a lot of time to question him, but Ms Amazing had a way to make him talk, and fast.

  They landed on the concrete sidewalk with a clatter of feminine heels. Ms Amazing kicked open the door, tearing it off its hinges. Amazon Arrow rushed in and started firing arrows in every direction.

  Men shouted angrily, women screamed, and the two heroines forced their way deeper into the vast room. The entire ground floor was open, with twenty-foot ceilings. All of the manufacturing machines had long since been removed, but their mountings were still scattered about on the concrete floor. The bikers had set up their little party in one corner, with a table of food and another for countless bottles of booze. Off to one side a dozen Harleys sat in various degrees of disassembly.

  The music continued. They were partying to old hair band rock and roll. The bikers were in their jeans and biker boots, and very few of them wore shirts. For some reason Ms Amazing couldn't fathom, the War Dogs had aversions to shirts. Half of their women were topless as well.

  Amazon Arrow's aim was perfect. She never missed. Five bikers were down before Ms Amazing could survey the room, or even locate Jake and Victor. Then the immortal archer sent an arrow at Jake's chest, but he caught it. And threw it back at them. They dodged aside, away from each other, and it discharged against the wall behind them.

  "Definitely a Lycan," Amazon Arrow said.

  Ms Amazing had to agree. He was too fast to not have supernatural strength and speed. But that was all she had time to think. The bikers and their bitches charged toward them.

  Ms Amazing kicked left and right, sending bikers flying. Then a hot little blonde in a pink mini, no top, slipped in close and punched the heroine in the ribs. Didn't really hurt, but she slammed an elbow into the girl's head and put her down for the count. But it distracted her long enough for a really big biker to come up from the other side and slam a hard fist into her jaw.

  "Ugh," Ms Amazing grunted, letting her body roll with the blow. It spun her around, before she planted her feet, squared off with the man, and then flew up to bring her knee into his face. "Take that."

  She had to be careful with only a twenty foot ceiling. Didn't want to have an “accident”. Ms Amazing spotted a pair of bikers sneaking up behind Amazon Arrow. They were almost upon the beautiful Amazon, who was fighting with her fists and feet at the moment. A biker chick had somehow stolen her bow, and two arrows. The brunette pulled the arrow back, taking careful aim at Amazon Arrow's back.

  Ms Amazing spun in midair to strike the biker chick feet first. Her shot missed, with the stunner arrow hitting the biker fighting with the Greek beauty. The other two bikers were almost upon Amazon Arrow, so Ms Amazing struck the biker chick, and then flipped over to side-tackle one, forcing him into the other.

  "Thanks for the save," Amazon Arrow said, kicking one of the two men in the head. "Jake and Victor are over by the stairs."

  The raven-maned heroine had to finish off her opponent before she could follow. Amazon Arrow snatched up her bow, and had a fresh arrow notched in a blink. Before Ms Amazing took two steps, her friend dropped four more bikers. But her quiver was half-empty now.

  "Hurry," Amazon Arrow called.

  Ms Amazing ran past her, leaping straight up when a biker stepped in her way. She spun in midair, wrapped her legs around his head, and continued past to the floor. Taking him down hard, she released him and brought a powerful elbow against his upturned face. He went limp.

  The Amazon archeress raced by, sending arrow after arrow at Jake and Victor. They were standing side by side before the stairs, and blocking every one. Ms Amazing flew off the ground, rising halfway to the ceiling, and looped round behind the two War Dogs. She aimed for Victor's back, but just a second before she could strike him down, he smacked an arrow right at her.

  "Aaaiieee!" she cried, body convulsing and jerking violently.

  Ms Amazing crashed into the ground. Men and women rushed toward her. Victor snatched her up first, lifting her over his head, and then slammed her straight down across his knee.

  "Backbreaker!" he shouted triumphantly.


  For a second, Ms Amazing thought he'd broken her back. The pain was exquisite, but her enchanted belt did its job. Her body could take a lot of abuse that would kill a normal woman, and when she wore the belt it healed her at an extraordinary rate. She just needed a moment to recover, but her foes all knew that, too.

  Victor, being an immoral bastard who thought way too much with his dick, yanked her top down instead of finishing her off. He probably didn't think she could recover from that brutal blow. So she surprised him by kicking her leg up and into the side of his head. She was left sprawled on the floor as he fell away.

  "Get her!" a woman cried.

  Rolling to her feet, she swept her leg around in a wide arc. It took down one biker chick, but the others jumped back. They cleared the area long enough for her to recover the rest of her wits. She quickly surveyed the scene. Amazon Arrow was near the stairs, trading kicks and punches with Jake. She'd lost her bow again, but seemed to be holding her own against the much bigger biker.

  Unfortunately, War Dogs were moving in behind her.

  "Watch your back!" Ms Amazing cried.

  Suddenly, she saw an opening. Synne City's premier super heroine took off flying just a few feet off the floor. She streaked between two bikers, and then turned upward into Jake. He spotted her too late, and she caught him in the belly. And then, surging upward, she carried him right up to the second floor.

  Amazon Arrow followed them up, trailed by a whole mob of shouting bikers. Chryseis turned at the top of the stairs to hold off that mob, while Ms Amazing pounded Jake with fists, elbows, and knees, until he went limp and slumped to the floor. She dragged him through the closest door by his long hair.

  "Amazon Arrow, get inside! And lock the door," she called.

  The Amazon beauty took the time to kick two more bikers back down the stairs. She ran over and slammed the door in the faces of several more, locking it just in time. Amazon Arrow then propped a chair under the doorknob as the War Dogs pounded on the cheap wooden door and shouted dire threats.

  "Wow. You already have him tied to the bed?" Amazon Arrow asked. "Where did you find the rope?"

  Ms Amazing grinned. "It was already on all four corners."


  "Most Synne City lowlifes are," she said.

  "I was talking about you," Amazon Arrow said with a wicked grin. "You tied him up faster than a rodeo cowboy."

  "Yeah, well… No comment."

  Jake regained his senses at that time. He bucked and twisted, struggling in vain to break free. Ms Amazing had never seen him so angry. His face was dark red and he began to foam at the mouth as he spewed a string of the
nastiest, crudest cuss words imaginable, in both English and Spanish.

  "I'm impressed," Ms Amazing said, stepping up to his left. Amazon Arrow moved up close on the other side of the bed. "I didn't think you were intelligent enough to learn a second language."

  "Fuck you," he snarled.

  "In your dreams, dickwad," she sneered. Then Ms Amazing touched the golden medallion on her choker. His eyes locked on it, as she'd intended, allowing her to speak the spell's trigger word. "Gotcha."

  Jake gasped, eyes widening, and his back bowed a brief second. Then he relaxed while continuing to stare at the enchanted medallion.

  "What happened?" Amazon Arrow asked.

  "I just entranced him," she said. The bikers outside hit the door with something big, heavy, and hard. Boom! The door's hinges made a scary groaning sound. She gave it a wary look. "We don't have much time.”

  Ms Amazing waved her hand to get his undivided attention. Jake stared up at her blank-faced.

  "Jake, tell me the truth. Did a werewo… Lycan named Pyrrah visit with you or any other member of your club?"


  The women glanced nervously at the door.

  "No. Never met her."


  Amazon Arrow asked, "Do you know if Pyrrah has ever been to Synne City? And if so, who did she meet with?"


  Boom! Boom!

  Ms Amazing saw a spot in the center of the door starting to bow inward, splintering around the edges. The hinges looked like they were about to give at any second, too.


  "Have you heard of her before we asked about her?" Ms Amazing asked.

  "Yes. Very powerful lycanthrope," he said. "Artimus wants her."


  "Who is Artimus?" Amazon Arrow asked. "What does he want with her?"

  "I don't know why he wants her," Jake said in his entranced monotone. "He wants us to help capture her. He's going to set a trap for her in Los Angeles."

  "When?" Amazon Arrow demanded.

  "Don't know."


  Ms Amazing spun around to see a sizable hole in the middle of the door. The door's hinges were loose, and only the chair was keeping the bikers out. And even that was starting to scoot across the worn hardwood floor.

  "We have to – " Ms Amazing started, but someone shot a silver arrow through the hole. It struck her left thigh, and what felt like a billion volts ripped through her body, mind, and soul. "Aaagggh!"

  Falling to the floor, she heard Amazon Arrow cry out. The door finally shattered and angry men flooded inside. She was only vaguely aware of Amazon Arrow fighting with them, while her body continued to jerk and shiver. And just as she started to recover, small feminine hands rolled her over face-down. Her power belt was removed, instantly depowering her.

  "Ooooh," was all Ms Amazing could manage.

  Her arms were pulled back and locked in handcuffs. Men seized her arms, yanked the heroine to her feet, and she found Victor standing before her. He grinned, and punched her in the belly.

  "Uggh!" she cried, doubling over. He pulled her head up by her hair, and punched her in the face. "Ugh!"

  "Your sweet ass belongs to the War Dogs, bitch," Victor said, and then yanked her bustier top down.

  She heard Amazon Arrow grunt in pain, over and over. Lifting her head, she looked across the room with tear-filled eyes. A big, hairy wolfman stood before her friend. The Amazon was being held by two bikers, and she was handcuffed, too.

  Oh my God, they got us.

  "Artimus will pay handsomely for you, Amazon Arrow," Jake's voice came out of the wolfman. "You'll be the perfect bait for Pyrrah."

  Chapter 7

  Hobble chains were fastened around their ankles. Ms Amazing was shoved against the wall and a moment later Amazon Arrow was forced to join her, barely able to walk in her tight bondage. They shared a frightened look.

  "Welcome to the Wolf's Lair," wolfman Jake growled. "Artimus warned us against revealing ourselves too soon, so you'll have to be punished for forcing the issue."

  Ms Amazing looked around at all of the hostile faces. Even after she and Amazon Arrow were captured and subdued, they were still filled with rage. Well, except for Victor. He looked much too pleased for her comfort. The fact his eyes were locked on her naked breasts most of the time was unsettling, too.

  "You won't get away with this," she said. "Other super heroines will avenge us if you don't let us go unmolested."

  "Girl, we're not going to let you go after you're molested either," Victor said. He cupped a breast, rolling the rubbery nipple between thumb and finger. She sucked in a sharp breath when an erotic jolt ripped through her body. "You belong to us. The only question is if we sell you into white slavery, or keep you and force you to sell your asses on the streets."

  "Our fight isn't with you," Amazon Arrow said. "We're looking for Pyrrah, who you consider an enemy. So if you'll let us go we'll take care of her for you."

  Jake shook his head woefully, "We couldn't care less about Pyrrah. Artimus wants her." He grabbed the Amazon's jaw, forcing her to look him in his bestial eyes. "If he doesn't want you, then we'll sell you to white slavers or something." Jake released her to grab Ms Amazing's jaw. "As for you. I really want to keep you as street whore, and a club bitch, cock candy for me and the boys during the off hours."

  "I'll bite your dick off," she snarled.

  Jake and Victor laughed. It was quite unsettling. She thought that a potent threat. And then she watched in amazement as Jake slowly began blurring and shifting back into human form. It only took ten seconds.

  "Impressive, but it won't save you if you don't do the right thing," she said.

  He pressed up close. One hand seized a naked boob, giving it a firm squeeze. He pushed his face into hers. Their noses touched as he leered at her. And then his other hand came up to her face.

  "What are you doing?" she cried.

  "I've always wanted to know who is hiding behind that mask," Jake said, voice low and menacing. "I want to know your greatest, most jealously guarded secret. Tell me who you are and maybe I'll let you keep the mask."

  "Are you mad?" she said, trying to merge into that wall and vanish. When his hand inched closer, she averted her face. He chuckled. "Stay away from me! I swear, I'll… No!"

  Jake tried to grab the edge of her red mask. Ms Amazing shook her face back and forth, up and down. He was forced to release her tit to grab her jaw, pressing her head cruelly back against the wall. The War Dogs' leader squeezed until tears rolled down her cheeks.

  "You. Are. Mine," Jake sneered. He kissed her, and then forced a finger under the edge of her mask. "Tell me who you really are, or I will do really bad things to your little friend."

  "You wouldn't dare."

  "Victor," Jake said. "Artimus doesn't care if Amazon Arrow is pretty. Use your knife."

  "No. I am Barbara Daul," Ms Amazing said. Her body went limp as she gave away her most closely guarded secret. A deep sense of loss filled her. She dropped her eyes, whispering dejectedly, "I'm Barbara Daul."

  Jake looked astonished. The other bikers and their women gasped. The big biker started pulling her mask. Ms Amazing cried out, heart racing. Even though they knew her secret identity, being unmasked was always a traumatic experience. The double-sided tape held well, and pulled at her soft skin as it slowly peeled away to reveal her true identity.

  "Fuck me, you really are that billionaire bitch," Jake whispered. "Holy shit, boys, we hit the jackpot. We're all going to be LOADED." An expression of wicked glee spread across his face. "Because Miss Barbi Doll is going to give us all of her money."

  She grimaced. Barbara despised being called "Barbi Doll." Her enemies called her that all of the time, mostly because they knew it upset her. Anger flashed, and she brought her knee up hard and fast… Only to be stopped short by the hobble chain.

  "Nice try, Ms Formerly Amazing," Jake said. "Hey, Cubby. Get a computer booted up so our cash cow can start transferrin
g money over to us. The rest of us will keep her entertained until you're ready."

  He nodded at Victor, who followed Cubby out the door. Jake stepped back a step, her mask dangling from one finger. She looked at the mask, and then at her lost power belt across the room. It was lying on the floor just fifteen feet away. So close, but a couple dozen vicious bikers between her and it.

  Ms Amazing pulled at her handcuffs. Even with her power belt it was doubtful she could break free of them. They'd put them on tight, so there was no way to slip out of them. Sometimes the bad guys didn't understand women's wrists so failed to tighten the cuffs down.

  "What are we going to do, Ms Amazing?" Amazon Arrow asked.

  "Obey our every command," Jake said. "You have no other choice."

  "We always have choices," Ms Amazing said, glaring at him.

  "Not necessarily," Victor said as he returned.

  He was holding two collars. They looked to be about an inch and a half wide, with four steel rings evenly spaced around. Between the rings were pale blue rhinestones. Ms Amazing scowled at them.

  "Putting collars on us doesn't make us slaves," she said. "Our hearts and minds will always be free."

  The War Dogs' leaders looked amused. Jake took one and stepped closer to Ms Amazing. Victor moved up before Amazon Arrow. The two heroines squirmed, swallowed lumps in their throats, and glanced around for help.

  "Brave words, but your reaction and body language say differently," Jake said. "Being collared is a profound experience for the newly made slave girl."

  "You're a pig," Ms Amazing sneered.

  He spread the collar wide before Ms Amazing’s throat. Baby blue eyes locked on it, her breath caught. Ms Amazing bit her lip, and then looked sick. She started panting as he moved it closer and closer. Her skin crawled with revulsion.

  "It's just a piece of leather," she whispered. "A fashion accessory."

  "True," Victor said. He pressed the collar to Amazon Arrow's neck, slowly wrapping it around before buckling it snuggly in place. "Unless it is enchanted."

  He spoke some odd word, and the Amazon beauty gasped. The rhinestones began to glow. Her pale blue eyes widened, and then she stared blankly with open-mouth astonishment.


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