Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Bound at the Ball (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 4

by Lea Barrymire

  “Come, what are you looking at? We have very little time to prepare you.” Bana’s voice broke through Rella’s stupor and brought her back to the task at hand. Behind her sister stood a servant Rella hadn’t met before. “Tall and dark” easily described the male. Rella’s cheeks pinked as she stared between her sisters’ near nakedness and the man. Before panic could completely invade, she noticed the sash tied tightly around his waist. Purple for a eunuch. Horror washed through her. She’d known about the emasculated slaves, but had never seen one. She averted her eyes quickly.

  Bana barked at the slave, making Rella jump, “Prepare her quickly. If we leave late I’ll make sure you’re punished for it.”

  “Yes, mistress.” His deep voice was respectful and quiet, dipping his head in her direction before turning to collect items from the hallway.

  Rella stood motionless for a moment, watching her sisters move about her room. The eunuch crept silently back into the room and approached her with his head still bowed. She struggled to ignore the slave, but her curiosity was itching. Why had he been reduced to that position in their community? Was he a criminal? A resistance fighter? His body was built and muscular even with his height. She turned away before she could ask any questions of him. She turned to watch her sisters in hopes of distracting herself.

  Realization struck and she gasped. She watched Marena lay out a set of metal cuffs and other items on the bed. She can’t be serious. I can’t go out in public like that. What is wrong with them? We’ll be arrested and jailed for indecent behavior, and then Papa will have to come pay the magistrate to free us. “Bana? Are those for me to wear outside the home?”

  “This is the traditional dress for the Unity Festival. Nopot, here, is going to assist you.”

  Rella saved a huff until after her sisters filed from her room. She turned to the servant and tried to keep her irritation in check. It wasn’t his fault that she was being put through this. She beckoned to Nopot. He approached with long strides and reached forward, lightly grasping the sides of her robe. She tried to keep from blushing, but she knew her cheeks were red by the heat pooling under her skin.

  She couldn’t help the gasp when he brought over a bottle of oil and knelt at her feet. “I have to apply the oil, mistress. I’m sorry, but it will feel cold.” His voice was once again quiet.

  He poured a small amount of the fragrant liquid into his palm and slowly rubbed it on her legs. She watched with a mixture of fascination and embarrassment as he stroked every inch of her body with the oil. He was quick and efficient even when applying the liquid to Rella’s breasts. He had only paused for a single moment to give her a compassionate look. The liquid made her skin tingly and warm. The smell of spices seemed to change slightly after it sat on her skin, becoming deeper and more intimate.

  “Now for the jewelry,” he whispered. Silently the servant knelt at her feet and quickly attached metal cuffs to her ankles. The metal was cool on her skin. Next, he leaned over to the bed and grabbed the belt. Even with all the anger and confusion rushing through her mind, she still could see the beauty in the metal rings. They were intertwined flowers and vines made from a very shiny copper metal.

  He threaded the beads between her pussy lips with light touches. She tried to keep her discomfort hidden, but he still apologized when she winced. She was so embarrassed, standing in her room, allowing another unknown male to touch her. He’d already rubbed the oil into her thighs and stroked it over her pussy. Adding a few moments of him parting her lips didn’t seem to be much worse. Her cheeks were hot, deeply bushed, and she worried that the blood would never leave the skin.

  She knew her sisters wouldn’t do something to her that wasn’t needed, or at least that they perceived as needed, so she would endure. The breast binding cloth was beautiful, if not nearly see-through. The color was almost like burnt desert soil. Nopot tied it tightly behind her back so it wouldn’t slip.

  The last pieces of the ensemble were the wrist cuffs. They seemed to match her ankle ones perfectly. He attached them, and the snick of a clasp sounded ominous in the silence. Rella looked up and found all three women walking back into her room, watching for her reaction. Marena was pensive and Bana already scowling. Rella shrugged and smiled. What else could she do?

  “You’re beautiful,” Marena squeaked. “I can’t believe you’re finally old enough to go the festival.”

  “Nopot, you may leave. You did a fine job.” Bana waved a dismissive hand at the eunuch and whipped out a small basket, setting it on the bed. “Sit. We have a few minutes so I’ll do your hair.”

  Sitting was uncomfortable because of the beads. At first it just felt wrong to have something running through her pussy lips, but then the beads rubbed against the sensitive skin, enflaming it and making her very aware of each bead and its closeness to her clit. She squirmed while Bana worked on her hair. It was going to be a long night if she was expected to sit and walk with the belt of beads strung through her cunt.

  * * * *

  A shiver ran down Rella’s back. The evening air softly whispered over her skin as she climbed out of the carriage. She tried to focus on the festivities, the sounds, the smells. All she could concentrate on was the feel of the air on her oiled skin and the pressure from the cloth bound around her breasts. Her nipples were peaked and sent pleasurable heat to her pussy each time the cloth rubbed against the puckered nubs. The beads that ran between her folds had caused more throbbing need than pleasure, but the combined effect of them and the binding cloth were almost more than she could handle. She knew her skin was flushed, and it would have glistened with a sheen of sweat if she wasn’t oiled.

  She had climbed into the vehicle with her sisters just before the second sun set, covering her lap with a blanket one of them had handed her. The ride had been silent and too long. No one would answer her questions or even look at her while she spoke. After being ignored, she just gave up. Whatever happened, happened. She didn’t think she was on her way to her death, so she could deal with anything else. Her imagination had been running wild while her sisters sat, composed and silent, next to her. Perhaps she had been mated and they didn’t want to tell her. That would explain everything. But perhaps not. She couldn’t imagine a mated male endorsing the type of sensual ministrations that occurred the night before. What little she knew of the warrior class centered on their strength and possessiveness. It was well known that warriors didn’t share their mates and surely didn’t have multiple males touch their females.

  Just the thought of the night before, the memory of the male’s voice whispering in her ear, made her belly warm. The feeling of all those men holding her down while they touched her sent heat and a flood of moisture to her folds. The beads between her pussy lips rubbed against her clit, and she tried not to squirm. During the ride from their home she’d had to swallow a groan each time the carriage hit a bump. The feel of the sharp pressure against her engorged nub from the invasive beads was almost too much. She was impressed that her sisters didn’t react to the push and pull of their jewelry. If they had to ride any further to the gather place, she would have ended up coming. Embarrassing or not, she was aroused and knew what the experience of a good orgasm felt like now. She wanted another taste of that pleasure with or without the help of a male.

  “You are required to go through a formal introduction this ball. We’ll walk you to the room, but we can’t stay with you. Lena will be with her mate for the evening, so if you need something, find me.” Marena lightly grabbed Rella’s elbow and directed her swiftly up the path. Her sister’s hands felt cold against her heated skin.

  “Can’t you tell me anything, Mar? I’m really getting scared.” She whispered so her other sisters couldn’t hear. Tremors of anticipation and fear shook her stomach.

  “I can’t. I so wish I could, but if anyone found out, we would be in very big trouble.” Marena sighed. “Just do what you’re told. Don’t fight anyone. They aren’t allowed to do anything too bad during your first ball, so yo
u’ll be safe.”

  “Safe? Marena, what am I walking into?” Her fear had turned to stark terror with her sister’s whispered reply. This wasn’t a dance she was entering. She’d guessed that from the outfits but had still clung to the hope that it was a tribal or traditional festival and that was the reason for the binding cloth and beaded belts.

  Marena turned and gave her such a look of pity that her knees weakened. It was a sanctioned event, put on by the joint governments. It couldn’t be unsafe, not with the government’s involvement, could it? She was tugged into the building by Marena and Bana, both urging her on in hushed voices. Once they entered the festival grounds, she froze. Males, huge, towering muscular behemoths stalked through the open room. Hundreds of them. They were all wearing tight dark pants and billowing shirts of every color. Most had their long hair pulled back or braided. They were gorgeous and intimidating.

  “You can’t be seen before your introduction.” Bana hissed in her ear. “Come on.”

  She allowed Bana to drag her across the space to an open door, wincing slightly at the grip on her arm. What else could she do? The sight of those warriors was still burned into her brain. They were so large, much taller than her, and so massive that they looked like monsters. Some had left their shirts undone, and she’d caught glimpses of flesh and curly hair. Her body filled with both fear and a warm wash of arousal. Her head knew to fear this gathering, but her body wanted to near all that male flesh, to rub against it like an animal in heat.

  The room they entered was ordinary. Chairs and tables dotted the floor. Rella glanced around and noted many women standing and sitting. They were anything but ordinary. Rella gawked at the ensemble. All of them, girls really, were her age, but that is where the similarities ended. Some were wearing nothing at all, naked and oiled, gleaming in the light. Others were covered in sheer cloth, draped to cover only their breasts or pussy. Quite a few wore similar outfits to her, but every one of them was slightly different. The only quality that each and every one had was the glazed look of fearful confusion.

  She turned to ask Marena a question and found herself standing alone. Her sisters were gone. Fear and anger made her cheeks color. Before she could get herself worked up, a light sound brought her around.

  An older woman stood at the front of the room. She rang a small bell, and the room quieted. “Please sit.”

  All of the girls moved as one, programmed to obey their superiors. There were twenty or so girls scattered throughout the room, but within a few moments they were all seated.

  “Very good. Now, this is your first Unity ball. Each and every one of you turned twenty-one during the last year. You should see this event as a coming of age, a celebration of your ability to find a mate.

  “Tonight you will be introduced to the eligible warrior males who have shown that they not only want, but can care for a mate. None of you are required to choose tonight, but if you do find a male that is worthy, then please feel encouraged to allow him to claim you.

  “Throughout the night’s festivities you will be approached by numerous males. Each one has a short period of time to negotiate with you, and then if you accept his proposal, you will be taken to a scene area. For your first Unity ball you are only allowed to negotiate with one male at a time. The elders will be watching to make sure of that.

  “Let me make this abundantly clear. Once you are in a scene area with a male, no one will step in and assist you unless actual bodily harm is being meted out. I would suggest that you hold your tongues and accept the male’s advances. Crying and screaming do nothing but encourage them further.”

  She listened intently to every word, but it didn’t make any sense. Scenes? Negotiations? Screaming? Her anxiety was rising with each sentence. What in the blazing suns were they going to be doing? She raised her hand to ask and received a scathing look from the woman speaking.

  “There is no reason for questions. I am explaining all you need to know.”

  She lowered her hand and bowed her head. Fine. She was a smart girl and she’d get through it. She listened to the rest of the speech, confused and angry. Those seemed to be the only two emotions she was allowed for this “event.”

  “Now, each of you will be wearing a special arm band. My assistants are walking around now and attaching them. These will monitor your body systems and send that information to the portable devices that the elders carry. I want you to know that at all times you are safe.”

  There was that word again. Safe. Rella tried to regulate her breathing, but it was all too much. The outfit, the secrecy, the unknown, the mammoth males waiting in the other room. She could feel tears prickling behind her eyes. Blinking rapidly and breathing deeply eventually cleared her vision.

  “All right, ladies. Please look at the screen behind me. You will be announced in the order shown. Please stand and get into line. After we announce your name, you will go through the door behind me. Stop on the glowing circle on the floor. Oh, I almost forgot the most important part. Remember this instruction if you remember nothing else. Do not raise your heads. You are to remain looking at the floor until you’ve been escorted from the stage. You are representing your race. Do so well, and your family will know of your good behavior.” The woman cleared her throat and continued. “Once you are on the glowing area, remain there until someone takes your shoulder. You will be escorted to a waiting area. Within its confines you may speak to each other. When a male approaches the area, all must fall silent. He will indicate the lady he would like to speak to. He will take you to a location where you can talk.”

  A bell chimed in the room, and every girl sitting jumped slightly. Rella felt somewhat comforted that she was not the only one terrified. The entire experience just became worse by the minute. Not only was she nearly naked, but she would be presented to who knows how many people with a bowed head. She shook with fear.

  “Oh, it’s time.” The woman clapped her hands, her giddiness in stark contrast to the girls facing her. “Isn’t this exciting? Now, get in your line. The first name will be called momentarily.”

  Rella looked at the board and saw she was ninth to enter. At least she wasn’t first or last. She moved with the rest of the girls, counting off until she stood in line. All she could see was the long, blonde braid resting against a naked back. The girl who she stood behind was tall and blocked the doorway. She could hear snuffling behind her. One or more of the girls behind had given in and broken down.

  Anger finally started to rise in her heart. How was any of this useful in celebrating unity between the two races? How was this practice sanctioned by their governments? Terrifying females that were just beyond girls didn’t seem like something anyone would want. Then her mind rolled through her last two days. How had her sisters allowed this? Her father had allowed strange males to enter their home and violate her. How was that possible?

  She was snapped from her musings when the girl in front of her was called and shuffled through the door. Rella finally had a glimpse at what was to come and she felt the blood drain from her face. She stood at the entrance to a dark tunnel, lined with flickering candles. She blanched and wanted to backpedal when her gaze rested on the males stationed every few feet down the path. They wore full armor, making them look even larger than they normally would. They all had turned to look at her with piercing eyes. Blank stares met her scared one. At that moment she felt completely naked. Not just in her skin, but in her spirit.

  “Rella Cinder of the Massora Clan.” The voice of doom quietly sealed her fate as it came through the speaker. She stood still, too scared to move, but a shove from her side stumbled her forward.

  “Go, dear.” The old woman had come up next to her and hissed in her ear.

  Rella took a deep breath and then lowered head before stepping forward. She could do this. Eight other girls had just gone through this in front of her. She hadn’t heard any bloodcurdling screams or anything that would mean she was walking to her death. After counting fifteen steps, she could s
ee a bend in the hallway. She turned and found herself only a few steps from the glowing stone they were told to stand on. She sighed and almost grinned. She’d made it that far. Now, all she had to do was stand on that spot until someone came to collect her.

  She took the last couple of steps until she stood within the gentle light shining up from the floor. She kept her head down just as she’d been instructed even though she could hear male voices very near her. Fear had kept her blood pounding so loudly in her ears that she hadn’t heard other people in the room. Now that she was concentrating a little, the sounds filtered through her own heartbeat. Deep male voices were so close she thought she could stick a hand out and touch one of them. Fear and curiosity warred inside. What if she tilted her head just a little, could she see the males standing closest to her? If she did would she get in trouble and be punished? Don’t look up. You don’t know what will happen if you’re caught.

  Moments passed. She wanted to fidget, squirm under the gazes she could feel crawling over her skin. Wasn’t someone supposed to collect her and move her to another location? What was taking so long? Just when she thought she’d have to give in and do something to release some of the nervous energy, she saw black boots enter her peripheral vision. She gasped quietly as a warm hand wrapped around her arm.

  Warm breath moved over her ear before she comprehended the words whispered. “I told you we’d see each other tonight, little girl. Come with me now. We’re wasting precious time standing here.”

  Chapter 5

  Chills coursed down Rella’s spine. It’s him. He held her upper arm in a firm grip. She’d dreamed of his voice, the feel of his warm breath skating over her skin. The words he’d whispered to her as she came apart with her release still echoed through her mind. He’d driven her repeatedly to a fevered state during the night as he visited her dreams and thoughts.


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