Twilight War

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Twilight War Page 2

by Storm Savage

  She gave a low whistle. Her majestic white stallion lifted his head, white mane billowing in a soft night breeze. He left his pack of beautiful mares in the lower meadow to graze, and galloped toward her. She spotted her mother’s gorgeous mare among the herd—a stunning golden palomino. Pangs of sorrow tugged at her heart as she recalled riding and caring for Paloma in her youth. Receiving her mother’s horse had been the one consolation over never having seen Tahira. The mare had been one of the first to receive a highly advanced serum that granted immortality. The biochemist team had chosen Paloma first because of her age, and to everyone’s astounding joy, the serum worked.

  Flame sighed and smiled. At least she would always have one tangible connection to her beloved, brave mother. And the mare’s first offspring had been given to her as a graduation gift upon completing her training with the Sai masters. Odyssey had been naturally born with mystical powers.

  “You, my friend, are an amazing horse. Take good care of those mares while I’m out fighting evil fiends.”

  He shook his head as if he understood, making her smile again.

  After pulling a handful of raw sugar cubes from her pocket and offering them to him, she swung herself onto his back and prepared for the mystical passage through the wall of trees that hid their untainted domain.

  “Okay, Odyssey.” She clucked softly to him. “Back to reality I go.”

  * * * *

  “Hello, Flame with-no-last-name.” He cocked one sarcastic brow. “You seem to simply mysteriously appear from out of nowhere.”

  She half turned after emerging from the dense woods. He visually took her in and did a slow once over. Her enchanting allure hadn’t waned one bit, even though she’d killed him.

  An amused grin tugged at her naturally pouty lips. “I could say the same, Von Calder.”

  “Ah…but at least you know my full name.”

  “And I know why you’re following me. I’m wise to your tricks now so don’t try your little seduction routine.”

  “You wound me.” He placed a hand over his heart in feigned insult. “If I recall, it was anything but little.”

  “No confidence problems in you, are there?”

  “Hardly,” he said with a wink. “Strange that you don’t seem surprised to see me. Have an encounter with a certain female, perhaps?”

  “Perhaps.” She stepped from the shadows of the tree line into the moonlight, then gasped. “Your eyes…”

  He shrugged with a wry grin. “I got too close to the light when you killed me.”

  Staggering backward, she reached for the daggers at her sides. “I have no qualms about doing it again so watch your step.”

  He didn’t respond straight away. He simply wanted to gaze upon the woman who’d almost surrendered to his pursuit. The taste, smell, and feel of her from that encounter burned in all his senses, even now, even after experiencing death. His gaze swept over her long mane of golden hair, tumbling carelessly past her shoulders. In one sweeping look he took in her sultry dark blue eyes, her luscious body, and killer legs bathed in skintight leather. She still wore her cropped leather jacket that bared the sexy midriff he longed to kiss. Every bit the angel and nonetheless a fiery warrior—she made him burn inside.

  Using his newly enhanced powers, he whooshed to her side in a flash, snaking an arm around her waist. “I have no fear.” He pulled her tightly against him and lowered his head to her neck. She smelled delicious. “You won’t kill me again. You need me this time.”

  “How did you move like that?”

  “Apparently coming back from the dead…twice…left me with certain…gifts.” His teeth grazed the sweet fragrant skin of her neck for a brief instant.

  Staring back at him in open shock, she panted for breath. “Your eyes are very…blue…or green or both…how can that be? When I last saw you, they were black.”

  He stared down at her with a slight grin. “Apparently when you drove one of your flaming daggers through my heart, I saw the light.”

  She didn’t appear amused by his wit. He frowned.

  “I-I know what you did to Cassie. I know how you came back.”

  “Unfortunate that Cassie had to die, don’t you think?” He couldn’t withhold a smirk of satisfaction. “And you took Ian out, too. I’m your biggest fan, sugar.”

  “You have no heart.”

  “I did.” He moved his lips very close to hers. “Until some warrior woman came along and stole it then plunged a fiery blade straight through it.”

  “I had to. You’re the Satellite.”

  “Hm. Well, true. Yet if you’d listened to me and let me love you, we’d be farther ahead by now.”

  “Ahead of what?”

  “Haven’t you figured it out?” he whispered close to her ear. “You need me to win this war.”

  Her head jerked up. “I work alone.”

  “In the past, yes, but now you’re going to need someone on the inside. What I told you was true.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up on history repeating itself.”

  He arched curious brows. “How so?”

  She scoffed. “Don’t insult me.”

  “Ah, so the Lioness finally told you.” He tilted his head to catch her eyes with his. “I waited a long time for the first Satellite to fuck up so I could end this curse.”

  The stunned look in her eyes revealed the truth. “You know my father?”

  “Knew. He failed. I won’t. Therefore, history won’t be repeating itself in that area. However, he was not entirely useless. He did sire you…the prodigy we need to restore balance.” He searched her eyes, keeping contact. “I see where you get your beauty and it’s not from your pathetic excuse of a father.”

  “You knew my mother, too? How long have you been alive?”

  “Too long.” He sighed. “And yes, I knew her. She was brave. Though she failed in her mission, she triumphed when she got you out of the way. We waited a long time for you to reveal yourself. A very long time indeed.”

  “So you’re my father’s replacement, sent to finish what he started yet failed to do.”

  “That’s one way of putting it,” he said matter-of-fact-like. “Somebody needs to end this.”

  “End what?”

  “The curse.” He cupped her chin with one hand. “Tell me, Flame, when is the last time you felt love or genuine affection from a man?”

  “I’m not telling you my personal life,” she snapped.

  “I’ve burned with unrequited love for longer than you’ve been alive. Your father could’ve ended this agony but he chose to let you go. I won’t make the same mistake.”

  “And you’re telling me this, why?”

  He saw the fear in her eyes as much as he saw the fury. He wanted nothing more than to take her right there. Yet, this time the war would be won. “The first Satellite only compounded matters. Because of his stupidity, the curse on the rest of us has worsened. I will not weaken. I will not waver when the time comes.”

  “You’re not getting my soul.” Determination flashed across her face.

  “It’s not your soul I’m after.” He brushed his lips against hers then released her.

  “You’re letting me go?”

  He gave a short nod. “For now.”

  Immediately she backed away, sheer distrust shining in those pretty eyes. “Tell me, Von, what was your crime? What sordid deed landed you in the evil realm? What did you do?”

  “Trusted a friend.”

  She slanted him a quizzical look then turned to go. His gaze went to her fine ass as she began sauntering away.

  “Oh, Flame,” he called in a soft voice before she disappeared into the night.

  She stopped but didn’t turn to face him.

  He sighed again, then shrugged. “The next time we meet, I won’t be such a gentleman.”

  “And I won’t be such a lady,” she countered much to his surprise, then she walked away.

  Chapter Two

  Flame dropped to her knees upon
reaching the Harley she’d stashed in the woods far from where she’d come out. How Von had known where she’d make her exit, baffled her. She always used extreme caution to avoid followers. Her heart pounded and her body trembled inside from the unexpected run-in with Von. Clearly, he was following her but she never expected to see him so close to her village. She gasped for breath to steady her nerves. The effect he had on her was alarming. She flopped onto the grass and stared up at the moon.

  Dear God, how am I to resist such a man? She swept hair from her face and sighed. Those eyes! If he wasn’t alluring enough before, he’s even more appealing now. She thought back to the close call on the beach. Gazing into those shadowy black eyes had nearly been her undoing. But now—now he’d returned from the dead with the most intense blue-green eyes she’d ever seen. Eyes like blue ice! Clear as water yet naturally lined in black, shimmering like an aquamarine gem with more blue than green. A striking contrast against his pure black hair and still fringed by those long black lashes, his eyes could melt the most petulant woman with just a glance.

  She inwardly marveled at the peculiar change and wondered if it had anything to do with how he’d returned. She thought back to Ian’s story of how Von walked straight from the ocean after Cassie had surrendered her infant to the evil realm in exchange—the Twilight’s offspring for the Satellite’s revived soul. Did the seawater give him those eyes? Or was it the flaming dagger as he said? Either way, Von clearly possessed heightened powers now and breathtaking allure.

  His sarcasm had not gone unnoticed but she’d refused to allow him the satisfaction of knowing he’d rattled her.

  His demeanor had changed somewhat, from mysteriously quiet to edgy and confident. Everything about him emanated charisma, from the long shiny hair to the hard body cloaked in black leather. Mercy! She’d practically come undone when he’d pulled her close. His scent lingered on her jacket. She lifted a sleeve to her nose and breathed deeply. An ache of desire coursed through her just at his scent. The man she’d killed had returned with even more sensuality than before. She wondered how to keep her wits and seduce him to their side before he seduced her. The way she felt right now, if he’d actually kissed her, they would’ve gone down in the dirt for the long haul.

  With a voice dripping in sexually commanding sway and killer looks, Von Calder would definitely be a challenge to defeat. But winning a prize like him presented endless possibilities, most of which didn’t involve her skills as a warrior. Ah, stop! I’m torturing myself over a man I can never have.

  She gave a heavy sigh before pushing to her feet and preparing for the long ride from Shamrock Texas back to LA. Her situation continued to complicate itself. Raef waited for her return. They’d been shaken by Ian and Cassie’s death and decided to go their own way while taking care of personal matters. Ian had been Raef’s very close friend. Killing him and his fiancé was something Flame never thought she’d be forced to do. Yet Cassie had turned to the darkness—there had been no choice, and Ian had turned with her.

  She wondered how Raef was dealing with everything and how Cooper O’Toole had responded to the news about Ian, his right hand man in their biker group. Her friendship with Raef had swung in a different direction during her first battle with the Satellite. She treasured the deepening bond between them and questioned how this new lust she felt for an immortal man she barely knew would affect her budding relationship with Raef.

  Men were tools to her nation. Love was not something they dwelled upon. They selected males for what they had to offer the sisterhood, nothing more. Each woman born into the sisterhood chose her own path be it the warrior field or living in the village to bear offspring. Falling in love was optional and was not required in choosing a mate. This time though, she felt herself falling hard for the sweetly passionate blond waiting in LA. His genuine lovemaking and easy nature had drawn her to him since the day they met. They hadn’t discussed love yet, but she felt certain they wouldn’t be able to withhold their feelings much longer.

  Her thoughts went to her mother, a beautiful and courageous spy who’d somehow lost her edge. She couldn’t fathom how a skilled lioness had allowed herself to become ensnared as she had. Disappointment shadowed her heart. Though with each passing moment it did seem that history was determined to repeat itself to some degree. The irony that Von was the replacement Satellite, pitted against the daughter of the woman who almost stole the first one was too uncanny to ignore, as if this Twilight Master knew she’d be attracted to his favorite tool and had commanded their fate.

  After all, Von practically said as much by telling her they’d been waiting. The Supreme Lioness had been right. Her mother would’ve been hunted night and day if she’d returned to the village. Twilight wants what they think belongs to them…me.

  She pondered Von’s short reply as to how he ended up in the evil realm. He sounded like a man betrayed. If so, is he truly evil or is he a man looking for a way out? Who had he trusted, moreover, who betrayed him and how? Her attraction to Von had begun the night he held her after a brutal beating. Despite her efforts to ignore the effect he had on her, the chemistry continued to grow.

  Answers to endless questions teetered on the edge of her mind yet she failed to pull them together. She saw the correlations but a huge chunk of the puzzle was missing, namely, who was actually calling the shots. How did my ex-husband discover my secret life? Who tipped off Hatch the night Von snuck me away? Is there any truth to what Von said about Aiden’s family and their involvement with Hatch? None of it made sense. Regardless, the ultimate goal of the enemy side was obvious. They wanted her so they could gain domination of the sisterhood, their only true threat. She felt more determined than ever to win and avenge her mother’s death.

  She rolled into LA about twenty-four hours after leaving Shamrock, which included an eight-hour rest stop this time, longer than her typical rides with only short breaks for food and a quick rest. Her lengthy visit with the Lioness, the unexpected appearance of Von and the stress of it all had been draining. She knew that in order to stay sharp, she’d have to take care of herself. Or maybe she was deliberately lagging for reasons she chose to deny at the moment. The thought crossed her mind.

  Her Harley rumbled into the drive of Raef’s beachfront home just before midnight. While securing her bike then straightening her clothes and hair, she thought about Raef. Rock star gorgeous with layered sun-blond hair, big blue eyes, and a well-toned body, he could have his pick of women. He was undeniably sexy and a little on the pretty side yet nonetheless drool-worthy.

  She thought back to their last night together, a warm feeling fell over her. His daring nature was definitely an aphrodisiac. Raef showed no remorse over stealing her right out from under his bandmate’s nose. She hoped he hadn’t been lying when she’d questioned his motives. She didn’t want to invest feelings in a man whose agenda was nothing more than payback to the man who ruined his marriage. Her instinct told her that Raef had been sincere, though she wasn’t fool enough to let her guard down just yet. After all, Hatch had slept with Raef’s wife then moved on without a care. Surely, animosity lurked in that equation somewhere.

  She knocked on the huge white door of his extravagant house, which looked more like a mansion.

  “Hey, you.” Raef greeted her with a tight hug at the door of his beautiful coastal home. “I was beginning to worry.”

  Their lips met for a sweet kiss, his touching hers in a succession of feathery strokes before the kiss merged into a deep exchange of passion. He tasted amazing as always and smelled even better. With both hands in his silky hair, she bathed in his affection. Several minutes later, they eased apart.

  She smiled up at him. “I’m sorry I took so long. My conversation with the Supreme Lioness took longer than usual. We had a lot to discuss.”

  He gazed at her in open adoration, clearly happy to see her. “I won’t ask. I know the inner workings of your sisterhood are practically sacred.” His blue eyes sparkled beneath the foyer lights. “I
’m just relieved you made it back with no trouble.”

  “How are you? I’ve been concerned about how you’re dealing with the loss of Ian and Cassie.”

  “As good as one can be after discovering his best friend fell to the Satellite.”

  An uneasy knot formed in her stomach. “I think there is more to all of this than just the Satellite. What Ian learned from Cassie in Asia was only the beginning.”

  He ran a hand over her hair while searching her eyes with his. “I don’t wanna talk about it tonight. I’ve missed you.”

  “We can’t pretend forever that the danger has passed.”

  “No, we can’t.” He scooped her off the floor and into his strong arms. “But we can shut out the world for one night.”

  “What about Hatch? Any word on his whereabouts these days?”

  Raef set her back down with a sigh. “He’s still the same pain in the ass as always.”

  “So…he’s back?”

  “More or less. He phoned, said he’d be flying in tomorrow.” He gave her a studious look. “Are you still worried about the fallout?”

  “My engagement to Hatch would’ve ended either way, with or without me falling into your bed. The last thing I need is a clingy, jealous, egotistical jerk trying to tie me down. You moved into position at the perfect time. You’re a breath of fresh air and exactly what I need right now.”

  She thought about it. No sooner had she cut Hatch loose before the hot blond staring at her now had made his move. She liked his style. Awesome in bed, self assured, not too chatty, and not afraid of competition—unlike Hatch, who was quite the opposite.

  She released a subconscious sigh.

  Raef turned her face toward his with a gentle touch. “What’s wrong?”

  “Ah, nothing really. I just can’t believe I stayed with him as long as I did. How someone like him snuck under my radar is unsettling. Typically I can spot trouble right away but somehow I missed the red flags regarding Hatch.”


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