Twilight War

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Twilight War Page 8

by Storm Savage

  “Tell me what you know and I will consider your request.”

  “I’m not your puppet.”

  “Considering your track record, I have the right to make demands.”

  His gaze burned on her for several long breathtaking moments before he finally replied. “Yeah, I knew about Cassie. Like me, she was also chosen as a backup plan. Twilight always has a backup plan, don’t ever forget that, and right now it’s Raef.” He paused as if giving her time to process his words. “But unlike me, Cassie wanted her role in the evil realm and craved the immortality they offered her. She had a dark heart.”

  “Maybe what she wanted was you.”

  He arched a casual brow. “Ian told you everything he knew.”

  “Yes…well almost. He didn’t tell me what bloodline enabled her to carry your child.”

  “That was not my child, just a seed I was forced to plant. And before you ask, I don’t know how she got hooked into the realm or what family enabled her. The infant belonged to Twilight from the time it was conceived.”

  “But you’re the one who had sex with her.”

  “I did what I was compelled to do. I was their tool. I felt nothing. I hadn’t felt anything until—” He stopped. His expression shifted from rage to what seemed like regret.

  “Until? Don’t stop now.”

  “I swear if you use this against me, I’ll take you down with me.”

  Her throat went dry. She swallowed hard. “I won’t…you have my word.”

  His eyes searched hers with an intensity that made her quiver. “The night I found you in that room beaten into submission, was the first time I felt anything real since I can remember.”

  This was the unanticipated response Ian had spoken of. A scant part of Von’s humanity had been sparked to life that night. “And that’s when you devised a plan of your own. Something deep inside told you to do the right thing.”

  “If you say so.” Denial hung on his voice. “I didn’t know them, didn’t like them, and if they belong to Twilight, serves them right for what they did to you. If Aiden is not on their side then he’s in deep shit for interfering.”

  “Do you think he was in on it? Maybe Aiden lied to you to get me away from Hatch. Obviously they wanted us to meet.” The possibility that Aiden also belonged to the evil realm would not surprise her after everything she’d just learned.

  “If that’s the case, I now have two good reasons to take out your ex.” Von appeared to drift in thought for a few seconds. “When I decided to take off with you, they must’ve decided to send you back to Hatch, which would explain who contacted him. Then Hatch probably called on Ian, who would’ve contacted Coop to launch their so-called rescue.”

  “Maybe they thought it was better for me to be with Hatch because he doesn’t believe in any of this, than be on the run with their own Satellite.”

  “I guess so.” He scoffed and raised one brow. “Pussy ass Hatch is not a likely threat to their mission.”

  “Weren’t you afraid of the fallout by taking off with me?”

  “Guess I didn’t think about it. I couldn’t just stand by and watch them torture you.”

  “I was nothing to you.”

  He placed two fingers under her chin and held her gaze. “You…are everything. You’re my only hope.”

  “Is that all?” She was afraid to ask but couldn’t help herself. The effect he had on her was overwhelming. “Just a cure for your suffering, nothing more?”

  “You’re fishing.” An unexpected grin tugged the corners of his sensual mouth. “Why don’t you come straight out with it?”

  She studied him briefly then looked away from those entrancing eyes and changed the subject. “Are you sure that Raef wants me to have this? It looks like a family heirloom.”

  Von smiled knowingly and she felt him reach into her soul. She couldn’t admit how she felt about him. She wasn’t even sure herself.

  “He said it belonged to…Tahira? Does that name ring a bell?”

  Her breath caught in her chest. “How can this be? They never met. What’s happening? Why is he using you of all people?”

  “You make that sound like a bad thing.”

  “Considering what you are and who you serve, what do you expect?”

  He shrugged in agreement. “I take it you recognize the name.”

  “Yes,” she barely whispered, then touched the gemstone. Heat radiated off the sapphire, up her arm and through her body. Closing her eyes, she embraced the most incredible feeling of peace she’d ever experienced. In that brief moment she caught a fleeting glimpse of a woman, then the vision disappeared in a flash of light. Mother! Though she’d never seen her, Flame knew without a doubt that the golden haired woman with vivid blue eyes had to be her birth mother. Thank you. She opened her eyes to find Von staring intently.

  “You mentioned that you knew my mother. Did you know her name?”

  “She went by the name of Rennie, why?”

  “Just curious. What did she look like?”

  Von moved to her side without a sound, then gently turned her toward the vanity mirror by placing his hands on her shoulders. “Look in the mirror and you’ll see her.”

  Flame placed the neckpiece in his hand, then lifted her long hair. “Do you mind?”

  He released a deep sigh. “Not at all.” His fingers touching her skin sent shivers down her arms. With surprising tenderness, he latched the clasp at the nape of her neck then fanned her golden tresses down around her shoulders. “You are indeed, stunning.”

  “I don’t understand how Raef is able to do this.” Awestruck, she gazed at the sparkling jewel dangling just above her cleavage.

  “Don’t over think it, sugar. Just accept it.”

  “You were telling the truth about Aiden and I didn’t believe you. I still don’t understand Aiden’s motives.”

  “Does it matter?” Von stepped back. “Your ex has mysteriously vanished from the planet. Maybe he’s not innocent after all. You may be right about his agenda.”

  Their eyes met in the mirror.

  “Do you think his reason for getting me away from Hatch really could have been a lie?”

  “Makes sense now that we know about his family ties.”

  “Yeah, it does. He could’ve been putting on an act to shift the focus off himself. He was a master at manipulation during our marriage.”

  “Regardless of what Aiden was up to, I would’ve never turned you over to the master of darkness. I simply wanted to undo this hellish existence and you were the key. I had orders to kill if you couldn’t be swayed.” He turned her to face him. “I don’t know what Aiden had in mind that night, but I was trying to get you out of that mess. I’d never hurt you. I was looking for a way to break the curse and—” He stopped short.

  “And what?” She caught his eyes with hers. “Tell me. What were you going to do with me if I had fallen for your seduction?”

  “Find a way to overthrow the evil pricks who are controlling me.”

  “But you didn’t know how, right?”

  “I was working on it.”

  She turned and laid one hand alongside his face. “You wouldn’t have found a way before. But there is a way now. And I can help you.”

  “Excuse me if I’m a bit skeptical,” he countered with sarcasm in his voice.

  “Ian said this house is sacred now.”

  Von gave a slight nod. “True.”

  “I will tell you how if you swear on your soul that it never leaves this room. If Raef is reaching out to you, then there must be good in you somewhere.”

  “You really believe that you can save me?”

  “I know I can.”


  “Give me your word that it goes no farther.”

  “You want that in blood?”

  She smiled for the first time since losing Raef. “Works for me.” She walked around the bed to her pile of belongings and pulled her gold daggers from their leather holsters. It felt good to hold them a
gain, as if the power in her blades radiated to her soul. The time had come to test some truths.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered. “You’re serious.”

  “I never joke about blood-bonds.” She grabbed a tin of lighter fluid from her backpack and squirted it down the length of her Sai. “Let’s see just how honest you and Ian have been with me.”

  Before he could blink, she flipped open a metal lighter and lit the daggers then drove one straight into his chest. He gasped, wide-eyed and stared back at her in utter shock but didn’t make a move to stop her, which impressed her.

  “Will he or won’t he?” She raised the second dagger and plunged it into his heart. Fire raced up the blades toward her hands yet she held steady.

  Once the initial shock subsided, Von placed a hand on each blade and slid them from his chest. Flame watched in amazement as the open wounds closed instantly.

  “You didn’t try to stop me.” She smirked. “Good thing you were telling the truth.”

  He gave her a spirited wink. “A very good thing.”

  “Now I know that you and Ian are not trying to trick me again.”

  “I told you, this house is protected by innocent blood. We cannot lie in sacred places.”

  “Good because next I am going to bind your blood to mine in a rare ritual. If you tell anyone what I reveal to you, the wounds will bleed and I’ll know that you’ve broken my confidence.” She gave him a hard stare. “And I’ll become your worst enemy.”

  “I can keep a secret and to be perfectly honest, sharing a blood-bond with you makes me want you all the more. Can you handle that?”

  His candor took her by surprise yet she managed to maintain a cool exterior. “I’ll try.” She found a candle on the bedside table and lit it. “Give me your left hand. It’s closest to the heart.” He offered his hand and allowed her to cut a deep slice into the palm. She dragged the point of her dagger across her left palm then pressed her palm to his. While holding their joined hands together over the flickering candle, she bowed her head and recited an ancient prayer. Their combined blood dripped into the flame, making it spark higher and crackle for a couple seconds. When the flame diminished, she separated their hands and held her bleeding palm to his lips. “Drink.”

  He bared her soul with those intense eyes while sucking the blood from her wound. She pulled his hand to her mouth and did the same. They kept eye contact and swallowed each other’s blood. He reached over with one hand and petted her hair. She couldn’t deny the arousal burning inside as his gaze swallowed the distance between them. A powerful exchange of unspoken emotion surged between them—a feeling that could not be denied. His blood tasted heady, sending a fleeting rush of euphoria over her. Several minutes later the wounds closed, indicating the ritual was a success.

  “I can now reveal what the Twilight Master overlooked when he used Cassie and her baby to bring you back.”

  “You’ve acquired significant allies to have obtained that information,” he said. “And you have more talents than anyone knew about.”

  “I am more powerful than anyone realizes.” She eased her hand from his. “I am learning to tap into my gifts.”

  He stared at her in a way that made her stomach flutter. This was the first time she’d done the sacred blood-bond and the effects felt quite euphoric. Never did she expect this ritual to be performed with him, but their unique dilemma required a deeper touch—a link that could not be broken. She stared back at him and felt as hot as the look in his eyes.

  “If you had won our first battle, we’d both be lost. For some reason your master decided to give you another chance. In doing so, he used a mortal body to restore you. As a result, your humanity is now within reach.”

  “I begged him to let me come back. I wanted another chance with you.” He slanted her a look of pure desire. “There’s the answer you were fishing for. Since the moment we met, you’ve consumed me. Cassie pleaded with me on the beach to take her as a life mate but I only wanted you. She got what she wanted—immortality. Still, she wasn’t prepared for you.”

  She stepped back, shell-shocked. His open profession had come forth unexpectedly. “Wow,” she muttered.

  “And how will I know when I’m free?”

  “When your human nature is greater than your need to survive, then I can pull you over and together we can destroy the Twilight Master.”

  “What if I don’t want to become human again?”

  “You will always be immortal. We can’t change what is. However, we can change the future and keep the evil side at bay.” She searched his eyes. “You’ve been void of feeling and the ability to feel for a long while. This may take time.”

  “We could just do it the easy way. Make love to me and break my curse then I’ll be able to feel again.”

  “Not until you’ve earned my trust. If I gave in to you now, we’d both belong to Twilight and be cursed forever. My way is better.”

  He arched quizzical brows. “You just admitted that we’ll make love when I’ve earned your trust.”

  “I meant if.” She looked away to hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks. “You have a long way to go before that happens.”

  Long slender fingers lifted her chin until their eyes met again. “I understand that you’re grieving right now. But if Raef trusts me, maybe you will, too.”

  Without thinking, she placed a hand over the sapphire. “We shall see.” His touch stirred her more than she wanted to admit. “Raef loved me, truly loved me. At this point, I am not sure what you are capable of.”

  He framed her face with both hands and gazed at her in a way that refused to let go. “Then teach me how to love again. If any woman has the power to find my heart, that woman is you.”

  She found it difficult to speak under his potent allure yet managed a few words. “Love begins with trust…not sex.”

  His voice remained soft and soothing. “I will earn your trust and you will teach me love. And while you’re working on the search for my heart…I’ll work on healing the sorrow in yours.”

  “I believe your heart is in there somewhere. Erasing half a century of scars will be the hard part.”

  “If anyone can do it, you can. I’ve never met anyone with more determination. I’ve never believed in much, but I do believe in you. Don’t give up on me, Flame. I want to be the one who heals your pain. I’m not the only one feeling empty and cold inside.”

  “This is going to get complicated, isn’t it?” Tears misted her eyes. “History can’t repeat itself this time.”

  He lowered his head ever so slowly, never breaking eye contact. His lips brushed hers in a feathery touch. “Then let’s undo history.”

  Chapter Seven

  Flame rubbed her eyes and swept mussed hair from her face. Sunshine flooded the master bedroom. She reached to her side, expecting to feel a warm body then reality came crashing in. Raef was still gone. How long have I been asleep?

  She groaned and flopped over. “I must’ve been dreaming,” she muttered, then pulled the blanket over her head to block out the bright light. The last thing she recalled was Von leaving, after placing a feathery kiss on her lips. Did I really let him kiss me? She rolled onto her stomach with a sigh. The recollection of Ian forced its way into her mind. Oh, not him, too. What’s wrong with me?

  Frustrated, she tumbled out of bed and staggered into the bathroom. To her surprise, the mirror was shattered. Ian really was here. She tiptoed around broken glass to splash water on her face. Glancing in what was left of the mirror, she gasped. A gold chain hung around her neck and dangling above her breasts was the stunning sapphire. She placed a hand on her head, struggling to recall everything that transpired. Von’s touch lingered on her skin. I must have fallen asleep after he left.

  Back in the bedroom, she peeked into the trashcan. The broken tumbler was still in there. She whipped around to see the top drawer of Raef’s dresser still open and the little blue velvet box perched on top. In the next moment, the image of a disturbing mis
t deluged her mind, tormenting her. No! She panted for breath, desperately trying to remember everything. Did that evil thing mate with me? She focused hard then breathed a sigh of relief, yet her body shook. He could have if he’d chosen to do so. The realization was nothing less than horrifying. That an eerie mist possessed such astounding persuasion terrified her.

  She pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top, then padded down the stairs. Everything felt surreal yet she knew it happened. The evidence was clear. While sitting at the kitchen table trying to organize her thoughts, the doorbell rang. She wondered if Von had returned and subconsciously glanced at her palm where a scar remained. The ritual, the blood-bond, we did that. She shook her head and went to the front door.

  Secretly she stole a peek to see who had shown up this time. Shit. She let out a heavy sigh and pressed her back against the door. This place is Grand Central Station for everyone I don’t want to see. She peered out the side window to see Hatch waiting on the porch. Is everyone from my past going to swarm in here on one day? She decided to wait in silence, hoping he’d leave when nobody answered the door. No such luck.

  “Flame, I know you’re in there. Your Harley is parked right out front,” Hatch said from the other side of the door.

  Flame groaned. “I’m not in the mood for you today.”


  Then a few minutes later. “I’m sorry about, Raef, love. I know we had our differences but I never wanted him dead.”

  “He wouldn’t want you in here so just leave.”

  “At least come out and talk to me,” he pleaded. “I’m worried about you.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “C’mon, babe, just open the door.”

  With a frustrated growl, she cracked the door open a few inches and peeked out. “See? I’m fine. Now leave.”

  “I came by to tell you that Raef’s body has been cremated. He left his will with a trustee and they have begun the process of settling his estate.”

  “Cremated?” She squeezed out the door then closed it behind her. “No funeral?”

  Hatch seemed almost compassionate, she couldn’t tell for sure.


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