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Grooming Kitty: A BDSM Romance

Page 5

by Kirsten McCurran

  The problem, Katherine decided, was that she was just horny, not that she wanted to explore her dark curiosities. If it was just plain old horniness then any boy could help her and once she got it out of her system then she could go back to normal. To that end, she broke down and called Cody. She did not want to lead him on, but Cody was safe and familiar and she knew he could make her feel good. Katherine arranged for him to come over and hang out one night when she was babysitting. On the phone she stressed that they would just be hanging out, in case she got cold feet.

  The Berlantis were a nice couple, although every time she turned around, Katherine caught the husband staring at her ass. Their house was not as grand as some of the families she sat for, but that was okay because their children were so well behaved. The parents would not be out late, they were just going to dinner and then the movies with friends, so Katherine pushed to get the kids in bed early. After a nutritious meal of chicken nuggets and fries and a cutthroat game of Candy Land, she had the kids tucked into bed and was downstairs watching television in the den when Cody texted that he was outside. Katherine checked her hair in the mirror above the credenza inside the front door and then welcomed Cody into the house with a hug.

  While Cody dug through the Berlanti family DVD collection for something to watch, Katherine prepared popcorn in the microwave and fetched drinks. Cody chose The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was typical. She did not like horror movies as a rule, but she did not care which movie he chose since there were other things on her mind. Cody put his feet up on the coffee table while Katherine snuggled up to him and ate popcorn out of the big plastic bowl, which sat in his lap.

  Katherine wondered if Cody could sense the tension. If he could, he did not show it, absent-mindedly stroking her arm while seemingly engrossed in the movie. It was the first time they had hung out since she broke things off and she was surprised Cody didn’t have anything to say to her. They were sitting on the couch like nothing had changed. She felt comfortable with the cute boy and it was easy to remember all the reasons she liked him. Katherine couldn’t help but wonder if she had been too hasty in breaking up with him.

  The movie was scary, though not as gruesome as the original, and every time Katherine jumped and buried her face in Cody’s chest he used it as an opportunity to pull her closer. Cody wormed his hand under her arm and it rested on her tummy, within a hair’s breadth of her breast. The hesitation was not like him and it frustrated Katherine. She wanted him to take charge and kiss her, rather than try to sneak up on it. Shifting, Katherine planted her breast right into his palm and he gave it a nice squeeze. Finally, we’re getting somewhere, she thought. Cody’s groping was clumsy, but it still felt good to be touched and she rested her hand on his thigh while laying her head on his shoulder. She began softly kissing his neck and the movie was soon forgotten.

  Cody turned and pulled her lips to his, while more aggressively groping her chest. He would brush over her nipple, which felt wonderful, but then he ignored it as he squeezed her. It was funny, but she’d always been perfectly happy fooling around with Cody before. His touch was also muffled by her top and bra and Katherine wanted him to just tear her clothes off. He turned and she lay back on the couch, sliding her hand up his thigh while he tried to get his hand under her tight, low-cut top. When she ran her hand over his lap, Katherine could feel that he was very happy to see her. She rubbed him and grasped Cody’s shaft through his baggy cargo shorts. He grunted and as she worked on his prick she felt a wet spot forming on his shorts from leaking precum. Cody was kissing her neck and down the low neckline of her blouse while grabbing her through her bra. Out of frustration, Katherine pushed him away long enough to pull her top over her head. She even unhooked her bra for him, recalling that he wasn’t the most nimble in that department either. It was a bold move for her. She was usually shy about being so exposed. Her tan skin was tinted blue by the glow of the television, which made her hard nipples appear even darker. Cody went right for her exposed breasts, attacking her nipples like he might a videogame controller.

  “Mmm, be gentle, baby,” Katherine cooed. She nudged his mouth down to replace his hands on her breasts. She just loved having her nipples kissed and sucked on and it felt so good it was hard to screw it up. While he did that, she worked on pulling the striped polo over his head to get at his long, lean body. Cody was a sexy boy, there was no doubt. She loved feeling his strong back and firm chest, unmarred by any hair.

  Katherine was disappointed when Cody moved on from her tender nipples so quickly, kissing down her toned tummy and unsnapping her short, tight shorts, which showed off what a great ass and legs she had. With her shorts undone, Katherine lifted her ass so he could slide them down her legs, along with the little pink thong beneath them. She reached out and pulled his shorts off and then ran her hands up and down his chest until he got down between her thighs. She closed her eyes and relaxed, as she was always nervous when a guy got down that close to her, not that she had much in the way of experience. Cody kissed her down there, shoving his tongue as deep as it would reach and swirling it around. Katherine felt tremors of excitement radiating out from her pussy and she breathed deeply while holding onto the couch with both hands and lifting her pussy toward Cody’s face. She was throbbing down there and so deliciously wet. Every time his tongue swiped her clit, which was mostly accidental, electricity shot through her and she wanted him to stay, to concentrate there. It felt so good when Cody kissed her down there and she never thought about the fact that it could feel even better, that was until her experience with Mr. Gardner. Katherine felt her excitement building higher and higher toward a climax, but then Cody stopped, looking up at her with sloppy, glazed grin. From her heavy breathing and soft moans he thought he’d done well, she knew. More importantly, he thought he’d done enough.

  Cody dropped his shorts on the floor, but not before retrieving a condom from one of the side pockets. Katherine eagerly waited while he slipped on the rubber. She lay back, ready for him, on the couch. Cody grabbed her leg, bending it up, and thrust inside her. She gasped when he filled her and wrapped her arms around him. As soon as he entered her, Cody was slamming away, driving his cock down into her as hard as he could. He was grunting and had his eyes closed and it almost seemed like he wasn’t even aware Katherine was beneath him. It felt good, particularly if she tilted her hips the right way, but Katherine wished he would take his time to enjoy it. She wasn’t one of those girls who always wanted it gentle, but she knew what happened when Cody just slammed away. Just as she feared, within a couple minutes of slamming away at her Cody was grunting and he gave that familiar shudder, which meant he was done.

  Katherine whimpered—in frustration, not desire—as she felt Cody slip his latex-sheathed cock out of her. He sat back on his heels and carefully removed the condom, wrapping it in a napkin. God, if anything, getting fucked but not coming left her worse off than before. Katherine was confused because she never felt this way after sex before. Even if the boys she’d been with did not set off fireworks she at least appreciated the way they made her feel good. Now she just wanted Cody to leave. Katherine wanted to be alone, even if she couldn’t admit why.

  Despite her frustration, Katherine did not just throw Cody out. She pulled her shorts back on and excused herself to clean up. In the bathroom she felt a shiver of pleasure every time she touched her pussy but Katherine resisted the urge to enjoy a quick climax. It just didn’t feel right masturbating with the kids she was watching right down the hall. Instead, she just fixed her clothes and hair and went back down to the living room to watch the rest of the movie with Cody. He tried to snuggle with her again, but Katherine stayed on the other side of the couch and asked him to leave as soon as the movie finished.

  While she did not masturbate at the Berlanti’s house, just as soon as she got home, Katherine locked her bedroom door, pulled her shorts down and rubbed her pussy until she enjoyed a long, overdue orgasm.


l get that, Mom, you just carry out the cookie tray,” Katherine said, taking the bunch bowl in both arms and following her mother out of the kitchen and into the church’s fellowship hall. Mrs. Peterson was a deacon at the church and it was her turn in rotation to put out refreshments for the fellowship hour that followed the service. Katherine walked slowly and carefully set the large plastic bowl down on the table to avoid spilling any punch and staining her tight, pale pink polo shirt. The snug shirt and khaki skirt, which fell an inch or two above her knees, made Mrs. Peterson cluck in disapproval, but Katherine thought she was dressed appropriately enough for church. She was just dressing like other girls her age and did not think God expected her to dress like a nun.

  The service ended and people began to trickle into the fellowship hall while Katherine filled little plastic cups from the bowl with a ladle. She was in a conversation with a sweet spinster, who always wanted an update on her life, when a voice from behind stopped her heart.

  “There you are, dear,” Mrs. Gardner said. “Don’t you ever check your messages?”

  Katherine had gotten every one of the voicemails the woman left for her, and deleted them all. Reluctantly, she turned to face Mrs. Gardner for the first time since that fateful night in the Gardners’ secret room.

  Looking at Mrs. Gardner now, dressed up in her Sunday best, it was hard to imagine her naked and on her knees in front of her husband. The blonde was wearing a conservative cream suit, with a skirt that reached just past her knees and a jacket that buttoned nearly to the neck. Her full-lipped smile was all sweetness. She held out her hand and when Katherine snapped out of her funk, she handed Mrs. Gardner a cup of punch.

  “Uh, hi Mrs. Gardner,” she said, suddenly fascinated by the woman’s shoes. She was looking anywhere but right at Mrs. Gardner.

  “Katherine, did you hear me? I’ve been trying to reach you.”

  “I’ve, uhm, been really busy, with, uh, stuff.”

  “Oh, hi Mariellen,” Mrs. Gardner said, as Katherine's mother came over.

  “How are you, Tara?” Katherine's mother asked.

  “I’m great, things are good at home. Patrick is trying to cut back his hours during the summer so we can spend more time together as a family.”

  “That’s great. I wish we had more time together as a family, especially with this one heading off to college soon. I’m sure once she’s gone it’ll be impossible to pin her down.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think Katherine can be pinned down with the right incentive.”

  “Is that true, honey? Are we going to have to bribe you into get-togethers?”

  “No, you know I love you, Mom,” Katherine said, hugging her mother like a lifeline. As long as she was there, Katherine felt safe.

  “That’s so sweet. I would like to borrow your daughter for an evening. Patrick and I are planning a special night and we sure could use Katherine's services.”

  “I’m sure she can help you out, can’t you, honey?” Katherine's mom said, stroking her daughter’s hair.

  “I don’t know, Mom. I’ve got a lot of other commitments right now. This summer is pretty busy for me.”

  “Come on, we’ve known the Gardners for years. You can help them out.”

  Katherine knew that tone and knew there was no arguing with her mother. When she expected Katherine to do something it was done, or heaven help her. Her strict discipline was one of the reasons Katherine stayed on the straight and narrow. Although she would rather have all her teeth pulled without anesthesia, Katherine agreed to babysit for the Gardners.

  “That’s excellent. I know Patrick will be excited. We’ll see you next Saturday. Say, seven o’clock, Katherine?”

  “Sure, I’ll be there.”

  Katherine excused herself and practically ran to the bathroom, slamming the door to the far stall. She was barely on her knees before she was bent over the toilet and throwing up. She held back her hair and heaved until there was nothing left in her stomach. Once she was done throwing up, the tears followed and Katherine sobbed while she knelt on the floor. So many thoughts and emotions swirled through her that Katherine thought she was going insane. She was angry at her mother for committing her, even though she couldn’t know why Katherine was avoiding the Gardners. Her mom would never hand her over to the Gardners if she knew what they’d done to her. The Gardners would be in jail if she knew, but Katherine could never tell anyone, not just because of the snooping, but also because she was ashamed of her other behavior, the way she acted when Mr. Gardner was using her. She couldn’t honestly argue that was not a willing participant when she’d enjoyed it so much, could she? When Katherine returned to the fellowship hall, she was relieved to find Mrs. Gardner had left. She helped her mother in silence, already working on ways to avoid going to the Gardners’ Saturday night.


  Six restless nights of little sleep left Katherine ragged on Saturday. When she did sleep, she was plagued by disturbing nightmares where she was begging Mr. Gardner to spank her, or even worse—begging to be fucked. In the dreams, Mrs. Gardner stood to the side, laughing and taking pictures, which she promised to email to everyone Katherine knew. She woke from the nightmares soaking wet and was touching herself before she was conscious enough to realize it. Katherine rubbed her pussy, gasping and moaning into her pillow until she reached climax and then lay there, hating her weakness. During the day she kept herself busy so she just wouldn’t have to think about her confusing feelings.

  Katherine pulled her hair back with an elastic headband and wore a baggy sweater over jeans, ruing that she didn’t have any jeans that did not hug her ass. Her face was scrubbed clean of makeup and regarding herself in the mirror she thought looked much younger and very plain. She hoped it would be enough to put off Mr. Gardner. She clung to that hope when she stood in front of the Gardners’ door and rang the bell.

  “Hi Katherine, I’m very happy to see you here,” Mrs. Gardner said when she opened the door for the girl. “You don’t know what Patrick would have done if you stood us up tonight.”

  “I didn’t really have a choice, did I?”

  Katherine suddenly noticed that Mrs. Gardner was not dressed to go out, at least not like Katherine had ever seen her dress in public before. Gone was the demure, conservative suit she wore for church. Mrs. Gardner’s black leather skirt was so short and tight that it didn’t even come down as low on her body as Katherine's sweater. It also had a slit on the thigh showing her stocking top and an inch or so of smooth thigh above it. Knee-high boots covered her legs down below and had an impossibly high, silver heel that came to a sharp point. Mrs. Gardner’s top was a wrap, which revealed copious cleavage and showed off a wide leather collar around her neck, with a little ring set into the front. Katherine had no idea where a woman like Mrs. Gardner would go dressed like that.

  “You really took things wrong the other night, dear. It’s a great compliment that Patrick chose to initiate you. Obviously he sees something in you.” Mrs. Gardner touched her shoulder and Katherine recoiled.

  Actually, the idea that Mr. Gardner saw something in her that told him she would be receptive turned her cold. Was she the kind of girl who wanted to be tied up and spanked and she didn’t even know it? Katherine couldn’t believe that.

  “Can I ask you something, Mrs. Gardner?”

  “Of course dear, but please, I feel you can call me Tara now. After all, we’re sort of like soul sisters now.”

  Katherine did not see her point at all and just dismissed it. They were in the living room and she tossed her bag down on the couch while standing as far away from Mrs. Gardner as the room would allow. “Didn’t it bother you, seeing Mr. Gardner touch me like that? I mean, weren’t you jealous?”

  “You really don’t understand yet, do you? If it pleases my master to have you, then it pleases me.” Katherine was shocked by her matter-of-fact tone. “It is not my place to be jealous. You are a sexy young woman, Katherine. I can understand why he would want you and I always want my
master to have what he wants. That’s why I made sure to have you here tonight.”

  “Where are the boys?” Katherine asked, scared.

  “They are at my parents’ for the evening.”

  “I thought you and Mr. Gardner were going out for a special evening tonight and needed a babysitter.”

  “We are planning a special night, but we’re not going out.”

  “Well, if you’re staying in and the boys aren’t here, I guess you don’t need me. I’ll be heading on out,” Katherine offered hopefully.

  “You’re part of the master’s plans, Kitty. You can’t leave.”

  The change from Katherine to Kitty was symbolic. Katherine knew it was starting already. She got that the couple’s plans included her, but the strange couple couldn’t make her stay—not this time. How would they blackmail her this time? “You can’t keep me here.”

  “No, you’re right, we would never force you to do anything.”

  What do they think last time was about? Katherine wondered.

  “If you try to leave Patrick is going to be very cross. I can’t go back up there and tell him I let you go.”

  “He doesn’t hurt you, does he?” Katherine wondered if the Gardners went beyond just playing at violence.

  “No, he would never hurt me, but he will punish me if you leave. If you want to go, you have to go upstairs and tell him yourself.”

  Katherine knew that turning around and running out the door was the right thing to do, but as she looked into Mrs. Gardner’s pleading blue eyes she decided that she could handle going upstairs for just a moment. Besides, she wanted to tell Mr. Gardner she was leaving to his face. She didn’t like him sending his wife to do his dirty work.


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