Distracted No More

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Distracted No More Page 3

by Thia Finn

Whew, made it. I sat in my car and exhaled a loud breath. I needed to get my head on straight about everything and dealing with a reunion with my ex was not part of my plan. I drove away with so many different ideas rolling around in my brain: meeting Hayden, playing for bigger audiences, singing duets with a star, running into Carter. Ugh. It all sounded great until I got to him.

  Chapter Three

  I found myself sitting across the conference table from the rest of the asshats in the band a few days after visiting with Ryan and Peri. Attending meetings was not my idea of the way to spend the day, but Peri and Cash called this meeting so I decided to go. They didn’t call joint meetings too often.

  “Okay, now that you’re all here, I want to go over the release of the new album,” Peri began. “We are planning a release party for next week in L.A. since that’s the start of the tour. It’s the perfect place to hold a huge extravaganza. The concert’s at the Staples Center and the party’s at The Ritz-Carlton. We’ve already lined up some great industry people to attend and word is it’s the party to be seen at, so tickets are already hard to come by. When it’s done, we’ll be heading out to Seattle and move on from there. I know better than to give you guys too much info at once, but the schedule’s on your phones and in your email in case you need it.”

  “I’m glad to see you playing Seattle again. It’s been a while since you’ve been in that part of the states,” Cash added. “I haven’t looked over Peri’s schedule yet, but I’m sure she’s done an outstanding job of booking.” He smiled at her when he said it, and we all hoorahed over Peri’s abilities to do her end of the business. The band couldn’t ask for a better tour manager.

  “Are we playing any festivals?” Gunner asked. “I fucking hate playing those in the summer. It’s too damn hot if we hit the south.”

  “We are hitting a few, but they’re all in the north. I knew you guys would throw a little bitch tantrum if I did that to you,” she smirked at us because she knew us all too well. “The four of you will be traveling in the band’s bus, and Ryan and I will be behind in our RV with the boys and a nanny.”

  “What about Hayden?” I asked assuming he would be opening for us again especially if Crew was going, too.

  Cash jumped in. “Hayden is going on a short tour on his own with a new opening act that will actually be doing some duets with him. They’re working on their music now and are leaving today for fifteen shows. Then the two of them will be joining AD, provided it all goes well.”

  “Who’s opening for him?” Chandler asked.

  “A new female singer I found here in Austin. I caught two of her shows and she’s good, damn good. Her vocal style works well with Hayden’s. They both lean toward a country sound but these days, country sounds a lot like rock so it’s hard to say. I did hear the locals at one place call it country rock. Leave it to Austin to find a way to market to every demography of music.”

  This comment made us all laugh. Assured Distraction never wanted to be associated with country music but when Hayden came along, and his songwriting stood out more than any we’d heard and his vocals the same, we had to rethink music. We would always be rock and roll, though.

  Cash continued, “This new female artist,” he glanced down at the papers in front of him, “Victory is her name; she’s got the looks to backup her musical abilities, so I feel confident she’s going to help take Hayden to the next level.”

  “Victory, I like it,” Chandler said. “I also like the idea of not being the only female on the bus.” She looked around the table at the rest of us. “Not that I don’t love you guys, but having a female to offset your humor, smell… well, everything actually, will be a huge plus.”

  “Awe, Chandler, you wound us. Everyone except your fucking boy toy there,” I said as I nodded toward KeeMac. “I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we go out of our way on the damn bus to make sure you are treated like a princess.”

  “I’m so sorry, Carter, and it’s just like I know you go out of your way choosing the perfect groupies at every damn venue to bring home so we can hear them/her screaming your name ALL. NIGHT. LONG.” Her emphasis on those words accompanied three hard hip thrusts. The little shit had my movements down. Everyone else must have thought so too since the group laughed.

  “Why thank you, cupcake.” I stood and took a quick bow. “I never knew you could do me so well.” I turned to KeeMac. “Does she do me well in bed fucking, too?”

  “No, prick. She does not do you anywhere, especially in the fucking bed.” KeeMac pulled her over and kissed the top of her head. “Do you, babe?”

  “Great,” Peri rolled her eyes. “Looks like the fun’s ramping up already.”

  Everyone started laughing. Our band family rolled this way all of the time. If we couldn’t laugh and make fun of each other, how would we ever make it?

  “So when do we get to meet Victory?” Chandler asked.

  “Probably not until she and Hayden show up to join the tour. Touring is new to her, so I decided her meeting you bunch of fame-whores before they left probably wasn’t the best plan. I’ll be with them when they meet up with you guys. Maybe you can all remember that and ease her into your constant fucking antics, please.”

  I jumped up, “Sure thing, boss man. I’ll try to keep down the ALL. NIGHT. LONG. screamers.” I pumped my hips like Chandler, then stopped and looked at Cash. “Wait just a damn minute, so she and Hayden will be on the bus with us, too? Don’t you think that’s going to get a little crowded?”

  “That’s only six of us. Besides, you think she’s going to cut down on the shit you do with your groupies?” Chandler asked me.

  “Hell yeah. I like room to spread out. If you know what I mean?” I winked at her.

  “Don’t wink at Chandler, douchebag. I don’t even want her thinking about you and your skanky hookups.” KeeMac never took his eyes off Chandler when he spoke. Those two were inseparable, and we knew it from the day she joined AD.

  “Dude, she’s the one who brought my sex life into the fucking convo. I try to keep my fun and games to myself, but hey, if she wants to get up in my junk, I’m willing to share or let you two join. The more the merrier, right Gunner?” He texted on his phone the entire time we were in the room which wasn’t like the old Gunner.

  He looked up from his phone. “What the fuck, Carter, don’t bring me into your shit. Those days are over, and you damn well know it. I’ve found my one. Maybe you should do the same, dude.”

  “Fuck that. I’m ready to rock and roll anytime, anywhere. The rest of y’all got your dumb asses tied down and can’t partake of all the willing women. I’ll have Hayden with me pretty soon so we can make it our business to hold up the rock-star image.”

  “You do that, Carter, but try to stay out of the tabloids on this tour with any negative publicity. We don’t need naked pictures of you and a bunch of groupies surfacing like they did on the last tour. You make my job so much harder when you do stupid shit,” Peri added and looked down at her tablet. “So if we’ve set Carter straight, and Cash’s done with you, I’m finished as well.”

  “I’m done. Carter, did you want to talk to me now? You seemed so insistent the other day when you tried to bust into my office,” Cash asked me.

  “Yeah, about that. Why were you so protective over who was in your office? Who was it?”

  “If you must know, it was Victory. Oh wait, the term ‘none of your business’ comes to mind. She’s shy when it comes to you guys. She asked me if it would be possible to get in and out without having to run into any of you pricks that practice here. She was nervous enough when I spoke to her after the set she played, so I thought it was best to keep her meeting low-key.” He kept looking at his phone as he spoke.

  “So she has her mind made up about us all already, and we haven’t even met her? Damn, we aren’t that big of douchbags.”

  This caused Cash to look up. “Are you shitting me? Have you met this group when you see a beautiful girl? It’s like fresh meat in the lion
’s cage.”

  “She’s beautiful, huh? Can’t wait to meet her, and I promise to start out on my best behavior just for you and Peri.”

  “Just keep your hands off her and let her get used to being around you guys before you show your true selves is all I ask.”

  “Sure thing, boss man. Hey, wait a fucking minute, that’s wrong. I’m the boss. You work for me.”

  “And while that’s absolutely true, someone has to be the adult, and you’ve never been known for that particular quality.”

  “Yeah? Try telling that to the ladies. I’m an adult from head to toe.”

  Cash shook his head and smirked. “Keep telling yourself that, and I’ll keep doing my job making sure you appear that way.”

  We parted with us both laughing. I could be a damn adult if I had to, but where was the fun in that? If the beautiful ladies like me this way, then I’m fucking happy to oblige. It’s a win-win for both of us.

  I lounged by the pool waiting for the call from the town car to pick me up. I crawled home this morning with Zach, our bodyguard that went out with me last night. I only had a few hours of sleep and nursed a damn hangover. Not a good way to start this day, but I could sleep on the plane to fucking L.A., so I wasn’t overly concerned. The concert tonight technically started the tour to promote our fourth album, Pleasure.

  As usual, Chandler, KeeMac, and Ryan wrote most of the music for this album. Everyone contributed to the lyrics and one song was completely Hayden’s. He wrote it for our band to sing about Crew and Tucker. Those two kids added a new side to our lives in their five short years. Even I can hardly remember what it was like before them.

  Hayden and Ryan both made great dads. I sure as hell don’t know how Hayden managed being a single dad. The fact that he and Crew lived with Ryan, Peri, and Tucker made his life a hell of a lot easier. I knew I couldn’t fucking do it. I hadn’t finished raising me much less raising a baby, and Hayden was only eighteen the day Crew arrived in this world. Crew and Tucker never lacked for adult guidance with the band around. Built-in uncles and Chandler were always there for them. Now with Gunner and Lola together, a new aunt was added to the mix. Lola being a pediatric nurse made for a great bonus, too.

  I grabbed my phone off the side table when it chimed a text.

  Hayden: Dude, you should have been with me last night. This new chick Cash found is awesome

  Me: Oh yeah? You should have been with me when I was picking up the twins last night

  Hayden: Trying to one up me

  Me: More like me up two

  Hayden: LOL, maybe next time

  Me: So the girl. She any good

  Hayden: Hell yeah she is. Plays guitar like a pro and her voice is killer

  Me: a babe

  Hayden: hell yeah to that too. Gorgeous

  Me: plays, sings, and arm candy. Did you hit it already

  Hayden: NO and you can’t either. We work together. She’s older

  Me: too old? A MILF?

  Hayden: fuck no. She’s like a year younger than you. Like I said, OLDer

  Me: Fuck you, dumb ass. I’m not old

  Hayden: yeah keep thinking that. we’ll see who all the chicks run to when I get there with y’all

  Me: LOL ok. Keep the new chick in line and I’ll keep the real women happy

  Hayden: whatever. Later

  Chapter Four

  Another text came from the car out front, so I walked to the door to let them get my bags while I showered and dressed. I was going to miss my house, especially my bathroom and bed. They bought the bus pimped out in the best of everything, but it still had a minuscule shower and bunks. Everything that could be upgraded had been, so we were at least comfortable. It sure as hell wasn’t my California King bed, my shower for several people, and my tub that held as many as I wanted in it.

  The first of the band’s entourage walked up the steps to the plane when we arrived. The rest of AD got there about the same time I did.

  Ryan, Peri, and the two boys stepped out of their limo with their bodyguard beside mine.

  “Uncle Carter, Uncle Carter!” The words came in unison from Tuck and Crew as they both ran to me. Damn, I love these little guys. Having them call to me made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, but I’d damn sure never say that shit out loud. I’d be the ass-end of jokes for the rest of my life.

  “We get to fly on the plane,” Crew yelled. “Daddy’s gonna meet us when we get to, to, I forget.”

  I scooped them up, one in each arm, and hugged them close. They were all boy, but I still loved holding them. They smelled like little kids’ shampoo and soap when I kissed their heads. A few years ago holding a kid would have scared the shit out of me but now, I loved being with them. I actually looked forward to lying on the floor and building Legos or playing with their superhero characters. Who would’ve ever thought I could pull off being the fun uncle?

  “Is it California?” I asked.

  “No, Uncle C, another place.”

  “Help me out here, Tucker. Where are we meeting Hayden?” His dark brown eyes, like his momma’s, looked serious.

  “I dunno. I think momma told us, but I was shooting webs out of Spiderman’s hands all the way here.” Pkewww. He shot it on the top of my head.

  “Little dude! How am I supposed to see if you cover me in spider webs? I might fall down.”

  “No you won’t, Uncle C, it’s only pr’ten.”

  “I think that’s pretend, dude.”

  “That’s what I said, pr’ten.”

  “Okay, I guess that’s close enough.” I laughed.

  Crew yelled over to Peri. “Ri Ri, where’s my daddy?”

  Peri laughed when she heard him call her the name he christened her with as a baby. “He’s meeting us in Denver.”

  “Yeah, that’s it. Denver, Uncle C.” Crew’s blue eyes looked so serious. “He’s got a girl with him now. Did you know that?”

  “A girl. Ewww. We don’t like girls, do we guys? What do we say about girls?”

  Together we yelled, “Girls mean trouble.”

  “Carter!” Peri raised her voice. “I told you to stop telling them that. Boys, girls are not trouble. I’m a girl. Channey’s a girl. Y’all like her.”

  “Oh yeah, Uncle C, we like mommy and Channey.” Crew was so serious about it.

  “Well, guys, I agree. Only some girls mean trouble.” I put them both on my shoulders and carried them over to the plane before putting them down on the bottom step. I bent down and pulled them in for a secret. “We have to say that about mommy ‘cause we don’t want to hurt her feelings, so we’ll only say that about other girls when she’s not around. It’s our secret. Okay?” They both nodded their little heads. “Now head on up the steps but be careful and don’t fall. I’ll stand here and watch you.”

  “What bullshit were you telling my kids?” Peri asked behind me.

  “Just guy stuff, mom.”

  “It better not have been vulgar. I’ll kill you in your sleep if you teach them bad words.”

  “Peri, would I do something like that?”

  “In a heartbeat. I know you too well, Carter.” She smiled as she said it, but she could put the fear of God in all of us when those momma bear claws came out.

  As the plane reached its cruising altitude and leveled out, everyone started moving about and talking. We hadn’t spent much time together after our part of the album was done and handed off to the producers to work their magic.

  Sitting down next to me, Gunner ordered a beer from the flight attendant. “What about you, Carter? Don’t you want something to drink?”

  “No, thanks.” I shook my head at the tall guy serving us today. Gunner gave me a funny look.

  “What? I’m still hungover from last night’s fun and games.”

  “That the reason you’re still wearing your damn sunglasses on this dark plane?”

  “You fucking know it. My head is hurting like a son of a bitch. I’m going to sleep some so I can play with the boy
s later.”

  “Yeah. I thought I would get on the floor with them after I finished this.”

  “How you been, Gunner? Haven’t seen too much of you since Lola came into your life.”

  “Good. Real good, actually.” He has a smile on his face before he sipped from the bottle.

  “Enjoying life together?”

  “You know it. She’s the best, and she puts up with my shit.”

  I laughed. “Oh yeah? You better lock that down. Might not find another one willing to do that.”

  “Don’t I fucking know it.” He glanced around to see where the boys were.

  “Yeah, you better be afraid if Peri hears you.” We both laughed. “I never thought there would be a day when we were all so damn pussy whipped or trained to watch our mouths.”

  “The kids don’t need to hear that shit, though. I agree with her on that.” He took another long pull of the cold beer.

  “I know. We never heard that kind of language out of our parents at their age or if we did, we didn’t understand it.”

  “Right, and that’s the way it should be,” Gunner added.

  “So when are you and Lola going to pop one out?”

  “Ha! No time soon. We have a lot of practicing to do first.” He laughed as he said it. “Lola’s enjoying her job, and I want her to quit when we have a kid. I’ll be damned if a stranger will be raising my kid, and she won’t have it either.”

  “Not to mention she would need to be on the fucking road with us.”

  “Hell yeah, she and the baby’ll be with me. Pretty soon we’ll look like a damn circus caravan if we all have separate buses to live on with a shit ton of kids in tow.”

  “Yeah, we may have to buy a bigger plane and start flying to every venue,” I offered as a possibility.

  “No, I don’t want that either. That would mean living in some damn hotel every night. Lola would probably rather have a rolling house like Peri does.”

  “That big bitch they live in cost more than a lot of fucking houses.” Gunner nodded his head agreeing with me. His next comment took me completely by surprise.


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