Sideline Submission (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 3)

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Sideline Submission (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 3) Page 4

by Kora Knight

  Tad crossed his arms and shrugged. “Okay.”

  Scott gripped his hip with one hand while the other rustled the top of his head. “So he asked if we’d do him a favor since we didn’t have anything specific going on.”

  Tad tensed. A favor? For Max? Unease chilled his veins. “What kind of favor?” Scott chuckled awkwardly, and holy shit, the dude actually broke a blush. Tad couldn’t help grinning, despite his trepidation.

  “He wants us to sit in on his client’s session and… actively observe.”

  Tad’s brows shot up as his stomach took a dive. “Actively observe? As in take part?” Holy fucking crap. Absently, he took a step back.

  “Noooo,” Scott chuckled. “I don’t do that shit. Active as in, actively keeping his client aware of our presence.”

  Tad’s frown returned, not quite following. “Why would that even be necessary? Wouldn’t we be right there?”

  Scott shook his head. “We’d be on the other side of the demonstration room’s one-way mirror. They wouldn’t be able to see us.”

  Tad shifted his weight, still confused. “I don’t get it. Isn’t the whole point of voyeurism to have people visibly watching? If they can’t even see us then…”

  Scott nodded. “Yeah. That’s typically how it goes. But Max’s client is still new, in the early stages of… broadening his horizons. Which is where Max’s role comes into play. His job is to push his subs’ boundaries, get them out of their comfort zones. But he’s good about not pushing too hard. He’s fantastic at reading people, deciphering just how much they can take and where to draw the line. Apparently this one needs to go slow, ‘cause he talked the guy into an audience, but without the in-your-face edge.” His lips twitched. “Don’t get me wrong, Max’ll have him there soon enough. Tonight’s just a foot in the door kinda thing.”

  Tad listened quietly, wrapping his brain around Scott’s explanation. And how they’d fit into the equation. Hands balled beneath his biceps, his arms tightened against his chest. “So… we’d be in a different room? No hands-on. Just watching?”

  Scott nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Pretty much.”

  Tad fidgeted. “And you told him we would?”

  “No. I told him I’d have to talk to you first since we already made plans.”

  “So technically we could say no, but would feel like A-holes just sitting around drinking beer instead.”

  Scott made a face. “Yeah.” Dragging a hand through his spikey locks, he waved the whole thing away. “You know what, nevermind. I’ll tell him no. He can do this shit another time. Hell, he’s got clients who’d pay him to watch.”

  Thing was, now Tad was curious. Yeah, he’d watched porn before, even gay porn as of late, but never anything in person. And definitely nothing in the way of Max’s line of work. But the profession’s concept did intrigue him. Especially considering what he’d experienced with Scott and what he’d seen in “the dungeon.”

  So in a way, Max’s proposition was like the best of both worlds. The opportunity to watch some live-action porn—and hard core at that, since Max was running the show—without being seen by anyone but Scott. Because Tad was still working on his comfort levels, too.

  Steeling his resolve, he shook his head. “No. It’s okay. We can do it. We’ll chill out after.”

  “You sure?” Scott questioned, looking surprised. “We don’t have to. He’ll get over it.”

  Tad shrugged. “Nah, it’s not a big deal.” A smirk tugged at his lips. “Besides, it couldn’t hurt to score some points with your roommate. I don’t think he likes me very much.”

  Scott eyed him dubiously, then chuckled and shook his head. “Alright. I’ll let him know. Stay put. I’ll be right back.” Pivoting around, he headed for the door, flashing Tad a grin over his shoulder. “And just so you know, Max is a tough one to please, so don’t take it personally.”

  Not ten minutes later, they were back in the dungeon, heading for the infamous observation room. The same place Scott had taken the liberty to video Tad’s sordid little flogging. Initially, the parting gift had pissed Tad off, but once he’d broken down and watched his copy? It quickly made his top ten favorite flicks. Apparently, on top of everything else, he was also narcissistic.

  Tad eyed all the countless kinky contraptions, his gaze once again straying to the swing. Why did that one piece intrigue him so much? Uh huh, like he didn’t know the answer. Because he wanted to test it out. With Scott. Whether hitching a ride or driving the thing, he really didn’t care.

  He blinked and looked away. Geez. Max’s playroom had him down in the gutter way too fucking fast. Thankfully, they’d reached their destination. Scott grabbed the door knob and gave it a turn, a thoughtful smile curving his lips. “In we go.”

  But his easy expression was far from reassuring. Tad swallowed, peering inside. Had he made a bad call? Would doing this end up a colossal mistake? No, Scott never would have gone for it if it wasn’t cool and Tad trusted his judgment implicitly.

  With that in mind, he entered the room, his gait slowing almost immediately before coming to a stop. Completely dark, only the light from the demonstration room illuminated its modest space. Coming in through the one-way, it made the wall of glass stand out like a movie screen. But it was the image within said screen that held him utterly transfixed.

  Behind him, Scott chuckled softly. “Having second thoughts?”

  Tad glanced away from the alarming sight and briskly shook his head. “Uh, no. I’m good.” Forging forward, he scanned their dim surroundings. Though just as long as the demonstration room, this enclosure was only half as deep, giving the area a long slender feel.

  A black leather couch sat opposite the window, against the longest wall. Dark, glossy end tables flanked its sides, with bamboo plants next to them. Tad regarded the things, assessing them as fake. Had to be. The only light they’d ever see was that by way of “the moon”—and not the lunar kind, either, considering what he’d gotten an eyeful of beyond that pane of glass.

  Beside the arrangement sat a sleek wet bar. Tad smirked. Nothing like cocktails to go with live sex. His gaze roamed further to a handful of high backs sitting opposite the door. His brow lifted. Extra seating? Guess the audience got pretty large at times.

  Scott stopped beside him, his expression curious. Tad glanced at him, then at the window, only to return to hold his stare. But he couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Words had completely left him the second Max and his submissive had come into view.

  Thankfully, Scott seemed to get it and didn’t press for commentary. Instead he gestured over to the glass. “We’ll be standing up front tonight.”

  “Seriously?” Tad frowned, following him to the one-way. “Why so close?”

  Scott settled into a casual stance, crossing his arms as he faced the spectacle. “Max requested we be easily accessible, so we’re able to give spontaneous reminders of our presence to his boy.”

  Tad glanced around, looking for an intercom box or something. “But how are we supposed to—”

  Scott rapped on the glass. “Just like that,” he smiled. Sure enough, both Max and his client looked in the direction of Scott’s knock.


  “Yup,” Scott grinned. “Sometimes simple works best.”

  Tad couldn’t disagree with that. His eyes slid back to the adjacent room. No longer was “the Wall” smack in the middle. Now it sat shoved back beside the loveseat, with a small potted palm tree in front of it. Tad shook his head and smiled. Evidently Max had a thing for houseplants.

  His attention returned to the room’s newest centerpiece, his smirk pinching into a grimace. Fucking hell. Head and wrists trapped in the pillory from Red’s dungeon, sub boy stood bent at a ninety degree angle. Beneath him, leather restraints secured his spread feet with O-rings to a huge, black circular platform. Raised a good six inches off the floor, it felt like some kind of stage. An inconspicuous seam ran the length of its diameter. Tad would bet money h
inges were attached underneath, enabling it to fold in half. How else could that big fucker fit through a door?

  His gaze rose back up to eye Max’s sub, studying him from a sideways view. Naked except for the cuffs around his ankles and the collar around his neck, the dude looked younger than Tad. Twenty-one, maybe. Tops, twenty-two.

  Light hair framed his youthful face, hanging down past his collar. Tad took in his less-than-rugged appearance. Slender, well-groomed sideburns led the way to the hint of a jawline shadow. Utterly refined, the young male looked like a noble. One with grade-A genes. Seriously, the dude was freaking beautiful.

  Blondie glanced his way, and that’s when Tad saw it; the guy’s most striking feature. Dark blue eyes, deep like the ocean. Wide. And anxious. And hungry. Tad stilled. God, such potently conflicting emotions. The dude looked terrified and yet excited as shit. It was a strange thing to witness, but stranger still was how fucking erotic it looked. That expression alone would give any man wood. Definitely any man who’d been in similar shoes. Tad’s cock purred to life as his own memories returned.

  Pulling his gaze from the dude’s provocative eyes, Tad focused on his body instead. Lean and defined, hairless and smooth, Blondie might as well have been carved out of marble. Like an immortalized Greek youth at the mercy, as it were, of his lusty elder counterpart.

  Tad’s stare shot to Max, wondering if the guy had a thing for younger subs. The way he was gazing at blonde boy said yes. Although, there was definitely something more to that flicker his eyes. It actually kind of looked like affection. Did Doms even do affection? Tad wasn’t very versed in the BDSM lifestyle so he really had no idea. Maybe he’d ask Scott sometime… if conversation ever lent the opportunity.

  For now, he’d keep quiet, watch and learn. Max appeared to be nearly done with prepping his subject. By the looks of things, sub boy was feeling the pinch in a few other less-than-comfortable places. Red was currently down on his haunches securing tiny clamps to Blondie’s nipples. Tad winced in sympathy as the poor dude hissed… a sound Tad heard perfectly despite their separate enclosures.

  He glanced over his shoulder, scanning the room. Small inconspicuous speakers hung in every corner. He lifted a brow and looked at Scott. “We’re gonna be hearing it, too?”

  Scott slid him a sidelong glance, visibly fighting a grin. “Mm hmm. The noises are half the fun.”

  Right. How could he forget. Scott loved all the sordid sounds of sex. And apparently he wasn’t the only one. Which made Tad curious. Up until now, it’d always been him making the noises. And typically, he was so mindless during those times that he never paid attention to how he sounded. How it felt to be on the receiving end of his enraptured gasps and moans. Would the noises sub boy made be a turn on?

  The ones Scott made while working out certainly hit the spot.

  Tad turned his attention back to the glass. Max had Blondie’s clamp chains taut and connected to an eye hook at the base of the pillory. Guess he wanted to discourage movement. Like at all.

  Tad watched Red stand up and appraise his handiwork. Evidently, since dinner the guy had lost his tee, but added to his ensemble some big, black shitkickers. Tad had never seen him shirtless before. The guy was seriously stacked. Clearly he spent a boatload of time working out in the gym. His thick-ass pectorals and rocking eight-pack were nearly as impressive as Scott’s. But of course, Dom boy was also sporting bling. Tiny, gold hoops drew attention to his nipples, glinting off the lighting, demanding to be appreciated. Tad had to admit, the things looked tight.

  Seemingly content, Max sauntered around the pillory and sank down to eye-level in front of his sub. For a lingering moment the two men said nothing, only held each other’s stare. Tad had the distinct impression, though, that they were still somehow communicating.

  Out of nowhere, Red’s lips curved into the most incredible smile. Brief, yet utterly adoring. Tad’s brows rose in surprise. Maybe Doms did do affection. Tenderly, he cupped Blondie’s face in his hands, then leaned close to whisper in his ear. The younger man nodded, flushing slightly as a smile of his own appeared. Max pulled back, grinned, then kissed the guy’s lips. Not a hard hungry kiss, just a slow firm press.

  Tad shifted on his feet, taken off guard. Never had he expected that kind of display, especially coming from Red. He just always seemed kind of rigid. And rough around the edges. But his show of fondness did more than surprise Tad. It got him remembering the last time he had a go with Scott, when their lips had almost touched. At the time, he’d thought the guy was going to kiss him. Ultimately he hadn’t, but since then Tad often wondered what it would’ve been like. What the dude would’ve felt like. Or tasted like, even.

  And now Max had him pondering it all again.

  Starting to fidget, he cleared his throat. “So, this guy. He’s just a client? ‘Cause he looks like more to me.”

  Scott met his eyes, a wry grin playing on his lips. “Not too familiar with Dom/sub dynamics, are you.”

  Tad frowned. “Dynamics? I guess not.”

  Scott nodded and turned back to the glass. “To most, their relationship comes across as unconventional, but it’s a relationship nevertheless. Max’s subs love him and he loves them.”

  Tad’s brows shot high. “Love? Seriously?”

  Scott shrugged. “In their own way, yeah. Not like couple-couples, though. Well, at least not as far as Max is concerned. Not that some of his subs wouldn’t love to be exclusive.”

  “Max’s subs want to date him?”

  “Some, absolutely. In the way that subs and Doms date.” He gestured to the blonde. “Sean’s new and definitely wants it, but he knows his chances are nil, so I think he’s just taking what he can get.”

  Tad eyed the younger male. “But Max isn’t into him? Into any of them like that?”

  Again, Scott shrugged. “Max is a fort. For as long as I’ve known him, he’s refused to get serious.” He lifted his chin toward the sub and again. “Though, Sean is one of his favorites.”

  Tad watched the two. “How can you tell?”

  “Just the way he looks at him. The way his voice gets when he talks to him.” Scott smiled, watching his roommate. “Even now I see it.”

  Behind the glass, Red stood back up, turned, then stepped off the platform.

  Tad frowned. “So, why doesn’t he… you know… date… or whatever?”

  Scott glanced at Tad and chuckled. “’Cause he’s a pussy.”

  Inwardly, Tad winced. He’d forgotten how blunt the guy could be. Not that that was a bad thing. He actually kind of liked the trait. But this particular comment made his insides flinch. Made him somehow feel like Scott’s assessment could’ve just as easily been directed at him. And he didn’t want to think about the truth to that. Forcing a smile, he looked away.

  Max moved to stand beside his big, gothic stage, planting his boot on its ledge. Slowly, his foot gave the thing a shove. It circled around like a big lazy Susan, turning Sean toward the window. The second he was perfectly facing the glass, Red stopped the rotation.

  “Sean,” Dom boy smirked. “Say hello to Scott and Tad.” He lifted his hand, motioning for another knock.

  Scott gave a brisk rap. The male blushed and gave a tentative smile. Tad just stood there, mortified for the guy. Talk about crude introductions. He couldn’t imagine ever wanting to be in that position. Yet, even as humiliation flashed bright in Sean’s eyes, so did anticipation. Which totally took Tad off guard. He supposed he should have expected it. The dude was there of his own free will, paying Red to see to his needs.

  Again, Max sent the platform turning, until his sub’s ass was facing the window instead. Bent at the hips with legs spread wide, Blondie’s entire package hung on display. And man, was he sporting wood. He balls, however, looked a little less gleeful. Utterly hairless, the things were bound super-tight at the base.

  Just like Tad’s had been that very first night.

  Memories surged like rushing waves up the shores of his mind. Scott�
��s efficient little wrap job had been so snug, it’d literally prevented Tad from coming. Which, in turn, let Scott’s little “attentions” to go on for quite some time. It’d been agony and ecstasy. Heaven and Hell. And nearly more than Tad could bear.

  And it sure looked like sub boy was facing the same fate.

  Max sauntered over to the stereo system and swiped up a tiny remote. Then he turned and headed for the loveseat, to a mesh basket sitting on its cushions. Eyes flashing, he dipped a hand into its contents. It reemerged fisted around something cylindrical. Tad’s eyebrow quirked curiously. With one small leap, Red was back on the platform. Absently his fingers slid through Sean’s hair as he made his way to the guy’s ass. He came to a stop directly behind him, shoved the item in his pocket, then palmed one of Blondie’s cheeks.

  “I’m going to begin now,” he said, giving a squeeze. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes,” came his sub’s anxious voice.

  “Yes what, Sean?”

  “Yes, Maximus. Yes. I’m ready.”

  Grinning over his shoulder at the one-way mirror, Red thumbed his tiny remote. Music flared to life, then inched back down in volume. He tossed the thing as his smile turned devious, matching his music choice to a T; Jane’s Addiction, Nothing Shocking. Song: Ted, Just Admit it.

  The languid, singular drum beat kicked shit off, its simplistic strike of stick to wood instantly setting the mood. Dark. Seedy. Seductive. Tad swallowed, listening as the bass guitar pumped out its sultry entrance. Warm, pulsing velvet. Drugging. Lazy. It had a surreal, dreamlike quality that set the stage perfectly for what was about to come. Tad had to admit, he was impressed. The guy was a shrewd music mastermind.

  Scott made a low approving sound. Seemed he was thinking the same.

  Max sank to his haunches slightly to the left—presumably not to block the view—and splayed his hands at the base of Sean’s cheeks. Without preamble, he spread them wide, then promptly stroked Blondie’s hole with his thumbs.


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