A Soldier's Triumph: An Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novel (Beyond Valor Book 3)

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A Soldier's Triumph: An Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novel (Beyond Valor Book 3) Page 4

by Lynne St. James

  “Holy crap. This is all for him?”

  “I said the same thing. Apparently, our little buddy is going to eat one every month or so.”


  “That’s what Fred at the pet store said.”


  “He was the one who helped me. I had no clue there were so many options. I mean they’re dogs. Not that the cat area was any smaller. It was like a supermarket for pets. Oh, and he knew about Paws for Hope. He volunteers there after school.”

  “Small world, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Alex and Hunter followed her into the kitchen. After she washed Hunter’s new bowls, she held one while Alex poured the kibble. She’d have to remember the bowls were in front of the Island now, so she didn’t kick them and spill water everywhere. Who was she kidding, she’d do it at least three times by tomorrow. Good thing she wasn’t betting with anyone.

  What surprised her the most was that she and Alex were acting like the old days—almost. Teasing, talking and working together to get Hunter’s area set up. Thank God, Logan had asked for a dog for him. She owed him big time.

  It was great to hear Lily laughing. Twice in one day even. He didn’t think he’d heard that since the last time they’d Skyped before the explosion, and it had been way too long.

  As soon as they’d gotten the food area set up for Hunter, he’d looked to him for permission and then chowed down. The poor guy was probably starving. He didn’t remember if they’d told him if he was on a regular schedule or not. He’d double check tomorrow when they went for their first training session, but for now leaving the bowl out all the time seemed like the best idea.

  Lily disappeared and then came back in holding the flowered wreath that had been on the front door. He’d seen the pine wreath and a pang of guilt made him wince. He’d completely forgotten it was Christmas time until he’d been out with Logan. The rehab center was decorated, but he’d managed to ignore it all. What to get for Lily was a big question? He’d asked Chloe when he’d seen her earlier, but she didn’t have any idea. Normally she was his best bet, but this year everything was different.

  “Nice wreath. When do you want to put up the tree?” Surprise showed on Lily’s face at his question. She probably figured they were skipping it this year. He wasn’t surprised. Last year his surprise had been getting leave for the holidays and two weeks alone with his woman had been the best gift.

  The only thing that would have made it better would have been getting Lily pregnant. It’s the only thing she really wanted, and he hadn’t been able to give it to her then, and he sure as hell couldn’t do it now. Looking back on things, it was a blessing that she hadn’t gotten pregnant then. A baby and an invalid husband—she sure didn’t need all that on top of working. His insides clenched tight.

  Hunter nuzzled his hand and gazed at him with soft chocolate eyes. Having someone so attuned to his feelings was going to be an adjustment.

  “Uhh. I don’t know. I wasn’t sure I was going to this year.”

  “Why not? Don’t you always put it up, even if I’m not home?” Her hesitation was the only answer he needed, but he still wondered why she didn’t just come out and say it. He’d been an asshole, and he knew it.


  “So, let’s do it. Sorry, I won’t be able to help you get anything down from the attic.”

  “No biggie. I usually do it myself, remember? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, babe. I may be a dick and not the husband you deserve, but as you keep reminding me, we have a lot to be thankful for.” The smile that spread across her face could have lit a dark room. He was glad he’d said something about the tree. It was such a simple thing, yet it made her so happy. He wished he could bring her to bed and rock her world, but she’d have to do all the work, and he wasn’t having it. It made him feel like half a man.

  “Before I do that, do I need to take Hunter out for a walk?”

  “I can do it. He’s my responsibility.” He didn’t mean for it to sound like it came out, so he forced a smile to soften the words. This helpless shit needed to end and soon or he’d have to find a way to set her free. “Did you finish your work? Maybe we should just wait until tonight?”

  “I did finish, but I have to double check it and send it over. While you’re walking Hunter, I’ll take care of it. Then I’ll get the decorations down. Okay?” Her excitement was contagious even though he tried to hold back. It would be too easy to roll over and let her take care of him. But he could do this for her. He owed her so much.

  “Sounds like a plan.” She dropped a kiss on his forehead, and once again he held himself back from responding. Instead, he watched her walk away, his eyes following the sway of her curvy hips and rounded butt. He almost drooled he wanted her so badly. In his mind, he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her until her toes curled. “Fuck me running.” A woof from Hunter drew his gaze. “It’s okay. I’m just frustrated. Can you grab your leash and we’ll go for a walk?”

  The dog did as he asked, and pulled the leash from the table and trotted back to Alex’s side. After giving him praise, he hooked it to his collar as they’d shown him at Paws for Hope, and then led Hunter to the French doors and outside into the backyard.

  It didn’t take long before he’d taken care of business and they were headed back into the kitchen. The wheelchair was barely through the doors when his cell phone rang. Fishing it out of his pocket he saw it was Tag or Bradley Taggart, as he was known by those who hadn’t served with him.

  “How’s it going, Alex?”

  “Good. A helluva lot better than this morning. I guess you heard about Hunter, huh?”

  “Your dog? Yup. How are you two doing?”

  “Me and the dog or me and Lily?”

  “I was asking about the dog, but both matter.” Tag was right of course. Both mattered in different ways, and both counted on him to get better. That was the question. Was it even possible? He’d been working hard, and so far, nothing much had changed.

  “Hunter is great. I can’t believe how in sync he is with me after only a couple of hours. How is that even possible?”

  “You only see the tip of the iceberg, bro. Once you’ve trained together, he’ll be like an extension of you. He’ll know when you’re in pain, distress, or just if there is something not right. It’s amazing how empathetic they are.”

  “Logan said you had one too?”

  “Yup. Jackson, he’s my life saver, literally. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be here today. But that story is for another day.”

  “So, what’s up? I’m guessing you had a reason for calling?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were doing okay, and if you needed anything to let me know. I know you have Lily, Logan, and Chloe, but you’re not alone. You have your brothers. Don’t forget that.”

  “Thanks. I guess I have been. I should have had Lily bring me by your office to see you after PT.”

  “Fuck that. You’ve only been home a week, just sayin’. Once you’re more settled, it’ll be better. But there is one other thing. My sister, Anna, and her boyfriend, Ethan, are throwing a big Christmas party. She wanted me to invite you and Lily. And yeah I invited Logan and Chloe too.”

  A Christmas Party? Was he ready to be around other people yet? But then how could he say no when Tag was on the other end of the phone, and he lost a leg and an arm. He really was an asshole. He still had a chance of walking again on both of his own legs.

  “I’ll talk to Lily. When is it?”

  “Sunday night. I know, not a lot of notice but you don’t have to bring anything. Just show up. I’ll text you the address. We all really hope you’ll come.”

  “Thanks, Tag. I’ll let you know.”

  “Later.” Shit. He didn’t know how he could get out of this unless Lily had other commitments.

  “Everything okay?” Alex looked up from the phone he’d been staring at and laughed. Not only was she wearing an elf hat with a bell hanging down, but she had
a huge smudge of dirt on her face. She looked like an overworked elf escaping from Santa’s workshop.

  “Yeah. It’s fine.” It was one of those moments he’d never want to forget, and before he said anything else, he snapped a photo with his phone. “You have dirt on your cheek.”

  “I do? Shit. Why did you take a picture then?”

  “Because you’re cute. Besides, now I have ammunition against you. You’re always taking pictures of me at the worst moments and then you show Chloe. And I never hear the end of it from Logan.”

  “Whatever.” It was her go to phrase, but this time she said it with a smirk. The day started out shitty but had definitely improved since he’d gotten home with Hunter. It’s like they’d needed the distraction to remind them of what they had. Or remind him, Lily had been trying all along. He’d been the one to push her away.

  “Did you get your work done?”

  “Yup. Sent out the email with the presentation to the Walcott Team and confirmed our appointment for ten a.m. Shit. What time do you and Hunter have to be at training tomorrow?”

  “Around the same time, I think. You can drop us off early on the way. They’re over by the hospital. It won’t be that far out of the way, right?”

  “Nope. We live in Willow Haven, remember? Nothing is out of the way. You ready to play elf assistant?”

  “Sure. Right, Hunter?”


  She pulled another hat out from behind her back with a big smile. Now he knew why she’d had her hands hidden behind her back. She slid it on his head and adjusted it until she was satisfied.

  “Is it good yet?”

  “Yup. Just one more thing.” Before he realized, she’d sat down on his lap and put her arms on his shoulders. “I love you, even if you are the most stubborn, pigheaded idiot of a man.” He was about to answer her when her lips fit themselves against his. Desire raced through his body as her taste filled his senses. It would be easy to be lost in the kiss, too easy. But he couldn’t. He needed to stop.

  He took her hands in his and removed them from his shoulders. She pulled back and rested her forehead against his for a moment. “Why? What are you afraid of? It’s obvious you want me as much as I want you.”

  “We’ve been over this.”

  “But…” Placing his index finger over her lips stopped her from continuing. He might be able to avoid the words but not the pain in her eyes. It seemed that all he did was hurt this woman.

  “I think I’m going to go lie down. I’m kind of beat. Go ahead and decorate without me if you want.”

  As she lifted off his lap, she didn’t say a word. She didn’t have to. He knew her well enough to know exactly what was going on in her mind.

  “C’mon, Hunter. Let’s take a nap.” The dog followed him as he wheeled out of the room. Lily never said a word, but he felt her eyes on him as he left the room.

  Chapter Four

  The beep of her alarm startled her awake. Staring at the ceiling she prayed that today would be a good day. Yesterday hadn’t been a total disaster but after she’d kissed Alex it had changed. He’d gotten ornery again. It was her fault, she shouldn’t have pushed it, but he’d been like his old self, and she hadn’t stopped to think about what she was doing.

  After he had gone to bed, she put up the tree and decorated it. She should have done the rest of the house too, but she just wasn’t in the mood and ended up dragging most of the boxes back to the attic. The tree was up, it was better than nothing.

  Then she rearranged the kitchen, making sure to move everything Alex could need to within reach and wheelchair height. She’d even rearranged the refrigerator shelves. It should have been done the first day they’d gotten home, but she was more concerned about taking care of him than getting the house ready. She couldn’t blame him for wanting to be self-sufficient, but she wished he didn’t feel like he had to be. Damn alpha males and their need for control over every situation.

  “Right. But that’s why you fell in love with him, doofus.” She was back to talking to herself, sometimes she even answered. When you lived alone as much as she did, you had to talk to someone. Since they’d been back, she’d hardly seen Chloe. Maybe she needed to change that too.

  They used to have coffee almost every morning when she wasn’t pregnant or breastfeeding. She had to be done with that by now, right? Baby Andy was about five months old, so maybe not. How long did people breastfeed? Damn. She had no idea. Great friend she was. Everything had changed, though. While Alex was at Walter Reed, Logan’s deployment ended, and he took a training position on base. It was the first time they both had their husband’s home. Although having Alex there wasn’t exactly fun and games right now. Patience wasn’t her strong suit and his stubbornness was wearing on her.

  Tossing back the blanket, she dragged her body out of bed. Carrying the boxes up and down the attic stairs reminded her she wasn’t in such great shape these days. Too much desk work, not enough exercise. Fuck it. She liked her curves and Alex had never complained.

  After a quick shower, she went downstairs to check on Alex and grab some coffee. She’d need all the help she could get if she had to put on makeup and clothing for the meeting. No PJs and slippers today. It reminded her how happy she was that she worked from home and didn’t have to get dressed every day.

  Alex and Hunter beat her to the kitchen and already had the coffee ready. She was thankful she’d rearranged the kitchen. “Morning, babe. How’d you sleep?”

  “Okay. I think I might have had a nightmare. Hunter woke me up in the middle of the night licking my face.”

  His dreams had been getting worse not better the longer he’d been home. She’d tried to get him to join a group or see someone but not Mr. Stubbornpants. No way would he do that, it would admit weakness. What surprised her is that she hadn’t heard him yelling. Usually, it woke her up. Hunter must have woken him before it got too far along.

  “Good boy. You helped Alex.” The dog thumped his tail a few times but stayed next to Alex’s wheelchair. She wasn’t sure how much she should try to interact with him, especially while they were getting to know each other. Less was probably better at this point.

  “Yeah, he’s a good boy. But I’m not sure the dog bed was necessary. He made himself at home in bed with me.”

  “Oh really? I see how it is. Hunter, you better not get too used to sleeping next to my man.” She was teasing, but the look on her husband’s face told her that he didn’t take it that way. “I’m only kidding.”

  “Sure. You know what they say.”

  “No, what do they say?”

  “That most things said in jest are really serious.”

  “Well they can say all they want, but I wasn’t.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do. Now I need coffee. Thanks for making it.”

  “No problem.” He’d rolled over to the table and watched as she poured her coffee. She’d planned on taking it upstairs as she got ready but she’d rather have it with Alex. “I forgot to tell you, but we’ve been invited to a Christmas Party.”

  “When did that happen?”

  “Yesterday when I was talking to Tag. Seeing you in the elf hat was a total distraction. The party is on Sunday at his sister Anna’s house.”

  “Do you want to go?” She really expected him to say no. It had been hell to get him out of the house since he’d been home. They didn’t know Anna and her boyfriend well, but she’d seen her around with Tag. Ethan was a detective with the Willow Haven Police Department and had helped bust a huge burglary ring in the spring.

  “Not really, but I don’t see a way out of it without sounding like a dick.”

  “No! You being a dick? Never. No one would believe that in a million years.”

  “Yeah, right. I know I’ve been a bigger ass than usual. After talking to Tag, it only made me feel worse. He’s got it all together, and he lost limbs.”

  She didn’t say anything to Alex, but she knew how hard a time Tag had at the
beginning. It was a huge adjustment, and with PTSD too, he was a wreck for a long time. She prayed Alex’s road wouldn’t be as hard, but she knew that it wasn’t always the injuries you could see that caused the most damage.

  “I’m sure he’d understand, but it might be kind of fun, and you’d have your buddy with you.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Logan and Chloe will be there too. A lot of the guys from the unit who are on leave.”

  “Why don’t you see how you feel after your training session?”

  “Uh huh. You know it’s after nine, right? Don’t you have to be at your meeting at ten?”

  “Fuck. Yup.” She grabbed her mug and ran up the stairs. “Get ready, as soon as I’m dressed we’re out of here.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She heard him even though she was halfway up the stairs. Again with the ma’am. Ugh. At least they had gotten through a cup of coffee without an argument. Little steps, Lily. Concentrate on the little things.

  After running the flatiron through her hair, she applied some blush and mascara and giggled as she read the label on the tube. “I don’t always wear mascara, but when I do it’s ‘Better than sex.’” It should be a commercial. They wouldn’t be able to keep it in stock. Dressing in a navy suit and cream colored blouse, she finished it off with navy pumps. She was as ready as she’d ever be. Checking herself in the mirror, she didn’t look have bad. Professional even. Then she stopped by her office, she grabbed her tote already packed with her laptop and backup, along with several copies of the printed presentation. This wasn’t her first rodeo. Even though she’d have preferred not to do it in person, it wasn’t because she couldn’t.

  Carefully making her way down the stairs, so she didn’t end up on her ass, she yelled for Alex. “You ready? C’mon…load ‘em up and move ‘em out, big boy.” When she didn’t get a response, a sliver of fear chilled her to her bones. What if he’d fallen and she hadn’t heard him? Shit. Rushing in to his room she expected the worst, but instead, it was empty.


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