A Soldier's Triumph: An Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novel (Beyond Valor Book 3)

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A Soldier's Triumph: An Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novel (Beyond Valor Book 3) Page 11

by Lynne St. James

  “It doesn’t work that way. I already to what I want. You caused me enough trouble. Now I need to see your blood run down my hands. I earned it.”

  He was a fucking serial killer who used money and drugs as motivation? How fucked up was that?

  At least her phone was still in her pocket. She had no idea how long before Alex would realize she was gone, but she didn’t think she had much time left. Once he did, he might be too late. At least Chloe and the kids were okay. She’d wrap her heart around that happy thought and hold on to it while he did whatever he was going to do.

  She vowed if she made it out of this she was going to make Alex take her to the range so she could learn to shoot and get a conceal carry permit. No way would she allow herself to be defenseless ever again.

  “Where the hell did she go? And how the fuck did she get out of here? She didn’t even have a car.” Alex was livid and terrified. Had they somehow managed to get their hands on his wife? The image of Enid on the video chilled him to his core. He would not let that happen to Lily.

  “I don’t know, but we have security cameras everywhere, it’ll be easy enough to find out.”

  “Why weren’t they on in the command center?”

  “I didn’t think we needed to monitor her every move. She was so shell-shocked I didn’t think she’d even use the restroom.”

  “You don’t know Lily. But still, for her to leave they must have used something as bait. She’s not stupid and wouldn’t have just taken off for no reason.”

  Chase called Rock and told him to pull up the feed for the conference room. He reported back that Colin had given her his keys and she’d left in his car about fifteen minutes earlier.

  “Fuck. Does his car have tracking?”

  “Probably, but what about her phone?”

  “Duh.” They headed back to the computers and Alex found her. “She’s at the Fitness Center Complex. Her phone is still on at least.”

  “C’mon let’s go. I’ll have some of the guys come with us. I haven’t heard from Steele so he must still be working the Enid issue.”

  Alex didn’t need to be told twice. He wheeled faster than he thought possible, and Hunter kept neck and neck with him. He prayed they’d be in time. Why had she gone there? What could they have said? She knew he was safe in the building. Then he had a horrible thought. He called Logan.

  “How are things going? I heard about the tires this morning.”

  “You have no idea. But I don’t have time now. Do you know where your wife and kids are?”

  “Yeah. Right here, I’m looking right at them. Why?”

  “Just checking. I had a hunch, but maybe I was wrong. Do me a favor?”


  “Don’t let them out of your sight until I get back to you. And I mean not at all, for no reason anyone gives you except me. Got it?”

  “Yeah I’ve got it. But you can’t just say shit like that and not tell me what the fuck is going on.”

  “The Walcott thing blew up bigtime. Lily is missing. If you’re smart, you won’t tell Chloe because it will make keeping her in your sight a lot harder.”

  A low whistle was the response he got. “If you need me, or anything, you call, bro. I mean it.”

  “I will. I’ll fill you in when I can.” Alex clicked off without waiting for Logan’s response. If Chloe was at home, why would Lily have left? He couldn’t imagine anyone else she was close enough to for her to go into rescue mode.

  The three SUVs from ESP arrived one after the other at the Fitness Center. Colin’s car was parked around back, but there weren’t any others in sight. Her phone was still on. She was inside. Or her phone was. But he refused to think about any other possibility except rescuing the love of his life. How much time had he wasted being bitter about his predicament? Yeah, he’d had pain and couldn’t do what he wanted, but losing her would be so much worse. How would he survive if his heart died?

  Chase and the guys hopped out of the car, while he had to wait for help with the wheelchair. He was beyond over this. He needed to get his ass in there and save his wife.

  “Alex, you need to stay out here. You’ll only be in the way. I’m sorry. But you need to let us do our jobs.”

  “No fuckin’ way am I staying out here while you rescue Lily. You’re out of your mind for even suggesting it.” He looked up to see Rock trying to hide his smile. Damn straight. What man worth anything would stand by and let someone else rescue his wife? No one he fucking knew, that’s for sure.

  “You’ll need to keep up. If you lag behind no one will wait with you.”

  “Fine. Now give me a piece so I can blow the fucker’s brains out.”

  Chase handed him a Glock 19. “Coms off. We’re going in silent.”

  Alex grabbed Hunter’s leash and followed the SEALs into the building, praying his wife would be in one piece.

  The only sound was Hunter’s panting as they worked their way through the building. He hoped they wouldn’t run into anything he couldn’t navigate with the chair. He’d crawl to Lily if he had to. That gave him an idea

  “Hunter, go find Lily.” The dog looked at him as Alex unhooked his service vest. As soon as he had it off, Hunter bolted.

  “Where the fuck is that dog going?”

  “To find my wife. He’ll get there a hell of a lot faster than we will.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Maybe. But if there’s a way to save her, I’m willing to do it.”

  They kept on their path. It wasn’t long until Hunter found his prey. A blood curdling scream, then another that was definitely Lily, was followed by the sound of a gunshot and a yelp. Alex couldn’t get to his wife fast enough. His heart was beating double time as he imagined the worst-case scenario.

  Chapter Twelve

  After dragging her into the warehouse area, he’d hooked her to a hook on the wall. What the fuck was a huge hook doing on the wall anyway? Insurance would have fun with that one. Sorry, Mr. Walcott we can’t approve you for your business insurance, you have medieval torture devices embedded in your walls. There went her inner dialogue again, she was really losing it. Helpless with a murderous madman and she’s worried about hooks on the wall?

  He’d tied her wrists together with rope, then looped them over the hook. Her feet barely reached the floor, and her shoulders were pulled so tight she knew it wouldn’t take much to dislocate them. It probably wouldn’t matter, though, she doubted she’d live to worry about it.

  A nasty looking blade was laying on the table, and she cringed when he reached for it. He saw, and it made him smile even wider. Oh yeah, he was going to enjoy gutting her. Gut me, gut me, gut me. The words were dancing in her brain. What the fuck? Lily, you need to use your brain for good, girl, not ridiculousness. It’s in there somewhere. How she wished she was better at gymnastics, she could have flipped herself off the hook. But nope, her chubby butt was sedentary, and up until now, she was perfectly happy with that.

  “You don’t have to do this. I swear I won’t tell anyone.” Now she sounded like every B movie heroine ever. Of course, he wasn’t going to buy that. She was right too, all he did was laugh as he held up the knife, the blade catching the light and momentarily blinding her.

  “I’m really going to like this. I hope you’re a screamer. It’s always better when they scream.”

  “Seriously? How fuckin’ sick are you, asshole? How many people have you killed?”

  That stopped him for a moment. He brought the knife point to his chin as he thought about it. Oh, to be able to high kick that fucker right into his chin would be perfect. Again, she wasn’t Lara Croft or even Suzy Homemaker. No super defensive skills here.

  “It’ll be twenty after I’m done with you. Hopefully, I’ll hit twenty-five before the end of the year. It’ll match my age.”

  He’s only twenty-five? He seemed much older, must be the evil running through his veins. Who was he and why was he in their little town? Again, Lily, not the time to be worrying about

  He reached out and sliced open the front of her shit. She had a flashback to the video with Enid tied to the chair, her clothes sliced open and her chest filled with stab wounds. Fuck. This was going to hurt. As she prayed that Alex would get there before she was dead so she could tell him she loved him one more time, she heard a woof. Was it her imagination? It sure as hell sounded like Hunter.

  Her view was blocked by the fucktard in front of her, but she heard him loud and clear when he growled again. He’d jumped onto the fucktard, knocking him into her. The knife he’d been holding went deep into her shoulder before he and Hunter felt to the ground. It hurt like hell. Would it be a life-threatening blow? She didn’t think so. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  Hunter stood over the screaming man and went for his neck. The fucker screamed loud enough to wake the dead as the dog ripped open this throat. Blood gushed all over the dog and the piece of shit. She couldn’t believe it, Alex’s therapy dog was a damsel rescuing, evil killing super dog. Oh my God, she’d love him forever if they got out of this alive. Hell, even if they didn’t.

  She didn’t see the gun until it was too late. The fucktard must have had one hidden under his shirt, and he pulled it out and shot Hunter. She screamed as Hunter yelped and fell to the floor.

  “If you killed that dog I’m going to haunt you for the rest of your life. You piece of shit asshole fucktard douchenozzle.” The stream of obscenities poured from her mouth as the blood poured from her shoulder where the knife was still embedded. Tears poured from her eyes as Hunter lay on the floor, whimpering.

  The room was starting to spin when she thought she saw Alex in the doorway. She’d check in a minute. She just needed to close her eyes and rest. Just for a few minutes.

  He didn’t know how he did it, but he and Chase made it there at the same time. Passing through the doorway and seeing the bloodbath inside the room almost stopped his heart. Lily hung from the wall by her arms, and his dog was in a pool of blood on the floor. The fucker that had caused it all was scooting across the floor, holding a hand over his throat, blood spurting from between his fingers, as he tried to get to his gun. But he never got the chance to touch it, both he and Chase pulled out their Glocks, and that was the end of him.

  Now that the immediate danger was over, he rushed to Lily’s side. She was unconscious, blood pouring from her wounded shoulder. He wanted to pull out the knife but was afraid she might bleed out.

  Chase was on the phone calling for an ambulance. The other SEALs picked up Hunter while Chase unhooked Lily’s arms. Alex had him put her across his lap, and he wheeled out of there. All the while he whispering to her. “Please baby, don’t leave me. You have to live. Fight it, baby, you make me a good man. I need you, I want you. But most of all I love you.

  The ambulances got there fast, but it still seemed like forever for Alex as Lily lay pale and bleeding in his arms. One took Lily to the hospital, and they convinced the other one to drop Hunter off at the animal hospital. It was good living in a small town sometimes. He’d wanted to go with her, but there was no room in the ambulance for him in the wheelchair.

  “It’s okay, I’ll get you there. You know, that’s some dog you got there. I hope he pulls through,” Chase said as he followed the ambulance to the Willow Haven Hospital. Lily was a civilian so she couldn’t go the military hospital.

  “So do I, so do I.”

  When they got to the hospital, Lily was already in surgery. Alex had called Logan on the way there, and it wasn’t long before he and Chloe, and the kids all piled into the waiting room with him. Chase and a few of the other SEALs hung around too.

  “What the fuck is taking so long?”

  “Dude, she lost a lot of blood. She’ll be fine. Like you said, she’s one tough woman.”

  Alex mumbled under his breath, “hopefully tough enough.”

  Soon the waiting room was filled with not only the guys from ESP but Tag, Julie, Mac, and Beth. He was struggling to hold it together when the surgeon came in.

  “Which one of you is Mr. Barrett?”

  “I am.”

  The doctor approached him, then kneeled, so she was eye level. “I’m Dr. Lambert. Your wife lost a lot of blood, and we had to give her two pints of blood, but she should make a full recovery. It may take a while before she has full use of her right arm, though.”

  “Thank you, doctor. Thank you.” The tears he’d been holding onto for the last hour slid down his cheeks. She was going to be okay. He said it over and over like a mantra. Then turned to the others, who were anxiously awaiting the news.

  “She’s okay, she’s going to make a full recovery.” The mood in the room instantly changed, and there was a lot of back slapping and smack talking. Eventually, everyone left but Chloe. Logan took the kids home so she could stay with him.

  “Thank you for staying.”

  “There’s no way you were getting rid of me. She might as well be my sister. I’m just so thankful she’ll be okay. You both will, right?”

  He knew it was her way of making sure he was going to do right by Lily. “You better believe it.”


  Alex didn’t get to talk to Lily until the next morning. She was heavily sedated and slept like the dead. It was scary, but the doctor said she’d be okay, and he was holding on to that. He sat with her, holding her hand and telling her his dreams for their future.

  His cell rang. It was the Animal Hospital. Dreading the news, he answered the call. The doctor got right to the point, the bullet had missed anything major, and Hunter would pull through as well. After letting him know he’d be by to check on him as soon as he could, he thanked him and hung up.

  “Thank you, God. I know I’m a sorry fucker, but you did me a solid and I’ll be eternally grateful.”

  “Seriously? Is that how you pray?” Lily asked.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “About a half an hour. I enjoyed listening to you tell me everything we’re going to do. You do know how much I love you, right?

  “Yes, Lilybee, but not nearly as much as I love you. If I’d lost you, the sun would never have risen again.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing you don’t have to worry about that, then, huh?”

  “You know it. Now you need to hurry up and get better so we can start making those babies.”

  “I plan on it. How is Hunter?”

  “He’s going to be fine.”

  “I’m so glad. That dog is a superhero. He’s getting anything he ever wants.”

  “He’s a dog. I don’t think he’ll have a long list.”

  “I’ll make one for him!”

  “I need to thank Chase, too. Will he be around?”

  “He had to leave town. He got a rush assignment in San Diego. But you can thank him when he gets back.”

  “Aren’t you going to ask why I went there?”

  “I already know. The fucker cloned Chloe’s phone, and you thought he had her and the kids, right?”

  “Yeah. How did you figure that out?”

  “Wicked cool computer skills, remember? Okay, the crime scene techs found his phone. It was easy to figure out after that.”

  “I’m afraid to ask, did he make it?”

  “No. You’ll never have to worry about him again. But I swear, if you ever take off like that I’ll paddle your butt when I find you, even if you are a bloody mess.”

  “Hmm, you never know, I might like it.” She stuck her tongue out. But the surprise was on her when he stood up and leaned over the bed, taking her lips in a kiss meant to curl her toes.

  “You work miracles, Lilybee. See, I told you.”

  “I love you, Alex. Thank you for coming back to me.”

  If you liked this book or any other, please consider leaving a written review on your retailer of choice. It really helps your favorite authors! Lynne xoxo

  About the Author

  Lynne St. James is a member of the Romance Writers of America and has been writing fo
r as long as she can remember. Her lifelong dream to be published came true in 2012 when her first book was released with Siren Publishing. From then on there was no stopping her.

  She lives in the in the mostly sunny state of Florida with her husband and a small petting zoo. Okay maybe it’s not a zoo, but sometimes it feels like it. With an eighty-five pound fluffy Dalmatian-mutt horse-dog, a fourteen-pound Yorkie-poo, and three cats, she thinks it qualifies for zoo status. Lynne likes to pretend her office is her private domain, and you can usually find one or more of her furry babies keeping her company.

  When Lynne’s not writing, she’s reading, taking pictures, and sometimes even cooking—to the great relief of her hubby. But mostly, she’s in her office with a huge mug of coffee and surrounded by books, stuffed animals, and post-it notes, while writing her next happily-ever-after.

  Where to find Lynne:

  Email: [email protected]

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorLynneStJames

  Website: http://lynnestjames.com

  Newsletter sign-up: http://eepurl.com/bT99Fj

  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnestjames/

  Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/lynnestjames

  Books by Lynne St. James

  Beyond Valor

  A Soldier’s Gift, Book 1

  A Soldier’s Surprise – A Barefoot Bay Kindle World Novella, Book 2

  A Soldier’s Triumph – An Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novel, Book 3

  Protecting Faith – A Susan Stoker Kindle World & Beyond Valor Novella, Book 4 (March 2017)

  A Soldier’s Redemption, Book 5 (February 2017)

  House Arrest – A Beyond Valor, Eagle Security & Protection Novella, Book 6 (April 2017)

  Raining Chaos

  Taming Chaos, Book 1

  Seducing Wrath, Book 2


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