Dark Desire: A Paranormal Romance Novella (The After Dark Series, Book #1)

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Dark Desire: A Paranormal Romance Novella (The After Dark Series, Book #1) Page 2

by Foote, Rebecca

  After a couple of hours, the bar became busier and Veronica told Juliet it was time to go up on the stage. “Don’t worry. I’ll go up with you.” Veronica and Juliet went around the back, past another area that she hadn’t noticed before. Long, blue, sparkly curtains covered the entryway of four secluded rooms. She paused next to one and peered inside, spying a large plush sofa that curved against the wall.

  “That’s the private area for requests.”


  Veronica pointed at the room. “Right now they’re empty, but in a little while, they’ll fill up. These rooms are for private dancing.”

  Juliet felt a lump in her throat as she wondered how safe it would be to perform a private dance for someone. Veronica noticed her expression. “Don’t worry; it’s totally fine. As a matter of fact, you can make a lot of money doing a private session. Usually, they’re for spenders and parties.”

  Veronica continued to lead Juliet near the back entrance of the stage. Another set of music began to play and she approached the curtains to go out onto the stage. Juliet attempted to let her feelings of anxiety go as she followed Veronica. Stacey and Dixie were gone, but Ginger remained. She looked over at Juliet as she emerged onto the stage and winked at her.

  The music’s rhythm thumped loudly and filled the club like a heartbeat. She walked over to the end opposite Veronica and closed her eyes for a moment. Slowly, she moved in time to the music, as she imagined herself dancing alone in her bedroom. Her imaging technique helped Juliet release some of her nervous energy. She opened her eyes, and noticed that although the club was busy, not all eyes were on the stage. Some people were in groups talking and laughing at tables. Others were at the bar, watching and drinking. Several men had tables right next to the stage, and those men watched more closely. Juliet closed her eyes again and the music flowed through her. She tried to let go and envision the music as a lover’s touch, caressing and embracing her.

  “Hey, Delilah,” said Business Guy, reaching up to her and offering some money. She leaned closer to him and he placed the cash in the strap of her top. His hand lingered and the urge to retreat spread over her, but she forced herself to ignore it. To her relief, he paused barely a moment longer and left. As she continued to dance, other men were occasionally drawn to her and gave her money. Each one wanted to touch her, but she carefully remained beyond their reach. Strategically, she moved so they could only get close enough to give her the money.

  She felt grateful when her shift ended an hour and a half later. Juliet walked back to the dressing room and changed. She gathered her tips together and counted them out. To her surprise, Juliet had earned more in one night than an entire week at the diner!

  After collecting her personal items, she quickly headed home to relax. Once there, she took a long shower to wash off the club and everything about it. The evening had taken a big toll on her emotionally, so Juliet collapsed on her bed and cried herself to sleep.

  In her dreams, the dark stranger returned from the shadow, reaching out to her mentally. Sensing his intelligence with a connection to her mind, Juliet felt a heightened sense of transformation on the horizon. How it would happen she had no clue, only that he would be part of it. His beautiful, almost frightening, blue eyes shone for a moment in the shadow before fading away.


  The start of the day was rough for Juliet as she finished her classes for the term. Her dreams were beginning to haunt her in the daytime now. Images of the dark stranger came to her from out of nowhere. Slowly, they had become clearer and more frequent over the last few weeks. Assuming it was a wishful fantasy, she pushed the strange occurrences aside. It had been a month since she started working at the club. She was able to find a way to push herself to perform, even though it remained difficult.

  Juliet was scheduled again for that evening at the club. On the drive over, she decided to tell Gerald she would no longer be working there after next week. She had finally paid off her school balance and her classes were through. Although it had been difficult for her at times, she couldn’t deny that the money had made it possible for her to finish school. She took a deep breath before entering the club, as she always did, trying to mentally toughen herself up for the evening.

  Jim stood next to the club entrance like a giant, brick wall. Juliet said hi to him as she walked past and headed to the dressing room to put on her stage outfit. She applied some makeup to complete the look. She walked down the hall and overheard a heated conversation between Dixie and Gerald. “I told you to please the customer! I don’t care what you have to do—just do it!”

  “I can’t do it,” Dixie protested.

  “Do it or you’re fired.”

  Dixie silently turned away from Gerald and hurried down the hall toward Juliet with tears in her eyes. She said nothing as she walked past her into the dressing room. Juliet wanted to console Dixie, but wasn’t sure what to say. She was concerned about the way Gerald had spoken to Dixie and worried that he would treat her the same. Reluctantly, she left the dressing room and headed toward the stage. Ginger was about to go on and turned to Juliet, joking about some guys at one of the tables. As Ginger began to go up on stage, she glanced back at Juliet to coax her along. Worried about Gerald’s behavior toward the girls at the club and her own safety, Juliet reluctantly followed Ginger onto the stage. The club was more crowded than she’d ever seen it before and that made Juliet nervous.

  An exotic melody with a heavy beat started as a new set began. She stepped past the curtains and stood opposite Ginger. Stacey entertained the crowd at the end of the stage by wrapping her body around the pole, her specialty.

  As before, Juliet closed her eyes and began to move—she imagined she was dancing by herself to the music. Suddenly, the dark stranger appeared before her through the shadow, as if emerging when she needed him the most. He remained hidden in the darkness, watching over her protectively. When she opened her eyes, she saw him standing in the crowd next to the bar, but when she blinked, he vanished.

  She looked for him through the crowded club, wondering if she were going crazy. After a couple of minutes, she had to force herself to refocus on her job and finish the set. The rest of the night, she felt uneasy with restlessness, weary of her dark vision.

  Chapter Four

  On Friday night, the busiest time of the week at the club, Juliet was surprised when Gerald came up to her with a request. “Someone has asked for you to give a private session.”

  Juliet listened nervously as he instructed her to go to the back. Gerald’s tone was demanding and stern. “Don’t get uptight. I expect you to make the customer happy, show him a good time—he’s in the last private room. I better see a smile on his face when he leaves!” And with that, Gerald stomped away. Juliet watched him leave and wondered if he felt any compunction about his abusive treatment toward women.

  Uncomfortably, Juliet made her way toward the secluded area. She passed the first private room and heard noises. She caught a glimpse around the edge of its curtain and peered inside. Stacey was arching her naked body between two men. To Juliet, it didn’t look much like dancing, more like something else that was against the rules. But the rules were only props themselves to make the club appear law-abiding. Gerald pushed the girls to do things outside of their job description.

  Juliet drew a disillusioned breath, concerned that her customer would want more than she was willing to give. She walked past the other private rooms until she got to the last one and pulled back the curtain. Inside, a handsome man looked up at her as she entered. He was quite possibly the most handsome man she had ever seen, but what struck her even more were his eyes. They were the same beautifully frightening blue eyes she had seen so often in her dreams.

  He sat motionless as she entered the tiny room, his eyes riveted to her every movement. She couldn’t decide whether or not she was dreaming. The gorgeous man’s dark brown hair, swept casually back, brushed the collar of his shirt. His complexion appeared light and
flawless, and his body showed a muscular tone evidenced by the shirt’s fabric pulling slightly taut across his chest. It was all she could see under his black jacket. There was no other way to describe him but deadly gorgeous and straight out of her fantasies. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the full view of him, sitting casually before her. Was he her dark stranger?

  Music threaded through the club into the private area, easing the tension and she began to dance. Juliet’s eyes never left his as she swayed to the music. The man was so mind-numbingly striking, she couldn’t help herself.

  “What is your name?” he asked. His voice rolled over her like water, a sensual, hypnotic sound.

  “Delilah,” she said softly.

  He scowled in response and watched her a moment longer before speaking.

  “Tell me your real name.”

  And this time, unfiltered in her reply, she gave her true name. “Juliet.”

  His expression was difficult to read and Juliet had to concentrate on continuing to dance. His eyes were gorgeous, yet menacing, but she couldn’t turn away. She danced closer and closer, as he sat motionless, watching her. Juliet closed the gap between them by standing in front of him.

  “Who are you?” she finally asked.

  He smiled at her seductively as his voice smoothly caressed her. “I am Damon.”

  To know he was real and not a dream, she reached out and touched his face. To her surprise, he felt icy. Her breath hitched as she quickly withdrew her hand. He countered by reaching for her so quickly, she didn’t catch the movement. His strong arms wrapped possessively around her waist, holding her tightly and she gasped.

  “Why are you here? You’re not like the others.” Damon’s words echoed in her mind as he spoke.

  “I…I have to, but not for long. Tomorrow is my last day.”

  Damon listened to her as if weighing her words. He leaned in toward her and hesitated for a moment, looking into her eyes. Then he pressed his lips against hers, urgently full of passion. She melted into him and surrendered herself to the moment as desire burned within her body to respond to his touch. After a few seconds, he released her, speaking softly as he looked upon her longingly. “Tomorrow will not do; it must be tonight.”

  A strange yearning stirred within Juliet, tugging at her heart. Somehow, she knew these feelings were not her own, but his, and she fought to regain control of them.

  “What do you…” Juliet began, but he kissed her again, postponing her question. His lips burned like fiery passion upon her mouth and Juliet felt as though she were being swept up in a wave of utter confusion.

  Damon gently released her again as his eyes smoldered with sensuality—he brushed her hair aside from her face and neck, gently caressing the side of Juliet’s face, and leaned in, kissing her slowly all the way down her neck.

  A sharp, stabbing pain momentarily interrupted her fantasy, but quickly subsided as she became enveloped with ecstasy and pleasure. Damon’s mouth pressed firmly against her neck as he drank her sweet blood. Desire swelled within her body and she shuddered. Overcome by his passionate embrace, she gave in to her desire and felt as though she’d been cast from her body.


  Strange sounds and an incessant ringing greeted Juliet as she awoke. Blackness surrounded her and she felt as though she were in a great chasm, void of light. Swallowed in darkness, an unholy power blanketed her body, reaching down into her soul.

  Damn it…Oh, my head is killing me.

  Coldness nipped at her body as if icy fingers grasped her bones, making her ache. She tried to sit up, but couldn’t, for her body refused to respond.

  What’s happening? Where am I?

  An urgent need to move tugged at her, but since her body seemed unable, a swelling panic began to rise.

  “Shh, Juliet. Calm yourself. You cannot be harmed anymore.”

  Juliet recognized his voice through the blackness, it was Damon.

  I know your voice, but why can’t I see you? She found it odd the way she longed to see him, to look into his deep blue eyes.

  “My name is Damon Vale, of the Draconian Order. You may think of me, if you wish, as your dark angel.” He laughed lightly with sinister sensuality. “I have been looking for you for a long time, across countless years, but I want you to willingly join me. Before you is a choice: continue as you are, unhappy in your mortal life, or reawaken as a child of the night… as my bride.”

  As your bride? A child of the night?

  “Your time is slipping away, Juliet, you must choose.”

  His body held hers close as he gently stroked the side of her face. His touch felt comforting to her, a connection to him through the darkness. An image came to Juliet’s mind of Damon standing before her with his hand outstretched.

  “Continue as a mortal, or live as a goddess with me forever…”

  Damon was standing before her, his fine essence exuding power through his eyes that pierced her soul. Juliet reached for him and when they touched, she felt something cool run across her lips. The image faded from her mind and again she was plunged into darkness. The wet coolness rolled into her mouth and down her throat. A burning sensation began to radiate inside of her that grew stronger with each second.

  What’s happening to me? Damon where are you?

  “I am here, my love.”

  But before he could comfort her, the darkness had overpowered Juliet, lulling her into its depths.


  Juliet awoke to find herself upon a large bed in an unfamiliar bedroom. The room was beautifully decorated in an old Victorian style. A dresser held fresh red roses and sat on the other side of the room. She tried to sit up and ease her aching body to the edge of the bed. At that moment, Juliet realized she was wearing a white, silky nightgown. She wondered who had brought her here and changed her clothes. The answer came to her as the bedroom door flew open and Damon stood in the entrance.

  “Good evening.”

  Juliet rose quickly and backed away against the wall, but she had moved too hastily and became unbalanced, so she used the bedpost to steady herself.

  Damon considered her reaction. “Do not fear me. I will not harm you.”

  “But, you already have. You did something to me and now you’re keeping me here, wherever here is. Let me go!”

  Damon approached her slowly so as not to alarm her further. “I did nothing to you that you didn’t desire,” he said, smiling mischievously.

  “Stop smiling like that!”

  He raised his eyebrow and grinned. “Like what?” He continued toward her until he was almost upon her. His eyes burned into her as she nervously inched away.

  Damon reached for her, touching her gently. His gentle caress sent feelings of longing into Juliet. For a second, she could feel her resolve melting away.

  “Like what you’re doing right now.”

  He began to lightly massage her neck, moving down her shoulders.

  “Stop,” Juliet whispered, barely able to speak.

  Damon leaned in toward her slowly and kissed her lightly. He stopped for a moment as his lips gently brushed her mouth. “You ask the impossible, Juliet.”

  Passion grew inside her as his lips hovered less than an inch from hers. She wanted him, but refused to acknowledge it.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  Damon stepped backed from her reluctantly. “You want me. Why do you resist?”

  Juliet scowled at him, feeling that she must thwart his advances.

  “No, I don’t. Please let me go. I can’t stay here.”

  Damon’s countenance became stone and looked immovable as he spoke, “This is your new home…here with me. Don’t even try to leave.”

  Juliet looked at him in disbelief. Although he was gorgeous, she couldn’t allow him to control her. He had been in her mind for months, but why, she didn’t know. Again, she pushed her feelings for him aside, despite their growing intensity. She knew she couldn’t let her desire take control of her.

nbsp; “You can‘t keep me here.”

  Damon shook his head, “Juliet, you don’t understand… You cannot return to your previous life. Your mortal existence has expired and you have been reborn a vampire.”

  Juliet tried to push past him, but he was like an immovable wall. She felt the strength in his arms as he reached for her.

  “I’m not a vampire! You’re crazy! Let me go!” She tried for the door again, but it was no use. Damon held her as she struggled.

  “I speak the truth. You are a child of the night, just as I am. We belong together and mustn’t ever separate.”

  Tears began to well in Juliet’s eyes as she listened to Damon, trying to understand how she ended up in this strange situation.

  “You may not believe it right now, but we are meant to be together. I knew it as soon as I saw you.” He paused, looking agitated, “But, I should have gotten to you sooner. For that, I am sorry.”

  Juliet looked at him in surprise. “What are you talking about?”

  “Never mind that for right now. You need to feed and I must teach you the ways of our kind. There is clothing here for you and I’ll get you anything you like. You only need to ask it of me and it will be done. You’ll never want for anything again.”

  She shook her head in frustration. “You speak of this all very casually as if it happens every day. Well, it doesn’t happen for me every day! I don’t want to be a vampire…I need to leave. I must…”

  His touch sent waves of longing throughout her body like magic. She had never wanted anyone the way she wanted him. Confusion and desire filled her to an almost overwhelming climax.

  “Please trust me, Juliet,” Damon said softly.

  His words moved through her, and into her soul; and she knew he spoke the truth, despite her denial. With this understanding, a slow hunger began to rise within her. It was like a storm in the distance that was gathering force the closer it approached. Crashes, like thunder, echoed in the distance as the rush of hot thirst and desire washed over Juliet like waves of the sea. With each crest, the tide of desire grew inside her, pulling at her like twisted fire.


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