Dark Desire: A Paranormal Romance Novella (The After Dark Series, Book #1)

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Dark Desire: A Paranormal Romance Novella (The After Dark Series, Book #1) Page 4

by Foote, Rebecca

  Juliet shut her eyes and stood still. She heard the wind blowing outside and the tree branches creaking. The wood in the fireplace crackled.

  “Let yourself explore further—listen more closely. Do you hear the deer?”

  She began to open her eyes, looking at him in confusion. “The deer?”

  “Close your eyes and listen; there are deer in the forest, running for shelter. If you listen closely, you can hear them as they run. Let yourself hear them, feel them.”

  Juliet reached out through her senses toward the surrounding woods, listening intently. She heard light footsteps growing louder, branches being stepped upon, and grass crushing underneath cloven hooves.

  “I hear them...”

  Listening even harder, a vision of them came to her mind—a small herd, running through the forest, seeking shelter from the storm. They were afraid of the lightning and thunder. Juliet began to hear their hearts beating like a stampede that echoed repeatedly. It started out faint, but grew louder and louder.

  “Very good. I see you have heard the call of their blood.”

  She opened her eyes slowly and realized that despite being in the library with Damon, she could still hear the deer outside. The sound of their heartbeats made her thirsty. Damon smiled at her, ecstatic with her progress.

  “I hunt in these woods occasionally and thought that you might enjoy it.”

  “But I thought vampires drank human blood.”

  Damon nodded his head. “We drink human blood, but we can also exist on animal blood. It tastes different, a little gamey, but it will do. I still prefer humans, but under certain conditions, it may be helpful to hunt animals instead.”

  “But what about hunting in shadow?”

  He smiled broadly at her enthusiasm. “You must become one with your surroundings. Let your mind connect with your prey, focus on it and let go.”

  “Let go?”

  Damon nodded. “Just let go…become one with your prey. Don’t let other things distract you. Focus on the moment and you will melt into the shadow, becoming one with your surroundings.”

  Juliet closed her eyes and focused on the deer again. The storm was beginning to subside. The thunder stopped and the rain fell lightly upon the forest and its inhabitants. She heard the steady pulse of the deer and focused in on one. Its heart was beating a steady rhythm, thumping in her head; it felt as if it were her own. A light tingling sensation began to flow through her body, beginning at her chest and moving outward until it reached her fingertips and toes.

  Juliet opened her eyes again and was surprised to find herself on the edge of the forest, and outside of the home. She was hovering a couple of feet off the ground in darkness, a faint silhouette of her former self. Next to her, another shadowy silhouette hovered; it was Damon. He spoke to her again telepathically. “You are now free in shadow and can move swiftly in any direction. Follow me.”

  He swept into the forest, leading her toward the deer. Once near them, the deer sensed danger and froze, looking nervously about. After a moment, they went back to foraging berries off the bushes that generously carpeted the wet ground.

  “When I appear, the others will run. You will have to act quickly and take one.”

  Juliet’s hunger called out to her in waves and the anticipation of the blood was almost intolerable. The deer’s beating heart beckoned her, pressing her forward. Damon suddenly appeared next to one, grabbing it and taking the animal down. Juliet accompanied him and swiftly clutched another before it could run. She sank her teeth into the animal’s flesh as it tried to bolt away, but it was no match for her strength and began to weaken in response. Blood filled her parched body, sending warm waves of rejuvenation. The animal’s blood tasted different, but wasn’t bad. She drank until she heard its heartbeat weaken, and then released it.

  Once free, the animal bolted off into the forest. As it ran away, Juliet remained mentally connected. She could see through the deer’s eyes and felt its heart pounding in fear as it raced through the forest. It jumped a fallen tree and bounded through tall grass. She smiled in amusement.

  “The more intensely you focus on your prey, the greater the connection will be. You will see through its eyes and hear what it hears. The connection will weaken and go away after a day, unless you drink again from the same prey, thereby renewing it.”

  Juliet smiled in amazement as she marveled over the connection she had made with the deer. Damon touched her arm, returning her focus to the present. She stood close to him, feeling no more lingering reserve. It had melted away, for their time together had brought them even closer.


  Damon walked Juliet through the enormous home toward a darkened hallway. He pushed open a door at the end of the hall that opened up into a spacious bedroom. Inside was a roomy, four-poster bed with hand-carved designs. Not to be outdone was a dresser of equal quality and similar design. The bedroom was exquisite.

  “This is my room…but now it is ours. I want you to stay with me,” he said as he reached for her. “But only if you are ready.”

  “Earlier you said I was your bride; are we married?” She bit her lip as she asked nervously. His sensual stare didn’t help matters.

  Damon walked over to an old trunk that sat on the floor in the corner of the room. He lifted up the lid and reached inside for something, and came back to Juliet.

  “When I was a young vampire, my master taught me all of the things I needed to know to survive and be strong. This is the way of our people; of course, some vampires don’t teach the young and leave them alone in the world, but that creates problems. In the order, when a vampire is ready to go into the world on his own, his master gives him an emblem. This emblem is a gift and it represents freedom.”

  Damon took Juliet’s hand and placed a golden ring into it with intricate scrollwork on the outside.

  “When a vampire chooses a mate, he gives her his emblem as a sign of devotion. I give mine to you…”

  Realizing the significance of the ring, Juliet understood the gravity of Damon’s emotions. She put her hands upon his chest and eased them upward. She lightly rose up on her toes and kissed him. He pulled her in tightly and returned her kiss passionately.

  “Through the physical expression of our love and blood exchange, we will be bonded forever,” he said softly, almost in a whisper.

  Damon kissed her as he lifted her up and placed her upon the bed. She held onto him, loving how he felt pressed against her. Juliet began to unbutton his shirt and pulled it off impatiently. Damon, in return, began to lift her shirt above her head. She eased out of it and sat upon the bed in her bra and panties. The rest of the clothing was disposed of quickly as their passion for each other increased with each moment. He reached for her with one hand behind her head and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. Juliet relaxed in his arms as he slowed her descent to the bed.

  She lay in front of him, almost completely naked and Damon’s eyes traveled over her curves, taking in her physical form with admiration. He kissed her lips gently and trailed his tongue down her neck to her breast. He lovingly caressed the fullness of her breast as he placed soft kisses upon it. He sunk his sharp teeth into the soft roundness and she gasped. Passion and pain became one, flooding her senses. Damon stopped drinking from her and gently healed the wound with his fingertips. He bent down to kiss the spot and the puncture wound healed rapidly in response.

  Juliet reached up around his shoulders and pulled herself to him. Desire flowed through her like a wild river pushed past its banks. Juliet leaned in, kissing his chest, as Damon closed his eyes and held her body. A few inches below his right collarbone, she lightly kissed and paused only for a moment before biting. Damon’s blood entered her mouth and went down her throat. It felt as though it traveled into her soul, gratifying her need for companionship and love.

  Damon’s restraint collapsed as her lithe body pressed against him. He collected her into his arms in a fiery embrace. At long last, he was making love to his bri
de, finally able to satisfy the craving he had endured for centuries.

  Chapter Seven

  Juliet awoke to a gentle caress that began along her arm and spanned her entire body. Gentle, palpations on her skin slowly beckoned her from sleep. Damon positioned himself over her and began to kiss her sensuously.

  “Good evening, my love,” he whispered in her ear. Passionately, his hands moved over her, as he ravished his new bride. He delighted in every detail of her body, tracing every curve and etching it into his memory.

  Juliet loved the way his body moved over hers, making them one. She had never felt so connected and completely in love with anyone before in her life. Truly, they belonged together and she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

  Damon held her in his arms as she rested her head upon his chest. Knowing his bride needed fresh blood to sustain life, he roused her gently.

  “You need to feed, Juliet. We must go before you become weak.”

  Uncomfortably, she shifted at the thought of how she had to exist. But, Juliet couldn’t ignore the growing thirst that was impatiently increasing. Her throat felt dry with an aching need that demanded relief.

  “Isn’t there any other way?”

  Damon shook his head. “No there isn’t and you mustn’t ignore your need for blood. It will grow to the point that you are unable to control yourself. Vampires enter a frenzied state if they don’t feed when their body demands it. There is no denying, or ignoring what you are.”


  The night air was cold and the ground damp from the rainy weather. The moon broke through sections of dark clouds which hovered in the sky in thick, billowy formations. Juliet and Damon passed some buildings as they strolled down the sidewalk together. They rounded a corner near a library parking lot. A young mother and child walked out into the night, heading for their car. Hunger twisted in Juliet’s body as she watched them run to escape the chill. Disturbed by her appetite for the young family, she shook her head in frustration.

  “I can’t do it! Not them.”

  Sympathizing with Juliet’s concern, Damon offered to find more suitable humans. Now mere shadows of the night, they traveled undetected as they wove their way through the darkened streets. Not far up the road was Bailey’s Cove. Juliet stopped and reflected on her previous job. A couple walked in past big Jim who loomed near the entrance. An idea struck her that brought a smile to her face.

  “There’s someone I need to see.”

  Damon looked at her in surprise. “Who?”

  “Someone that has something coming to him.”

  “Intriguing. I hope I get to play too.” Damon grinned slyly.

  They walked to the entrance and Jim waved them through. The club looked the same as it had before, but somehow Juliet felt different as she entered. No longer was she a weak woman that men pawed over and treated as a sex object. She was a predator now, eyeing the mortals and ready to thin out the flock. Ginger and Stacey worked on the poles, sliding up and down seductively. Veronica danced at the back of the stage, bending down to collect her money. They all looked so desperate and unhappy. The sight of them saddened her as she thought of herself and what she had been relegated to do.

  Damon reached for her hand and kissed it. His display of affection snapped her out of her momentary fog. She looked back up at the stage and Veronica waved at her. Juliet smiled at her in response and continued to walk toward the back of the club. As if on a mission, she proceeded around the corner and down the long hallway. She heard noises coming from Gerald’s office at the end. She opened the door and there he sat at his desk, as always, adding up receipts and counting out cash. He looked up at her dismissively.

  “Look what the cat dragged in. I thought you quit. What do you want? Your job back?” He laughed sarcastically as he put the money into a safety box.

  Damon instantly lunged across the desk, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him a few feet off the floor. Gerald hung helplessly as he looked at Damon in terror. Blood trickled down Gerald’s neck from the lethal grip upon his throat. Fearing the worst, Gerald started begging for his life. Damon sneered at his request and was fully ready to end the man’s life.

  Juliet glared at Gerald, knowing he deserved what Damon was about to do. The sight of the blood sent rushes of hunger throughout Juliet’s body, making it almost impossible to ignore. Juliet touched Damon’s shoulder, and realizing what she wanted, he slowly placed the terrified man back on the floor. Gerald backed up against the wall in an attempt to get as far from them as possible. Juliet took a step toward him and reached out to his mind subconsciously.

  Be still and listen. You are a despicable man that uses women.

  Gerald’s breathing began to slow and the expression of terror left his face. He stood still and seemed completely compliant.

  You will no longer force the women here to do things they prefer not to. You will speak to them in a respectful way at all times. You will also pay them fairly and treat them kindly.

  Gerald stared straight ahead in a trance, but was listening carefully to Juliet’s demands.

  “Yes,” he responded.

  Pleased with herself, Juliet smiled over her shoulder at Damon. She turned back to Gerald and eyed the blood beginning to dry on his neck. His pulse moved in a smooth rhythm under his skin. Hunger called out to her again, demanding satisfaction. She reached for him and took his wrist to her mouth and bit. Gerald remained still, staring emptily ahead as Damon followed suit, taking his other wrist.

  Juliet heard Gerald’s heartbeat in her ears and stopped when she heard it change. Damon looked at Gerald, as if considering whether or not he really deserved a second chance, but respecting the wishes of Juliet, he let the man live.

  Juliet noticed the marks on Gerald’s wrist and wanted to see if she could heal him. With a light touch, she ran her fingertips across the puncture wounds and they began to heal. Happy with the result, she felt more confident and continued her orders.

  You will do as I say, or die. Now, take a nap at your desk, you disgusting, filthy man.

  Gerald slumped down at his desk with his forehead landing upon it with a great thud. They left the office, headed for the exit, and passed through the main area. Juliet considered the dancers as they worked the crowd, again feeling sorry for them, but realized it was their choice to work there and no one else’s. Damon leaned in toward her closely, whispering in her ear, “Come on my love, this place makes you unhappy. Let’s go.”

  His voice was seductive and charming and sent a shudder of excitement throughout her body. She couldn’t resist his words; they played like music in her ears. Juliet loved the feel of his arm around her waist and the proximity of his body. Once outside, he pulled her closer to him and kissed her sweetly.

  “Juliet, I have traveled the world several times over. There are many wonderful places I wish to take you: from secret chambers in the Egyptian pyramids, to sections of the lost catacombs in Paris, to the hidden treasures of our race. Are you ready to leave this city behind now and begin our adventure together?”

  Thrilled with the proposition, Juliet agreed with an open heart. She knew she was ready to see what awaited her. So far, she had found the love of her life and become immortal. Although many challenges lay ahead, she felt certain that she was ready now, especially with Damon by her side. With love flooding her senses, Juliet reached for Damon and kissed him deeply and with all her being. Their shadows melted into one as they faded into the darkness to begin their new journey together.


  About the Author:

  Rebecca Foote grew up the second to the youngest child amongst five siblings. Needless to say, there was almost always something going on in her home with such a large family. During her youth she enjoyed writing, art, and music which she practiced with her sisters.

  After Rebecca married and started a family, she attended college and worked in the fields of finance and law, but her love of literature kept pulling her back to creative pursuits and sh
e began to write otherworldly adventures involving romance and dark fantasy.

  Discover other titles by Rebecca Foote:

  In Shadows

  Connect with Rebecca online:

  Website: www.rebeccasfoote.com

  Blog: www.paranormalmuse.com




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