T-Rex: A Dinosaur Thriller

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T-Rex: A Dinosaur Thriller Page 3

by Alan Spencer

  Zoe started talking in her valley girl voice.

  "Like, I wanted to ask you a few questions. Um, yeah, why are there dinosaurs here? I mean, aren't they extinct? And, um, you know, like, why hasn't anybody found out there are dinosaurs on this island by now? Wouldn't somebody on accident have stumbled upon it already? And how could the government control the dinosaurs? And I was thinking, if this island was a training base for dinosaurs to fight terrorism, how would you get the dinosaurs from here to like, I don't know, Baghdad or wherever in the Middle East, without anybody finding out? And once they did fight ISIS, or whoever, wouldn't people find out the government had been holding back the greatest scientific discovery in centuries? And why, Mr. Director, haven't I had a scene where I take my top off yet?"

  Well, all right. This girl definitely wants to be in a Bruce Ryder film.

  "Well, those scenes are coming up just after this one, and I'd be happy to adjust the script so we can accommodate you. I know you weren't originally slated for those scenes, but I can have a contract written up."

  He didn't see it coming, and even if he did, he didn't have the quick instinct to dodge or duck. Zoe bunched up that tiny cute fist and drove it home right into his face. He thought he was dealing with a prize fighter trying to throw a TKO punch. He was thrown off of his feet. His head was cocked back, and his eyeballs were spinning in their sockets.

  He slammed against the beach onto his back with a grunt. Blood gushed from his nose. He was seeing double. Two Zoe figures were standing over him huffing and angry. She didn't sound so valley girl anymore.

  She was suddenly very articulate when she growled, "You remember Dodo Attack: Rise from Extinction? Probably not, you talentless shit bag. You use women and throw them away. We're people. We have feelings. Not to you, you sleazebag. We're just packages you want to unwrap and exploit for your benefit.

  "That's what you did to my sister, Angie Carmichael. She was in your stupid Dodo movie, and you made her show her tits when she didn't want to. What you did to my sister, what she went through, you have no idea because you don't care about people. A normal, thinking, feeling person would, but you, you're a subhuman ass pony. I'd stomp on you, but you'd probably get a sexual thrill from it, you perv."

  Before Bruce recovered from the blow, Candy Sweet had rushed across the beach, grabbed Zoe by the arm, and forced her across the other side of the beach for a talk.

  Blast was helping him up from the ground. "Wow. I totally saw that. She punched your face in. Damn, man."

  "My nose is bleeding like a faucet. Man, she tricked me. She set me up to say something about boobs and wham-o! Fist city."

  Blast handed him a rag. "Stop the blood with this."

  The director pressed it to his nose. "Now I remember. Angie Carmichael. Dodo Attack, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I don't get it. You remember Angie?"

  Blast's eyes widened, and then he grinned like a cartoon jackal. He put his hands up to his chest to shape huge breasts. "Yeah. Angie Carmichael. Yeah. Oh man. Real stacked. Smoking hot tits. You betcha I remember Angie Carmichael."

  The director's shock was changing into consternation. "I recall Angie being more than willing to drop her top. I didn't talk her into anything. It was contracted and discussed. I hate it when women try to turn me into a bad guy. I never trick anybody. I never ask anybody to do something they don't want to do. It's all contracted and in print as clear as the sun is in the sky. Zoe's got me wrong. And the bitch punched me in the nose. And here I thought the shoot was going so well."

  "Don't worry, director. Your lady will set things straight."

  "That's why I love her. Candy always knows what to do, and you never have to ask. I don't think anybody else saw this happen. Would you help me scramble the right ladies for the lesbian waterfall make out scenes? I don't want to lose shooting time."

  Blast smiled. "Got it. I have zero qualms with helping you out with the lesbian waterfall make out scene, Mr. Director."

  Candy Sweet, Diplomat

  Candy had to deal with the situation and quick. She saw Zoe's punch and Bruce go down hard. What else this crazy girl would do was yet to be seen. Candy wouldn't give her another chance to touch her man. She grabbed Zoe's arm and forced her across the other side of the beach as far away from Bruce as possible.

  Zoe wasn't happy. She thrashed and tried to slip from Candy's hold. "Let me go you porno bitch. You have no right to touch me. Skank, stop!"

  You want to hit her. Be patient. She's already worked up. You hit her, she'll go off even more. "No more fighting. Calm down. I want to hear your side if you let me. And I got things to say too."

  "Bitch, I don't need you to talk to me! I have nothing to say to you or any of these bimbos who probably blew Mr. Ryder to get a part in this shit-sucking movie. Leave me alone! Let me go! I'm not done with that asshole. I want to see his teeth flying out of his mouth."

  "You assaulted a man without justifiable cause."

  "What are you, a lawyer as well as a cunt? God, and you're dating the troll. Figures you'd stick up for him."

  "If you don't want charges pressed, you're going to calm yourself, and hear me out. That's all I ask. I promise what I have to say you need to hear."

  "Yeah, whatever. I'm sure you're full of tips on how to do anal and deep throat without gagging."

  "I've heard it all before, so keep it coming. None of it bothers me."

  "Of course it doesn't. You're Candy Sweet. You're proud of being nasty you porno queen. Porno queen. Hah. What an oxymoron!"

  Zoe couldn't resist Candy's hold anymore. She was out of breath, and so was Candy. The two stood together trying to regain the ability to talk. Candy was wiping sweat out of her eyes. She would have to redo her make-up.

  Zoe was bright red in the face, and she kept huffing and growling, and getting more and more angry. The girl was about to have a panic attack. Candy got both of her hands on Zoe's shoulders and made eye contact with her.

  "I only want to talk to you. That's all. You're all kinds of worked up. Breathe, okay? I don't want you to hyperventilate. Let's get you in the shade." She pressed her hand against Zoe's forehead. "Oh, you're burning up."

  Candy guided her a few yards from the edge of the beach to a nice spot in the shade. "Breathe, okay? Breathe. Don't talk yet."

  Zoe put her black hair in a ponytail aggressively and then bent forward to let the blood rush to her head.

  "I'm going to get you some water, okay? I'll be right back, Zoe. Stay here. Promise me you won't go after Bruce."

  Zoe nodded that she wouldn't.

  Candy rushed to the canopy covering the table and grabbed a bottle of water from one of the many coolers. Zoe appeared to be much better when she returned. She handed her the water, and the distraught girl drank several gulps.

  She put it out there for Zoe to understand. "You're going to stay sitting down and listen to me. I don't care if you like it. Hear me out. That's all I ask."

  "Then say what you've got to say. No matter what, I'm going to rearrange that director's face. I'm going to punch his balls off. Then maybe he'll quit treating women like he treated Angie."

  Something occurred to Candy. "Wait. I remember Angie Carmichael. I had a scene with her. We were both zoologists. We had two scenes together, actually. One was in a fake lab talking about the mutated dodo bird's corpse we were studying, and how a nefarious scientist was trying to bring extinct species of birds back to life, only he brought them back with insatiable hunger for human flesh."

  "Aren't they always hungry for flesh?"

  "That's beside the point. Let me finish. Our other scene together involved a ten minute filler of us lifting weights, doing aerobics, and stretching in the tightest spandex. Then we had a shower scene after our hard workout. We cleaned each other with the hugest sponge. I totally remember Angie."

  "How's this supposed to make me feel better? Are you as dumb as you are a slut?"

  She had heard much worse. It rolled right off of her shoulders. "You can call m
e all the names you want. I know what kind of work I've done. I'm a porno girl. I'm a cum dumpster. I've been banged every which way to Sunday. You can't do respectable Hollywood work once you've taken two dicks in the ass on camera."

  "How can you talk like that? Don't you respect yourself?"

  "When my boobs grew in, I always knew I'd make money off of my body. I wanted to be in movies, but I can't act worth a damn. I guess my breasts do the talking. You take advantage of your strengths."

  "Wait, how did you get in the business anyway?"

  "Like most girls do. I wanted to get away from my parents. My stepdad would get drunk and touch me. When I punched him in the throat and put him in the hospital, I emancipated myself. I stayed at friends' houses. When I wore out my welcome, I hitchhiked to wherever. I ended up in the San Fernando Valley. I was broke, hungry, and young. I answered a casting call for a model shoot.

  "That model shoot turned out to be a porno. I did pretty good with it. The company turned me into Candy Sweet. I was what they call in the industry one of their “cover girls”. I got swept up in it. I was using cocaine and boozing like crazy. I was headed in a bad direction.

  "I hadn't worked with Bruce up to that point. He was making slasher movies at the time, but he hadn't had normal movie work in a while. He was going back into the adult business temporarily. That man saved me."

  She had Zoe's attention. "How did that creep save you?"

  Candy had tears in her eyes. Zoe held her hand. "I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me. Hey, I'm sorry for those things I said about you. I was pretty worked up. I was being a straight-up bitch."

  "No, it's okay. I understand where you're coming from, honey. I do. Look, Bruce saved me from something horrible. I was in a porno involving a gangbang. Keep in mind, I'm super popular in the porno world. I'm the "it" girl. When you're the "it" girl, everybody wants to have a scene with you.

  "Well, after this gangbang film, I shower, get dressed, and leave the studio which is really some dude's huge mansion. The guy who owns the mansion, he strikes up a conversation with me. He acts real nice, talks about how he let the director use his place for free, and like he's owed something. That debt is a roll in the hay with me.

  "The man slaps me around, and he tries to get me to go along with giving him whatever sexual favors he wants. I can't get away or protect myself.

  "Remember, the crew has left the house by now. Nobody is there but me and this psycho. But Bruce comes back. He left something behind. Bruce sees what's happening, and he takes a swing at the guy.

  "He's so sweet. He can't fight worth a damn. This psycho beats the ever living shit out of Bruce. I'm talking broken ribs, broken nose, black eyes, and coughing up blood.

  "Bruce tells me to run and call the police while he takes some serious punishment. The police show up and arrest the guy. Bruce goes to the hospital. He's a hero. The guy didn't really know me at the time, and he did what he could to protect me just because it was the right thing to do. That's how I got to know Bruce. That's how I fell in love with him."

  "That's horrible what happened," was all Zoe could say. "So how come you still work in the industry?"

  "I only work with Bruce. If he's making porn, I make porn. If he's shooting these animal attack films, I'm on board."

  "I don't understand what this has to do with my sister?"

  "It has everything to do with your sister. I have no respect for women who lie about being mistreated. After being attacked by that guy, I understand there are two sides to a story. Always.

  "I remember the scenes I shot with your sister. She was more than willing to get naked and do softcore on camera. She signed a contract. Bruce discussed with her the exact details of the scenes. I was there when we auditioned Angie. If Angie told you Bruce made her do these things against her will, she lied to you.

  "You don't like hearing that. I can tell by your face. I can show you the contract she signed and the details if you don't believe me."

  Zoe's snarl didn't let up. "I'm not mad at you. I believe you, Candy. It makes sense now. When Angie came home, she was broke. Of course she'd tell a sob story to get my parents to let her stay with them and help her get back on her feet. She really played up her sob story. My dad was putty in her hands. When I see her again, I'm going to let her have it.

  "I'm so stupid. I auditioned for a movie I didn't want to be in. I hung out with dumb drunk people on a boat for hours, and I did it all so I could punch out Bruce. God, I'm an idiot!"

  Zoe was balling now.

  Candy hugged her. "It's okay. Your heart was in the right place. You care about your sister. These things happen. It could be worse."

  She was confused when Zoe's eyes were fixed to the sky. Her face went slack. She was chalk white.

  "What is it?"

  Zoe couldn't say it. She pointed a finger behind Candy at the sky.

  She turned her head and froze. She saw it shuffling between several sets of high trees. The skyscraper tall body. The green and black plated skin. The bulging muscles. She could almost hear the muscles ripple with each stride. The yellow demonic eyes glowed with evil intentions. The teeth could chew a semi-truck into pieces. Candy wasn't a science wiz, nor was she an expert on dinosaurs, but there was no doubt that what she seeing with her own two eyes was a living, breathing T-Rex dinosaur.

  The two women held tight onto one another until the beast moved on to another part of the island.

  Zoe's eyes were trembling in the sockets. "We got to get on that boat and get out of here."

  "Yeah, I'm with you."

  They sprinted across the beach to warn the cast and crew of the threat lurking in the woods.

  Lesbian Waterfall Scene

  Bruce was finding amazing locations on Pagoda Island. The local flora and fauna was unreal. He hadn't set foot on any Caribbean island before. There were stalks, and shoots, and odd blooming flowers the size of hubcaps. He was still stuck on the pink beehives dangling high from the palm trees and the orange banana trees. Everything was stunning and surreal and visually arresting, but he had to narrow it down to one location in order to get on with the show. This was a lesbian tits and ass scene. He didn't need to reinvent the wheel. The eyes wouldn't be on the neon blue flowers. They would be glued to the tits.

  He selected the waterfall they stumbled upon on after walking through a half mile of strange forest. He chose a rock ledge platform with a waterfall threading against it. This was where his two nubile women would undress each other and make-out. The sun was shining down making the girls look like they were rising up from heaven.

  "Okay, Bambi, you start kissing her neck. Then kiss her on the mouth. You don't have to tongue each other. Fake it. Be like lesbian mimes. Show your tongues in your mouth before you kiss, but you don't actually have to touch tongues. Tantalize us.

  "Go ahead, and take off Beverly's top. Just pop it off. Yeah. Good. See. It popped right off. And Bambi, smile when she does that. Your breasts were suffocating, and now they're breathing. You're freeing each other from heavy sexual shackles. You are romantically entangled, so stop looking like a baby that just filled her shorts.

  "Yeah, that's good. Okay, start rubbing against each other. Grab her tush and squeeze it. Keep kissing, but you don't need to tongue. You're in love. You see unicorns, and rainbows, and an expensive engagement ring in each other's eyes. Now let that water run over you and cool off your insatiable desires. Hear that sizzle. You're scorching hot. Inspire lesbians to be...well, lesbians. Lick her and smile. I like the way you're eying the camera, Bambi. You're fucking the audience with that babe gaze. You're giving the nation a hard-on. Yeah. Very good. Oh man, hot stuff. I'm talking jalapeno level heat. Now let's work our way up to ghost chili."

  After the gratuitous making out scene, without tongue, Bruce asked Bambi and Beverly to swim across the water so their smooth backs and white globular buttocks showed above the surface. Just as rewarding to the viewer, he thought, would be the two re-dressing next to the waterfall to pad t
he movie time even further.

  "Lovely scene, ladies. You two are naturals. Thank you so much for your effort. I know these scenes are nerve wracking. That's why we use only the absolutely necessary members of the crew out of respect. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. So inspiring, ladies. You've raised the bar. Truly."

  Beverly and Bambi both said they were grateful for the acting opportunity.

  They might not be so grateful when they watch this movie with their parents, Bruce thought with a smile.

  "Blast, let's get back to the beach. We need one more filler shot. A good surfing scene would be nice. I saw some nice waves forming on our way here, so maybe we can take advantage of Mother nature. She's always free if she's agreeing with you."

  Bruce and Blast gathered the shooting equipment.

  Beverly and Bambi followed them back to the beach.

  Where the two women had been swimming only minutes ago, Michael Rodman's head bobbed to the surface. The head floated across the bubbly blue water until a toad the size of a small dog with tiger stripes spotted the tasty treat. The tiger toad snatched the head with its pink taffy-like tongue from nine yards out. The creature swallowed it with three skull crunches and one hearty gulp.

  Did You See That?

  Blast asked the director, "What are you going to do about that Zoe chick? She's one dizzy bitch."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, she punched you in the face."

  "What am I supposed to do? Put her in time out?"

  "You know what I mean. She might become a problem for the shoot."

  "Candy will get her in line. She can be persuasive."

  "Yeah, you're probably right. But you never know with these millennial chicks. They think we're all here to serve their every need. Or they think they're a serious actor who should get the A-list treatment when they haven't earned the privilege."

  "If Zoe is still a problem after Candy deals with her, she won't be in the movie. She can sit on the beach and read a book or hide in that boat until the three days are up. It's up to her. I'm not pushing anybody into anything. That's not my style. When I ask people to play my game, I always tell them the rules. Especially when it comes to our kind of movies."


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