Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6)

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Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6) Page 11

by P. G. Thomas

  A gavel slammed down on an unseen desk, “FACTS!”

  He shook his head, wondering if he could bring the light of truth to those who lived in denial. “Unsanctioned crimes, territories lost, segregation; these alone are insufficient? Then listen to my words carefully, as Earth Guards now hunt Zymse, which means that Mother herself has become involved in this conflict. While I am uncertain of the actions of the man who offers salvation and brands young children, I do know such focus from Mother will surely bring a heightened level of activity to the Bright Coast, so we need to take action.”

  “You speak the truth?”

  “I am but a harbinger of my own interpretations of current events, yet I speak from experience; where Earth Guards search, pain follows.”

  Quiet voices in the dark all mumbled the same. “It is not enough.”

  Jedimac slammed his hand on the desk, causing the sound to echo throughout the hall, “The Champion, Bastard, Unchosen, Rage Heart, and” that damn “Earth Mother. They are all back.” As anticipated, the room went quiet, making him smile under his mask. “I would also like to recommend that my respected peers should take up a new hobby: reading the written word. I would further suggest they seek out the most obscure books. It was Zymse Darpac who wed Katamia Darmaul, the wife of the assassinated Darkpaye ruler, and the man who adopted her three sons. One of whom was Zacalia Darmaul, the war criminal hung for the invasion of Calicon. Then give consideration to this: the reason that damned army followed him, it was because of a magical Blood Bond. Now not only does he have a similar brand to protect us from an unnatural threat, but one to free others from a strange substance. SHOULD I GET A DWARF TO CARVE THE WARNINGS INTO A PIECE OF GRANITE?” Then he lowered his voice to a soft whisper, ensuring all would strain to hear his words, “so everyone can feel the storm on the horizon?”

  From the darkness one single voice spoke, “What would the privileged member suggest?”

  “The Black Watch.”

  A deafening hush filled the hall.

  “Repeat yourself!”


  “For two hundred years they have remained silent!”

  In the past, while Jedimac had been elusive in his request, this night he knew those three words would get the attention he sought, and he fought to hold back his excitement. “Two hundred years ago the Black Watch won us back the night. In doing so, our forefathers had the good sense to detail the rights, privileges, and responsibilities in the charter that governs us. Once again, I would like to repeat my suggestion of reading the written word, but I can save you some time, advising you that it is towards the back of the charter.”

  When the quiet hall exploded into a violent outburst of loud objections, slowly the sound of a gavel slamming into a table, like a dwarf working on hot metal, forged the chaos into order. “This night, I resurrect the Black Watch.”

  The silence was so loud that it hurt the ears of the assembled members.

  After a brief pause, the voice continued, “I will select the Unknown, the initial meeting place, and send out the invitations. If any cannot read, hire one that can, as that which was, is once more.”

  One voice spoke, “How many?”

  “Our guilds are small, our concerns are large. Three years ago, the number would have been few when we were many. Now, the tides have turned on us, so those that remain will have to pay the price of our inactions. The number is ten.” Then the gavel slammed into the wood one more time, silencing the questions unasked.

  Chapter 8

  When Sam heard Hope whimpering, he was unable to focus his vision because of the pain. Remembering large patches of fur shaved off, he recalled the agony when somebody had cut into his body, followed by more suffering when the gashes were sewn shut. Then everything went black.


  The night before, after Jasmine left Lauren in the forest, she had walked to the inn that favored those who served Mother, securing a room for the night. Needing to think in quiet, she had to determine how best to protect her Earth Mother, but images of Zymse and trollmares invaded her dreams, so her sleep was anything but restful. When the first sun began pushing back the night, she pushed back the covers, dressed, heading to the lower level. Walking up to the innkeeper, she spoke her request, “I wish to spend time with Mother.”

  He raised his eyebrows, “You are not an Earth Mother, and she is quiet.”

  “I know, but I need to feel closer to her. I hope for guidance.”

  “The request is odd,” but he allowed her to pass into the back.

  After Jasmine had walked into the back room, she went down a hall ending in a sunroom built around a large Iron Wood tree. Having a trunk that exceeded six feet in diameter, carved in the middle was a four-foot round cavity. Walking once around it, caressing the rough bark that had gifted her family both name and legacy, she climbed into it. “Mother I do not intend insult, as I know that my place this does not be, but I know this tree is special. I know that Zymse has poisoned your forests, and he has a hold over the terrible beasts.” Then she pushed her tears away, “Mother, I am confused. Even though I have found my Earth Mother, her temper grows shorter than the special staff that you gifted her, and both beasts and Zymse are mad. You provided me with much preparation, but it did not teach myself how to embrace challenges great. I know my legacy. I am proud to be called Ironwood, and I shall fulfill my oath, but I know that others have faltered on path they walk, even though you guided all. Not any from Ironwood, since you called to the Champion First to serve you, have failed, and I do not—will not be the first, but Mother, I have doubts.” For several hours she remained curled up in the tree, hoping for guidance, knowing it would never arrive. When the first sun began to set, she crawled out, heading back to the room behind the bar. There she pressed her hand against a solid wooden wall, “Mother’s gifts, to myself show.” Then a door in the wall opened, exposing a stairwell lit by a soft blue light.

  Her initial Earth Guard cadet assignment had been to help scout out the vaults for Mother’s treasures, as they all had to have Iron Wood trees, and her family knew the secrets of the wood that no saw or ax could cut, that no fire could burn. Over the years, she had made many trips to the four vaults selected across the lands, helping to transport items that she never knew existed to places none would ever find, unless Mother would permit. Walking down the winding stairs, the air became thick, like it was trying to halt her progress. Even though it felt like eyes hidden in the dark watched her, she continued to the bottom where unseen soft blue lights lit up the empty cavernous room.

  Measuring sixty feet across, huge exposed roots could be seen in the earthen walls, looking like a spider web hanging from the ceiling. The giant roots had formed rooms in the walls of the subterranean grotto, each being lit by unseen illumination, and crowning the vaulted ceiling, the base of the large tree. Even though the floor appeared to be dirt, etched lines gave it the appearance of stone. While the air tasted earthy, there seemed to be a presence that infused the room.

  “Mother’s Wards, your help I need, as you know of the treasures hidden here. My path leads into peril, and I need more than Earth Guard preparation, so I ask for your help from the legacies that you protect.” A small door opened, causing a green light to beam onto the single object inside the secret cavity. Walking over, she retrieved it, securing it in her pocket, before thanking the Wards.


  The next morning, Gayne had left early to meet up with Mirtza at the school, and Steve, Eric, Panry, Ryan, with Logan had gone north to spy on Zymse. After the meal, Lauren walked out to the patio table in the light rain, but before sitting down, she looked at the staff. When first gifted, its height equaled hers, yet after proclaiming so many to be Earth Daughters and Earth Guards the day before, it was now much shorter. I can always get another one, can’t I? Sitting down on the wet chair, she looked at her small plant from the previous day, and having the staff sense it, she sent the Magic forward to create an image o
f the Bright Coast in her mind. With both images present, she tasked the magic, ‘Go find the children.’ Then she saw the image of the roots rapidly begin to burrow under the ground, looking for spots to blossom the rebirth of Mother, so it could deliver its new bounty of hope to both stomach and spirit.


  Hearing a knock at the door, Jedimac looked up when one of his personal guards entered, “Dis came for ya, boss.”

  The large scar-covered thief handed him two objects: the first being a letter, the second a small paper wrapped package. This day he had purposely stayed in his office, hoping to receive both messages, and after the door closed, he smiled like never before. He carefully unwrapped the package, making sure not to damage the plain paper to expose the wood box inside. He could feel his heart racing, his pulse sounding like a drum in his ears, but he savored the moment, committing every detail to memory. Reaching out, he caressed the warm wood for several minutes, like it was a lost lover, letting the anticipation build, and then he carefully raised the lid. Inside was a black key three inches long: the Night Key, as the one that held it was the Unknown who governed the Black Watch. While now freed from the never-ending rules of normal guild laws, he was also aware of the shackles of responsibility that went with the mantel he had coveted for so long. Still he smiled, knowing this was the second last step, as once he won back the night for all of the guilds, he would rule the Shadow Council. He looked at the two lists he had been working on, each with ten names. The first he held up to a candle, letting the flame consume it, as it contained those he would send if they selected another. They were all good thieves but not his best. Even though he was surprised to hear someone ask for the number, he had never expected the Grand Master of the Shadow Council to announce the mandatory enlistment that night. Since it was a number that doubled his best estimate, he realized it would also rob most of their best. Thus, he imagined most Guild Masters were burning similar lists. Unsheathing a dagger from his coat, he carefully opened the letter, which contained eleven identical invitations. On each, written in thieves code, was the date and location of the first meeting to take place in two night’s time, but there was also one more piece of paper, advising the suspension of all sanctioned crimes north of the Key, until the termination of the Black Watch. The Grand Master’s method of conveying his permission to punish any crimes witnessed, but also suggesting the price of his failure. Calling to his personal guard, he told him the ten names who needed to attend a meeting with him the next day.


  “We waste time.” Panry pulled his cloak that embraced the shadows back, yawned, “My Earth Mothers are not here, and the man foul focuses on burnt structure, so let us visit the other properties.”

  “No, we need to watch this guy,” advised Steve.

  Banging on the front of the coach, Panry called out to Eric sitting on the bench, “Take us to the fortress foul.”

  Then Steve felt the carriage begin to move, “Hey, who’s in charge here?”

  “If you have to ask, then it is not you. When we arrive at the property large, interrupt my nap.”

  Eric checked the map that Mirtza had made for him, started counting the streets to determine when and where he had to direct the carriage. In doing so, he wished someone had thought of street names or signs to make it easier, but neither desire compared to his longings for painted lanes on the fast roads.

  From inside the carriage, Logan called out, “It’s an expressway, so quit driving like an old lady. We want to get there before the suns set.”

  Several hours later, when Panry felt somebody kick his cloaked foot, he pulled the shadows back that had embraced him. He scanned the view from the window, “I thought we would arrive sooner?”

  Logan nodded towards where Eric sat, “He got lost a few times.”

  “Earth Mother is right, as our plan is wrong. My Earth Mothers I search for are in there, and I know it.”

  “Can you sense them, like at the mall?” asked Steve.

  He sidestepped the truth, “They are here.” Then he opened the small hatch that allowed the carriage driver to hear commands given from inside. “Eric, drive once around all but go slowly.”

  “You aren’t thinking of breaking in there, are you?” asked Steve.

  Panry whispered, “Earth Mother’s and Bastard’s frustration grow.” Then he nodded to Ryan, who was so focused on the scene outside the window that he never heard the conversation inside the carriage. Leaning closer, he lowered his voice, “Much like Rage Heart. If access I can gain, find all three, then I can change this game in our favor. If not, one or all legends may act like we do not and, and chaos shall embrace us.”

  As the second sun began to set, Eric drove the carriage to a deserted street, opened a portal to enter the stable, being ever grateful for the bracelet, as he had no desire to drive on that highway in the dark.


  When Sam woke, trying to roll over, the restraints held him in place, as his injuries caused him to whimper in pain, but then he heard a voice.

  “As the others healed quicker, I am uncertain why these do not.”

  Behind him, he heard a hand slap a face.

  “Find a way to heal them, as I need to send them to Alron!”


  Sitting around the table the next morning, Panry asked about his counterpart, “Where is Weakwood?”

  “You can be such an ass,” Lauren stated. “Why do you give her such a hard time?”

  “She is not worthy of the great honor. Earth Guards she should birth, and not try to be one.”

  “So you think she should be barefoot and pregnant in a tree somewhere.”

  “My purpose is to protect and serve. She should serve her husband and elf young many meals. If Mother was not so desperate so, Weakwood would not gain entry into the academy.”

  Lauren pushed away her plate, “She had other business to attend to,” and then she went to the front room.

  Panry turned to Gayne, “I need to borrow a fast horse and portal bracelet. I need to visit a far place but return this night, and tomorrow, I shall need Mirtza.”

  “I am sorry, but he has work to do at my school.”

  Before Gayne left for the school, he gave Panry the desired objects. Several minutes later, Steve, Eric, Logan, with Ryan headed out to watch Zymse, as Lauren once again spent the day on the rainy patio concentrating on her plant.


  Gayne looked at the back of the highly polished mirror that the metalsmith had just engraved, “It seems sort of simple.”

  “There’s a lot of room left over,” advised Mirtza.

  Gayne looked at the smith, “Engrave it on multiple times. On the others, make them smaller or larger, filling the back.”

  The metalsmith looked at Gayne, “On the other three?”

  “Be creative?”


  As the first sun began to set, Panry opened the inn door that was on the outskirts of the Bright Coast, being surprised to see how filled it was, especially with so many young midlanders. Walking up to the bartender, he accepted a drink, casting an inquisitive glance at the crowd.

  The bartender shrugged his shoulders, “While it appears strange, they are all Earth Daughters and Earth Guards. When I saw them, I did not open the door, but each group passed the threshold.”

  Moth Flame, what are you up to? Then Panry took his drink to the back of the inn where only one person sat.

  “Crap hole.”

  “You remembered my nickname.”

  “Earth Mother named Lauren, what have you not told me?” asked Jasmine.

  “Even though I told Oxron of her, only one-tenth of all he knows. She is power, a force determined, but lacks focus. Like the great fall storms when the weather turns bad, she is like that. Her actions you cannot anticipate when her direction changes, and she lacks clear thought, but she does care, care more than any Earth Mother I have met. Do you not find it odd that the inn is so filled?”

; “No, Earth Mother has met with all,” replied Jasmine.

  “She made Earth Daughter and Earth Guard?”

  “I protect and serve. All else I leave in Mother’s hands.”

  Panry shook his head, “Why are you here?”

  “Your concern it does not be.”

  “I care not,” advised Panry, “but I have a plan to find my Earth Mothers, which I think you should know about.” Then he stood, headed to the bar followed by Jasmine. Once at the desired location, he looked at the barkeep, “From your vault I need to make a withdrawal.”

  The barkeep pointed to a hall behind him, “If you can find it and entry it grants, borrow what you need, but like gifts lent by dwarf, you must return all.”

  “Vault?” asked Jasmine.

  “Years back, Mother commanded us to distribute the special gifts from the Academy, so if any threatened it, not all would be lost, and into the Bright Coast we placed many.” Going into the back room, Panry pressed his hand against a solid wood wall. “Mother’s gifts, to myself show.” Then a door opened, exposing a stairwell lit by a soft blue light.

  Heading down the winding stairs, Jasmine continued to follow, “How do you know of this?”

  “As I am Moonshadow, my legacy is great.”

  Jasmine smiled, “Mother is present?”

  “Not Mother, her Wards who are strong.”

  She scanned the barren room, “Dis Mother move her gifts?”

  “Even though you do not see them, Mother protects them. Perchance in ten generations, your offspring will be great like Moonshadow. Now remain quiet.” Walking to the center of the large room, Panry took a few deep breaths, “Wards, select the gifts necessary so that I can rescue my Earth Mothers.” From one side, a door opened, allowing a white light to bleed into the dimly lit room. After both had walked over to the new access, from inside, Panry extracted several tattered cloaks, “Mother, I thank you.” Wrapping them together into a ball, he put them into his satchel. “Now let us go to a room private where I shall tell you of my plan.”

  Once upstairs, with a fresh bottle of wine, they both sat on the edge of the bed, and Panry began his explanation. As he talked, they inched closer together, and when his plan reached the climax, he grabbed her deer ears, kissed her waiting mouth, pushing her willing body back onto the bed.


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