Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6)

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Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6) Page 21

by P. G. Thomas

  “I see the new approach worked on the six.”

  “Yes, Master. We increased the beatings and dosage like you requested, but they did show slight signs of resistance, so I think their release was premature.”

  “When it is your gold that pays for all of this, you can make that call. The remainder, if we triple the punishment and dosage, how soon can you break them?”

  The unknown man stammered, “A month but many—some may die.”

  “That is too long. I will send over more men, so beat them for four hours of every six, giving them triple the dosage every six hours, but only let them sleep for one hour between beatings.”

  “Sir—Master, with that kind of treatment, most will die.”

  “How many will live?”

  “Twenty, if you are lucky.”

  “Better than what I was expecting. I want everyone who lives within the week to bow before me, calling me Master. If you do it faster, a bonus for you, but make sure at least twenty are dressed in black before you are done.”

  “Yes, Master Darpac.”

  Zack then heard the distinctive sounds of gold coins landing on a hard surface.

  “Where is the rest?”

  “That was all they sent, Master.”


  “No, Master, none would. They said that Earth Daughters were healing the youth, so sales were down.”

  “EARTH DAUGHTERS? Why have you not you killed these ones like we did with the first. It was one of my best days when I heard you had killed all of those bitches and their stupid guards.” Then under his breath mumbled, “except for those two in that crap town where they killed my sons.” Suddenly, his voice exploded, “WHY HAVE YOU NOT YOU KILLED THESE ONES?”

  With the fur on Zack’s back standing on end, he fought down the urge to transform, attacking the man who was responsible for his wife’s near death.

  “Master, they are not elves but children themselves. They blend in with the rest, knowing the streets better than we do. When we set traps, they avoid them. We have offered rewards for information, but none have come forward. In the countryside, it was easy to spot and mislead them since they were so willing to help. Here they are—”

  Zack heard the smack when an angered hand unleashed its fury.

  “You sound like one of the damn dwarves. I will make this simple for you. Find and kill them by the end of the week, or I will put you on a diet of testicle soup until I find somebody who has what you will be lacking. Tell the Sun Chemists to increase the concentration and to drop the price. I need more sales and less Earth Daughters!”


  The news that Zack delivered that night resulted in a long heated debate by all: about the consequences of either taking action or doing nothing. It was so long that their meal was cold and eaten in quiet, as images of the current situation that promised defeat consumed their thoughts. Afterwards, they headed out to the patio, not to observe the colorful sunsets, but instead, to determine if there was one path that would skirt this new valley of doom, allowing them to continue the ascent on this challenging, ever-shifting mountain to success.

  Lauren, the first to sit down, was joined by Ryan at her side. While John, Eric, and Logan also sat at the table, Gayne and Mirtza brought out chairs from the dining room. With Jasmine and Oxron standing behind Lauren, the remainder, Jaykil, Breax, with Steve leaned against the house.

  Zack was the last to arrive, pushing a cart of selected beverages, which he served to the others, “This Sun that the creepy Dude was talking about. What is it?”

  “Some sort of artificial drug,” replied John.

  When Lauren had a fresh glass of wine, she scanned the group, “Let me see if I understand the big picture. Zymse is fortifying, claiming he killed all of the Earth Mothers, admitting to trying to kill Gingaar and Nur, is selling the Midnight Sun, has ten Bastards now, and he is willing to kill eighty, so he can get twenty more converted. Let’s not forget that the dwarves are going to war, which could be the extinction of everything here, and I don’t even think that’s everything, oh, yeah, then there are the missing triplets. Does everybody still remember them, my daughters?” She took a long drink, “Is there anything else?”

  “Darkpaye wants to have another vote next week, segregating the Bright Coast,” advised Gayne.

  Zack poured himself a beer, “He wants your Earth Daughters dead.”

  “The trollmares,” added John.

  Lauren shook her head, “This makes last time look like a freaking vacation compared to this mess. How do we—what can we…”

  “We either have to kill or rescue the Bastards,” began Steve, “so that Zymse can’t convert them. Either route we take, we need to find a way to minimize any evidence of our interference. If the prison was on this side of the Key or outside of the Bright Coast, we would have numerous options. We can’t just replace the Bastards because beyond the tattoos, Zack said they have all been tortured. If it was a wooden building, we could break them out and burn it down. It would take Zymse weeks to dig out the bodies to find out we had freed them, if he even tried. However, if he gets word a superior force has liberated his secret weapon, he’ll know, if he doesn’t already, that we’ve established a beachhead. At that point, whatever logic greases his deranged transmission, it’ll begin leaking out, causing sparks to start flying when those gears begin to grind.”

  Eric pushed away his mug, “Leave them there, so he doesn’t know about us, and we end up fighting the twenty that survive. We wouldn’t stand a chance against a special team manned by that many Bastards. Rescue them, and all we do is give him time to think of the different plays he can run.”

  “I just want to make this clear,” began Logan, “the third option to kill them, it’s not going to happen, so we need to rescue them!”

  “Can Sister help?” asked Ryan.

  John shrugged his shoulders, “It’s a good idea. Maybe she can revoke their powers, but we’ll have to go to the First Forest to ask.”

  “If you take their powers, he will kill them,” advised Jaykil.

  “If of no use to Zymse, his crimes he will bury like a tunnel planned wrong,” added Breax.

  Jasmine agreed, “Ironhouse is right, so you will need a plan to mask your rescue.”

  “What about a sinkhole?” asked Zack. “I remember talking about them in school. We go in to rescue them, and then just have the ground swallow up the prison.”

  Lauren was rolling the short staff on her lap, “Let’s go to the First Forest tomorrow to see if Tranquil or Fury can help.” She paused, “Then, after we save the Bastards, we wait for Mother to wake. After she tells me where my daughters are, we rescue them, kill Zymse, and she stops the dwarves from going to war. It’s that simple right.”

  While nobody actually agreed with her, their voices remained empty like their glasses, so they all headed in for the night.


  Lauren stayed in the tub longer than usual the next morning, wondering how she could convince Tranquil to give her a new staff, and to help with the current dilemma if not more. I can already hear silent murmurs of thanks to Mother, so when the children start to eat, their thanks will grow. I’ve done what they’ve asked, so now it’s time they helped.

  Going down the stairs, only John waited at the dining room table.

  He looked up, “Everybody else is doing something.”

  She nodded, “Then it’s just you and me today?”

  “Us,” replied John, nodding towards all of the elves and dwarves. “After the First Forest, I want to go to Ironhouse to see if they can help with those amulets.”

  “The forest will not be first, as I need to go warn the Earth Daughters about Zymse.” Then Lauren turned to Jasmine, “Assemble the Earth Guard. We’ll portal there and back.”

  Jaykil stomped his foot, “Guardians also.”

  Lauren nodded, “Okay, but your wolves will stay here.”

  When the protectors had gathered, Lauren dro
pped an amulet through her bracelet, creating the necessary portal, which all stepped through. Once there, Jasmine quickly found Joyat and two more Earth Daughters, taking them into a back room.

  Lauren looked at the young girls that beamed with joy, “I have disturbing news as those from Darkpaye hunt you.”

  Joyat smiled, “We know, Earth Mother.”

  “You what?”

  “Mother Krisp told us of her capture.”

  “What, Mother Krisp?” asked Lauren.

  “She was doing so much, guiding us, inspiring us. She no longer acts like an Earth Daughter, more like an Earth Mother, so we took a vote to promote her. In addition, Croy has been very diligent in making sure the Earth Guards remain vigilant at all times. She has also selected a large group that wanted to help, telling them the story about how you made Earth Scouts, and she did the same. We now have more eyes and ears on the streets than most thief guilds. Brother Croy has selected several to act like Battle Marshalls, and as all of the planned activities are presented to them, they arrange the Earth Scouts to search out traps.”

  Lauren shook her head, “Why didn’t I know about any of this?”

  Joyat shrugged her shoulders, “You asked us to help lessen the suffering, so Mother Krisp directed us, as Brother Croy secured our protection. She said Mother called you here to free the lands, but that it was our redemption to save the Bright Coast. Explaining that we could no longer be children, she told us we had to take responsibility for both ourselves and those who could not, so we did.”

  The astounding change in the once drugged children made Lauren sit down with mixed emotions of shock and awe. “Tell Mother Krisp that Earth Mother is very pleased with her and Brother Croy. Though, please be extra careful, as many north of the Key are now searching you out with a greater aggression.”

  “Earth Mother, do not worry about us. We are of the city and the streets. While this is our battle, your war is to free the lands. I will tell all of your warnings, but please, without your victory, our efforts are for nothing.” Then much to Lauren’s surprise, Joyat and the other Earth Daughters simply left.

  Lauren looked at Jasmine, “She created Earth Scouts?”

  “As she is your daughter, I imagine she would conjure solutions like you would.”

  Lauren just shook her head, “Let’s get back to the house.”

  When she arrived, John saw the puzzled look on her face, “What’s wrong?”

  “Krisp created Earth Scouts.”

  “Can she do that?”

  Reaching into her pocket, she mimicked pulling out a book, leafing through the pages. “Here it is on the last page. How the hell would I know? Maybe Steve rubbed off on them, as it sounds like their running one of his freaking missions. They have Battle Marshalls, ears and eyes, and they’re scouting out traps. Sons of a bitch, here I’m thinking they’re in danger, and they tell me to get my head into the game. I’ll never understand this world. Let’s go to the forest.”

  “After I’m still going to Ironhouse,” advised John, but he was uncertain if it was a statement or question, although Lauren did nod in agreement.

  Jaykil shook his head, “Our presence at Ironhouse will not be welcomed.”

  John nodded, “Then you can come back here with Lauren, but I want my second cloak.”

  “Your presence may also offend them,” added Breax

  Pulling his first cloak out of a satchel beside his chair, John hastily dressed in it, “If they refuse to help, I’ll strip their mine of mithril.” Removing the bracelet, he held it up to Lauren.

  Picking a small piece of bark from the short staff, after she dropped it through the wrist hole, they all stepped through into the forest.


  That morning the messages from the Night Runners confused Jedimac since all were complaining of the boredom. Other than the three unsanctioned murders of the Calicon Councillors, which the Black Watch had promptly dealt with, no other crimes had been witnessed, not even littering. I hardly consider that a crime wave, so what were they complaining about? Then he came across one message that caught his attention in many ways. One squad, having gained access to the residence of a Darkpaye high priority target, had copied a message delivered that day. It spoke about a meeting the next night at a very unusual location: an old thief’s guild, but not just any, the one that he first joined so long ago.

  In those days, the guilds were less respectful of agreeing to territories or the charter, and even though the guildhalls looked normal on the outside, they were built to withstand major attacks. Jedimac’s father had been a member of long standing, but when he died of an unsanctioned crime, the guild took pity on him, making him a full member. The paranoid guild master, who had commissioned the hall, knew from experience that the fastest way for a promotion was to plot against the ones above you. He knew that far too many schemes happened in the houses meant to protect both thief and master. Thus, he made sure that if any rats plotted in dark rooms, his own rats would be able to listen to them from the dark walls. When the guild master saw the small lad, whose only skill was letters, he showed him the secret tunnels, making him his personal aide. This resulted in that guild master being one of the longest reining in the Bright Coast, simply because of the information that he supplied him. However, when one keeps rats in the walls, one should also be cautious of what they say. When Jedimac overheard the Guild Master talking about the killing of his father, the young orphan evaluated the best chances of those who sought self-promotion, making a deal to help ensure the transaction, and then provided the Guild Master with misleading information. That was when he first realized that information was more valuable than gold.

  The last message was from the squads he had sent to investigate the potential Darkpaye assassin’s guilds, asking to re-invoke the exclusive rights issued by the Shadow Council. His reply was simple; when and where, advising he would forward the invitations.

  Chapter 15

  John with Lauren were the first to hear the angry voices of Tranquil and Fury. Instead of appearing in the field like before, the portal had opened deep inside the forest, surrounding them with massive trees.

  The dark voice of Fury echoed through the trees, “Yes, Mother stirs, but what has your Child God done to free her from the deep slumber?”

  “You speak of what!” replied Tranquil. “Of gratitude your words should be, as that which we asked, she has done!”

  “While there are many paths she could walk, only a trail that leads to chaos will she follow,” replied the furious male voice thundering through the forest.

  “Then on the right path she treads since it was chaos that imprisoned us here. Your irritation grows each day brother, as you fear that when Mother wakes, she will bring the dwarves back to her bosom of peace.”

  The sound of thunder exploding in the First Forest, being so loud, caused everyone deep in the woods to cover their ears. When the Granite Guardians began to ride ahead, the Earth Guards spread out, and John with Lauren followed the enraged voices.

  “I have felt the Granite Peace shatter, and even trapped here, I know that Father’s future will arrive soon.”

  “His son you truly are, as he is blinded by his own arrogance so are you.”

  Then another loud eruption filled the forest.

  Lauren tapped John on the shoulder, whispered, “Child God? What’s going on?”

  He shrugged his shoulders.

  The wrathful male voice roared, “I should have been the God of War, like Father desired, then trapped here we would not be. Instead, her actions and thoughts tainted both my path and his plan. Of Mother’s desire, I will have nothing to do with it.”

  “Even though her word was compassion, for you, she would have to change it to the God of Care because it is short—” Then an even louder explosion, sounding like miles of rock released from its earthly bondage in a strip mine, detonated through the forest. “It would do you well brother to have the concerns of Mother’s children suckle on your teats—

  After another detonation had sounded, they heard Fury’s angered response, “From my teats none shall ever suckle.”

  Stepping out from behind a tree, they saw two massive mountain goats in the large clearing, standing sixty feet tall at the shoulders, each with an enormous set of horns wrapped around their heads.

  They heard Tranquil’s voice from the one on the left, “For should they, short would their meal be.”

  The gigantic goat on the right raised itself on its back legs, powering its massive head towards the second. Tranquil did the same so she could embrace her brother’s anger. After the deafening eruption subsided, the two wrathful gods began to reposition.

  Then Lauren screamed out, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?”

  The introduction of the new voices broke the irritated stares of the enraged gods, who both turned to the sixteen figures that stood at the forest edge.

  Tranquil’s wrathful words spewed revenge towards her brother. “THIS IS NOT OVER!” She vanished, reappearing in front of the group, “Why are you here?”

  The remaining colossal mountain goat lowered itself, “Of that you are right,” and then it also disappeared.

  Lauren looked up to the tall, wispy figure, “What the hell are you two doing?”

  “The arguments with my brother sometimes become exaggerated, like he does. Thus, I find it necessary to mirror his structure to keep the playing field equal. Why are you here?”


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