Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6)

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Residual: The Gray-Matter Chronicles Book 3 (The Matter Chronicles 6) Page 30

by P. G. Thomas

  Lauren stepped forward, “I—Ryan and I have a choice: sacrifice or loss. If we were to suffer the loss of our daughters, it would be the death of us both, and don’t even say that we could continue by having more children, as I want my three daughters safe. If I—we have to make that sacrifice, it’ll be worth it. If it doesn’t work, it is death either way.”

  Fury shook his head, “Even though the need I understand, such direct intervention could establish precedents, and then others would seek out the extraordinary help that you now wish us to gift you.”

  [Emotional conflict. Auto-engage selected. Abort. Abort. Abort….] Ryan’s transformation was so fast that it surprised all, as a twelve-foot tall stone statue now stared down, “CAN GODS FEEL PAIN?”

  An eight-foot long sword, engraved with ancient runes, appeared in one of Fury’s hands, and in the other, a huge, two-handed war hammer. “I am still my Father’s son, and if any will feel pain, it will be Rage Heart!” High above in the sky, the clouds instantly darkened, as gigantic flashes of lightning illuminated the growing mass.

  Eric looked up to the anger filled skies, “FATHER’S RAGE, SUMMON YOU I DID NOT. LEAVE!”

  Fury glared at Eric, “My gift I can revoke.”

  He shrugged his shoulders, wishing he had worn the armor, “Sorry, we’re a team.”

  Lauren stepped between the two large enraged forces, which were on the brink of this world’s smallest war. Her voice so dry that it cracked, “Should I lose my precious daughters because you wouldn’t help, I’ll return, removing something valuable from you, and when Mother wakes, SHE WILL HAVE TWO DAUGHTERS, NOW ON YOUR KNEE!”

  As the anger in the sky above disappeared so did the weapons in Fury’s hands, and he unwillingly took to his knee with rage burning in his eyes. “You are lucky you still have that staff, but if you do that one more time, I will strip it from you.”

  With atomic anger filling Lauren’s eyes, her voice was dripping with acid, as she responded to the humiliated god, “I left it on the Bright Coast! NOW HOW CAN YOU HELP ME!”

  “ENOUGH! This is the First Forest, a place of peace,” exclaimed Tranquil! “Let me talk to my brother in private,” and then both vanished. Before any could ask, the images of the two gods appeared. “I am sorry for the length of our absence, but we are now in agreement.” She looked at Lauren, “In your thoughts I see the need for deception, and should the one named Zymse employ methods of—,” great pain to make you talk, then she extended her hand that held a number of bright neon green berries. “Take these before you engage that man, so your secrets you will keep.”

  Fury approached Eric, “Your sword and armor, I agree, you should not wear. Should he obtain them, methods to damage them he may employ. Seeing visions of Moonshadow in all of your thoughts, here he can help, as Mother placed secrets in the Bright Coast of which he knows. In ages past, a different Champion served Mother, as there is only so much that plants can do, and when they retired, her gifts she reclaimed. While it is but a tired relic compared to the dwarf-forged gifts you last received, it will help. The Sword of the First Champion, tell him to birth it from its dark sanctuary into the light of day.” Fury then extended his hand, holding both an ebony jewel of a man and an ivory crystal of a set of armor. “Before your foolish path you start down, press the ivory talisman to your chest, and it will gift you protection, but only for the duration of your poor choice. The second place on the armor so that it will answer your call.” Then he approached Ryan, “Until that which your heart seeks is a reflection in your eyes, you cannot be Rage Heart, so your gift you will have to hide, but a fierce fighter you should still be else the deception may fail. Protection you will also require,” and he held out another ivory crystal that Ryan accepted. Then two long clubs appeared in Fury’s hands, “With these Zymse will think your abilities are but exaggerations of the dwarfs, as they are Rock Wood. They will form the foundation of where the ale-supplied embellishment was brewed, but inside of them, I have gifted secrets of battle from a fierce race that Mother banished long ago, though Father still remembers those brutal warriors. With these, more than fear you will strike into those who oppose you.”

  “Earth Mother,” Tranquil began.

  “What?” asked John.

  “Not you, Unchosen. Earth Mother, we understand your desire to conserve what remains of your staff. With your hands empty, options few you will have, whereas the challenges on this path will be great. Mother’s magic is still present, which will answer your call, but I convinced my brother more you will need.”

  Fury was now rubbing an obvious prominent, large red bruise on his forehead, “Agree I still do not, as with this crutch, you cripple her!”

  “Brother, in great length your objections we discussed, but to be short, when no longer could you or your arguments stand, you spoke two words that you cannot now revoke.” Then Tranquil extended her hand, holding a thin wooden staff, barely an inch in diameter, being only four feet tall. “It is Core Wood. To make this deception work, that which you were, you need to be again. As for you, Unchosen.” John took a step backward, “We have faith that your own safety you can secure.” Because you should not go.

  Lauren let out a long breath, feeling the weight lifted from her shoulders, “Thank you.”

  “There is one more item that we both believe is required,” stated Fury.

  Tranquil held out a large red gemstone, and grasping it between her hands, she twisted it, breaking it into two halves. “None but you will be able to find this, so when ready to act you are, grip this stone, and a portal will open to whoever holds the second half.”

  Lauren held up her hands, refusing the gift, “If I cannot grasp it?”

  Tranquil saw the disturbing images in Lauren’s mind, “To your body I can meld it, so that by touch—or call, the portal will open.”

  “No,” replied Lauren. “If I can’t—”


  Lauren closed her eyes, trying to push the disturbing images from her mind, as she attempted to push the tears back into their ducts, “It has to activate on its own…when it senses my daughters.”

  “SERIOUS, YOU CANNOT BE!” shouted Fury.

  Tranquil took several steps backward, attempting to remove herself from the disturbing image in Lauren’s mind. “SHE IS MAD.” Then she turned to Ryan, Eric, and John. “Her path leads not into shadows, but into endless night. HOW TO THIS CAN YOU AGREE?”

  Ryan stepped forward, his head lowered to the ground, “A child loses their parents, it’s natural. Even if unexpected, the child should bury the one that gave them life. To have the older bury the younger—you’ll never be able to understand. Please, do like she requests.”

  Tranquil looked to her brother.

  Fury was squeezing his head, struggling to push the disturbing images out of it. “Often I have thought, what it would be like to sire life, but this day, I now wonder if I am capable of the sacrifices necessary. This river they wish to navigate, its route is unknown, its destinations are many.”

  John thought back to the night the elfin Earth Mother had spoken the prophecies, and vowing that if he should survive, he would never step foot into a boat.

  Fury nodded, “Sister, do like she asks, and then, we both shall go speak to Mother, in hopes that from her sleep we can wake her so that others—do like she asks.”

  Grasping one-half of the gem, Tranquil concentrated, and then looked at Lauren, “Expose your shoulder.”

  Before acting, the tall, pale goddess quickly looked at John, and then pushed four gem fragments into Lauren’s exposed skin. “When Mother’s magic senses four female Earth Mothers—present, the portal will open. Neither touch nor call to it will you have to, and should—” Your heart no longer beat. Tranquil wiped away the tear forming in her eye, “When all are present, the portal will open. You must ensure those who hold the second half remain vigilant, but to Mother, I will pray, so that one day I can remov
e this curse from your skin. Now, that is all we can offer to help, as should we proffer more, I fear too close to endless dark your path will lead.”

  Then Jasmine asked how long they would have to wait.


  Reading the note from the night runners, Jedimac let out a long exhale, as it spoke of Zymse loading his possessions onto a ship. “So it begins,” and he began to pen the instructions to reposition the Black Watch on the Darkpaye board. “Since they have been growing bored, this should keep them occupied for a few days.” When the guilds had acquired the properties from the speculators through the Darkpaye bank, he had instructed Corackas to acquire properties near Zymse’s fortress, so when the final pieces took to the board, he would be ready for his closing move: the thief’s gambit.


  It was the following evening when Eric saw Babartin standing outside of the basement workshop door, finding John inside, “What’s wrong?”

  “Steve’s plan, to start with. I was hoping for more from Tranquil and Fury, like doppelgangers to take our place. You do know what’s going to happen to us.”

  Unable to speak the words, Eric just nodded his head.

  John passed him a chilled bottle of wine, “I thought for sure when they heard or saw it they would refuse to help, but I never thought Lauren would issue an Earth Bond to compel them. I mean—sons of a bitch. It’s suicide.”

  “Since Zymse is using magic to hide the triplets, we can’t find them, and I don’t think we can wait for Mother to wake. He wants a grudge match, so we need to give it to him, and I think Tranquil and Fury understood that. They gave us just enough so we could put on a good show but still be defeated.”

  “I know, but why didn’t you try harder to change her mind. Why do you want to go?”

  “Back home I was supposed to be a sports legend. When the doctors said I could never play again, more than the dream died, as part of my family did the same. When we have a get together, the way my cousins, uncles, and father greet each other. The way they praise themselves, it’s inspiring, and then they look at me. While they don’t mean to treat me like a leper, they don’t know what to say either. They sit around talking about their great plays, their glory, victories, and I turn invisible. At least here, I can be a legend and take to the field. Legends play through the pain, no matter how great.” Eric pushed his disappointment aside, “Look we have Rock Wood clubs for Ryan, a sword and something like armor for me, a staff for Lauren, the teleport gem, and healing. To be honest, I was hoping for more also, but I just don’t know why they didn’t give you anything.”

  “I don’t think they want me to go.”

  “Well, then stay here and ride in with the cavalry.”

  John watched Eric leave. I’m a legend just like you!


  As John headed to his room that night, Ryan stepped out into the hall, following him inside, “I want to borrow your mithril belt.”


  “I keep thinking about what Steve said about Zymse having contingency plans, and I want one of my own.”

  “What’re you going to do with it?”

  When Ryan held out his hand, John reluctantly gave it to him. Part of Ryan wanted to explain, but he knew that if that information became common knowledge, it could change the future, so he accepted the belt and left.

  When Steve saw Ryan walk out onto the patio, he followed, “What’s up, Kid?”

  “Do you remember the first time you found me out here this late? What I said?”

  “Something like you charge best at night?”

  “I meant the last. Leave me alone.”


  John woke the next morning when Careel shook him, ending the terror screams from his nightmare. “Get out, leave me alone!”

  “No, I need to watch you.”

  John pulled off the portal bracelets, “Here take these and watch the door, but get out, NOW!” When alone, he pulled out a warm bottle of honey wine from under his bed. Taking a long drink, he remembered the horror filled images that had invaded his dreams: the capture, the whippings, the painful healing. He recalled the visions of Lauren after her rescue: the grotesque foot with every broken bone, the names carved into her leg, and her raw, whipped back. Maybe I shouldn’t go? “Screw that, I’m not a little kid anymore, who’s afraid of being pushed into a locker.” Like that’s all they’re going to do to me. “I don’t care if they are gods. It’s my choice, and damn it, I’m a legend who knows magic.”


  For two days, Jedimac had prepared for the Shadow Council meeting, fearing the words they would speak that robbed him of sleep, like sanctioned thieves liberated drunks in dark alleys of their remaining wealth. Needing to ensure his delivery was precise, like an assassin’s poisoned dart, as he sat in the dark hall listening to them praise the Unknown, he continued to mentally recite the memorized speech.

  From the dark, the haunting words were spoken, “Zymse prepares to leave the Bright Coast and the Darkpaye Watch is disbanded. Thus, we now share ownership of properties many, and within weeks, will be selling them. On behalf of the Council, I congratulate the Unknown for a job well done,” and the hall broke out in applause.

  Altering his voice, Jedimac pulled the Night Key out from under his dark shirt. “I accept your compliments and praise, but I am one of many, and it is our brother and sister guild members who coupled with the night that have won us this great victory. When those ships land allowing you to sell your properties, please bring your new wealth to my gambling dens. There you will find the same odds of keeping your gold, AS OF US KEEPING THE NIGHT.” He paused for effect, “How many guilds use confidence men to trick unsuspecting marks into paying for something they never receive. They sell a wagon full of dwarf beer, yet only one barrel contains the golden nectar. When the marks realize the deception, your members are drinking real dwarf ale and laughing. Zymse is leaving the Bright Coast? Where would he go? Back to the land that chased him out or sail until he found some other unsuspecting population? Please, bring your gold to my card houses, so I can fleece you faster than a sheepherder harvests on an early spring day. Then from here, I will sail, trying to find someplace safe beyond his reach. Leaving? His ship will never leave, and YOUR FUTURE WILL NEVER ARRIVE!”

  The gavel slammed down to silence the outburst, “Calicon turns away from his new magic, his idle threats of devastation are like promises to a whore, and his prophecies of hope are like promises to my wife, empty!”

  The gathered crowd broke out in laughter.

  “I have met your wife, and more than empty promises, she does complain about.”

  The anger in the gavel exploded into the hall, “Enough. Silence your tongue or I will.”

  “My most esteemed thief, no insult did I intend, but I can assure you that this is not the climax we sought, it is just foreplay. Of the vacancy in his academy, no cards played by the Black Watch from the bottom of our deck did we deal. His threats of devastation from the weather, no fixed dice from the Black Watch robbed him of that win. However, in dark shadows, even darker than this room, both threats and legends plan their next move. In every game of chance, there comes a time when one of the last two players challenges the other, and they go all in. Even though Zymse has just pushed his stack of chips into the center, what he fails to understand IS THAT HE IS PLAYING ON MY BOARD!” The intensity and passion in Jedimac’s voice was building, “Two players at the ends of the table called the Bright Coast sit. In between them stands one: the dealer, who you call the UNKNOWN! While some think he is nothing but a pawn in the game, they are wrong, as he can forge the fates like a dwarf with hot metal, deciding who wins—or dies. When you leave this hall tonight, listen carefully, and you will hear daggers silently withdrawn from hidden shadows, as this game is not over, IT HAS JUST BEGUN!”

  The gavel slammed down, silencing the questioning murmurs. “Of this you are sure?”

  “Will Zymse leave on his own? NEVER! Not only am I
sure, but also I will wager on it, giving any odds the honored members desire. Ten-to-one, a hundred-to-one, a THOUSAND-TO-ONE! However, please make the amount wagered worthy of my efforts to collect it within the month, as my desire to leave before the impending doom will be great, like your debts to me.”

  The gavel slammed down, “One month, unless his ship sails sooner, and should any wish to accept the transaction offered, I also will take that action, backing the Unknown!”

  Chapter 22

  On the third day of Zymse loading his ships, Lauren summoned Panry to the house with an Earth Bond. When he arrived, he found Steve, the five legends, Gayne, Mirtza, Jasmine, and Jaykil sitting at the patio table.

  Lauren, hearing his soft footsteps on the patio stones, never looked up. Instead, she took a sip of the sharp wine, hoping that it would dull the words she was about to hear and speak. “We have a plan. Steve, tell him what it is and why.”

  While Panry was expecting a detailed and lengthy course of action, Steve only spoke three sentences. “There has to be more.” When Steve failed to reply, Panry took a drink from his flask, “That is not a plan!”

  Steve repeated his last sentence. “Zymse is the only one who knows where they are.”

  “Details more you should explain,” stated Jasmine.

  “Look we visited our forest friends,” began Ryan, “and they agreed to help.” Lauren held up a long thin staff, which Panry recognized to be Core Wood, and then Ryan quickly explained the other gifts they had received.

  Panry took another long drink, “I hear the wisdom spoken by Steve, and I agree because I wish to confront Zymse. Then I hear both the words spoken and silent, but that which you do not say causes myself great concern. It lacks—it is not a plan. Other actions we need to consider with the new gifts.”

  “No!” Lauren’s voice sounded like a small growl of warning issued by a large lion, “We’re doing this! I waited three days, seeing if Mother would wake, but we need to start acting on this now so that we can be ready!”


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