Saving Mia

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Saving Mia Page 5

by Michelle Woods

“No, your boy here fucking gave it out like it was fucking candy because some bitch likely gave him a blow job.” Bone growled his teeth clenching.

  His insult to Mia made Ratchet clench his fist, and grit his own teeth. That protective urge rising inside him again, making him itch. He didn’t know why but he needed to make it clear that insults like that were not going to be thrown at Mia. Fuck, he’d lost his fucking mind, he thought ruefully running a hand down his face.

  “She didn’t give me any such thing, asshole. I was trying to prevent her from getting hurt when those fuckers let into that man, and she wanted to interrupt. Then the little weasel at the gate tried to insinuate some bullshit like she wasn’t able to do her fucking job. I was trying to ease the fucking situation by making her look good. Then maybe we won’t have to deal with wanting to fucking kill every time we head over there to do the food run. Besides I’ll fucking pay for it.” Ratchet saw Tick’s surprised look. He knew that although Bone and Tank watched him with doubt, Tick would take him at his word.

  He was such a fucking dick. He’d lied to his best friend without a blink, and all because of a woman he didn’t even kiss made his dick hard. He really was fucking losing it.

  “Tiny indicated he’d made that clear before he’d handled it. I fucking hope you didn’t make things worse. This bitch might want a discount every time now. And that just isn’t fucking happening.” Bone told him.

  Ratchet felt like his jaw would break he clenched his teeth so hard. He didn’t like him calling her a bitch either.

  “We have a job for you anyway. So it’s good you stopped here before you headed back to the farm. We found a man who might have information on the person causing us so much trouble at the farm. He’s here and we need your skills. We tried to break him, but it seems he needs a firmer hand.” Bone said, switching gears so fast it would have made his head spin if he didn’t know him so well.

  Fuck, he hated that his father, a former Navy seal who’d handled black ops before the storms had taught him ways to make a man talk that could make your guts turn inside out. He didn’t like doing this shit but sometimes it was necessary. He sighed, nodding. Bone and Tank talked to them for another few minutes before they walked back into the clubhouse.

  “Well, I hope helping that woman doesn’t come back to bite you on the ass. What the hell man?” Tick said with a slight chuckle. “Never known you to be a knight in shining armor before.”

  Ratchet wanted to knock the man upside his head for reminding him how out of character it had been for him to help Mia.

  “Shut up, asshole. I was only trying to calm everyone down.”

  “That only cost you a thousand credits. Fuck maybe you can get the woman to give you that blow job next time.” Tick said laughing. He walked into the clubhouse ignoring the asshat. He needed to go torture a man into talking and for the first time in his life he was in a hurry to do it. If for no other reason than that he didn’t want to hear any more bullshit about his stupidity.

  Four days after the incident with the bikers at the food intake plant she was no closer to getting more food for the rebels than she had been. She wanted to scream. They’d had three other deliveries from another local farm that brought eggs and another biker gang that brought fish. She’d talked to that biker’s leader, but he’d been uninterested in selling more goods to her. He’d considered her like she was a bug when she’d suggested it. He’d been called Death Rider, so she tried not to take it personal. She had a feeling the man was just not very trusting.

  He’d likely thought it was a nefarious plot to get him into trouble. Not that she knew how he could get into trouble for it. The farm that supplied the eggs had told her that it wasn’t possible because they didn’t have any more eggs to sell. Her last hope was Ratchet’s gang. If she couldn’t do this the legal way she would have to start stealing more goods. That would make her look suspicious.

  She sighed as she walked into the home she shared with her parents and her brother. Her mother was standing in the living room on a halo call with her father.

  “Sorry, darling. It can’t be helped. The council meeting has run long and it will be another hour possibly two before I make it home.” Her father was saying.

  “It’s fine, Hilroy. I was planning to go out with Hilena anyway.” Her mother told him smiling.

  “Ah, hello there, Hilmia. Still enjoying the big promotion?” Her father said beaming at her from the halo vid screen that filled one wall.

  “Of course, Papa.” She told him her lips turning up in a fake smile. Mia knew that her father would not be happy if he knew the real reason she was working at the plant. At least this week Hilconn and Thomas were working another gate. She’d actually liked Robert who was working the food intake center with her this week. Although, she didn’t like Vickers who was working with them.

  “I’m so proud of you, darling.” Her father said making her feel guilty. Because if he knew the truth he wouldn’t be saying this to her. It made her feel like an imposter. Only she knew that no matter what happened she wouldn’t change who she was. She couldn’t.

  “Yes, darling we’re so very proud.” Her mother seconded.

  “Thanks, mom. I have to meet some friends at the restaurant in an hour. So, I am headed up to change and get ready.” Mia walked towards her room seeing the scowl that her father turned on her.

  “Not that boy and girl from the Slums again?” He father demanded.

  “Hilroy, stop. They’re her friends.” Her mother softly reprimanded.

  “They are just wanting to get a free ride. Those people always are, Senna.” He gruffly retorted. He’d never liked Marcus and Raven. It was sad because of all her friends they were the two who she trusted the most to love her no matter who she was inside. They didn’t judge her. She couldn’t be sure that even her mother, father and brother wouldn’t judge her if they knew the truth. It was sad.

  “No papa it’s Liza.” Mia said turning to look at the vid screen from the hall entrance. She was lying but she knew that if she told him the truth it would cause a fight that she didn’t want to have with him tonight. She loved him, but his view of the Slums was just as skewed as most of the rest of the Hill’s residents was. She hated it.

  “Good.” Her father said. Then he began speaking to her mother and Mia knew that she’d been dismissed. Sighing she headed upstairs to change so that she could meet Raven and Marcus. As she passed her brothers room she wondered where he was.

  He’d been angry at her for three days because when she’d been paid she’d refused to give him any credits. He wasn’t speaking to her and she really wished he would seek help for his addiction. It frightened her. She remembered her protective younger brother from four years ago, and now he only wanted to talk to her when he needed money for a fix. It broke her heart to see her brother that way. It actually made her hate him a little bit.

  She knew that she was actually watching him kill himself slowly. He’d already ruined the brother she’d once loved. He was now a junky seeking his next fix. She was heading down the stairs twenty minutes later when her mother called out to her.

  “Mia, darling could you help me a moment.”

  “Sure, mom.” She said walking back down the hall to her parent’s room.

  Her mother was standing with her back to the door when she entered. Her dress was open and she looked at Mia over her shoulder. “Zip me up would you?” She asked.

  Mia pulled the tiny tab of the zip up her mother’s back. Surprised that her mother was wearing such a fancy dress tonight.

  “Wow, mom. Where are you headed looking so fancy?” She asked.

  “Oh, pooh. I’m meeting your aunt Hilena at that new place glitter. You know they want you to dress to the nines. I truly would prefer to just clap on a skirt and not have to wear this gown. They are so heavy.” Her mother said with a rueful snort of laughter.

  Mia smiled. She knew her mother hated dressing up, it was why seeing her mother in this dress had surprised her.
r />   “It will be fun though.”

  “Yes, now go have fun. Be young.” Laughing Mia headed to the door, but was stopped by her mother’s last words. “And Mia. Tell Raven and Marcus I said hello, won’t you.”

  Mia turned looking at her mother. Senna Warner smiled at Mia with a calm look. “I told you I was going out with…”

  “Yes, Liza. Except I know that she and you are no longer friends. I may be old, but I am not out of the loop, dear. Besides she’s attending with her mother this evening.” Her mother told her with a raised a brow.

  “I’m sorry I lied, mom.” Mia said, looking down at the floor.

  “Darling don’t beat yourself up too badly. I know that your father can get intense about these things. But you have to know that it’s only because he loves you.” Her mother said looking at her with understanding in her eyes.

  “Thank you for not telling, papa. And for understanding.” Mia gazed up at her mother. Wishing that she could tell her the truth about her job too. It would ease Mia’s mind to be able to confide in her mother.

  “Oh, of course, dear. Every young woman deserves a few secrets.” Mia knew that her mother thought that she was more than friends with Marcus, but that had never been the case. She headed out to hail a hover taxi.

  A few minutes later she was pulling up in front of the diner in the lower Hill district. Seeing Marcus and Raven waiting on her outside. She got out of the hover taxi smiling.

  “Finally, I’m starving!” Marcus exclaimed seeing her exit the taxi.

  “When are you not starving, Marcus? I swear that you’d eat all the time if you could.” Raven grumbled then she beamed at Mia as they entered the diner sitting at the table they always sat at each month when they came here to eat.

  If Mia had her way they would eat here every night, but her two best friends were stubborn. They refused to allow her to pay for their meals. They insisted that they pay for their own meals, and the only time they allowed her to pay was when it was one of their birthdays. Mia always solved this by ordered more than she could eat. Tonight she ordered a platter that included fish soup, sliders, and ribs. Knowing that what she didn’t eat Marcus and Raven would gladly eat for her. Her friends each got a burger with fries. Mia watched the way that Marcus devoured his food then sat back. She slid two of the four sliders onto his plate.

  “You’re not slick you know.” Marcus grumbled around a mouthful of slider.

  “Yuck, stop talking with your mouth full pig!” Raven said.

  “How am I not slick?” Mia asked laughing at the two’s good natured teasing.

  “I know you always order extra so that we eat it. Mia, you don’t have to take care of us. We are fine.” Marcus said. Shoveling a few fries from her plate into his mouth.

  “Marcus, stop talking with your mouth full it really is disgusting.” Raven told him taking a few fries herself.

  Marcus stuck his nasty tongue out to show the food to his sister.

  Making Mia wrinkle her nose. “I’m with her, Marcus. That’s disgusting.”

  “You two are no fun. I’m hungry.” He whined

  “Yes, again. When are you not?” Raven muttered.

  “I have to eat to maintain my hunky figure. That’s why I eat so much.” Marcus said flexing his muscles at them.

  “You know that has no effect on us right?” Raven asked.

  “Maybe not on you, but Mia lives for my muscles. Don’t you, Baby?” He grumbled.

  Earning a gaging noise from his sister and a laugh from Mia.

  “Yes, so much. I live for you. I want to have your babies and run away together.” Mia simpered batting her eyelashes at him.

  “Ummm…You know I was kidding…right?” Marcus squeaked, making his sister burst out laughing.

  “Oh my lord! Tell me that you did not think she was serious, Marcus. Really?” Raven said laughing so hard she snorted.

  “Shut up. She could be serious. You know I am a catch.”

  “Sure, big brother.” Raven was still laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.

  “Seriously though, Mia. We need to talk about what you’re doing for Tray.” He said his face schooling into a serious express.

  Mia sighed. She’d known that this was coming ever since she’d told him and Raven about the work she was doing for the rebels. He nor Raven wanted her to work with them. Marcus insisted that they weren’t going to help her if she got into trouble, but she’d already known that.

  “It’s done, Marcus.” She said, her tone flat. They didn’t have to understand it, but she was doing this because she could no longer stand on the sidelines doing nothing to stop the injustice that was surrounding her.

  “It’s not, Mia. What you’re doing is dangerous. You don’t have to do it for us.” Marcus spoke in a low but firm voice.

  “I’m not doing it for you Marcus. I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Please, Mia. We love you. We don’t want you hurt.” Raven told her with a pleading look.

  “I love you too. But this is my choice. It’s what I have to do.” Mia told them.

  “Tristen wouldn’t allow this if he were still alive. Nor would Dad or Pearl if they were here.” Marcus said not ready to throw in the towel yet.

  “They wouldn’t be able to stop me either, Marcus. It’s my choice. I have to do this because it’s the right thing to do. You don’t have to like it. Just be here for me. Okay?” Mia told them both with a determined look.

  “Shit, you’re so damned stubborn.”

  “Yes, I am. Now let’s talk about this girl Raven tells me you’re seeing.” Mia said changing the subject. Two hours later she headed home when the last bell for the Slum’s gates was rung. The bells let the Slum workers know that if they were in the city after those bells rang they would be thrown in jail at best or beaten at worst.

  Chapter 6

  Mia waited in her office a few weeks later with her heart in her throat. Today was the day Ratchet’s biker gang was supposed to return with another delivery. She wondered if he’d be with them today as she tried to concentrate on the paper work she was going over. She couldn’t figure out why she cared if the man came here today, but she did. She shuffled the papers looking for the transfer invoice that she needed. He hadn’t been with them the last time they’d come and it had been a little disappointing. She’d thought that he would be and it had been a punch to the gut when she didn’t see him.

  She’d only spoke to him for a minute the last time he’d come. Only enough to say hello really, but she’d thought that perhaps they could become friends. She’d talked to a man named Tick that day about them bringing extra goods. He’d told her she needed to talk to Bone. She’d asked how to get a hold of the man which had made the man chuckle. The he’d surveyed her with a stone face and said one word. ‘Wait’

  That hadn’t pleased her. While she waited some people went hungry, or ate those horrid ration cubes that tasted like cardboard. And his grand advice had been wait. She hated waiting, she thought finally unearthing the report. She was about to start typing up the transfer when her office door opened. She glanced up to see Ratchet moving into her office with a cocky grin on his face. Her heart began to pound in her ears in a heavy drum beat.

  He was wearing a leather vest and no shirt with jeans that hugged his lean hips. His washboard abs were displayed. She almost moaned in frustration. Why the hell did the man have to be so damned sexy, she wondered with dismay.

  “Well hello there beauty.” Ratchet’s husky voice slid over her as he plopped down in the chair in front of her desk, making her shiver.

  “Hello.” Mia managed to squeak out in response. Was that her voice so raspy and desperate? Damn she needed to quit lusting after this man. He was not her type. He was so wrong for her it wasn’t even funny. It wasn’t like they could even date. She knew that he would just want sex anyway, and she was not that type of woman. She liked to create a relationship before she had sex with a man. Although, his very presence
filled her with such a burning need that she might make an exception for this man.

  Ratchet stood moving around the desk to sit on the edge near her chair making her want to move away. Only she knew that a man like him sensing fear and would pounce. And she didn’t want him to pounce. She didn’t. She firmly told her wayward libido.

  “I have some money for you here, Mia.” He said his hand jingling the bag of credits he had. Making her blush a bit. They way he’d said that made her feel dirty. Like the money was for something else and not the food the city ordered.

  Ratchet couldn’t seem to think of anything except his hard dick. He knew that he was being deliberately provoking with her. He didn’t give a fuck. Well he like to give her a fuck, he though staring at her tightly buttoned top. Noticing that those two top buttons were undone again revealing just a tiny bit of skin. He almost growled at the sight. Which was fucked up. He needed to get a grip.

  Hell he’d had a perfectly willing sweetbutt offer to suck his dick the other night and he’d refused. Fucking refused, and all because of this tiny woman with her perfect lips and sexy tits. Not that he could really see her tits. I mean fuck that shirt was like a damned straight jacket. He wanted to reach down and unbutton all those tiny little buttons. He’d kiss each inch of revealed skin with a little lick, and when he finally had those tits revealed he’d suck every inch of those perfect globes until they were covered in his mark. Because the idea of anyone touching her and those tits made him want to put his fist through the wall.

  Which was really fucked up. He didn’t want to own a woman. He knew that he was like his father. Not fit for a woman. Hell, the man had only been a father because he’d knocked up a sweetbutt on accident. He father didn’t even patch his mother. He’d been a part of Ratchet’s life but he’d never been a part of his mother’s life. Not that his mother had needed him to be. She’d been an independent firecracker.

  “Right…uh…yes. Thank you.” She said holding out her hand for the pouch. He pulled it back.


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