Saving Mia

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Saving Mia Page 16

by Michelle Woods

  “He was beaten because they thought he stole an apple. I gave him the fucking apple and it was used to beat him half to fucking death. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Marcus said throwing his hands in the air as he paced back and forth. “Those bastards laughed. They fucking laughed while they were beating him. He’s just a kid! I don’t understand how they could fucking do this to him.”

  Raven looked just as upset as the woman who was attempting to soothe Marcus did. Mia assumed she was the mystery women that Marcus had been dating when she’d left the city. She wasn’t surprised he’d brought her with them. Another knock announced Doc’s presence and they let him in. Doc was here at the farm because one of the prospects had been injured while helping them till the land this morning, which was lucky. Matt didn’t look like he could have made the trip to Devils Falls. And the pitiful moans he was letting out were nerve racking.

  “Heard we have an injured young man. Let’s see what’s wrong with him.” Doc ran a scanner over Matt shaking his head at what was done to him. Giving Matt a shot for the pain. He told them he had a concussion but nothing was broken. He told them to wake him every few hours and to call him if they couldn’t. He turned to Mia telling her in a quiet voice.

  “You need to talk to Bone about this. That boy didn’t deserve to be beaten like that and it needs to be handled.” He looked angry. Mia was surprised that he wanted her to tell Bone. It wasn’t like Matt was part of the club.

  “I doubt that Bone would want to know about this Doc. He doesn’t even know Matt.” Mia watched the man who was shaking his head. He reached out and laid a hand on her face.

  “Sweetheart, don’t you know that it matters because of you? He’s ours now too. Which means you need to tell Bone. Now I’ll get the boys to help move him into the bedroom. You call Bone, soon. He’s not around till later tonight likely, but call him after Ratchet returns.” Doc nodded and went outside and a few minutes later two prospects helped Marcus move Matt into the bedroom.

  Mia felt cared for because she knew that when she told Bone he’d go after the men who’d done this to Matt. There would be no stopping the club. Fuck with one, Fuck with them all. It wasn’t just words that they said. It was a creed that these men lived by. Smiling like a fool, she urged everyone to get rest.

  Lacy, the woman that Marcus and Raven had brought with them was happy to take a shower and sleep. Apparently they’d left in the middle of the night and they were all tired. She talked with Raven about how they’d decided when they got Matt back to their house that things in the city were becoming too dangerous. Marcus had insisted that they come here. At least they’d be safe he’d told Raven, who’d wanted to stay.

  Mia understood. The city was the only life she’d ever known and to leave and step into an unknown future was frightening. She remembered. Raven had surprised her when she’d pulled a tiny bag from her duffle bag. When Mia opened it she felt her eyes tear up. Inside was the charm bracelet that Raven and Marcus had gotten her for her sixteenth birthday. It was almost full now though. She smiled, thinking of all the times they’d gotten these little charms for her. She was surprised to find nearly six thousand credits was inside the bag as well.

  “What? Where did all these credits come from?” Mia asked Raven shocked. How had they gotten all these credits?

  “They’re from your parents. They wanted us to make sure that you know that when you come to the market next time they will be there. Your mother was crying so hard when I told her and your father that you were okay. They’d been so worried about you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell them sooner Mia. I felt awful that I didn’t go see them until yesterday when we were leaving the city. I told Hilton, but he never told your parents.” Raven eyes were filled with unshed tears.

  “It’s not your fault, Raven. He was likely high on Juice again.” Mia said wishing that her brother hadn’t gotten hooked on that damned drug.

  “Yeah, but I should have checked or something. Your father walked out didn’t say a word after I told them. I was going to leave, but then he walked back into the room with that little bag. He said to tell you that no matter what you’d always be his daughter and he wanted you to know that he’d be there if you ever needed him. I couldn’t believe it. He actually trusted me to give you seven thousand credits. Oh, that reminds me. We had to bribe a guard to let us out, and then some man to give us a ride, but we’ll pay you back somehow.” Raven said her gaze filled with determination.

  “Raven you know I don’t care about the credits. Your safe and that is all that matters.” Mia hugged her. “You should rest. We can talk tomorrow when you are not so exhausted.”

  Mia went into the kitchen to start a pot of soup. Everyone including Ratchet would be hungry once they woke up or returned home. She set her jaw thinking of Ratchet. If that man tried to toss her out he was going to have a fight on his hands that was for sure. He was her man and she loved him. He’d have to deal with her, she thought determined.

  Ratchet groaned as he climbed off his bike at the cabin at nine that evening. He was fucking tired. He’d helped the club take down those idiot Jackal’s. Bear had told him that Mia was at his place crying herself to sleep. As if he didn’t already feel like an idiot leaving her there. That had made him feel like even more of one. His heart ached thinking of the pain he’d caused her. They’d taken all night to take down the Jackal’s and the whole day to wrap up the mess that was in that tunnel. Fuck. If they’d known what the Jackal’s had set up right under their town they would have all been insane.

  It took them hours to clean up the factory they’d found. He was going to head to Bear and Pearl’s place to get Mia when Bear had told him that she was at his place. He’d been surprised and elated. His woman was going to fight for what they had. It warmed his heart to know that she was willing to do that for him.

  That was why the sight that greeted him when he entered his home made him want to commit murder. A man was sitting on his couch with a bowl, wearing only a pair of shorts. He looked up when Ratchet entered, but didn’t move just kept eating.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my house? Where’s Mia?” He asked the man his hand resting on the gun in his belt. Mother fucker better not have touched his woman.

  “Oh, hi. You must be Ratchet.” The man said making Ratchet stare at him. The man must have a death wish, he thought. Mia walked into the room making him really want to draw his gun. She was wearing his shirt again. She had on shorts beneath it which was the only reason the man was still breathing.

  “Ratchet, your home.” Mia said pausing near the hall. She stared at him unsure what to do or say.

  “Who the fuck is that? And why the fuck is he in my house?” He demanded, his anger making his voice harsh. He didn’t know what the hell was going on here but if someone didn’t start talking in the next ten seconds that man on his couch was going to be dead.

  “That’s Marcus. He’s a friend. And you don’t want to know what I’m doing here?” She asked.

  “No, you fucking belong here. He fucking doesn’t. Get the fuck out.” Ratchet growled. He didn’t give a fuck if he sounded like an asshole. He was about three seconds away from shooting the man for being in his house half naked with his woman. A friend better be the only thing that man was to her or else he was going to be six feet under.

  Mia was smiling now and that made her light up. She knew she looked like an idiot with the smile on her face, but she couldn’t help it. He’d said she belonged here which meant he wasn’t going to try to get rid of her. “Marcus, can you maybe give us a minute.”

  “Mia he looks angry maybe we should just leave.” Marcus said. Mia knew he meant his sister and their two friends but Ratchet thought he meant her, she realized when he spoke.

  “You can go wherever you’d like, asshole but she fucking stays. Now get the fuck out.” Ratchet roared at the man. That dickhead wasn’t leaving here with his woman at least not if he wanted to keep breathing. Who the fuck did he think he was dealing with?

��Ratchet, your being rude.” Mia told him glaring.

  Ratchet glared back at her. Did she think he’d be nice to a man who came into his house while he was gone and ate his food, on his couch, with his woman? She had lost her mind if she did.

  “Mia, we don’t want to cause problems. Are you sure that you want to stay with him? He seems a bit umm…well like a fucking dick really.” Marcus told her. Mia almost laughed. Ratchet was being a dick, but she had a sneaky suspicion that the reason he was being a dick was because he was jealous.

  “Marcus just go check on Matt. I will handle this. It’s fine.” Mia laughed unable to help it.

  Matt? How many men did his woman have here while he was out? If she was trying to make a point here she’d better get to it fast or her friends were going to be bleeding all over their floors.

  “I don’t think I should leave you alone with him, Mia.” The little shit had the nerve to say. As if he’d ever hurt Mia. Only then he remembered what Bear had told him and cringed. Fuck, he was an asshole.

  “Marcus, just go damn it.” Mia growled, making Ratchet smirk. His woman was hot when she got all bossy. He watched as the man grumbled and headed into the backroom.

  “So,” Mia said looking a bit unsure now that they were alone. “Umm…I think we need to talk about what happened last night.”

  “I was an idiot. End of discussion. Now who the fuck are the two men who are in my house half naked with my woman while I’m out keeping you safe?” Ratchet grunted. Waiting for her to tell him why two men were in his house with her.

  “Um…four actually.” Mia said making him see red.

  “Four men! There are four men here and you’re running around in that!” He roared.

  “No, two men and two women! And what the hell is wrong with what I’m wearing? It covers me.” Mia growled back.

  He moved towards her then. Mia was quickly backed into a wall. His hands reached out lifting her by the legs till she was pressed against the wall with her legs wrapped around him. His hands were holding her legs and the little shorts didn’t stop his hand from landing on her panty clad wetness.

  “This is why! No fucking body should be able to do this except me, Mia.” He roared before his mouth was devouring hers. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her and she couldn’t help wiggling a bit. She moaned around his tongue that was invading her mouth with quick hard stabs. He groaned pulling back. He looked down at her.

  “Mine, Mia. You’re fucking mine. And I get fucking crazy thinking of someone else touching you.” Ratchet grumbled as he rubbed his cock against her.

  Mia felt a thrill go through her at the words he’d spoken. He’d called her his that was a good sign. She’d been so afraid that he wouldn’t want to work it out. No matter the determination that had filled her to force him to see that they were good together, she’d been worried he wouldn’t want her.

  “Like I’d let another man hold me pinned against a wall when the man I love is out saving the world.” Mia whispered kissing his neck.

  Ratchet had been kissing her along the neck but froze at her words making her worry for a second.

  “You love me?” He asked in a gruff voice.

  “Yes.” She told him.

  “Thank fucking God! I love you too, beauty. I was worried I’d fucked us up. I just couldn’t stand that you thought I could ever hurt you by screwing around on you. I didn’t know what the hell happened. I was at the clubhouse last night wondering what the fuck I’d been thinking. Then I was coming to get you and Tank said we’d found those Jackal’s and I didn’t want to go. I wanted to come get you and take you home only I couldn’t. Beauty, I’m so sorry for what I said to you.”

  “You were coming to get me?” Mia asked her heart feeling lighter than it had in hours. She’d been so scared that he wouldn’t want her anymore.

  “Baby did you doubt that I’d come back for you? I can’t see how. You know I’m nuts about you.” Ratchet told her as he kissed her neck again.

  “Well lately all we did was fight. Then I asked you to let me know you were okay and you didn’t. I thought maybe you were pulling away from me.”

  “No, beauty. I didn’t call because it makes me home sick. It makes me want to come back here and fuck you. I was afraid if I talked to you I wouldn’t be able to stay away. I miss you so much when I’m gone I almost can’t stand it.” Ratchet pressed his forehead against hers.

  “Oh, Ratchet. That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Mia whispered.

  “Yep, I’m a fucking pansy assed idiot over you, beauty.” He growled nipping at her mouth with his. “Now why are there four people I don’t know staying here?”

  “Well they’re my friends and Matt, he’s seventeen was beaten badly by guards in the city. Like that man was the first day that we met. He didn’t do what they accused him of but they didn’t care. They nearly killed him. So Raven and Marcus, he was the man on the couch, brought him here. The city isn’t safe anymore.” Mia told him.

  “Damn, is the kids okay?” Ratchet asked staring into her eyes with concern.

  “Doc said he’d be fine in a week or two. He wants to see him in a few days to be sure, but thankfully he should be fine.” Mia told him.

  “Good. Now, let’s make up.” Ratchet told her his mouth already taking hers in a passionate kiss that made her moan and press into him. Ratchet’s hand slid under her shirt cupping her breast about to pull it up to suck on her perfect nipples when he heard a small giggle from behind him.

  “Umm…I think she’s fine, Marcus.” Raven laughingly said from behind him. He sighed pressing his forehead against hers agin.

  “Yeah, if you call getting mauled fine.” Marcus’s dry tone made Mia giggle.

  “They have to go. There’s a cabin that’s for prospects open about ten minutes from here. They can stay there. Just not here.” He groaned loudly. Then whispered into her ear making her shiver with desire. “I need to be able to fuck you against the living room wall when I get home. They are in the way of that. That’s something I just can’t allow.”

  Mia laughed and he knew that he’d want to hear that sound every day for the rest of his life.

  Chapter 21

  Mia sat near the window sipping her coffee. Ratchet had woke her an hour ago with kisses. He’d made love to her before saying he had to take a ride but that he’d be back in an hour or so. She’d nodded. He’d already talked to Bone about what had happened to Matt. They were riding to the city in a few days to impress upon the guards there the need to not cause problems for the club. She was a bit worried about that ride. She didn’t want anyone getting hurt.

  Only she didn’t want the men who’d hurt Matt to get away with it. He’d always been such a sweet young man and what had been done to him would scar him. Much like what happened to Monica, who was still catatonic had scarred her. Vera had come over just a few days ago to tell Mia that she’d be resigning at the school. She’d asked if Mia wanted to stay on as a teacher or if they should try to find someone more permeant.

  Since she loved teaching the children she’d told her she’d love to stay. The woman had been grateful. She’d felt bad leaving so abruptly but her daughter needed full time care and she didn’t want to leave her in the hands of strangers. It was a sad state of affairs. She was glad that her friends were safe now. They were taking to the world outside the city well. Raven was working with two other women at the farm that tended to the cows and the chickens and strangely Raven loved it.

  It wasn’t Mia’s cup of tea but if it made Raven happy then so be it. She was also seeing a man in the town about two miles away. Marcus was joining the Devils. He’d said that being a part of something that protected people like Matt was something he could feel good about. He’d been given his cut with just the club patch this week. He was officially earning his place in the club as a prospect now.

  He’d taken to the bike like a fish to water. He and Lacy would ride out with a few other men in the club often. Having t
hem all here and happy was wonderful. She’d also been happy in the last two months since her big blow up with Ratchet. Now that she knew why the man wouldn’t call her when he was away she’d been okay with messages from Tick and Charity when he was out on a run. A few times he’d called her and they’d had phone sex which they’d both enjoyed.

  He’d told her that it still made him want to turn his bike around and come home to her. Her life with Ratchet was amazing and the little things he did for her made her heart squeeze with love for the crazy man. He’d even spent way more credits than she wanted to think about setting up a drive in movie theater for her so that she could watch her favorite movie “The End of us All” sometimes. The other women in the club had loved the movie theater. That was how the friday night movie showing had started.

  So far ten different movies had been played. The whole club loved the theater and some had offered to pay back some of Ratchet’s credits since they were watching the movies with them but he’d refused. He’d told her that it was because seeing her smile was worth every one of those credits he’d spent and he wanted it to be something she’d always know was just from him. And that it was because he loved her.

  She could see his bike pulling up outside and smiled. She took another sip waiting on him to come inside. She felt her heart jump when she saw from the window that he wasn’t wearing a shirt again. He still didn’t like clothes much which was okay with her as long as she got to see his sexy abs.

  “Where are you?” Ratchet called from the front room. Mia shook her head the man was forever yelling to see where she was because he didn’t want to take the time to search.

  “In here.” She called to him.

  Taking the last sip of her coffee she set it down on the table beside her. Ratchet walked in carrying a folded cut. She wondered if he was giving one to Matt. The boy was following in Marcus’s footsteps as usual and was joining the Devils too.

  Ratchet walked over scooping her into his arms he dropped the leather on her stomach. Then moved toward the bedroom.


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