Her Keepers (Peacekeepers Book One)

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Her Keepers (Peacekeepers Book One) Page 5

by Hazel Gower

  Duncan focused on his job, eager to find out the cause of this feud.

  Karen was having a ball. She knew Duncan hated the theme park, and Brad was enjoying torturing Duncan. She’d fallen in love with these men. They were so easy to be with, and she enjoyed every minute she was with them. Tomorrow was the day she and Jacky needed to leave, if they wanted to get to their concert on time. She’d already stayed a couple of extra days. Today she’d thought they’d go to a theme park, because Karen loved the rides and the atmosphere.

  Her men had done really well trying to have fun and relax. They’d liked bowling, and enjoyed watching sports. They’d been reluctant to go dancing and ice skating, she was surprised at that one, considering they were polar bears. But they’d been willing to try everything she’d suggested.

  She was busting to go to the bathroom. Duncan and Brad were breaking up a fight that had erupted among a bunch of werewolves. Duncan hadn’t been able to handle all the wolves by himself, so Brad had left her with some female shifters and mates. But Karen couldn’t hold her bladder another minute. The women were focused on the fight, but Karen told them she’d be right back, then snuck off to the bathrooms.

  Karen waited in the line for her turn. Finally, after what felt like hours, it was her turn. She did her business and washed her hands and walked back over to her men, whom she could see were starting to get somewhere with the wolves.

  Strong arms grabbed her around her waist and lifted her up against a body with a smell she didn’t know. Karen fought her attacker, screaming for help as he pulled her away from the crowd, and from Duncan and Brad. His hand came up to cover her mouth.

  “Shut up. Stay quiet; otherwise, I will snap your fucking neck right here.”

  Karen stiffened. She knew that voice. She’d heard it almost two weeks ago… Garth.

  “Ah, I see you have figured out who has you. I have been trying to get you for a while, but your mates don’t leave your side.” He leaned down and sniffed her. Karen fought harder. “You’re a feisty one. I may have a taste of you before I decide if I’ll give you back, once your mates do what I want.”

  Karen bit down on his hand hard, until she tasted blood. Garth’s hand left her mouth, and she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Help! Brad! Duncan! Help me! Brad! Duncan!” She kicked and fought to get away with everything she had.

  “You little bitch. I’m going to enjoy teaching you where your place is.” His hot breath against her skin sickened her so much that she vomited. Garth threw her against a building. “You disgusting little human. This was an Armani original.”

  Karen scrambled away from him as she gasped for air, trying to catch her breath. Garth stalked toward her, and Karen looked around her for a weapon, anything she could use against him. She crawled away as pain radiated through her. “Help. Please, someone help me. Duncan! Brad!” she yelled, over and over. She threw trash and anything she could find at Garth to stop him.

  Feeling her strength slowly returning, she stood on shaky legs and ran toward the busier part of the park. Garth was right behind her, but Karen knew she couldn’t give up. The man was crazed. He would kill her. Breathing hard, she put her whole strength into moving through the people and avoiding Garth. She called for Duncan and Brad the whole time, making sure attention kept on her.

  The fight was in her sight, and Duncan and Brad had the wolves separated. Her voice was hurting as she cupped her hands and yelled, “Help! Duncan, Brad, help me!”

  They both turned, but it was too late. Garth grabbed her, and his hands came around her throat, cutting off any words or air. Karen scratched and fought for air as her feet lifted off the ground.

  “I should kill you now.” Garth’s fingers tightened around her throat, and black seeped around the edges of her vision. “That land was mine. You had no right to give it to that pup and his pack.”

  “Let her go, Garth. You do not want to hurt her.” Brad’s snarling voice was like heaven as Garth turned her, letting her gasp in gulps of air.

  Garth laughed, and the sound sent chills down her spine. His hands still held her neck, but she could breathe now. “Yes, I do. Your little bitch of a mate thought she could get away with making a fool of me.”

  “I didn’t make a fool of you. You did it to yourself, idiot.” The oxygen mustn’t have reached her brain yet, she realized, as she rasped out her snarky reply to Garth’s words.

  The shifter women she’d been with before giggled at her, only to stop as Garth roared and turned her so she was inches away from his half-changing form. Karen was terrified, but her mouth didn’t seem to have a filter. “Are you going to change into the big bad wolf? If so, please put me down so I can find a rolled-up paper to fight you. You could do with a couple of good smacks on the nose.” She knew what she was saying, but the light feeling that flooded through her and the aching of every muscle and body part had her going crazy.

  Laughter echoed around her. “Shut it, Karen. When I get you, I swear I’m going to put you over my knee.” Duncan’s growled words still didn’t stop her.

  She was so scared, and angry at the jerk who held her that she continued her jibes. “I think your parents forgot to take you to puppy training when you were younger. I’ll take you to training, teach you to obey. I’ll even buy those liver treats for every time you do something good.” Karen could see his wolf taking over. His eyes were bigger and hair was growing all over him.

  Garth dropped her as the change took over him. She scampered away as he turned into a massive black wolf. Brad gathered her up in his arms.

  “Honey. Oh, God, you had us so scared. You don’t know how lucky you are.” Brad kissed her everywhere he could reach, and she snuggled into him. “You made Garth so angry he couldn’t hold back his wolf.”

  Karen couldn’t even nod. Her whole body ached, and she just wanted to go home. “Where is Duncan? Is he too angry with me?”

  Brad shook his head and brushed his lips over hers. “No, honey, he’s not angry at you. He is steaming mad. He is over taking care of Garth.” Brad brushed feather light kisses over her. “We will be finding a new Alpha for the Red Blood Wolf Pack. Garth will never bother us again.”

  “Take me home. I want to be in our bed.” Karen closed her eyes, and let herself go into the oblivion that was so close. She knew she was safe, and that Duncan had killed Garth and was sorting any mess out.

  Chapter Six

  Karen woke to Brad sucking a nipple and swapping between them to make sure one didn’t get more attention than the other. Duncan was between her spread legs, licking her pussy. She felt no aches or pains from her ordeal. Right now, she was feeling a different ache, one that sent a powerful need thrumming through her.

  “Morning, honey.” Brad’s mouth took hers in a gentle kiss.

  Wanting more, Karen let her tongue trace Brad’s lips as she sought entry. She arched up as she slipped into Brad’s mouth. Duncan scraped his teeth over her clit, sending shards of delicious heat coursing through her.

  Spreading her legs further apart, Karen wrapped her arms around Brad. She let her men make love to her. Brad’s fingers skimmed over her breasts, caressing them. Duncan lifted her up by her arse cheeks, squeezing them as he drove his tongue into her core.

  She broke her mouth from Brad, panting for breath. “Mmm, this is the best way to wake up. I feel so much better.”

  Brad didn’t stop kissing her. His lips trailed down her neck, stopping to nibble on the sensitive part just below her ear. “You scared the shit out of both of us. We thought for a moment there we were going to lose you. I can’t ever live without you. You are a light in our dark, dreary days.” His deep, raspy voice against her ear had shivers tingling down her body.

  Duncan added one thick finger, sliding it in and out of her pussy. He sucked in her nub and Karen dug her nails into Brad’s back. Damn, she was so close to coming. Duncan added another digit and pumped faster as he sucked and licked her. Brad was giving gentle pulls on her neck as his hands kneaded and
massaged her breasts.

  Brad suddenly bit down on her shoulder, as Duncan did the same to her clit. The pleasure and pain had her coming apart on a hoarse yell. Bliss washed over her, and her arms fell to her side.

  “Honey, you don’t get to relax. We are both going to take you.” Brad’s whispered words had her quivering in anticipation. Before she knew what happened, she was straddling Brad's hips with her arse tilted up.

  Karen then felt cold gel hit her arse. She was nervous. This was the first time she would take both. She felt Duncan ease a finger inside, pushing the gel into her. She wiggled at the weird sensations the invasion brought. Brad sucked on her breasts and rubbed her back to bring her attention elsewhere.

  A second finger was added, and she could feel pressure. It wasn’t an unwelcome feeling, just different. Duncan’s fingers started pumping in and out of her arse, and slowly she moved, helping him, eager for the new, strange feelings.

  “I’m going to slip into your ass first, before Brad takes your pussy,” Duncan growled as he kissed his way up her back.

  She took a deep breath and nodded as the tingling in her body increased. Duncan’s fingers left her, and she felt the tip of his mushroom head as he slowly eased his cock into her.

  “Push out, honey, so Duncan can get in better.”

  Doing as Brad said, she pushed out and felt Duncan slip past her rings. A burning sensation flowed through her, and she took more deep, calming breaths.

  Brad took her mouth to his, plunging his tongue into her mouth and exploring.

  “Oh, honey, you are so tight,” Duncan panted behind her. “Brad, you’re going to have to ease into her pussy now. I’m not going to last very long this first time.”

  Brad’s mouth left her, and she fought to catch her breath. Karen gasped as she felt Brad’s cock push into her pussy. It was a tight fit, and Karen had never felt so full.

  “Wow, wow, wow. I feel so full. No one move.” Her body felt ready to explode, she was so full. Brad had kept up his torture as Duncan had eased himself into her. She felt Duncan’s dick twitch, and she moaned, picking her body up as vibrations coursed through her. Her movement had their cocks slipping out of her and sending a bombardment of ecstasy flowing through her. It shot up and ran everywhere. Karen dug her nails into Brad, needing an anchor. “Move now. Do something, please. Move.”

  They started moving, one in, the other out. Karen felt almost insane with the onslaught of tingles shooting up and out. She moaned, “Oh God, please, I need to come. I need to let go.”

  Duncan moved faster, and Brad sank deeper. Both her men growled and each latched onto a shoulder, digging their teeth into her. She couldn’t hold back and screamed as their bodies rubbed against hers, and their tongues rubbed over the skin between their teeth. Her whole world came apart, and Karen swore she saw fireworks.

  Her men pumped into her faster, and she didn’t care. Her body and mind were both mush. Their mouths tore from her shoulder, and she felt Brad stiffen, roaring his release. Duncan thrust hard twice more before he came on a yell, and fell beside her. Sandwiched between her two men, Karen closed her eyes and felt them both slip out as she basked in her euphoria.

  “I love you two so much.”

  They both chuckled. “Yeah, honey. I’m sure you do after the way you just came,” Duncan whispered in her ear.

  Karen opened her eyes and sat up. “I mean it. I love you, Duncan White.” She turned and brushed her lips over his. Karen then turned back to Brad. “I love you, Brad White.” She leaned down to kiss him. “I’m not going anywhere if you two are willing to have me?”

  Brad smiled up at her. “I love you, Karen. I have wanted you from day one.”

  Duncan turned her so she faced him, and he brushed hair off her face. “I love you so much, Karen. I wasn’t going to let you go, even if you’d said you were leaving. You are ours.”

  Karen felt her heart swell, and she turned back so she could see both the men she loved. “I knew I loved you, Brad, when you agreed to do anything to make me happy. I knew I loved you, Duncan, when you went along with every one of my fun days even though I know you hated most of them.” She winked at Brad. “Although, I know we will have to do fairs and more parks because I saw how much you love roller coasters.” Brad laughed, and she giggled as Duncan turned almost green.

  “That is not funny, woman. Roller coasters are a death trap waiting to happen.”

  Snuggling down between her two men Karen, closed her eyes, content. “Don’t worry, if you won’t go on roller coasters with me, Brad will, won’t you?”

  Brad spluttered and stuttered, “I…argh…hell, no. I love you, honey, but for once I agree with Duncan.”

  “Grr, there has to be a reason I got two men.”

  Duncan kissed her neck. “Oh, there is a reason, honey. It’s because one of us could never keep you in line.”

  “Hey. I don’t need to be kept in line. I did good yesterday.”

  Brad nibbled on her. “About yesterday, you need to be punished, so you don’t ever leave us when danger is around again.”

  “Oooh, what type of punishment?” Karen wiggled her butt.

  “No more choosing fun stuff. We choose the next couple of fun days,” Duncan said.


  “Lastly, no shopping for a week.” Brad didn’t get to finish before she sat up quickly and glared at Duncan and Brad.

  “Now, you’re just being cruel.” Two wicked grins stared back at her.

  “We could always take you on one of our hiking tours,” Duncan said in a sugar sweet voice.

  “Or we could ask Jacky to choose a walking trail for one,” Brad added.

  She raised her hands in surrender. “I promise I’ll never again go off without at least one of you with me. I’ve learned my lesson, I promise.”

  Brad’s arms came around her shoulders and Duncan’s around her waist until they sandwiched her in. Karen felt safe and protected. She would never have thought that on holiday she would find her dream man, well, men. Karen looked forward to sharing her future with her two men, happy beyond belief.


  Karen laughed with Jacky as they glanced behind them to see four unhappy polar bears. The music blasted from the massive speakers, and Karen and Jacky had the best spots. No one dared hurt them or bump them, with their men protecting them. She and Jacky were right up front and not getting squished, thanks to the four hulking bears that made a wall around them.

  Karen and Jacky’s bears had surprised them by flying them all to the concert she and Jacky had booked. They had been awesome all day, even if the music wasn’t their type.

  The band finished, and everyone waited for the next. Knowing the men were hearing, Karen winked at Jacky. “I found out why I was given two men?”

  “Oh, why?”

  “So I have bodyguards for stuff like this. It’s just a pity they’re old fuddy-duddies, and don’t know good music when they hear it.”

  Jacky gave a dramatic sigh, and Karen bit her tongue so she didn’t laugh, as Karen’s men growled behind her.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I have a feeling this next act will be their favorite though.” Jacky winked at her. “We’ll have to buy them the album.”

  Karen burst out laughing at the thought of her mates listening to the heavy rock band. Minutes later a heavy rock band started up, and the men groaned. Turning, Karen kissed Duncan and then Brad. “I love you both so much. Thank you for doing this for me.”

  Her two men sandwiched her in, and Brad leaned down. “Anything for you. I would do anything to make you happy, my mate.”

  Duncan whispered in her other ear, “Yeah, we love you so much we are willing to endure people being tortured as someone screams, and they try to pass it off as music.”

  Sighing in contentment, she knew her men would do anything for her. She was the luckiest woman. The best thing she ever did was quit her job and go on holiday in America, because she’d found her life and love.

  Books by Hazel Gower

  Published with JK Publishing, Inc.

  The MacLeod Clan

  The Laird’s Future Bride


  Her Keepers

  Published with Beachwalk Press

  Armageddon Mates

  Kane’s Mate

  Rane’s Mate

  Ava’s Mate

  Published with Liquid Silver Books

  The Price of Fame

  Published with Evernight Publishing

  The Bears




  The Inteli


  Sin City Shifters

  Sasha’s Lion

  Jezebel’s Lion-Coming Soon

  Stand Alone Books

  Always and Forever

  Letters to her Soldier

  I would love to hear from you!

  Website: www.hazelgower.com

  Email: [email protected]

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HazelGowerAuthor

  Excerpt from the Laird's Future Bride

  The MacLeod Clan Book One

  By Hazel Gower

  “Well, Holly, I dinna ken how to tell ye this without having ye think I’m crazy or running out of here, but here it goes. This is me mother, Magan MacLeod. She has brought ye from wherever ye’re from to me home in Scotland in the year of our Lord fifteen eighty. I am Duncan MacLeod, Laird of the MacLeods. I’m twenty and eleven and the oldest child. I have a brother who is out training me men now. I should be there with him, but am here trying to figure out what to do. Are ye from this time? Or from a different time?”


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