Trailer Park Daddy

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Trailer Park Daddy Page 9

by S. E. Law

  With that, Kaylee falls into my arms, sobbing so hard that I’m afraid she’ll drop Ezra. I wrap my arms around both her and the baby, and hug them tight to my broad form.

  “I love you too,” she sobs through tears against my chest. “I’ve missed you so much, Elliot, and it was so hard to have Ezra on my own. I thought I was dying during some of it, and my heart felt like it’d been broken into a million pieces. But you’re here now, and that’s what I want too. I want us to be a family together. I love you.”

  With that, I kiss her gently, pressing my lips to that lush pout. My hands go to stroke her curls even as our baby looks at us with questioning eyes.

  “Hey kiddo,” I say, breaking away from Kaylee for a moment. I’m surprised to find that my own cheeks are wet. “I’m your Daddy. Can you say that? Da-da?”

  The baby stares at me, his big blue eyes wide.

  “Oh, he doesn’t talk yet,” Kaylee says. “He’s only three months.”

  But then Ezra surprises us both.

  “Da-da,” he says in a clear voice before breaking out into a toothless grin. “Da.”

  We laugh, and I pull Kaylee and my son close to me once more. This woman is my life, and together, we will have a happy future filled with laughter, tears, and sweet memories.



  A year later.

  Ezra wriggles in my arms, desperate to get down on the floor and explore. He’s fifteen months old now, and walking like a champion, albeit a bit unsteadily still. He toddles to the kitchen counter and turns to look at me with a smile.

  “Mama,” he says. “Big baby.”

  I laugh before scooping him up in my arms.

  “You are a big baby,” I say, nuzzling his downy hair. “So cute too!”

  He kicks a bit, but I stop him and shoot him a mock-glare.

  “Don’t kick Mommy’s tummy Ezra. You’re going to have a baby sister or brother soon, and right now, he or she lives in Mommy’s tummy. Are you excited to meet them?”

  He merely looks at me again, not understanding my words.

  “Mama!” he says happily while waving his arms. “Blocks!”

  I laugh and put him down so that he can explore his blocks in the living room. It’s so nice to have a separate area for everything after growing up in a confined space. After all, there was no way Elliot was going to let us stay in the trailer with my mom. His introduction to Coralie was horrific, and I still cringe upon remembering it.

  After picking up Ezra from Miss Ellie, we made our way to Coralie’s trailer. It was awful. We opened the door, and as soon as we did, a long, low wail greeted us.

  “Ooooo-heeeeee! Yeah, Humphrey, right there.”

  Immediately, I slammed the door.

  “Um, I think my mom’s with her boyfriend, and this isn’t a good time. Let’s come back later,” I said hurriedly.

  But it was too late because the slam disturbed Coralie and Humphrey from their lovemaking, and alerted them to our presence. As we got into the car, the door swung open and there stood my mother, looking raggedy and disreputable, wearing nothing but a semi-sheer oversize t-shirt. Not only that, but one breast was hanging out of the low neckline as she took a long drag from her cigarette.

  Humphrey wasn’t much better. Although ten years younger than my mom, he’s aging badly, and he grinned, his gold tooth visible.

  “Heya Kaylee!” he called. “Where are you taking Ezra?”

  Of course, my son immediately began to cry upon seeing them.

  “Um, nowhere!” I said, trying to wrangle Ezra into Elliot’s car. “Oh shit, we need a car seat. We can’t just buckle him in, the way you would with an older child.”

  What to do, what to do? Suddenly inspiration struck.

  “Mom, can I take the spare car seat from your car?” I asked hopefully. “We’ll return it right after.”

  “Sure, do whatever,” Coralie said carelessly before turning and going back inside. “Come on Humphs. I know you can’t get enough of this.” With that, she shucked off her oversize t-shirt, showing us her bare, leathery back and saggy buttocks. I was so embarrassed, but a quick look at Elliot revealed only pure disgust on his face. It was clear that my mom cared nothing about me, the baby, or even the man standing by my side. Coralie only cared about herself, and getting laid by the low-class Humphrey.

  With Ezra safely strapped in place, we left the trailer park, and I never went back, not even to pick up my things. Elliot had seen enough in fifteen minutes, and there was no way he would consent to his son ever stepping foot in Monroe again. We moved into his house that night, and began the task of renewing our love for one another immediately. I did make a few overtures to Coralie in the following months, but they fell flat. My mom wasn’t interested in knowing us, and all communication between us died.

  But what I lost in one part of my life, I gained in another. My love with Elliot sprang anew, and it was as if we had never been apart. I slipped into his arms easily, and his kiss touched me to my core. That first night, we slept with Ezra in the big bed between us, but the next day, Elliot took us shopping and we purchased an entire nursery set for his mansion. Since then, Elliot and I have renewed our love for one another nightly, the handsome man exploring my curves with intense passion.

  Of course, the result is that I’m pregnant again, although Elliot doesn’t know it yet. I rub my belly with a happy smile on my face,

  “How are my two favorite people?”

  I look up to find my man in the doorway, looking insanely handsome. His black hair is swept off his forehead, and those blue eyes gleam with knowledge. Oh no, did he just see? Regardless, I jump up and give him a kiss.

  “Where have you been today?” I ask merrily. “Ezra misses his daddy, and it’s almost time for the party!”

  Elliot laughs deep in his chest. I could listen to that laugh forever. Then, with a sweep of his arms, he pulls a funky-looking cake out from behind his back.

  “I got a cake for you, baby girl. Happy birthday, my love.”

  I giggle at the monstrosity in front of me. The cake has two parts: the number “2” and the number “0,” except in this case, both numbers are totally lopsided, and the frosting looks like it hardened before it could be spread thoroughly, leaving small patches of cake showing through.

  “Did you make this?” I giggle.

  He nods.

  “I did, sweetheart. I wanted to give you something straight from the heart, and homemade is the way to go.”

  I laugh again while throwing my arms around him.

  “Thank you, Elliot,” I say. “Just in time too because our guests are going to arrive any minute now.”

  He puts the cake down and pulls me into his arms.

  “Is Olly coming?”

  I nod happily.

  “Yes, she said her last class finishes at 10 a.m., so she got into her car straight after and is going to make it to the party tonight. I can’t wait to see my best friend.”

  Elliot nuzzles my hair, and presses a kiss to my cheek.

  “Has she talked to Josh yet?” he asks. “Just wondering.”

  “Oh you’re so bad!” I laugh. “Josh is from high school, silly. But there’s a second Josh now, if you can believe it. I mean, a new guy at college who’s also named Josh, and she’s been crushing on him.”

  Elliot laughs.

  “Well, I hope we get to meet him some day. At least I’ll remember his name,” he quips.

  I merely slap his arm playfully.

  “You’re so bad!”

  But then Elliot gets serious and pulls me closer.

  “You know I appreciate you, Kaylee. I know you have big dreams about going into the restaurant industry, and I support you. I want to help you achieve those dreams, but I am also so grateful that you’ve put those dreams on hold for the moment to be a mommy to our son.”

  Tears fill my eyes.

  “Nothing makes me happier than being a mommy to Ezra, Elliot. You know that,” I say in a gen
tle voice. “And guess what? I have a surprise for you too, even though it’s not your birthday.”

  He pulls back for a moment.

  “What is it?”

  I smile again, my eyes filling with tears.

  “You’re going to be a daddy again, Elliot. I’m pregnant.”

  His face fills with joy and he covers my face with kisses before sinking to one knee. He presses his cheek against my stomach, although it’s still relatively flat.

  “Hi baby,” he says tenderly. “This is your dad speaking. I want to welcome you to the world, even if it’s a bit early. And I was wondering: could you help me ask your mother to be my wife?”

  At first, I’m not sure I’ve heard correctly. But when Elliot reaches into his pocket, he pulls out a gorgeous diamond ring, and repeats his question.

  “Will you, Kaylee? Will you make me the happiest man in the world and do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  I dissolve into laughter and tears, as he slips the ring onto my finger. It gleams, as if it’s always belonged there.

  “Yes,” I say with emotion in my heart. “I love you Elliot, and I would love to marry you.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart,” he growls in return. “You’ve given me everything that I prize, and honestly?” he says, a possessive look coming into his eyes. “I want more babies.”

  I blush.

  “But you’re already getting a second.”

  He nods, looking deep into my eyes.

  “But how do you feel about five children?”

  “Five?” I gasp. “Are you joking?”

  Elliot gets a mischievous grin on his face, and then sweeps my legs out from under me while lifting me into his arms. I lean against his broad chest, so happy that my heart feels like it might burst.

  “I think we can handle five kids,” he murmurs against my lips. “But it means we have to start now.” With that, my handsome fiancé begins to charge up the stairs to the bedroom.

  “Elliot, the guests!” I cry. “They’ll be here any minute!”

  “Let them wait,” he murmurs against my lips. “I want them to know that I’m making love to my beautiful wife.”

  With that, we kiss and the world is complete. I have my son, my husband and a new baby on the way, and have never felt happier in my life.


  Five Years Later

  Curious about what happens to Elliot and Kaylee in five years? Then download the scene here (newsletter subscription required) or read the scene on my website right here (no subscription required). Hint: they engage in some naughty role-play that will turn you on!

  More from S.E. Law

  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

  Even worse, I decided to fall in love with both of my mom’s ex-husbands. It’s filthy, but I still like calling them “Daddy.” About My Daddies is available here.

  The two cherry farmers are plucking Courtney’s cherry this season in Her Juicy Cherry, available here.

  My prom night was a disaster when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. But the older alpha male made it all better in Forbidden Fruit, available here.

  Getting pregnant? A big deal. Getting pregnant by your handsome, hands-on personal physician? An even bigger deal. And don’t forget, he has a business partner who loves being in on the action as well. Playing with Her Doctors is available here.

  After I blackmailed my dad’s best friend, the alpha male swore revenge. But what we didn’t expect was the attraction between us … and now we’re having a baby. Pick up Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend here.

  My dad’s boss caught me in a naughty position, and now he says that I have to let him enjoy my curves. Sound delightful? Then you’ll love Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss, available here.


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  Sneak Peek: My Fiance’s Dad


  I fell in love with a man who’s off-limits because he’s my fiancé’s dad.

  I sit at my vanity table and stick yet another bobby pin into my long, unruly brown hair, determined to tame it, if only for the next few hours.

  I’m definitely hiring a professional hairstylist for the actual wedding, I muse as I stab myself for the fifth time in an hour.

  “Ouch!” I yell to my empty bedroom. I take a moment and sit back in my chair. Frustration will get you nowhere, Cora, I calmly tell myself.

  I take a few quick breaths and then resume my task. After several more minutes of wrangling, cursing, and dousing my wild mane with hairspray and more bobby pins, I sit back to take in my handiwork.

  “It looks pretty good,” I murmur to myself as I turn my head side to side, impressed with my own skill. It had been risky to forgo my usual ponytail and try out the deep side part weaved into an intricate French braid, but I feel… sophisticated.

  And even pretty.

  “Well, a girl should feel pretty for her own engagement party,” I declare out loud while I pull a few strands of hair out of the delicate braid to frame my face.

  I certainly don’t think I’m unattractive, but I sometimes have to remind myself that a lot of people, including my fiancé, find me to be pretty. I have deep, dark brown eyes and nice, full eyebrows. My eyelashes look longer thanks to hefty coats of mascara, and I have a smaller nose that some have described as “cute.”

  And tonight, I actually feel sexy. As a larger woman, it’s not a common feeling for me, so I decide that I’m going to hang on to that sensation throughout the entire night.

  I smile as I slip into my dress for the dinner. It’s snug, but the zipper doesn’t pinch, so I count the small victories. The fabric hugs my bust without being trashy, and the skirt stops right above my knee. It’s perfect for my engagement dinner.

  I slip on my black wedge heels and stand back to examine myself in the full-length mirror hanging on the back of my closet door.

  Hair, tame. Dress, pretty. Cora? Happy.

  I shake my head at my nonsense. It’s a game I’ve played since I was a little girl. A checklist to make sure I feel confident and to let myself accept whatever emotion I might be feeling.

  Across the room, my cell phone hums and I know immediately from the ringtone that it’s my mom.

  “Hey Mom,” I greet.

  “Hi sweetie. I just got to Frankie’s. The place looks lovely and they have the back room set up and ready for us.”

  “Great! Thanks again for going early so I could finish getting ready.”

  “Anything for you, sweetheart. Are you on your way?”

  “I will be, in just a few minutes. I also need to see if Marky wants me to pick him up or not.”

  “Okay, drive safe and text me when you’re on your way.”

  “Will do.” I hang up the phone and laugh a little. I’m twenty-five years old but my mom still likes me to text her whenever I drive anywhere so she knows how long to wait before she should start to worry. I want to be annoyed, but I love how much my mom cares.

  Leaning against the bed, I call Marky to check in about carpool plans. I smile as I wait for my fiancé to answer, thinking about his pretty blue eyes and infectious laugh. The phone rings but then a beep sounds.

  “You’ve reached me, but I can’t pick up. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you when I can,” Marky’s voicemail greets me.

  Huh. Marky is usually pretty good about answering, but I shrug and head to bathroom to grab my perfume. He’s probably just rushing to get ready since he had to stay at work late.

  Marky is a junior architect, and he’s doing quite well for himself. He works for his dad, Matt Harrison. Matt founded Harrison Architects about twenty years ago and made quite a name for himself and his firm over the years. But the hours
are long and it’s been frustrating because it seems that Marky has been working a lot recently, and often those hours run late into the night.

  I shouldn’t complain, I scold myself. I’m lucky to have someone like Marky, who is kind and generous and who works so hard for us.

  I smile. Marky is a real-life Prince Charming.

  From my spot on the bed, I look out the bedroom window and take in the beautiful yard so carefully tended by my mother and, beyond that, the magnificent Appalachian Mountains. From my third-floor view, I really do feel like a princess in a tower, surrounded as I am by trees, singing birds, and wearing this elegant dress.

  I rub my fingers along the deep blue velvet. It cost more than I wanted to pay, but Marky insisted that I wear something to our engagement dinner that would make me feel fabulous.

  I hope it’s not too fitted, I think self-consciously.

  I glance at the time. Oops, 6:15.

  Quickly, I cross the hallway to my bathroom and rummage around for my perfume.

  I can’t believe that Matt paid for the whole dinner tonight, I muse as I move around old nail polish and sample face washes in my search. That’s so generous of him, but I bet all he had to do was flash that smile and they gave him a major discount. He’s that good-looking. Quickly, I tamp down my thoughts. This is your future father-in-law! I scold myself. Don’t think these things.

  Blushing, I find my perfume and start applying it.

  Yeah, but Matt Harrison is total eye candy.

  I stop mid-spritz. Stop, Cora. Really, just stop.

  I shake my head.

  Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, physically at least. With piercing, bright blue eyes, jet-black hair, and bodies like lumberjacks, Matt Harrison and his son Marky look more like brothers instead of father and son, except that Marky is slightly shorter and smaller, giving the older Mr. Harrison a strapping, powerful vibe.


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