You Belong to Me

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You Belong to Me Page 13

by You Belong to Me (NCP) (lit)

  Julie's heart took a nosedive. "Why didn't you call me to the phone?"

  "He didn't ask to talk to you."

  Poor Max, he was still running scared. "What did he say?"

  "He said to tell you he'd be late getting home tonight and not to wait dinner." Royce frowned. "Is Max living with you now?"

  "Definitely not, is that all he said?"

  "That's all." Royce leaned back in the corner of the booth. "Now can we talk about something else?"

  "Did Max say where he was going?" Julie took a bite of soup. It was too hot.

  "Are you worried about him?" Royce asked.

  "Max can take care for himself." She was worried all right, but not in the way Royce thought. "What were you about to tell me?"

  "Oh, that." Royce waved one hand. "I don't know if I should say it now."

  "And why not?" Surprise raised Julie's eyebrows. It was not like Royce to be so mysterious.

  "Now that Max is on the scene it doesn't seem right that I should."

  She could set Royce's mind at ease on one issue. "Max has nothing to do with my personal life. Say what you have to say."

  "But he is the father of your unborn child." Royce shifted in his seat. "Let's talk about that child."

  Julie blinked. "What about my child?"

  "Yesterday, at your house when we were working in the nursery I felt more alive than I have in a long time."

  His obvious discomfort was making Julie edgy. "Is that why you're so uptight now?"

  A derisive smile shaped Royce's mouth. "You know me too well." He dropped his head to stare at the table. "Shortly after Dan was born Jean and I decided we didn't want more children so I had a vasectomy."

  That revelation hit Julie like a bucket of cold water. She'd had an affair with this man that had lasted for almost a year and he'd never said a word. "I don't think I know you at all. Why didn't you ever mention this to me before?"

  Royce's discomfort was showing. "At first I was afraid that you'd think of me as less of a man and later there didn't seem to be any reason to tell you. Are you hurt that I didn't?"

  Julie wasn't hurt, just surprised and a little mystified. "No, of course not; why did you decide to tell me now?"

  "Because it is relevant to what I have to say now." Royce looked around the almost empty restaurant and then leaned across the table. "Are you going to marry Max again?"

  Julie told him the truth. "We discussed it and--no."

  Royce's restless fingers drummed on the table. "Don't you think you need a father for your baby?"

  Julie's eyes opened wide in dismay. "Are you saying you think I should marry Max?"

  Royce was calculating her every expression. "He is the baby's father."

  "Max and I married once because of a baby. It was a mistake, one I don't intend to make again."

  "So because of a past mistake you're going to deprive your baby of a father?"

  "Max doesn't have to be my husband to be a good father to the baby."

  Royce asked, "Are you satisfied with that kind of arrangement?"

  Julie snapped, "Royce, just what the hell are you trying to say to me?"

  Royce took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Since you don't intend to marry Max again maybe you'd consider marrying me?"

  For a long time Julie stared at him in total dismay. Was this Royce's noble but misplaced attempt to save her from the stigma of being an unwed mother? "You'd be willing to do that for me?"

  "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for me. I can think of nothing I'd like better than having a wife and a child again. I think this time I'd do a better job. It would make things easier for you too. Your child would be legitimate. No one would have to know that it wasn't mine."

  Julie was too surprised to do anything but speak her mind. "We tried being lovers and it didn't work. Remember? What makes you think we'd be any better as a married couple?" Reaching across the table she laid her hand over his. "But I do cherish our friendship and I thank you for your offer."

  Royce smiled a self-effacing smile. "I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about marriage and a home and family. Maybe there's not a lot of fire between us but we know how to please each other sexually. It would be a good deal for everyone concerned unless you think Max might object."

  Julie thought she must be crazy to even listen to such an off-the-wall proposal. She could imagine what Max would say. "Max would raise holy hell if he thought another man was claiming his child."

  Royce raised an eyebrow. "But Max doesn't want to marry you. That doesn't make a lot of sense."

  Put that way, it didn't and Julie was at a loss to explain. She evaded the question. "I'm touched by your proposal."

  Royce was not so easily deterred. "Is there a woman in Max's life? Besides you, of course."

  Julie scoffed, "There's always a woman in Max's life. Sometimes there's more than one woman at a time. Why do you think I divorced him?"

  "He was unfaithful?" Royce asked in surprise.

  "Not physically--or so he says--but the desire was there."

  "Who was she?" Royce's tone was curious.

  "No one you know. Her name was Lucie. She was his boss's wife." Julie's lips compressed. "It ancient history, I don't want to talk about it."

  Royce shrugged. "If you married me you wouldn't have to worry. I wouldn't stray."

  Was that what Max had done, strayed? Julie found herself defending him. "It wasn't all Max's fault. I wasn't much of a wife. I was immature and selfish."

  Royce leaned across the table. "You haven't answered my question."

  Julie stammered, "Royce, I can't--"

  A shrill feminine voice interrupted her halting words. "Julie darling, how have you been?" She knew that voice all too well.

  Julie turned to see Mitzi Miller standing at the end of the booth. Beside her was a woman who looked strangely out of place in a small town diner. From the top of her sleek blond coiffeur to the tips of her expensive Italian shoes she emanated money, privilege and class. Julie said, "Hello, Mitzi."

  Without bothering to introduce the other woman Mitzi sat down beside Julie and then motioned for Royce to scoot over. "Give Andrea room to sit down."

  Royce moved reluctantly. "What are you doing here, Mitzi, slumming?"

  "Don't be tacky." Mitzi nodded in the other woman's direction. "Go on, sit down."

  The woman Mitzi called Andrea slid into the vacant seat beside Royce. "We don't want to intrude."

  "We're not intruding," Mitzi said with a wave of her well-manicured hand. "Julie and I have been friends since grammar school days and I've known Royce for years." A malicious smile touched her lips. "I'd like to introduce my new friend to my old friends. Royce Garner, Julie Anderson, meet Andrea Mayfield."

  Royce grunted, "Hi," and Julie nodded in Andrea's direction.

  A look of startled surprise shot across her classically beautiful face. "Hello." The woman was obviously embarrassed and uncomfortable. Julie wondered what devious reason Mitzi had for bringing her here.

  Apparently not the least concerned about the tension that rose and beat in the air Mitzi chatted on. "The minute I knew Andrea was in town, I called her. I said, 'Andrea we have to get together for a little drink and some girl talk.'" Mitzi signaled a waiter. "Didn't I say those very words, Andrea?"

  Andrea swallowed. "Yes you did." She glared at Mitzi. "I really have to go."

  "Not before we have something cool to drink." A waiter appeared and Mitzi ordered two glasses of iced tea. "And bring extra sugar." As the waiter scooted away Mitzi cooed, "It's too bad you don't serve alcohol, Julie dear. I think Andrea could use a snort about now."

  The waiter returned and put two glasses of tea on the table. Mitzi dumped three packets of sugar into her glass and stirred slowly. "Maybe Royce has a bottle in the back."

  Andrea turned her glass around in her hand and stared at it. "It's too early for me, thank you."

  "Not to worry," Mitzi chatted on, "Max will probably take you to the County Li
ne Inn for dinner tonight. It's the only decent restaurant around here. And they do serve the most divine mint juleps."

  Suddenly Mitzi's reason for dragging Andrea here was all too clear. Max was taking this beautiful woman to dinner tonight. In a heartbeat so many things became crystal clear. Now she knew why Max hadn't wanted to talk to her when he called. Color drained from Julie's face. "Are you a friend of Max's?"

  Before Andrea could reply, Mitzi declared, "Of course she is. Andrea and Max are very good friends."

  Andrea had the good grace to intervene. "Please, Mitzi."

  Nothing could stop Mitzi now. She was on a roll. "I met Andrea when I visited in Dallas last winter. Max introduced us." Draining the last of her tea from her glass, she sat it on the table and hurried on. "I thought since Max had asked Andrea here for a visit that he'd be pleased if I entertained her while he's busy during the day." Having dropped her little bombshell, Mitzi leaned back and waited for the repercussions.

  The knot in Julie's stomach began to untie. Mitzi was a total bitch but she was damned if she was going to let her know just how much damage she'd done. "How thoughtful of you." She would like to slap that smug look off Mitzi's face--instead she jabbed her none too gently with her elbow. "Move, please, I have to go back to work."

  Royce had found his voice if not his equilibrium. "No Julie, stay where you are. It's Mitzi who's leaving."

  "You're right," Mitzi agreed. She had done what she'd come here to do and now she was ready to flee the scene, leaving someone else to cope with the havoc she had wrought. "Come along, Andrea. I have to get you back to the hotel. I know you want time to dress your prettiest before Max comes for you."

  Andrea stood. "It was nice to have met you, Julie, Royce."

  Mitzi's eyes slid over Julie's figure. "Julie, dear, I do believe you're putting on weight."

  Royce's face was grim. "'Goodbye, Mitzi."

  "Goodbye now." Mitzi called over her shoulder as she followed Andrea out the door.

  Max had asked another woman here, to Summerville. A fist of pain closed around Julie's heart as black spots danced before her eyes. "I shouldn't be surprise but I am. Some fools never learn."

  Royce's eyes were bright with compassion. "God, Mitzi is one vicious woman. She was deliberately trying to hurt you."

  Julie blinked back tears. "She did hurt me."

  "She did you a service too. Now you know."

  "I've always known." Julie intoned sadly. Sliding to the end of the booth, she gripped the edge of the table.

  "Stay put," Royce ordered. "I'll get Jim to take over in the kitchen and then I'm taking you home."

  A warm dampness between her legs made Julie look down. An ever-widening circle of blood stained the bench where she had been sitting. She was seized with a fear that numbed her heart. "Royce, help me." She was sliding, falling, slipping away. Her head hit the floor as darkness claimed her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Consciousness returned slowly. Julie opened her eyes to find herself lying on the restaurant floor with her head resting in Royce's lap. When she stirred he ordered, "Don't move. A customer has called 911. EMS will be here soon."

  "What happened?" All three waitresses, the kitchen help and several customers had formed a circle around Julie. She tried to sit. "I'll be all right. Help me to a booth."

  Royce's arms tightened. "I can't take that chance. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby."

  Julie grabbed Royce's sleeve. "There was blood. I saw lots of it, Oh, Royce."

  "Don't panic." Royce said before shouting to the assembled group, "Move away. Give Julie some room."

  Not one person in the tight little circle budged. Old Mr. Simon's wrinkled face screwed into a smile. "You take care of her son." A twitter rippled through the little crowd. As Julie's head began to clear she realized that people were offering congratulations to Royce.

  Before she could respond the front doors of the restaurant burst open and two EMS technicians pushed through. One was pulling a gurney behind him. With practiced expertise they lifted Julie from Royce's lap, laid her on the gurney and wheeled her toward the door. Royce was by her side holding her hand. "Can't you hurry? This woman may be losing her baby."

  Royce planned to go with her. She couldn't let him do that. "You have to stay, Royce. The dinner rush will start soon."

  "I'm not leaving you. Not until I know you and the baby are all right. And don't worry about things here. I've made arrangements."

  Julie gripped his hand a little tighter. She hadn't admitted it even to herself, but she didn't want to be alone.

  The ride to the hospital took only a few minutes. Doctor Barnes was waiting in emergency. After chasing Royce from the room she began a cursory examination. Anxiously Julie asked, "Is the baby all right?"

  Doctor Barnes waved her query aside. "I don't know anything yet. I've had you admitted to the hospital. I want to run some tests."

  Julie protested, "I can't stay here."

  Doctor Barnes straightened and came around the gurney. "You're not a consultant in this case. I'm the doctor, and I say you're staying."

  Later in a room on the third floor, Julie's mind began to pursue dark possibilities. Maybe she was going to lose her baby. Maybe this was God's way of punishing her for killing the child she had carried ten years ago. She began to sob soft little muffled sounds of fear and heartbreak. She was too wrapped in her own misery to hear Doctor Barnes come into the room. "Stop it, Julie. You're only making things worse."

  Julie cried, "I can't lose this baby! I can't!" A touch of hysteria crept into her voice.

  "I'm doing everything I can to see that you don't." Doctor Barnes's features softened. "I could use a little cooperation."

  Julie struggled to stop her flow of tears. "What do you want me to do?"

  "Relax, calm down and try to get some rest. Tomorrow after we run a few tests I can give you some definite answers. I told Mr. Garner...."

  Julie interrupted, "Where is Royce?"

  "I sent him home. The last thing we need around here now is a nervous father-to-be."

  A blush of scarlet stained Julie's cheeks. "Royce--Mr. Garner, isn't the baby's father."

  Doctor Barnes's professional facade slipped revealing for a moment, a confused and startled woman. "Maybe it wasn't intentional but he gave me that impression. I assumed...."

  "It was a natural mistake but Royce is only a friend." Color still touched Julie's cheeks.

  "I see." Doctor Barnes's professional mask fell into place once more. "Would you like me to get in touch with the father?" She wrapped her fingers around Julie's wrist and located her pulse. "Tell me where I can reach him."

  Julie calculated that about now Max should be having dinner with Andrea Mayfield. "That's not necessary."

  Doctor Barnes dropped Julie's wrist and then patted her hand. "I have given you a sedative. Good night, Julie."

  Julie protested. "Doctor, about the tests you'll be doing...."

  Doctor Barnes said again, this time more emphatically, "Good night, Julie." She disappeared through the door. Her footsteps echoed down the long corridor until they slowly died away.

  A dozen fears crowded into Julie's head. She tried to sort through them and pursue one lucid line of thought. Her mind was a foggy haze. As sleep closed in, her last clear reflection was that the sedative was having its intended effect.

  When Julie awakened sunlight was streaming through the window. Slowly she came to grips with waking in a strange place.

  From a far corner of the room a deep voice asked, "How do you feel?"

  Julie sat up. "Max?" Events from the day before crowded into her befuddled brain. "How long have you been here?" She wondered if Andrea Mayfield was lurking somewhere nearby.

  Max came to stand beside her bed. "A while; are you awake yet?"

  "I'm a little groggy. How did you know I was here?"

  Max scooted his chair near her bed. "Everybody in Summerville knows you're here. You fainted in a public
place and had to be carried away on a stretcher." His fingers moved restlessly through his hair. "You've given the gossips of this little city something to talk about for sometime to come."

  What did he think he had done by bringing Andrea Mayfield to Summerville? Julie spoke in saccharine tones, "Where's Andrea?"

  Her question caught him unawares. "How did you know about Andrea?"

  "You didn't answer my question." Julie's fingers pleated the top of her sheet. "Who told you I was in the hospital?"

  "And you didn't answer mine," Max retorted. "Who told you about Andrea being in Summerville?"

  "Mitzi Miller brought Andrea to the restaurant yesterday afternoon." Julie's voice lifted in mock surprise. "Didn't your current mistress tell you about meeting your ex wife?"

  Her caustic words didn't faze him. "I haven't seen Andrea since yesterday morning. She left town yesterday afternoon."

  Julie felt a twinge of guilt. She had no claim on Max. "You don't owe me an explanation."

  "I wasn't offering one. And speaking of explanations do you want to tell me why everyone in Summerville thinks the baby you're carrying belongs to Royce Garner? Do they know something I don't?"

  Was he that desperate to find a way out? With the uttering of a few false words she could set Max free. Try as she might, she couldn't bring herself to tell that lie. "The baby is yours." She couldn't set him free with a lie but she could offer him a way of escape by telling him of Royce's offer. "Royce is willing to take responsibility. He wants to marry me and raise the child as his own."

  Max catapulted to his feet. "I promised Doctor Barnes I wouldn't upset you." He was making a visible effort to bring his emotions under control. "You're making it damn hard for me to keep that promise."

  She hadn't intended to anger him. Still Julie was momentarily elated that she had struck a nerve. That elation was slowly replaced by shame. How could she be so petty? "Don't be angry with Royce. He was trying to help."

  "Like hell. Royce is determined to cause as much trouble as he can between you and me."

  "There is no you and me, Max."

  "You've made that more than obvious by your relationship with Royce Garner." Max glared at her. "Maybe we need to talk about that affair."


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