The Fate: Book 1: Tournament Wysteria

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The Fate: Book 1: Tournament Wysteria Page 16

by Ko, John

  Esperanza bursts out in laughter. Spikey climbs onto Rachel’s shoulder and begins squeaking in delight as well. Monster and Sensei come out to join them.

  “What’s going on out here?”

  “Wake just laid the Captain out. It was in defense of his sister’s honor, of course.” Even as she speaks, the Daughter can’t stop laughing. “I guess it’s up to me to explain.”

  She turns to the Fate and asks, “Oppa, what’s a girlfriend?”

  “What? A girlfriend? That is a girl that is your friend, of course,” the Captain replies.

  “So even though I’m your cousin, I’m your girlfriend, right?”

  “Yes, of course, Riser, you are one of my finest girlfriends.”

  Riser starts laughing all over again. She pats Wake on the back and heads back in. “Blame Ieiri Skyshadow. She taught him that word. She also got him to promise to tell any pretty girl he meets that he already has a girlfriend and that it’s her, of course.

  “Fate may be a lot of things, but you never have to worry about that. And a word of advice—I would never, ever mess with that girl and her promises.” Riser actually shivers before heading back inside.

  Monster checks out the damage to the Captain’s face. The Healer peers deeply into his eyes before grunting that he’s okay.

  “Um, I’m really sorry … uh Captain,” Wake says. “I just thought something else …”

  “That was just silly, wasn’t it?” Rachel laughs nervously. “Just a big old misunderstanding.”

  “Why do people keep punching me in the face?” the Captain asks, getting to his feet.

  “Fate, I’m really sorry. I feel horrible. I thought you were speaking basely of my sister. I had a hard time with our last captain. I was always worried about his intentions towards Rachel. I thought I was defending her honor, but I was the one that was wrong. You weren’t dishonoring Rachel in any way. I’m sorry. Really, I am.”

  “I see it is of the upmost importance to defend Rachel’s honor. And you thought I was attacking her honor, so you hit me …”

  “Yes, but I was wrong. Please forgive me, Captain, I’ve never actually hit anyone before in my life. Well outside of Tear Fighting,” Wake says,” Do you want to punch me in return?”

  “I believe i understand—her honor means a lot to you. If that is the case, it means a lot to me as well. I promise to defend Shine’s honor from hereon out. You will no longer have to carry this burden alone. And no, I do not want to punch you. I want to wash up and eat breakfast,” the Fate says. “I forgive you and thank you for explaining yourself to me. Just please do not touch me again, it is against the rules. And we must always follow the rules.”

  Chapter 22


  [Tourney Grounds, Greenwood]

  Wake stares at his hand, the one he just hit his new captain with. Why did I do that? I never would’ve done something like that before. He didn’t even deserve it. It’s his old captain that did, but he never would’ve tried to hit Kearney. And it’s not like Kearney Dim ever beat him as badly as the Fate did, at least in a Tear Fight. What’s wrong with me? I did the exact opposite of what I was supposed to.

  Wake looks up and realizes he’s on the sidelines. The stands are already full, but more and more are still arriving. Soon, he’ll be taking the field in front of all these people … with a team he barely knows. But really, I know them. They are exactly what they seem. They might not be what I’m used to or even ever expected, but I’m lucky to have them. A team where I can be myself, even if it means I do something stupid, like hit one of them. Riser just laughed, Monster fixed things and Fate—he tried to understand. He even thanked me.

  I broke almost every Team Rule, even before our first match. I touched the Captain, I didn’t do the right thing, and even though I spent night and day with them, in some way I stayed apart. Now all that’s left for me is lose us this match …

  The boy he hit earlier comes and takes a seat next to him. “This is great, is it not, Way?”

  “Yes.” Wake doesn’t bother to correct him. The Fate’s called him that a couple times now: Way. It’s close enough, and at least it’s not a different name every time he tries to talk to me. “Look, Fate, I just want to say one more time that I’m really sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Hitting you, of course.”

  “What is past is past. I forgave you already,” the Fate says, looking all around, all at once, until finally setting his sights upon the fountain in the middle of the field. The officials have moved everything over to Greenwood’s marquee landmark, Titan Blue, a gigantic fountain. Its shape resembles that of an arm that reaches from the ground, and it is taller than the tallest of the three hundred-year-old forest surrounding its walls.

  Water sprouts from its palm like a river falling from the sky. The roar of the crowd is deafening, but the rushing of the water is loud enough for even the deaf to hear. Low and deep, you can feel it as much as hear it, a trembling beneath you that never ends.

  Two teams battle it out below the fountain, but the match is practically already over. One side is already down a Crier. It is only a matter of time now.

  “You guys are good. I guess, I’m just not used to that.”

  “I thought your old team was highly ranked.” That’s not what I meant.

  “Way, I will help you with your little condition, but you do not need help being good. You have always been good.”

  The answer just makes him feel even worse. The outnumbered team puts up a brave fight, but it’s not long before they lose another and then another. Finally, Wake looks up and asks, “How do you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Aren’t you nervous?”


  “If we lose today, aren’t you going to have to report for Service and give up Tear Fighting forever?”

  “I really have not given it much thought. Why would I?”

  “Because chances are it’s going to happen!”

  “Anything might happen.” The Fate looks up at the sky. “Frogs might rain down from above, for all I know. But why worry about it?”

  “It’s what a normal person would do. Everybody can’t be as strong as you. And even then, someday you’ll be out there against someone stronger.”

  “It is not about being stronger or weaker. Anyone can Win the Moment. The only thing is … you have to try, Way.”

  “You make it sound so easy, but how? Isn’t there anything else? Some Technique or something you could teach me? I’ve actually learned a lot these last couple days. I’m willing to try anything.”

  “Daebak, but I do not know anything like that.” The Fate scratches his chin. “Actually, I do know one Water Tech. It is a secret one, long handed down by the Bae, but I can teach it to you, if you wish.”

  Wake’s hopes rise at the thought. He’s going to teach me some secret, powerful Technique, one that will change everything. “Yes, please. Can you really teach me something like that before the match starts?”

  “Sure, why not? Go find Riser and a bucket of water.”

  “Way, please get down onto your hands and knees.” The Fate points towards the water filled pail. “Yes, right there, in front of the bucket.

  “Riser, we will be teaching him Mul HoHeup. You know what to do, right?” he asks her. She nods and begins to mount the kneeling boy from behind.

  “Wait a minute, what are you doing?” Suddenly, she’s behind him, straddling him, pinning his arms to his sides with her long legs. He almost falls forward, but she holds him up by his chin.

  “I thought you wanted to learn a new Technique?” the Fate asks.

  “No, I mean yes, I do. It’s just …” Wake tries not to think about the legs wrapped around him. Smooth, lean, soft and hard … He faces the bucket. “I’m ready.”

  “This might be a little unpleasant,” the Fate warns him. “Riser, go ahead and begin.”

  The Daughter grabs the back of his head and shoves his face into the
water. Her legs tighten around his body, squeezing the air out of him. He’s helpless, drowning in a bucket. I can’t breathe. I’m going to die!

  When the bubbles stop, Riser says, “He’s ready. There’s no air left in him.”

  “A little bit more,” the Fate says.

  “I can’t hold him much longer. He’s stronger than he looks,” she says, struggling to keep his head down. I need to breathe! Please, I’m sorry, just let me up.

  “Way, I need you to listen to me. Try to calm yourself, clear your head. Focus.”

  “He’s not listening,” Riser says.

  The Captain lowers himself to Wake’s ear. “There is only one way we are going to let you up, so listen closely. What is it that you want right now?

  “You want to breathe so badly it hurts, correct? When your mind is emptied of all other thoughts, we can begin. Forget everything else except for what it is that you really want. That is the only way you are going to get it. When all you can think of is that next breath, still your mind and body and I will help you get that breath.”

  Wake gives a final buck, but it’s no use. His body quivers and shakes, but he focuses on what has to be done to get out of this alive. Air, please air!

  “Good, now listen carefully and do exactly as I say and you will get that breath and learn the secret Water Tech of the Bae,” the Fate says. “All you want right now is that breath of fresh air. Focus on that, use that desire—and reverse the bubbles.

  “Begin slowly, put your lips together and pull it from the fringes of the water. Just focus on that … like whistling backwards. You can do it! I know you can!”

  Wake purses his lips and sucks in. His mouth fills with water and he chokes.

  “Focus! Water is your element. You control it. Keep it out and only let what you wish for through.”

  For a moment, everything is still. Only air! I only want the air.

  The water begins to bubble.

  It tastes so sweet. Air! Soon, Riser is rocking gently to the rhythm of his deep breathing.

  “I think he’s got it.” Riser releases him and jumps out of the way. Wake throws his head back and water cascades all around them. Eyes red with rage, he screams, but only water comes out. “You … glub … crazy bastard, glub … trying to kill me!”

  Wake takes a step towards the Fate before falling over and coughing.

  “I knew you could do it, Way. It took me a good month to learn that Tech, but I knew a Water genius like you could do it in one shot.”

  Wake looks up. “You could’ve killed me.”

  “There was no chance of you actually dying. Did you not want to learn the secret Water Tech of the Bae?”

  “How’s that going to help me in a match?” Wake asks in disbelief, “And if I wanted to breathe underwater I’d just use a Sharded rebreather!”

  “That is true. I guess that is why it is a secret … forgotten Tech.”

  “What! Come here. I’m going to break Rule One, one more time!” Wake screams, getting to his feet. The Fate flees.

  “We’ll just call it even for me punching you earlier,” Wake says, finally giving up the chase. He leans over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath once again. It tastes so sweet, the Air. I still can’t get enough.

  “If you say so,” the Fate says, looking almost out of breath for once. “Did you learn what you asked for?”

  “What are you talking about? I thought you just taught me that worthless Mul Haobb Tech.”

  “It is Mul HoHeup. And I did not really teach you anything. I just made it so you wanted to breathe and you learned it yourself. All a master can do is hope for his student to thirst. After that the master provides the water, but it is up to the student to drink,” the Captain explains. “What matters is what you felt. Did anything else in the whole world matter except getting that next breath?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Remember how you asked me ‘how can I not think of losing?’ I guess this is why. All I can think of is how much I want that next win. Sometimes I want it so bad, I feel like I will even forget to breathe,” the Fate says quietly.

  “Listen, Way,” his Captain tells him. “You are strong, but your mind is unfocused, or rather focused on the wrong things. When you go out there today, there are three things I want you to remember. First, find your calm.”

  “That’s easier said than done. How am I supposed to just find my calm?” Wake says. “How do you?”

  “This is the way I see it. No matter how crazy it gets out there, deep down I really know that everything is going as it should, and everything will go as it should. That is just how life works. When facing the unknown, you can choose fear or faith. I choose faith.” Even, now, repeating it to himself helps Wake calm himself. Everything is going as it should and everything will go as it should.

  Wake nods and wonders, “What’s the second thing?”

  “Once, I find my calm, I make sure to clear my head of all other things and concentrate on what must be done at that moment. Just as you did when learning Mul HaHeoup. You have to focus.”

  “I can try to do that,” Wake says, the memory still fresh in mind.

  “The last thing you have to do out there is to not forget … Never forget, you cannot lose!” the Fate says, leaning forward so his hair covers his eyes. All you can see is that smile. “Those are the things that I believe and will never forget. Most importantly, I believe in you, Way. So believe in me, and the things I believe in, too. It is as easy as that.”

  Chapter 23


  [Tourney Grounds, Greenwood]

  “Where did everybody go?” Rachel asks the Daughter. Riser sits alone, grumbling over getting stuck watching their gear.

  “I don’t know. Your brother and Fate ran off playing one of their babo boy games. I guess the other two didn’t want to miss out and went after them, leaving me alone to watch our gear.”

  “That’s great.” Rachel smiles for the first time since getting to the Tourney Grounds. “I don’t mean you getting stuck here is great, but I’m glad they’re over what happened this morning.”

  Riser chuckles. “I guess you could say that.”

  Rachel takes a seat next to her new friend. “Riser, are we really ready for this? If we lose here today, will he really never fight again?”

  “We won’t lose. But yeah, it’s true, I’ve heard him make that promise to the Old Man many times.”

  “The way we’ve been training. He’s been doing that all his life?”

  “Much harder, actually.” The Daughter’s answer scares her. It’s just too much.

  “Unnie, he’s a babo, but he’s not stupid. Though sometimes he even makes me wonder on that. To be honest, I was worried when I first met you all, too. I never heard of any of you guys before … but now, I think he picked the right team. Well, I’m not so sure about Monster—just joking … maybe.”

  “I just don’t want to fail … you, him, my brother, anyone.”

  “Everyone fails, even me. It’s part of life.”

  Rachel is grateful. She wasn’t sure how the Daughter would react to her confession. Coward, I’m a coward …

  “I bet you think Fate calls me Riser because of how I use the Winds?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Truth is, he started calling me that before I mastered my 128’s,” Riser says, tapping her Gust Boots. “When I first met him, I had just lost an important match. I do not lose matches often. It was the only one I lost that whole year, practice included. Everybody else knew well enough to leave me alone. But I guess he was visiting with his Old Man and somehow he found me alone after the match. He kept pestering me. I couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just leave me alone. He’s so failing annoying that way, you know what I mean?”

  “I think so.”

  “Don’t tell anyone, but my mother is the High Priestess of Enyo. So I might have been treated a little differently growing up. I wasn’t used to people annoying me the way he did
. That smile of his, it’s unforgivable.”

  Rachel can’t hide the surprise on her face.

  “Who my mother is has no bearing on who I am. Anyway, everything came pretty easily to me. I was given every opportunity and no other Daughter could stand against me.

  “Oh, I hated him so much back then. I just wanted to wipe that smug look off of his face. But when I tried, he just beat me up. Of course, I got angry. I kept getting up, over and over again … and he kept knocking me down. I couldn’t accept it, though. He just kept smiling and I kept trying. Until, finally, he said he was done and told me that I had won even though I didn’t manage to hit him once. And then he asked me if I wanted to join his team.

  “I thought he was taunting me. I wanted to hit him again, but I was so tired I could barely stand. All I could do was ask why and this is what he said. ‘You’re Riser. Every time I knock you down, you rise up again. When you get up, you’re stronger than before. I’m too tired to knock you down any more today, but let’s keep going tomorrow and the day after that. You and I are the same that way and with someone like you I think we can really do it—the impossible.’”

  “That’s so sweet … I think.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s why I take pride in being called that. Not because of any Technique, but because when I do fail, I rise up again. I’m not as ridiculous as he is. I know sometimes I’ll lose, but I’m no loser if I get up again.”

  “You could never be a loser, Riser. And I’ll try my best, too. When I get knocked down, I’ll rise up again too, just like you.”

  “Good. We all know this is your first Flag Match so it’s okay for you to lean on us,” the Daughter says. “Besides, there’s only one team on Tour that Fate and I can’t take out by ourselves. But don’t get me wrong. By the time the Grand Finale rolls around, I expect to lean on you, understand?”

  “Finally finished with your little game?” Riser says, standing up from the bench. “It’s your turn to watch our stuff. I’m going to go see if matchups are posted.”


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