Always Rayne (The ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Rock Star Romance Series)

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Always Rayne (The ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Rock Star Romance Series) Page 8

by Sierra Avalon

  “This is incredible. Have you read all of these?”

  “Most of them. Some of them I’ve read multiple times. And I’ve got a bunch of signed first editions.”

  “I love Oscar Wilde. He’s one of my favorite writers.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” We both say the Oscar Wilde quote at the same time.

  It’s hard for me to reconcile the guy who I caught getting a blowjob in the back of his car with the person standing next to me who reads Oscar Wilde. Even Jackson hasn’t read his work and he was an English major in college.

  Nic raises an eyebrow. “Guess we have more in common than you thought.”

  I shake my head. I’m still not willing to admit that he may be right.

  “Come on, Shakes. Throw me a bone.”

  “Fine. We both like books. Are you happy?”

  “Not yet.”

  I want to ask him what will make him happy but I’m not sure I want to hear the answer. “How many books do you have?”

  “Close to ten thousand.”

  “I can’t believe there’s a person on Earth who’s read more books that I have. I didn’t think it was possible.”

  He grabs a book from one of the shelves and hands it to me. “I told you I’d give you my copy.”

  It’s The Pilgrimage. When I open the book I notice it’s signed by Paulo Coelho.

  I try to hand the book back to him. “I can’t take this. It’s autographed.”

  He smiles. “I want you to have it.”

  The book is in mint condition. I’m sure it’s worth a bit of money. But the real value to a book lover is in the fact that the author signed it. “Are you sure?”

  He frowns. “I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

  I hold the book to my chest like a baby. I’ve never had a signed book unless you count my mom’s. And I didn’t think I’d ever acquire Coelho’s autograph.

  “I also wanted to show you something.” He reaches for a book on another shelf and holds it up for me to see. It’s one of my mom’s books: Falling Angels.

  “I can get her to sign it for you. If you’d like. I feel like I owe you.”

  He points to The Pilgrimage. “That was a gift. You don’t owe me anything. And I’d rather ask your mother to sign the book myself.”

  That strikes me as odd. How is he ever going to meet my mom? “Are you planning on spending time with my parents?” I mean it as a joke but Nic looks serious.

  “I hope to someday.”

  He doesn’t wait for me to respond and I’m not sure what to say anyway.

  “Come on. I’ll show you the rest of the house.”

  Nic gives me a whirlwind tour. Every room seems to be more fabulous than the one before it.

  “Did you do the decorating?” I ask as we look at one of the guest bedrooms. It’s decorated in a motif that reminds me of a Georgia O’Keefe painting.

  “Why? Do you like it?”

  “This room is what I imagine a room at a bed and breakfast in New Mexico might look like.”

  “I had a little help with the decorating.”

  I’m surprised that I feel a twinge of jealously. I’m not sure why. But I don’t want him to tell me he had another woman help him decorate the place.

  “And who was that?”

  He laughs. “His name was Raul. Apparently he’s a highly sought after interior designer. And he cost a fortune.”

  “Whatever you paid it was worth it.”

  “Thanks.” He opens the door at the end of the hallway. “And this is my bedroom.”

  I can feel my heart start to beat a little faster. Being in his bedroom is making me so nervous. I know it should be like every other room in the house but it feels different. Especially the way Nic is looking at me…like he wants to get me naked in his bed as soon as possible.

  Nic’s bedroom is uber-masculine, which doesn’t surprise me a bit. He’s definitely not one of these metrosexual guys—and I hate to admit it—like Jackson. Nic is all male. The room even holds a hint of Nic’s masculine scent.

  “We’re staying here tonight.”

  “What?” I swallow. Hard. “But what about your hotel suite?”

  He gives me that smug little grin of his. “I’m sure Leo and Xander will put the suite to good use.”

  I look at Nic’s massive bed. I can’t help but wonder what kind of action that bed has seen. The thought of other women sleeping in the bed with Nic kind of makes my stomach churn. Especially because I know I have to sleep in the same bed if I ever hope to see the money.

  When I glance over at Nic he’s eyeing me again. Like he’s trying to read my thoughts. “No one has ever slept in that bed but me.”

  I actually laugh. A big one. I can’t help it. “Yeah, right.”

  He closes the distance between us. He’s so close I can feel the heat radiating from his body. “I don’t let just anyone in my home, Harper. Leo, Xander, Raven, and Brad. That’s about it. And no one sleeps in my bedroom but me.”

  My throat feels incredibly dry. I want to ask him why he wants me to sleep with him here in his bed when no one else ever has, but no words will come out.

  “If you’re worried about your stuff, I’m having Brad bring everything from the hotel. Even your books.”

  I wasn’t even thinking about my stuff until he just mentioned it. I was still thinking about the massive bed and being in it with Nic.

  “We don’t have to be back on the road until tomorrow morning. We have the whole evening together.”

  “What am I doing here, Nic?”

  “I hope you’ll want to join me for dinner. And maybe a swim in my infinity pool or take a dip in the hot tub. We could also go for a walk in the desert. It’s beautiful at night. You can see all the stars. How far away the stars seem, and how far is our first kiss, and ah, how old my heart.”

  “Quoting William Butler Yeats isn’t going to score brownie points. Just so you know.”

  “And just how many guys are quoting W.B. Yeats to you?”

  “Just one. Jackson. He was an English major. And prelaw.”

  I can see Nic bite his bottom lip. He’s thinking again. “I know you have some hesitancy towards me. You’ve made that pretty clear. I just want the chance, even if it’s a small chance, to change your mind about me. I want you to get to know the real me.”

  I shake my head. “You don’t think I’ve seen the real you? You’re all the things people say about you. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Remember?”

  “Name me one guy on the planet who wouldn’t take whatever girls are willing to give? I just happen to have a lot of girls willing to give it up. I’m sure even Harvard takes what he can get whenever he can get it.”

  “You don’t know anything about Jackson,” I fire back.

  “And you think you do? I have no doubt he’s playing the field and getting as much Harvard snatch as he can.”

  “He’s not like that.”

  “Trust me. If he’s got a dick, he’s like that.”

  “You’re right about one thing. I don’t like you very much.” I’m not even sure how true that is anymore but I say it anyway just because he’s making me so mad.

  Nic looks down at me with his gorgeous brown eyes and part of me wants to melt right into them. Another part of me is just as ready to slap his face. I’ve never felt so many different emotions towards one person in my entire life.

  He gets really close. So close I can feel his breath on me. “Are you sure you’re not attracted to me? Not even a little bit?”

  I’m overcome by a wave of electricity rushing through my entire body. I can’t even respond to his question.

  “One shot. That’s all I’m asking for.”


  He smiles. That sexy little grin of his.

  Wait a minute. Sexy? Where did that come from? I meant that smug grin that I hate so much.

  “So when do I get to interview you?”

furrows his brow.

  “I’m a reporter, remember? I’m supposed to be doing a story on you.”

  “I take all my interviews in the hot tub.”

  “Seriously? And just how many interviews have you had in the hot tub?”

  “This will be the first,” he admits.

  “I can’t do the hot tub.”

  “Does it have anything to do with that little trip to the store Brad made for you?”

  “God, no.” I can feel my face getting hot. Why did I think it was a good idea to see if he’d actually buy me tampons? “I don’t have swimsuit with me.”

  “That’s not a problem. We don’t need swimsuits to go in the hot tub.”

  I shake my head. “There’s no way I’m going into the hot tub with you without a swimsuit.”

  Nic grabs the cell phone from his pocket and dials. “Brad, I need for you to run to the mall and grab Harper a swimsuit.”

  “A bikini,” he adds.

  I try to wave but he ignores me. I’ve never actually worn a bikini before.

  “Great. Thanks.”

  “Brad will have a swimsuit here for you in a couple of hours. Just enough time for us to have a nice dinner.”

  “I’m actually more of a one-piece kind of girl.”

  “Are you saying this is going to be your first bikini?” He grins.

  “Is this the only way I’m going to get an interview?”

  He nods. “New rule. I only interview with reporters in bikinis.”


  “So what do you think about sautéed chicken and mushrooms?”

  “That actually sounds good,” I admit. And thinking about it I can feel my stomach growl.

  “Good. Come on.”

  I follow him into an enormous gourmet kitchen.

  “Wow,” I stammer as I look around at all the brand new stainless steel appliances. It’s got to be the most amazing kitchen I’ve ever seen. This kitchen gives most cooking shows a run for their money. “You must really like to cook.”

  “I can get around a kitchen.”

  He reaches over to a speaker dock on the counter. “Would you like to hear some music while I cook?”

  “I’m not sure my ears have fully recovered from the concert last night.”

  “I promise not to play anything too hard. How about Diana Krall?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Do you have some kind of private investigators who researched everything about me? How in the world did you know I like Dianna Krall?”

  He shrugs. “Call it a hunch.”

  “That’s some hunch.”

  “Maybe I know you a lot better than you think I do.”

  I watch as Nic removes chicken and mushrooms from the refrigerator.

  “Why do you have so much fresh food when you’re on the road?”

  “My housekeeper keeps the fridge full for me. She stays here when I’m out of town. Takes care of the place.”

  “Where is she?”

  “I texted her and told her to take the night off.”

  I’m not sure why the thought crosses my mind but I wonder if Nic’s been with her too.

  “She’s in her fifties,” he says. It’s uncanny how often I feel like he’s reading my thoughts. “She’s like the aunt I never had.”

  “Do you need help with that?” I point to the cutting board and knife he places on the counter.

  “I’ve got it.”

  I can’t help but laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s a little hard to believe that Nic Rayne is cooking dinner for me. How many girls can say that?”

  “None,” he says and almost sounds sad.

  “No way.”

  He looks up at me. “I’ve never cooked for anyone before.”

  “Not even Raven?”

  He laughs. “No, definitely not for Raven.”

  I feel like someone just put a heavy weight on my chest. This is almost too much. Not just being with Nic Rayne. But being in his house. And him cooking dinner for me.

  If someone would have asked me a few weeks ago whether I’d image myself in this position I would have told them they were absolutely insane.

  “I don’t date, Harper,” Nic says as he chops up some celery and a carrot. There’s a note of sadness to his voice.

  “Why not?”

  He gnaws on his bottom lip. “It’s just too hard. Always being under constant scrutiny by the media. Most people who aren’t in the business don’t want to deal with that crap. And anyone who does want to be in the spotlight, I have to question her motives. Does she actually want to get to know me or does she just want some publicity to further her own career as a model, actress, singer…fill in the blank?”

  For the first time since I met him I actually feel a little sad for Nic. I guess there are a few dark and down sides to being a superstar.

  “So is this a date?”

  He glances up at me and when our eyes meet, there’s an exchange of energy between us. And I can’t believe I’m actually thinking about what it would be like to kiss Nic Rayne. Like a million other women don’t have that same thought on an hourly basis.

  But it’s not a thought I’m used to having.

  “Is that what you want it to be?” Nic actually sounds sincere. There’s no hint of his smug smile anywhere. “A date?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

  He gives me a quick nod. “Fair enough.”

  He places the chicken in a sauté pan and begins to brown the half breasts. After a few minutes he adds the sliced mushrooms and other seasonings. My mouth begins to water as I take in the aroma of the chicken.

  “Would you like some wine? It’ll be a few more minutes until it’s ready.”

  “What have you got?”

  He smiles. “What do you want?”

  I’m not much of a drinker so I try to think back to the times that Jackson took me out to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary or my birthday. What did he order?

  “I like Merlot,” Nic suggests. “It’s fruity. Or I have Cabernet Sauvignon.”

  “You know a lot about wine?”

  “I’ve read enough to learn a few things.”

  “What about school?”

  “We’ll save the interview for after dinner.” He grabs a bottle of Merlot out of the small wine cabinet on his countertop. He opens it and pours me a glass. Then he hands it to me.

  “Aren’t you going to have some?” I notice he hasn’t poured himself any.

  “I want to see if you like it first.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ll open something else.”

  I take a sip of the wine. He’s right. It’s sweet and a bit fruity. “It’s great.”

  He nods and pours himself a glass. “Let’s toast.”

  I laugh. “To what exactly?”

  He puts his glass up and waits for me to do the same. We clink glasses.

  “Wine is bottled poetry.”

  “Robert Louis Stevenson.”

  He smiles. “I haven’t been able to stump you yet.”

  I shake my head. “You’re not going to.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”

  “It’s not a challenge if the task is impossible.”

  When he looks at me, his gaze is steely, resolute. “There’s nothing I can’t do, Harper. Haven’t you figured that out yet?”

  I stop with my wine glass in midair.

  “I always get what I want.” His eyes are now blazing right through me.

  I can feel my chest tighten when I accept the realization that what Nic wants just might be me.


  If I would have thought ahead of myself for three seconds I wouldn’t have stuffed myself with Nic’s absolutely delicious meal. I’m now staring down at the bikini that Nic had Brad buy for me wondering how in the world I’m going to fit into the thing after eating such a big meal.

  There’s a light knock on the bathroom door. “Are you okay in

  Nic’s not impatient. He sounds more concerned.

  “Fine,” I mutter even though I’m anything but. I know I’m going to absolutely humiliate myself wearing this bikini.

  I hold up the stringy thing. There’s barely anything there at all. My only saving grace is that Nic is the only one who is ever going to see me wear it.

  I put on the bikini and look at myself in the full length mirror. “Oh, God.” It’s even worse that I thought it would be. I look completely ridiculous.

  Another knock. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I slowly open the door and step back into Nic’s bedroom.

  When his jaw actually drops I feel like I’m going to cry. I’m not sure what I was thinking. He’s been with the most beautiful women in the world. Models and actresses. I definitely don’t look like any of them.

  He’s got a strange expression on his face and it makes me extremely self-conscious. If there was giant hole anywhere close, I’d definitely crawl in it.

  I try to blink back the tears that I can feel starting to accumulate in my eyes. “This was a mistake.”

  I turn to head back into the bathroom but Nic grabs my arm. He looks confused. “Where are you going?”

  “To change,” I spit out.

  “But why?”

  I can feel the tears start to stream down my face. “The look on your face. Like you can’t believe I’m even out here in a bikini. I get it. I know you’ve been with every model and actress in Hollywood. My body must be shocking after that.”

  “You’re right. It is a shock.”

  “Let go of me, please.” I try to wriggle free but he’s got a hold of my elbow pretty tight.

  “No, not until you look at me.”

  I try to wipe the tears from my face before I turn to look at him. His eyes are even more resolute. “You, Harper Leigh, have the hottest fucking body I’ve ever seen. And it was a shock. I had no idea what you had going on under those hippie librarian clothes of yours but ever since I saw you that first night, I’ve wanted to find out.”

  I feel like I’ve been tossed into an ocean and I’m being battered around in the tumultuous waves of emotion. Did he just say I had a hot body? He might have even said it was the hottest body he’d ever seen. Seriously?


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