Always Rayne (The ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Rock Star Romance Series)

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Always Rayne (The ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER Rock Star Romance Series) Page 10

by Sierra Avalon

  His eyes blaze into mine.

  I’m not sure what to do or say. It’s difficult to imagine the infamous playboy Nic Rayne ever settling down with anyone.

  “So if this was a date,” Nic says. “You know what happens at the end of a first date.”

  “I’m not having sex with you.”

  He laughs. Then he leans over and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

  It feels like butterflies are fluttering over my entire body.

  “I told you I was taking things slowly,” he whispers.

  “Uh, huh,” is the only thing I can manage to reply.

  Then he grabs my hand and laces his fingers with mine. I like the way our hands fit together. More than I should.

  “Are you planning on holding my hand all night?”

  “Don’t you like it?” He eyes me.

  “I never said that.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  He tightens his grip on me just a little bit. Enough to show he’s not letting go. I don’t protest.

  “You know we can’t hold hands in public,” I state.

  “Why not?”

  I laugh. “Do you really have to ask that question?”

  “I guess so. Why not?” He sounds serious.

  “Because I’m a reporter. I’m doing an exclusive story on you and the band. This is my first really big story. And I want to be taken seriously as a journalist. If we hold hands people will think the only reason I was hired to write the story is because I’m sleeping with you.”

  He looks at me then looks around the room. “I hate to break it to you, but you are sleeping with me.”

  I frown. “You know what I mean. People will think we’re having sex.”

  “You mean that you’re fucking me in exchange for an exclusive story.”

  “Exactly. That would ruin my career before it even started.”

  “And you know you can say fuck. Your lips won’t fall off when the word comes out of your mouth.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “Really? From who?”


  He laughs. “She has no problem saying anything to anyone.”

  “Very true.”

  He brings our joined hands to his lips and places a kiss on my hand. “I guess I’ll just have to appreciate this while I can. Now let’s get some sleep. We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”


  When the first light peeks in from under the plantation shutters, I’m glad it’s morning even though I’m exhausted.

  And Nic and I are still holding hands just the way we fell asleep.

  Sleep eluded me most of the night. I just can’t seem to stop my mind from racing. And I don’t feel comfortable in Nic’s bed with my body so close to betraying me and giving into temptation.

  I never thought I’d catch myself thinking these four words but they keep going through my head like a mantra: I want Nic Rayne.

  I’m just glad that tasks of the day should keep my mind occupied and off of Nic’s body.

  I turn towards Nic. I can hear the faintest sound of him lightly snoring. At least one of us was able to get some sleep. I watch him sleep for a few moments. He looks so peaceful. It’s the only time I’ve ever seen him look so at ease. He usually looks like he’s got a million thoughts running through his head.

  Just like I do.

  I can see his eyes flutter a bit and then he slowly opens them. “Were you watching me sleep?”

  He wipes the sleep from his eyes and yawns.

  “Maybe for a few seconds,” I admit.

  “You know I’ve never slept with a woman I didn’t fuck first.”

  “You have a way with words.”

  “Just being honest.”

  “Is it supposed to be some kind of compliment?”

  He shrugs. “I’m not sure about anything with you, Shakes. Everyone says I’m cockier than hell but when I’m around you, I don’t know which way is up.”

  Join the club. “This is all new to me too. I’ve never slept in a bed with a celebrity. One I’m supposed to be interviewing.”

  “Your boss did want you embedded with the band.”

  “I don’t think this is exactly want he had in mind.”

  When he leans over and gives me a light kiss on the forehead, the butterflies start flapping all over again.

  “We better get ready. We’ve still got to get back to the hotel to meet the band and get back on the road.”

  “That doesn’t really match.” Nic is eyeing the outfit I put on. A tight green flowered V-Neck top with a pink mini skirt. “Let’s see what else you packed.”

  I open my suitcase up again and Nic riffles through the clothing. “I think this is supposed to go with that top.”

  He holds up a white mini skirt. Maybe he’s right. I have no idea. “I think I’m fashion challenged.”

  “The first step in recovery is admitting that you have a problem.”

  I know that because I’ve gone through the process with Brooke. But how does he know that? He’s obviously not in recovery himself because I’ve seen him drink.

  “Leo’s tried the 12 Steps. A few times. He’s kind of off and on the wagon and everything in between.”

  “You remember my roommate, Brooke? She’s trying to stay sober. It’s not easy. That’s one of the reasons it was so hard for me to take this job. I wasn’t sure about leaving her alone.”

  “We’ve really got to motor. Brad’s coming to pick us up in like five minutes.”

  I grab the skirt Nic picked out. “Then I’d better get changed.”


  Brad’s eyes actually go wide when he sees me. “Harper. You look amazing. Love that ensemble.”

  I glance over at Nic and he gives me that smug little grin of his. But today I don’t feel like punching his face. I feel more like kissing him.

  “I’ll get your bags,” Brad says as he grabs my suitcase. “Don’t tell me that Nic gave you more books.”

  “Just one.”

  “Is it an encyclopedia?”

  “Very funny,” Nic replies.


  We run into Leo, Xander and Raven in the hotel lobby. They look like they may have gotten two or three hours of sleep between them.

  “Dude, where were you last night?” Leo looks puzzled. “We had these twins in the suite.” He holds out his hands to indicate large breasts. “And they could go all night long.”

  When Nic glances over at me he actually looks embarrassed. “I stayed at the house.”

  Now Leo’s the one who looks puzzled. “What did you do that for?”

  Nic bites his bottom lip then says, “I had Harper with me.”

  Xander’s eyes go so wide they look like they’re going to pop right out of his head. “You never have girls at your house.”

  Raven elbows Xander in the stomach.

  “Ouch,” Xander exclaims. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  Raven glares at him. “Maybe so you’ll shut the hell up.”

  Nic gnaws on his bottom lip a few more times and then says, “Harper’s going to be staying with me. For the rest of the tour.”

  I can feel my heart start to race as I see the expressions on Xander, Leo and Raven’s faces. Their jaws are all dropped and their eyes are wide.

  “For the rest of the tour?” Leo stammers. “She’s going to be staying with you? Like in your bed?”

  Nic nods.

  Leo grabs his head and then lifts his fingers and makes a shooting motion with his fingers. “My mind is completely blown.”

  Xander is just shaking his head like a rag doll.

  Raven looks back and forth between the two guys on either side of her and she looks totally pissed. “The two of you need to stop acting like twelve year olds and start minding your own business.”

  “It’s just freaking me out, Man,” Leo states. I’m curious to know exactly what’s freaking him out but I’m afraid to go down that road even more. Especially with the r
elationship between me and Nic being so precarious.

  If I can even call it a relationship. I’m not sure exactly what’s happening between us.

  This time, Raven gives Leo a little slap in the face. Not hard, more playful, just to knock a little sense into him.

  “I think everyone just needs to leave Rayne and Harper alone.” Raven glances at me and gives me a small smile. I take it as a good sign that she’s not biting my head off. She’s actually being a lot more supportive than I ever imagined. Maybe she really does care about Nic more like a brother…who she’s slept with.

  When I catch sight of Brad racing over to us I can tell by the look on his face that it probably isn’t going to be good news.

  “Rayne,” he says breathlessly. “And Harper. I need to talk to you.”

  “About what?” Nic eyes him.

  Brad gulps. He’s usually so confident and sure of himself. Now he looks like a scared little boy. “We need to do some damage control.”

  “What’s going on Brad? Spit it out.”

  “Remember that reporter. The one with the pathetic excuse for a comb over.”

  “The creepy-as-shit guy,” Leo chimes in.

  Brad nods. “Yeah, I guess so. He is kind of creepy. Anyway I guess he’s been following you and Harper. He sold a story to Gossip Hub and they’ve already got it up on their website. It’ll be airing on the show tonight. It’s already been tweeted a few thousand times.”

  “What’s the story?” I mumble. I feel like my world has come to a complete halt and is starting to crumble around me.

  I can see sweat start to bead on Brad’s forehead. This can’t be good. My stomach churns in response.

  “How bad is it?” Nic asks between clenched teeth. He looks pissed. I haven’t seen this side of him before and it actually scares me a little bit.

  “I’m sorry Harper,” Brad says.

  “What exactly did this guy write?” I’m starting to feel dizzy and nauseated. I try to steady myself so I don’t pass out.

  Brad takes in a deep breath and then says, “He has photos of you standing outside Nic’s car. Of Crystal Collins getting out of the car and then of you getting into the car. He makes it look like Nic screwed around with Crystal in the back of the car and then went for round two with you immediately after. The title of the article is The Insatiable Nic Rayne so you get the gist. He states in the article that this evidence, as he calls it, leaves little doubt that the only reason you got an exclusive story with Rayne and the band is because you’re screwing him.”

  My worst nightmare has been realized. And I haven’t even done anything to deserve it. “I’m not fucking Nic,” I blurt. Then I say it again even louder because I’m angry and upset and because my professional life is ruined before it’s even begun. “I’m not fucking Nic Rayne if anyone even cares about the truth.”

  Leo actually has the audacity to laugh. “Funny.”

  I put a finger in his face. “It’s not funny and it is the truth.”

  He looks puzzled. “But you spent the night with him.”

  “So?” I glare at him.

  “Rayne doesn’t spend the night with a chick without getting laid.”

  I’m so utterly frustrated I can’t even respond. Even Nic’s closest friends seem to think we’ve slept together. Of course the rest of the world is going to believe that sleazy asshole’s story.

  “At least she finally said fuck,” Raven jokes. “And her lips are still on her mouth. They didn’t fall off.”

  “Fuck!” I scream. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I glare at Raven. “There. Are you happy?”

  I can’t stop the tears that start streaming down my face and I’m not sure I want to. Maybe I need a good cry.

  When I look over at Nic he looks as sick as I feel. Like someone punched him in the gut.

  “Brad,” Nic says. “Get Ari on the phone and have him contact my lawyer. I want to sue these bastards and I want that creepy-as-shit reporter named in the lawsuit. Ari needs to figure out a way to make this go away.”

  “Sorry, Bro,” Xander pipes in. “But I don’t think this thing is going away. The story has already been retweeted over 50,000 times. It’s big news. Not that you haven’t ever had two girls in one day—or even at the same time—but it’s never been reported and one of them has never been a reporter.”

  When I feel my phone buzz I cringe. I have a feeling it’s probably my boss. I have no doubt he’s going to fire me. Not only does this horrible story make me look bad—it makes Chatter look bad too.

  My phone continues to buzz so I take it out of my pocket. No surprise I’ve got a text from my boss but I’ve also got texts from Brooke and Jackson.

  They say good news travels fast. I guess bad news travels even faster.

  “I’ve got to go,” I announce to no one in particular.

  Nic grabs my arm. “Where are you going?”

  “My boss texted me among other people. I have a feeling I’m going to get fired.”

  He looks devastated. “I’ll take care of this. I promise.”

  “How?” I sniffle. “How in the world are you ever going to take care of something like this? My career is ruined before it even really began. No one will ever take me seriously as a journalist. I have no idea how to deal with this.”

  Nic’s face is stone. “I said I’ll take care of it. I’ll talk to your boss.”

  I laugh even though it isn’t funny. “I’m not sure that’s going to help.”

  “Please let me talk to him first.”

  “Fine. I’ve got to phone my roommate. I’m sure she’s freaking out. She’s a GOSSIP HUB junkie among other addictions.”

  As I step away from Nic and the rest of group I can see Brad taking notes as Nic talks to him.

  I dial Brooke’s number and she picks up before the phone barely has a chance to ring.

  “What the hell is going on?” Brooke practically screams into the phone. “Why do I have to read about you hooking up with Nic Rayne on the GOSSIP HUB website? And how the hell did that even happen?”

  “Nothing happened,” I insist. “Well, nothing much happened. I definitely didn’t sleep with Nic. I mean, well, I did sleep with him. We just didn’t have sex. We didn’t even kiss. Well, he kissed me on the forehead. And he kissed my hand. But that was all.”

  “You’re not making any sense at all. There are photos, Harper. And they’re all over the internet. Some people are even saying you were in a threesome. Of course, I know that’s not true. Is it?”

  “Oh my God, Brooke! Did you really just ask me that question? Of course I wasn’t in a threesome. I wasn’t even in a twosome. I haven’t been with anyone since Jackson broke up with me. Nic was with the other girl in the back of his car. And I did get into his car but only for him to take me to his house in Scottsdale.”

  “But you just said you slept with him.”

  “Yes, all we did was sleep. It was perfectly innocent and Nic was a complete and total gentleman.”

  “This is Nic Rayne we’re talking about? The infamous Hollywood bad boy. He was a gentleman? I find that hard to believe.”

  “I get it. You, and apparently everyone else in the country based on the Twitter feed, believe that I screwed Nic Rayne. I know he has a reputation but I swear nothing happened. We just talked and slept.”

  “I believe you. Based on what I know about you, your story sounds a lot more plausible than the one GOSSIP HUB published. But not everyone knows you like I do.”

  “I’m just glad my parents aren’t on Twitter and they don’t know anything about GOSSIP HUB.”

  “Jackson phoned looking for you. He said you haven’t returned any of his texts.”

  “After two months he decides to contact me now. I just can’t deal with him.”

  “I get the feeling he wants you back.”

  “It’s a little late for that now.”

  “Why? Are you starting to have feelings for someone else? Maybe a certain celebrity everyone thinks you’re

  “Even if I was starting to have feelings for Nic. And that’s a big if. I don’t think we could have a relationship. I thought it was unlikely before given how different our lives are but after this scandal, I think it’s impossible.”

  “I think you worry too much. They say all publicity is good publicity.”

  “Maybe if I wanted to be a celebrity, but I’m trying to be a serious journalist.”

  “I think you should throw caution to the wind and actually do it with Nic Rayne.”

  “I’ve thought about it,” I admit.

  “I knew it. I knew you liked him.”

  “I didn’t like him very much until I got to know him. He’s actually a lot deeper than I gave him credit for.”

  “And a lot sexier too.”

  “Okay, I’ll admit he’s sexy. And…”

  “What?” Brooke practically screams into the phone. “Don’t keep me in suspense.”

  “The rumors,” I whisper into the phone. “About his size are true.”

  “And how do you know that? I thought you guys didn’t do anything.”

  “We got into swimsuits to get into the hot tub and I caught a glimpse of the goods.”

  She laughs. “Did you really just say the goods? You can say dick you know. Or cock. Or even penis, if you must.”

  “Fine. I saw his penis when he changed into a swimsuit.”

  “Now I know you’re telling the truth if the two of you wore swimsuits in a hot tub. Who does that? A hot tub in like an invitation to get naked and get nasty.”

  “We relaxed and watched the sun set.”

  “You know you’re kind of making me sick. This is all a little too saccharine sweet for me. I want you to promise me that you’ll screw Nic Rayne. Please. You need to put that monster cock to good use.”

  “Everyone already thinks we’re doing it anyway.”

  “And for once in your life can you just let loose and be young and wild? Even just a little?”

  “I’ll give it some consideration. But first I have to make sure I’m not fired and that I’m still going to be on tour with Nic and the band.”

  “Please don’t continue to keep me in the dark. I want a play-by-play of what’s happening. Okay?”


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