Vassily: Perfect Pain - a Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance

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Vassily: Perfect Pain - a Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance Page 20

by Alice May Ball

  The look on Katya’s face as she steps up to stand over him is the hottest, sexiest thing I ever saw.

  I stare at her amazed as I rub my throat. She shrugs. “Circus skills.”

  listened as Vassily made the call on the boardwalk. Leaning back against him, his strong arms enfold me. His lips caress my neck and he nibbles my ear. I lean into him and I sigh as his voice rumbles. I press back and push my ass against the length of his hardening cock.

  “Luka could be more than an hour.”

  My eyes close as I loll my head against his. Lazily, I ask him, “What shall we do?”

  Neither of us wants to go back into the house. And the air is pleasantly cool on the beach. The soft wool sweater and the loose blue denims chafe at the sensitive parts of my skin. In the rush, I left my underwear wherever it was inside the house. My nipples are hardening.

  I rock my ass against him. Grinding. Pushing. He kisses my neck as he cups my breasts in his hands.

  I murmur, “Now that we’ve broken the virginity thing, there’s no real reason anymore not to…” He stiffens against my ass. Against the soft cheeks of my ass, he feels even heftier now than he did before. I bend forward. Reach back between my legs. Stroke my fingers over the length of him. Feel him twitch and jolt as I scrape my nails down the fabric. I feel him.

  Touching his hot shaft through his pants makes me hot. I straighten back up. Push my ass against him. Reach back. Behind me. Pull open his pants. He doesn’t have underwear either. A sigh grates out of my throat.

  There is no-one for miles. The sea, the sand, and the moonlight are perfect.

  “I want you,” I tell him as I reach inside his pants. His hand slips under my sweater. When he teases my nipple, I grab his hand through the wool. “Harder,” I breathe. “no, really, much harder.” He squeezes until it hurts. I let out a sigh.

  “Better,” I tell him.

  His other hand is sliding into my loose jeans. I know where this is going. Literally. The denim begins to slip down over my hips. He strokes his hand over my pelvis. I shake. Inside and out. Then he caresses the front of my thigh. Then the inside. His fingers go straight to the top of my thigh. I knew that’s where he was aiming. Where the scars are.

  He traces a scar. Then another. It’s a question. Unspoken but clear.

  I nod. “I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything you want to know.” He kisses my neck. My cheek. I reach up to touch his face. “Only,” I say, before we kiss, “Can it be later?”

  His eyes are jewels and his voice is as sure as a priest. “Whatever you want, that’s what I want. What you want to tell me, that’s what I want to hear. And I want it when you want to give it to me.”

  “What I want,” I told him. After we kiss. Before the next one, “I want you to fuck me.”




  “Can you do it really hard?”

  We kiss again before he tells me, “Lean forward again.”

  That kiss was the deepest I ever had. When our breath and our tongues meet, it’s like we are swapping bodies to dance. The heat of his cock pulses in my hand. He touches the lips of my pussy and I shudder. his fingers bruise and spread my wings and I’m soaking. The jeans have slipped down over my hips.

  I pull his shaft up under me. I gasp as I rub my clit on it. I saw my hips back and forth. I grind along the hard ridges of his incredible length. I want him inside me, but I love the feeling of him wrapped in my wings so much it pulls knots in my stomach.

  With one arm he lifts me. He jumps off the boardwalk. We drop a couple of feet to land on the cool sand.

  He yanks off my jeans and his hands run over every part of me as he pulls off my sweater. He sucks on my breasts while his hand drives my clit like a racecar. I yell when his teeth seize and stretch my nipples.

  He knows what I want. I know that he feels what I need. He lifts me off the ground and throws me face down onto my hands and elbows. Firmly his hands part my thighs. He rubs the whole wet length of my pussy and holds me by my hips. His cock busts in to pierce me. My feet stamp and my fingers claw. He splits me wide. Pulling hard on my hips, he slams against the bounce of my ass.

  I have to hope there’s no one around. Each time he hammers his cock into me it’s deeper. Each pump is harder. I howl and moan. He speeds up. Gripping hard on my hips, he angles me to get deeper inside. To fill me more. To get his hot rod of flesh searing through every fold of my insides.

  The bottom of his bulb scrapes at the point, high in my folds inside. Teasing that button makes me lose all control. And he knows exactly how fast to stab. How hard to hit it.

  I’m gushing and my head thrashes. My arms and hands beat on the sand as he drums and pounds into me.

  Stretching my legs, trying to stay up, my knees give way, but he holds on. Again, I stretch my legs. He just holds on. Flashes of sensation wash through my thighs and my chest and crackle in my arms. He stretches me wider and plugs me deeper. Tingling rushes hose through me and swell to fountains. they rise and plateau and I’m quaking, helpless as I wait. My muscles clench and vibrate and the feelings fill me ready to brim. My walls grip, quivering around his hot, beating hardness.

  Simmering tension from my core to my arms and legs brims and spills. I crack and burst inside like a breaking dam.


  I lie in his arms. He holds me from behind, wrapping me with his body. I snuggle my cheek against his arm. “I can tell you about the marks.”

  “Only if you want to.” He kisses my neck, “I want to know all of what you want to tell me. Nothing more and only when you’re ready.”

  I hold tighter to his arm. “It’s a defense. It’s something I learned a long time ago. I’m not sure if I completely understand it myself, but it’s a way of me being in control. I decide, and I know what’s going to happen. It’s my choice.”

  “You’ve been doing it a long time?”

  “A very long time. Since… since I was…”

  “When you’re ready. Only then.”

  “I think I’m in love with you.”

  “How will you know?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t know how to tell. It never happened before.”

  runo has been found. Mikhail calls. Tells me to meet him at Vovo’s.

  He waits for me in the darkness of the alley at the back of the club. “Why, Boss? Why do you think he would have done it?”

  “Aside from the fact that he’s a mean, dumb little fuckwit? I think he got himself played.”

  Vovo’s of all places. With Mikhail is Hunter, the guy who called it in. Hunter is a man I know well.

  He tells me, “I can get in and take him out.”

  “I need to be able to talk to him. But I appreciate the offer.”

  “You need backup. I’ll come up and cover you.”

  “I wouldn’t turn you down, but I think I’ve got this. Thanks.”

  He comes into the building with me. I tell him what I’m planning. He says, “You probably have got it covered. But I’ll tag along if it’s alright with you.”

  I call the freight elevator down to the basement.


  Bruno’s got a table piled up with AK-47s. He hears the freight elevator and he picks up a gun. He racks in a double-taped magazine and stands in front of the steel door, waiting for the elevator as its winches grind. when it clanks to a halt on the floor of the club, he waits, poised.

  Nothing happens. He begins to blast away at the door. The bullets slam into the elevator door, and it heats up. The steel blackens and begins to buckle. Bullets ricochet off the door, but they don’t break through. Bruno keeps firing until the magazine is empty. While he’s pulling the magazine out and flipping it around, I take a step closer. From about eight feet behind him, I fire the barbs of the Tazer into the back of his arm. They hit the point of his elbow.

  Behind me, Hunter chuckles as Bruno drops the AK. He goes down, howling. His arm convulses, and he shakes. I put a foot on h
is neck. “You weren’t cut out for any of this, Bruno.”

  “You want to be nicer to me, Vassily,” he’s aggressive and sulky. “I’m going to be running the business of all the families now.”

  He yowls as I rip the barbs out of his elbow. I haul him up by his ear and he yells as I drag him to the chair that’s still in the center of the stage. Seems fitting that I truss him up with the same straps, belts, and ropes that his two little thugs used to tie Katya. I lash him to the chair.

  Every time I tighten a strap he bitches and each time I slap him a little harder. He seems to want it. He’s one twisted little fuckup.

  “I’m going to be running this town,” he snarls.

  I stand back. “I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you are tied to a chair.”

  “Oh, this is just temporary, I assure you.” He’s seething. I can hear Hunter in the shadows behind me.

  I send text messages to Caterina, Medved, and Mikhail.

  I call the elevator, the regular passenger car. Bruno shouts from across the room. “What now, Vassily? What’s your big plan?”

  I step back toward him. “The big plan is that you’re going to wait there a while.”

  The elevator dings, I turn and leave him there. Hunter remains in the shadows. I don’t think Bruno knows that he’s even there. It doesn’t matter much either way. He’s not going to get out of the straps and ropes. And, if he does, Hunter will subdue him. It won’t be long now.


  Medved is alone in one of the private rooms with a screen. I’ve put in a couple of bottles of vodka, too. I think he’s going to need them. Caterina invited Katya to join her in the other room we’re using for observation. They have two screens on the table in there. One to watch the stage with Bruno, the other to watch Medved.

  Mikhail has a command post with screens to watch everyone. He feeds those to Hunter and to the heads of security from all of the families.

  I told Caterina I would interrogate him. “He’ll tell me.” She nodded. I left her and Katya in the room with the screen. Medved was in another room.

  I ask Bruno about what happened at Konstantin’s house. Bruno says he hasn’t been there.

  “When haven’t you been there?”

  “At all. I haven’t been there at all.”

  “You’re not thinking straight, Bruno. You married the man’s daughter. Did you forget? Where is Irina now?”

  “She’s still in Vegas.”

  “So why have you come back. Forget something?”

  “Yeah. Something I wanted to pick up from the apartment.”

  “Bad lie, Bruno. You haven’t been there.”

  I barely have to twist his ear and bend his fingers back before he breaks like a crying schoolboy.

  He gave it all up. He wasn’t tough, he was a spoiled bully. He loved to see pain and inflict it on others but as soon as he felt some himself, he turned into blubbering jelly.

  He had been working for a guy, a Russian guy, he didn’t know who he was. He told him that if he did a few things, he would have the keys to the city.

  “What does that mean, Bruno, ‘the keys to the city’?”

  “It means I would be in a position to run it. All of it,” his face tightens and hardens. Spoiled kid, not getting what he wants, angry. Vengeful. Not a pretty sight. “I would run it all. All of the families, all the mobs. They would all work for me.”

  My head shakes. “You believed that?”

  His mouth and his eyes pinch. “It’s my destiny.” Destiny. Where did I hear that recently?

  “Think about your dad, Bruno. Think about Konstantin. Think about Carmine Monreale. Those are powerful men, Bruno. Put yourself alone in a room with any one of them. What power do you seriously think you could use on them?”

  “They’re nothing without all of their men.”

  “Oh? And what are you?”

  He hisses, “I’ve been passed over. Sidelined. I’ve got a position. I rank.” Who told him that, I wonder.

  “You were getting your revenge?”

  “Taking what’s mine. My birthright.” He’s snarling and there’s a hot glow in his eyes.

  “You made one hell of a mess taking it.”

  “I killed the king. You go to kill the king, you’ve got to go in strong. Hard like an arctic wind.” Somebody fed him that line, too. That’s not Bruno. But that’s good. He’s bringing the answer out for me.

  “You knew what you were doing. It was part of a plan.”

  “Taking what’s mine. I’m going to be running all of this. All of it.” I keep my face neutral. He leans forward. “Don’t worry, Vassily. I’ll remember your part in this. I won’t be unfair. But I won’t forget, either.”

  “But someone does understand your position, right, Bruno? Somebody with some power. You’ve been getting yourself some wise counsel. You have what the Italians call a consigliere. Someone you can trust to give you advice.”

  “There is someone who sees my potential.”

  Potential. Really. Somebody saw an ego as fragile as Bruno’s and knew how to manipulate it. I could almost pity him.

  I say, “Someone helped you to see it.”

  He grins. His eyes narrow.

  “Someone who recognized your potential. From a great distance.” Bruno’s brow creases. “A dark figure, a mentor with great power who just helped you see the way.”

  He practically spits. “You don’t know anything.”

  “Is he going to get you out of these straps, Bruno? Is he going to sweep in and set you free?”

  “You better believe it.”

  “Is he? How is he going to do that if he’s still in St. Petersburg, Bruno?”

  Bruno cackles. “He has people. He has men everywhere.”

  “But not you, Bruno. You’re not one of his men.”

  “No. I’m…” Light is dawning for him.

  “You’re expendable, Bruno. You’ve served your purpose. You’re all used up now.”

  “You don’t know anything.”

  I turn to leave. I got Caterina what she needs. I should leave it at that. But I spin back. I’m in his face.

  “You killed your father in law. Konstantin never trusted you, but he took you in. Why? For Irina. He could never deny his daughter anything. He took you in and you slaughtered him. Him and nine good men, Bruno. And why?”

  I put my nose on the end of his. He stretches back, leaning the chair as far back as he can. “Why?” I snarl, “Because you feel you’ve been sidelined. Your whole life you haven’t done one thing to earn a position, but you killed ten people, and just because you feel you haven’t got your dues.”

  In the next room, Medved watched the whole thing on a computer screen. As I come in, he says, “You see? The boy’s been led astray. Some idiot has filled his head with bullshit. It’s not him. We need to find the bastard who made him do all of this shit.”

  I lay a hand on his shoulder and tell him, “Yes, Medved. that’s all true. But Caterina isn’t going to let him go. She told me, the choice is, it’s going to be you or her.”


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