Shyra _ K1

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Shyra _ K1 Page 8

by Aline Riva

  As Sin stirred from sleep, she looked up to see a woman standing over her – another stranger... There was no sign of Jinx, so she drew in a breath and spoke weakly, finding the drowsy, heavy feeling had lingered, but speaking was easier now.

  “Please...get me away from him...he's insane!”

  “No, Jinx cares about you,” Jody replied, “He's chosen you. That means you're really special.”

  She placed her hands on her shoulders, leaning over her as she ran her gaze over her exposed body.

  “He's going to want to make some changes...He likes the look of non human women, he's thinking about modifying you. But you won't remember, you'll forget who you used to be...he wants your memory wiped.”

  Sin's eyes reflected terror as her heart raced in panic.

  “Don't... don't do this to me!”

  Jody let go of her and straightened up.

  “The best drug to use, allowing for everything else put in your system to save your life after the crash would be Paromycin, anything else would be too much for you. It won't hurt.”

  “Can it be reversed? Is this permanent?” she asked as her voice trembled.

  “It can be reversed within five days with a shot of antidote, Amphrodryl, but you won't need that. You'll be quite happy in the life you get to enjoy without remembering who you used to be. Just be glad you've been chosen – the weaker ones who don't fit in end up in cold storage. We eat them!”

  “You're as crazy as he is!” Sin gasped.

  Jody smiled kindly.

  “You just don't understand yet. But you will.”

  She struggled to move but still her body was heavy and all she could do was tremble as she glared up at her in defiance.

  “You will not wipe out who I am!”

  “Is something wrong, my love?”

  On hearing the voice of Jinx, Sin tensed, turned her head in a slight movement and watched as he walked over to her bedside with a smile on his face and something he translated as love shining in his eyes. As he stood over her she noticed through his tight jeans that he was growing hard, it was impossible not to notice...

  “You disgust me, you freak!” she said bitterly, “No one is taking my memories, I know who I am!”

  Jinx sat down on the edge of the bed, his smile faded as he looked down at her thoughtfully.

  “But you need a new start. You may have trouble adjusting to our ways and I want us to be happy.”

  Her body was still weak but her mind was sharpening up thanks to fear, and as she began to pull her thoughts together quickly she grasped at her only hope:

  “I'll do anything you say...I want to stay alive, I want to be yours...Please, Rik...”

  His gaze was softening.

  “She's lying,” Jody warned him, “Don't trust her just because you want her.”

  “Thanks Jody, but I can make this decision,” Jinx replied, shooting her a warning glance. She caught a spark of something that hinted of danger lurking in his mood, so stepped back and nodded.

  “It's up to you, of course,” Jody agreed, “I just don't want her trying to escape, or even worse, trying to kill you - or the rest of us!”

  He ran his gaze down Sin's naked body, then looked into her eyes.

  “I'm going to have Jody give you something to make you sleepy now.”

  Then as he leant over her and kissed her tenderly, he felt surprised as she responded, returning his kiss as she looked into his eyes pleadingly.

  “I won't hurt you, I just have a plan to make you look even more beautiful... exotic, me, will you do that?”

  She nodded.

  “You can have me,” she whispered, “My body is yours...But please don't take my mind!”

  Rik smiled as he looked into her eyes.

  “Consider that a deal,” he promised her, “You can keep your mind but your body belongs to me.”

  Then as he got up he saw Jody look at him in surprise. He didn't doubt she would voice more concerns, but his mind was made up. He looked back at Sin and smiled again.

  “I'm going to vastly change your appearance,” he told her, “I'm going to make you look much like the beautiful alien women of Fespara 46.”

  She caught her breath as tears blurred her eyes.

  “No... please don't do that to me!” she begged.

  Seeing fear in her eyes, he returned to her bedside, leaning over her as he looked at her intently.

  “There's nothing to be scared of, Sin. You're so full of healing acceleration meds that you won't have any pain when you wake.”

  She blinked and tears ran down her face as she thought of the alien women of the newly discovered planet – hairless, their bodies decorated with tiny piercings, their forked tongues...

  “I don't want to look like that...”

  He brushed her tears away.

  “We have a deal,” he reminded her, “And that deal includes a very heavy and very intimate piercing, made of Zestion – the orgasm metal. It's already linked to my DNA and once its in you, I'll be the only man who can make you climax. You won't even be able to get there on your own, it's all up to me. So I really will own your body. I just hope along the way you might give me your heart, too. I'll give you a good life, Sin. I'll make you very happy.”

  “Please...please listen to me...I don't want this!”

  He gave a heavy sigh, his patience wearing thin.

  “What don't you want?” he said coldly, “Because you're getting the clitoral piercing and I'm going to modify your looks. And none of this will hurt because you will heal instantly. So exactly what is it you don't want?”

  Tears choked her voice.

  “I don't want my face full of metal... I don't want to be covered in the facial piercings...and I don't want the forked tongue...and please don't shave my hair off...”

  “I'm not shaving it off,” he replied, “Jody will treat your head and body with a chemical to strip away the follicles. I want you smooth all over, permanently. But if you don't want the facial piercings, I'll respect that. But I am splitting your tongue.”

  She gave another sob and he silenced her with a kiss as he pressed his lips to hers, pressing harder until she responded, then he pulled away and his voice softened as he spoke again.

  “Jody, give her a sedative – she needs to be out for a few hours.”

  “You seriously don't want to wipe her memory?” Jody exclaimed.

  “I said, a sedative only!” Jinx snapped, “I've made a promise and I'll keep it!”

  Then he sat on the edge of the bed and took hold of her hand as Sin wept, looking at him pleadingly.

  “It could have been worse,” Jinx reflected, “Real alien women have purple eyes – just be glad I'm not having your eyeballs injected with dye!”

  Then as a needle bit into her arm she struggled, but Jinx kept hold of her hand as the world around her began to blur. The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was Jinx looking down at her as he spoke again.

  “Go to sleep, my love,” he said kindly, “Hurry up and sleep...I'm looking forward to this!”

  As she slipped into deep unconsciousness, Jinx let go of her hand and got up and stepped back from the bed.

  “I''m going to check on the prisoners,” he told her, “While I'm gone strip her of all hair – head and body. I'll be back in half an hour, that should be enough time for the cream to work.”

  “The application works after five minutes!” Jody said in surprise.

  “Keep it on for ten before you wash it off, just to be sure,” Jinx replied, “And don't do anything else until I come back – by the way, would it be okay if I split her tongue?”

  “Only if you don't mess it up!” Jody replied.

  He laughed.

  “How hard can it be to cut through a human tongue?”

  Then he left the med bay and headed for the open hatch, as thoughts that burned with desire for Sin stayed strong, but he knew he had set a task for the prisoners, and he needed to see the result... />
  The sliced flesh that sat on the top of the cage in two long thick strips where it had been placed above the bars the night before had dried out somewhat and stopped dripping to the floor of the cage. It had started to smell slightly off and the body beside him stunk of dried, sour blood and something worse coming through, a stench rising in the heat of the morning. Harvey had retreated to the back of the cage, but when the door opened and Jinx entered the room with Mack beside him, he got up and stepped over the blood on the floor and moved closer to the locked cage door.

  “Mr Jinx,” said Janey as she stood up close to the bars, “He did it.. Harvey sliced him up for you. Does he pass?”

  Jinx looked back at her in surprise then went over to the cage, lifted the chunk of drying flesh from the bars and inspected it. He glanced back at Mack.

  “What do you think?”

  Mack shrugged.

  “Pretty good for a first time effort.”

  “But does he pass?” Janey demanded again.

  Jinx gave no reply as he laid the flesh back on top of the cage and lifted the second slice.

  Mack noticed movement in the cage and looked on in surprise as Janey stripped off the slashed flight suit. She stood there in her underwear, her eyes fixed on him.

  “You said I was first. I'm ready and willing.”

  Jinx turned over the slice of drying flesh, still inspecting the neatness of the cut as he addressed Mack.

  “Take Janey upstairs, then stand guard until Zeke's finished with her...”

  As Mack unlocked the cage, there was a look of confusion in her eyes.


  “Yes, he wants to be first to lay his hands on you.”

  “But I thought...” she stopped right there, looking at Mack with disappointment plain in her gaze.

  Mack laughed.

  “If you want a go with me I'm happy to take a turn afterwards,” he replied, and Jinx looked back at him and laughed along with him as their laughter seemed to ring in her ears and she wondered if all the effort to build a bridge with Mack was wasted after all.

  “Come on,” Mack said, grabbing her by the arm, “I'm taking you upstairs – and don't try anything, I'd hate to pull my knife on a pretty girl like you.”

  “I'm glad you think I'm pretty,” she replied.

  Mack had reached the door as he kept a firm grip on her arm, and he turned back and looked to Jinx.

  “Is it me, or are these people getting to us a little bit?”

  “I know the feeling...” Jinx muttered as his thoughts turned back to Sin and how hard she had begged him not to modify her. Then as Mack left the room taking Janey with him, Harvey found the courage to speak up.

  “Maybe I need to ask the question,” he said, “I cut the flesh from my dead best friend. Do I pass your test, Mr Jinx?”

  “Not yet,” Jinx said thoughtfully, studying the slice of meat that hung from his fingertips as he looked to the cut but thought of Sin back at the ship.

  “Not yet?” Harvey said in alarm, “Why not? I did what you asked me to do!”

  Jinx lowered the flesh through the cage and dropped it to the floor where it landed in a pool of dried blood beside his best friend's body.

  “There's more,” he said with a wicked gleam in his eyes, “Now I want you to eat it.”

  Harvey felt his stomach turn over as he looked at the flesh, twelve hours drying on top of the cage after being cut from his dead friend's body.

  “I...I can't...”

  “Eat it,” Jinx said again, “I'm coming back later... you will eat one slice, you don't have to eat both because they're big cuts. Just the one, please. Adapt and survive, Harvey, adapt and survive.”

  Then as Harvey stared back through the bars with an expression of horror on his face, Jinx left the room, closing the door and locking it behind him. He walked quickly up the hall and left by the front door, then hurried across the field, heading for the ship as his change of plan burned bright in his mind:

  Mack was right, these people were getting to them – Sin had certainly got to him. He had changed his mind, he didn't want an alien beauty, he just wanted Sin, the woman he had found in the wreckage. He wanted her to stay just as she was, he wanted her to trust him and he did not want that trust to be forced - and he could only hope Jody hadn't started the process of modification, because it really wasn't what he wanted any more...

  As he ran towards the open doorway that led to the medical bay, Jinx shouted to Jody. She turned from bottles of chemicals and looked at him in alarm.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Have you started without me?”

  She blinked.

  “You've been gone for fifteen minutes. I've stripped the body hair. I was about to start another mixture for the scalp.”

  “Don't. She doesn't want that.”

  Jody's eyes grew wider.

  “You're doing what she wants? I thought this was about your needs? She's a prisoner -”

  “She's mine!” he said firmly, “And I don't want to wipe her mind but I don't want her to hate me, either.”

  “You really do like her...I'm not sure if I should worry about that or not!”

  Jinx went over to the bed and ran his gaze over Sin, she still had her blonde hair but her body was smooth, her pubic mound bare and exposed and as he took in the sight of her he glanced to the closed box next to the bed.

  “Give her the piercing. She'll learn to like that and soon thank me for it, too. But nothing else. Do not touch her hair, her face and definitely don't split her tongue. I like the alien women but it's just the look – it's not her. I want her to stay as she is.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  Jinx nodded.

  He looked again at Sin, gazing at her for a moment, then he turned his head and as his eyes darkened, but this time it was not with desire.

  “I'm going to give her what she wants. I won't modify her features. But if she lies to me, if she tries to escape or betray me, I'll make sure she knows the price - I'll drag her back down here myself and watch as you do it all to her – without a sedative.”

  “Fair enough,” Jody said as she started to pack away the chemicals, “But you're taking a chance, Jinx – you might live to regret this.”

  He shrugged off her concerns as he looked down at the woman who had captured his heart and revived feelings he had once thought would never stir again.

  “I'll take that chance,” he said confidently, “I believe she's worth the risk.”

  Chapter 6

  “Enjoy yourself,” said Mack, shoving Janey through the doorway and into an upstairs bedroom that, after being in the cage, seemed the height of luxury with its soft carpets and fine furniture and comfortable bed. She noticed a door was open to an en suite bathroom and suddenly longed for a shower, but the remark about enjoyment had not been said to her – Zeke was standing by the window in light blue jeans and a partly open white shirt, the young man looked well groomed and there was a pleasant smile on his face as she was shoved into the room to join him, then Mack closed the door behind them and left, because he still had a prisoner to guard in the cage room.

  Janey walked slowly across the carpet. Zeke remained at the window, watching her. His gaze briefly wandered over her body but soon shifted back to her eyes again.

  “I'm glad Jinx agreed to this,” he said, “Would you like to sit down?”

  He gestured to the bed.

  She sat down on it cautiously, he sat beside her but left a small gap between them.

  “I'm not going to pounce on you,” he told her, “I'd like to talk to you, is that okay?”

  She nodded, looking to the youngest guy in the group, who was starting to strike her as different to the rest. He was in his mid twenties, softly spoken and compared to the others, despite the way he had casually dragged Lola's body off to the kitchen, he seemed a gentleman. She wondered if he would be the one to trust instead of Mack – she had expected to be thrown on the bed and taken roughly agai
nst her will, but that was not the case...

  “So...what would you like to talk about?” she asked.

  He caught the look of unease in her eyes and smiled.

  “I know you're desperate to win approval. Maybe you want to adapt and you want to prove this to Jinx, but maybe you're also thinking about escape. I wouldn't blame you. No one who came here would want to stay and take on our way of life – unless they broke easily, of course. We all broke after the Pharaoh crashed. One by one, we turned into something basic, savage... Jinx says we evolved into a higher concept of how to live. But he was the one who lost it first, he thought Mack was going to die and we all looked to him to lead us. He went crazy, then the rest of us did too. But it was a way to survive.”

  “And that's kept you all together ever since?”

  “Yes,” he replied honestly, “You need to learn about that bond to become a part of it. You see, if you accept one of us you've accepted all of us. Now take your underwear off.”

  She moved quickly to strip off her bra and knickers, as she sat naked on the bed he looked at her for a moment, then placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her down. She laid back on the covers as he tugged at his zip and freed his erection. He paused to stroke it as he looked again at the sight of her naked, then he was on top of her, shifting comfortably as she spread her legs wider.

  “This isn't about love or tenderness,” he said softly, “It's about acceptance.”

  Then he kissed her gently and slid his hardness inside, slowly at first, then he thrust firmly, making her gasp. His movements were a simple act of taking her firmly, thrusting in and out and then he stopped and pulled away from her, rolling off her quickly.

  “Turn over.”

  “Why?” she asked nervously.

  “Just do it, get on your hands and knees,” he said.

  She obeyed him, tensing as he ran his hands over her body slowly.

  “Nice ass,” he remarked, then he shifted closer to her and she felt his hardness pressing against her in the one place she did not want it to be.

  “No...don't fuck me like that... please....”


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